8-Bit Bayonetta Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K Achievements: ------------- Successfully complete the listed task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Achievement How to unlock ------------------------------------------------------------------ Addicted - Launch the game multiple times. AntiGravity - Double Jump lots during a game. Axed - Killed by a land angel. Bayonetta - Kill a lot of angels (1000). Bonus - Reach a score of 5000. Bouncy - Single jump 30 times. Bullet Ballet - Maintain a very high rate of fire. Death From Above - Killed by a flying angel. Dont Give Up - Try again. High Roller - Finish with a score between 8000 and 13000. High Score - Reach a score of 13000 or more. In The Face - Kill a land angel. Ninja - Dodge multiple (10) axe attacks in 1 game. Unlimited Ammo - Fire 1000 bullets. Very Specific - Finish with a very specific score (5700 points). Zero - Die without scoring.