Street Fighter Alpha Anthology – Playstation 3

Street Fighter Alpha Anthology - Platform: Playstation 3

Unlock Hyper Street Fighter Zero and Secret ISM's:
1. Beat Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 
2 Alpha and Pocket Fighter.

2. This gives you access to Arrange Zero 2, Arrange Zero 2 Alpha, and 
Arrange Zero 3; hold Select at the menu screen while picking the original 
games to access them.

3. Now beat these three games to unlock "Secret Game 4", hold Select on 
Zero 1 at the Game Select menu to get Hyper Street Fighter Zero.

You'll by default also unlock the new special Hyper Street Fighter Zero 
only ISM's; to select them hold Start after picking Zero 3 and then press 
left over the desired corresponding Mode.

Secret ISM4s:
Green (Vampire)
Blue (Street Fighter III)
Pink (Street Fighter 2 Dash)
Red (Versus Series)

Unlock: DAN:
Choose Street Fighter ZERO From MENU Screen,Then Go to random box and 
hold START enter LP, LK, MK, HK, HP, MP

Unlock: GOUKI:
Choose Street Fighter ZERO From MENU Screen,Then Go to random box and 
hold START enter Down, Down, Down, Left, Left, Leftm then press LP+HP

Unlock: VEGA:
Choose Street Fighter ZERO From MENU Screen,Then Go to random box and 
hold START enter Down, Down, Left, Left, Down, Left then press LP+HP

Play as Akuma or Dan in Pocket Fighter:
On the character select screen to choose Dan press right from Ken and 
to choose Akuma press left from Ryu.

Unlock Shin Gouki:
You must hold START 5 seconds on GOUKI.

Unlock Shin Vega:
Select Vega , then enter DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, and any button.

Unlock Evil Ryu:
You must enter START at the RYU selection 2 times.

View Credits For Street Fighter Zero Fighters Generation:
To view the credits for Street Fighter Zero Fighters Generation, you 
must have all the games unlocked (even all arrange versions) including 
Hyper Street Fighter Zero. 

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