Rock'n'Roll Racing - Platform: Super Nintendo Submitted by: Dj Simo Passwords: ---------- Drakonis !B!R T5C3 X5PT Bogmire 7JM8 QQCB 9SPS New Mojave 1FQ8 R5CL 9KK2 NHO V2L8 14BV 92K! Inferno XWC7 HZB5 5TJ! Cheats: ------- Submitted by: aLx Here are some codes for you whom dont have the patience to play all the stages by your self Rookie 93JO TMH1 WJPM P4LO T9K9 WH6M K!P0 Q9H9 W8PM 74JH T3KJ WYMP GLDH KNHJ WWPM Veteran 1!JW Q4H1 WJPM F!JW Q4H1 WH6M P3BW TMH9 V06M G!ZW Q0KJ Y0PM Q8LC R0HJ XWPN HNDC JZK6 XWPT 462W SMHS 8T6M 28BW HQJ1 7K8N X3TW T8G1 4SPM Warrior SHC8 R5HV WSPM KJL8 QGK3 VJPP FHJ8 R0H3 Y68S MGRR H0KB Y68S B928 Q4HJ 8T6M R7S8 R0KS 8KPM Play as Olaf: ------------- To play as Olaf, one of the heroes in Lost Vikings, you should when you choose a character go to Tarquinn press and hold L, R and SELECT and press right.