Road Champs - BXS Stunt Biking - Platform: Gameboy Color Cheat mode ---------- Enter PG7. As a password to unlock everything, with nothing completed. All modes --------- Enter QGF7 as a password to unlock training, career and tournament modes. Super passwords ---------------- Enter TH0D as a password to have training level 1 completed. Enter THBH as a password to have training level 2 completed. Enter SH6K as a password to have training level 3 completed. Enter SHJN as a password to have training level 4 completed. Enter SHWQ as a password to have training level 5 completed. Enter TC4D as a password to unlock more levels and the BMX Superbike. Enter SBPN as a password to unlock most levels. Enter RHQT as a password or SBCT to unlock career mode. Enter RBKZ as a password to unlock some career mode levels. Enter PGT9 as a password to unlock all options (tournament, career, etc.) and everything completed except for four levels in tournament mode. Enter PK.4 to unlock all levels.