Rainbow Six - Platform: Nintendo64 Submitted by: bobby kauffman Passwords --------- -Recruit -------- On the main menu go to quick start and input on of the following codes: 02 - 12D1S2Q22MQQ 03 - BJDBC3Q22WQQ 04 - BZDBSMQZZ!QQ 05 - CJTCCQQ2FGSQ 06 - K2TK65Q2F4SQ 07 - T2TT68QGF!WQ 08 - 5JR5L1QGGGSQ 09 - 52T572Q4G4SQ 10 - VJVVLJQGGWSQ 11 - VZVVXMQ26!SQ 12 - VZRFTMQ2G8SQ -Veteran -------- On the main menu go to quick start and input on of the following codes: 02 - 1ZL1S2RF2MQQ 03 - BJJBC3RF25QQ 04 - BZJBSMRF28RQ 05 - CZBCS5RFFMRQ 06 - DJBDCYRFF5RQ 07 - T2TT68QGF!WQ 08 - LZBDS8R2F8RQ 09 - MJB2D1R2G2RQ 10 - 2ZB2T2R2GMQQ 11 - FJJFD3R2G5RQ 12 - FZJFTMR2G8RQ -Elite ------ On the main menu go to quick start and input on of the following codes: 02 - 1ZB1S2S22M?? 03 - BJBBC3S225?? 04 - BZBBSMS22888 05 - CJDCCQS2F288 06 - CZDCSWS2FMQ8 07 - DJBDCYS2F5?? 08 - DZBDS8S2F??? 09 - 2JB2D1S2G2?? 10 - 2ZB2T2S2GM?? 11 - FJDFD3S2G5?? 12 - FZDFTMS2G888 -All Levels Password -------------------- Recruit - VZRFTMQ2G8SQ Veteran - FZJFTMR2G8RQ -Don't be affected by Flashbangs -------------------------------- To be totally unaffected by flashbangs, simply turn on your nightvision goggles. You will not see the screen as a dizzy blur. You must leave them on until the effects of the grenade wears off. -Invincibillity --------------- At title screen press C-right then hold Z and B then quickly press R1. -Download on computer --------------------- Start out with two teams with one person on each team. On the "Planning Screen" tell the other person to go wait at the 3rd. floor door.Start the Mission. Take your person and go down the ladder and watch where the guard goes by putting your map on full screen. As soon as he passes the corner, go into the room across the hall and turn the alarm off. Then shut the door. Switch to the other person. Take that person and go through the door and to the right. Go into the room with the computer an download the files. This took me several times. -255 grenades ------------- Throw every grenade in a row full strength. Continue even you you get to zero and then it will say you have 255 grenades -Make Operatives Dance ---------------------- This code is really obvious. All you have to do is repeatedly push up, then down on the control stick while pushing C up.(Or down.) -Fireworks ---------- Here is a fun liitle thing to do. Make it so you are looking directly into the air. Throw a combination of flash bangs and frag grenades at full strength into the air and sit back and watch the fire works! -Get 255 flash bangs -------------------- This is just like how you get 255 grenades. All you have to do is toss all 6 flash bags at top strength. Make sure you keep the Z button down, never let go of it. When you get done doing this code, you can have 255 flash bags, and 255 flash bags. -Enemies Surrender ------------------ The enemy must be on a floor higher than you (example: on a roof). Make it so he can see you and shoot at you but not hit you. Shoot about 10 or more bullets right above the enemy's head, but do not kill him. Then he should be on his knees surrendering. Its best to turn "auto target" off in the options. -Inside The Wall Glitch ----------------------- In level 4: Eagle Watch there is a glitch that will let you get inside the walls. You start the level and go into the other big room and go into the blue hallway and go straight untill you reach the gold hallway and take a right on the first right in the gold hallway next go straight and take the first left and stop take a look at the wall to your left now walk right into it. Your are now inside the walls