Raiden Trad - Platform: Sega Submitted by: kumayl hassan Email: Climb into your supersonic fighter-bomber, destroy all enemies, and ultimately defeat the Continent, the enemy fortress at stage 8. Try TRAD Code 5, infinite lives, and Code 11, which allows you to power up with maximum firepower. Use TRAD Code 7, and buildings and tanks will need only one hit to blow instead of three (more or less). Big yellow ships will need only about 3 hits instead of about 10 when you use Code 8. With Code 10 you have permanent missiles that you can't see, and power-ups can make your gunfire look different. 1 AKWT-AA9J Infinite bombs 2 AE9A-AAF0 Start with 1 bomb 3 A29A-AAF0 Start with 6 bombs 4 BA9A-AAF0 Start with 8 bombs 5 AJFT-AA5C Infinite lives 6 PFCA-BJXG Each bomb power-up item is worth 2 7 AEIT-AAHT Some smaller obstacles easier to explode 8 AHEA-CAGY Some bigger obstacles easier to explode 9 BA9A-AA8E Don't lose missile power when you lose a life 10 A69A-BE8E Permanent invisible missiles 11 BBCT-BA5Y First laser power-up item gives you maximum power.