Rune Factory 3 - A Fantasy Harvest Moon - Platform: Nintendo DS Alternate opening sequence: --------------------------- Marry a girl, then save the game. Load the saved game, and the Sharance Tree will be in bloom, a singer will be performing the song, and new scenes will appear during the opening sequence. Trophies: --------- Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trophy in the basement of your house: All Friends: Earn friendship and love with all characters. All Items!: Obtain every item found in Rune Factory 3. First Catch Memory: Catch your first fish. First Date Memory: Go to the location of your first date. Game Clear!: Watch the ending credits. Level 100!: Reach level 100. Memories of 5 Years: Reach the 5th year in the game. Memory of 10,000,000 Gold: Get a total of 10,000,000 gold in your inventory. Memory of Sialance Maze: Successfully complete the Sialance Maze in the basement of your house. Memory of Your First Pet: Tame any monster. The Big Feast!: Win the Big Feast Festival on Fall 5th.