Author Archive: admin


Kafkamesto Walkthrough: ============ 1.Pick up the case,give Frauline Burstner back her letters to the NO.6 mail box.Pick the phone,the talk to Frauline Burstner.Follow her to her room.Pick up a arm under her bed.Turn on the music,find your letter and out…
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Jumpgate Trading Guide

Jumpgate Trading Guide v1.02, 1 October 2003 ___ ___ / ——— / ‘.’. ___ .’.’ ‘ / ‘ / ‘ / | / JumpGate | / Trading Guide ___ / ‘ ______________________________________________________________________________ Contents ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction 2. Credits and Legal…
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Jumpgate Jargon

Jumpgate Jargon v1.01, 22 June 2003 ___ ___ / ——— / ‘.’. ___ .’.’ ‘ / ‘ / ‘ / | / JumpGate | / Jargon ___ / ‘ ______________________________________________________________________________ Introduction ______________________________________________________________________________ This guide is an attempt to provide a…
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The Journeyman Project

The Journeyman Project Walk-thru 7/2/96 compiled by Adam Schenker WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!! This file tells you how to complete the game “The Journeyman Project”. Reading it before you win the game will in all probability greatly di- minish…
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