

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Simi
Submitted by: conner54
Update by: Freefrag 
Thanks to Paste{JAW}

To access the Cheat codes press Tidile (~) key. Cheats are case sensitive,
meaning when typed in, type all you see eg. "Cheat.GodMode();" everything 
between quotations is the command for the cheat to work.

Code                               Effect
Cheat.GodMode();                 - God mode
Cheat.AddAmmo();                 - Extra ammunition
Cheat.TuneWeapons();             - Tune weapons
Cheat.FullHealth();              - Full health  
Cheat.NextMission();             - Mission skip 
Cheat.TuneImplants();            - Tune implants
Cheat.ClearOverload();           - Clear overload
Cheat.GiveAmmo9mmShort();        - 9mm ammunition
Cheat.GiveAmmo12mmShort();       - 12mm ammunition
Cheat.GiveAmmo14mmLong();        - 14 mm ammunition 
Cheat.GiveAmmoRockets();         - Rocket ammunition 
Cheat.GiveAmmoEnergy();          - Energy ammunition
Cheat.GiveAmmo8mmLong();         - 8mm ammunition 
Cheat.GiveAmmoShotgun();         - Shotgun ammunition
Cheat.GiveKnive();               - Knife 
Cheat.GiveGrenade();             - Grenade
Cheat.GiveClusterGrenade();      - Cluster grenade
Cheat.GiveHealtex();             - Healtex
Cheat.GiveOCS();                 - OCS energy charger 
Cheat.GiveCloakingDevice();      - Cloaking device      
Cheat.GiveOCICrom();             - .50 sniper 8X zoom with D220 R900  
Cheat.GiveMatsonACC();           - Sniper 4X zoom with D90 R750 
Cheat.GiveNoNFrager();           - Shotgun with D350 R150 
Cheat.GiveC9S();                 - Silenced Uzi with D35 R200
Cheat.GiveC9A5();                - Uzi with D40 R150
Cheat.GiveTAINitron();           - Machine gun sniper with D90 R400 
Cheat.GiveMAXatron();            - Starting sniper rifle with D220 R300  
Cheat.giveMatsonCAFS();          - Starting rifle with D55 R220 
Cheat.GiveTC234Sup();            - Silenced pistol with D35 R125
Cheat.GiveBjornHD();             - Revolver with D150 R250
Cheat.GiveTC234();               - Starting pistol with D40 R150 
Cheat.GiveGLDragoon();           - Starting rocket launcher with D1250 R100
Cheat.GiveLeRogue();             - Plasma gun with D400 R100 
Cheat.GiveOCIX4();               - Energy gun with D250 R30

Submitted by: Dan

To pick up something press the action key(default f)

Unlimited Cloaking:
First, get two cloaking devices. Next, quicksave (press F5). Then, turn on 
both cloaking devices and leave them on. Now quickload (press F8). You will
be cloaked until you reach a cinematic scene. 
(Note: This trick might not work in version of the game.)

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