

Cheat Codes:
Update by: lupaslupas
Submitted by: conner54

Start game as usual, open up the console with ~ key and enter following
commands as desired. 0 instead of 1 disables the cheat and vice versa. 
Entering the command without any values will show the value, it is 
currently set to. Disable the console (press ~ again) to continue 
playing the game. 

Code                 Result
god 1              - ENABLE GODMODE (default 0) 
disable_ai 1       - ENEMIES WONT ATTACK (default 0) 
noclip 1           - WALK THROUGH WALLS (default 0) 
gravity 0          - NO GRAVITY (default 1) 
phizik 0           - ??? (default 1) 
speed 300          - RUN FASTER (default 125) 
debug 1            - ENABLE DEBUG MENU (fps/coordinates/etc.) 
drawpersons 0      - ??? (default 1) 
pers_move_check 0  - ??? (default 1) 
pers_move 1        - ??? (default 1) 
shadows 1          - ENABLE SHADOWS (default x) 
smooth_shadows 1   - ENABLE SMOOTH SHADOWS (default x) 
wave_trace 0       - ??? (default 1) 
addtool 1          - ??? (default 0) 
newtrace 0         - ??? (default 1) 
movie 1            - ??? (default 0) 
bump 1             - ENABLE BUMP MAPPING? (default x) 
portals 0          - ??? (default 1) 
wire 1             - SHOW WIREFRAME (default 0) 
lod 0              - LEVEL OF DETAIL? (default x) 
hudenable 0        - DISABLE HUD (default 1) 
fps                - SHOW FPS (default 0) 
vshaders 1         - VERTEX SHADERS (default x) 
persons 1          - ??? (default 0) 
mover 1            - ??? (default 0) 
ragdoll 1          - ??? (default 0) 
contacts 1         - ??? (default 0) 
enabled 1          - ??? (default 0) 
nakmodel 1         - ??? (default 0) 
trimesh 1          - ??? (default 0) 
selfshade 1        - ??? (default x) 
person_bump_dist 1 - ??? (default x) 
obj_bump_dist 1    - ??? (default x) 
obj_bump_dist 1    - ??? (default x) 
drawstatic 1       - ??? (default x) 
drawsmoke 1        - ??? (default x) 
checksmoke 1       - ??? (default x) 
calcsmoke 1        - ??? (default x) 
objshadows 1       - ??? (default x) 
ps 20              - ENABLE PIXEL SHADER 2.0? (default x)

If you want to jump in higher places, you must press jump button repeatedly.
It's not written in the manual and you can get stuck in some levels without
high jump.

The really "headshot":
Submitted by: Ravick
Email: ravick@osamorais.com

The "headshot" in this game is located in the chest of the human enemies: shooting
the head will trigger changes in the models (some lost their head or face), but 
shooting/blasting directly on the chest may kill an enemie in one only strike.

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