Spy Hunter - Nowhere To Run - Platform: XBox Spy Hunter arcade game: ----------------------- In the "Cleaning Up" level, go past the room with all the melee weapons in cases to find a room with a projection TV and a Spy Hunter arcade machine in the corner. Approach the game and an "Insert Coin" prompt will appear. Press A to unlock a remake of the Spy Hunter arcade game. Challenge levels: ----------------- Earn the indicated rank the listed number of times to unlock the corresponding challenge level: Boat Challenge: "Spy Hunter" rank once Bomb Challenge: "Operative" rank two times Motorcycle Challenge: "Spy Hunter" rank four times Slo Mo Challenge: "Spy Hunter" rank eight times Survival Challenge: "Spy Hunter" rank six times Tank Challenge: "Spy Hunter" rank two times Micro Machine Gun: ------------------ Successfully complete the game to unlock the Micro Machine Gun. Tactical Machine Gun: --------------------- Earn an "Operative" rank in all twelve missions to unlock the Tactical Machine Gun.