Prince of Persia Classic - Platform: XBox 360 CheatsPasswords: ---------------- Password - Effect 89012414 - End 53246739 - Level 10 32015527 - Level 11 44153123 - Level 12 96635134 - Level 13 75423134 - Level 14 73232535 - Level 2 96479232 - Level 3 53049212 - Level 4 51144526 - Level 5 18736748 - Level 6 42085223 - Level 7 98564243 - Level 8 51139315 - Level 9 Elixirs of Life (25): --------------------- Find all 9 life potions. Feather Fall (15): ------------------ Drink the float potion and glide down. Final Embrace (25): ------------------- Save the princess. Seven Years (10): ---------------- Break the magic mirror and free the dark prince. Slice ân Dice (20): --------------------- Kill a guard with a slicer or a spike trap. Survivor (25): -------------- Finish the game without dying in survival mode. The Gate Keeper (15): -------------------- Kill the chief guard. The Immortal (10): ------------------ You awakened the immortal in the catacombs. The Lost Weapon (10): --------------------- You acquired the sword in the prison. The Mouse Trap (10): -------------------- Receive help from the mouse to escape the trapped corridor. Upside Down (15): ----------------- Drink both inverse potions.