NPPL Championship Paintball 2009 – XBox 360

NPPL Championship Paintball 2009 - Platform: XBox 360

Tippmann X-7 AK-47 Scenario paintball marker:
In Career mode, select "Field Gear", then "Enter Cheat Code". Enter Up, Up, 
Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Left as a code to unlock the Tippmann X-7 AK-47 
Scenario paintball marker.

Easy "Predator" achievement:
Go to "Multiplayer" and select "Public Match". Create your own game. Set the 
maximum number of players to 14 and reserved slots to 13. Set the game to first 
5 out of 9. Place bot players on the opposite team, and be the only player on 
your team. Start a match on the Buffalo Field. Eliminate as many players as 
possible, then let the last person shoot you. When they have won four, stay put, 
and win the last five by eliminating all the players. Rush straight to the right 
and the opposite team will line up on the opposite end. Keep shooting them and 
making new games with the same rules until you get the achievement.

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of 
Gamerscore points:

  Amateur Paintballer (150 points): Finish the Career on Amateur difficulty 
  Semi-Pro Paintballer (150 points): Finish the Career on Semi-Pro difficulty 
  Pro Paintballer (200 points): Finish the Career on Pro difficulty level. 
  World Tour (80 points): Play a game of paintball in all the Career and 
  Woodsball locations. 
  Training Buff (30 points): Complete all training stages. 
  Communication Skill Proficency (50 points): Max out the main character's 
  Communication Skill. 
  Handling Skill Proficency (40 points): Max out the main character's Marker 
  Reload Skill Proficency (40 points): Max out the main character's Reload 
  Speed Skill Proficency (40 points): Max out the main character's Speed Skill. 
  Accuracy Skill Proficency (40 points): Max out the main character's Accuracy 
  Woodsball Chief (50 points): Win at least 50 Woodsball Ranked Matches over 
  Xbox LIVE. 
  Speedball Chief (50 points): Win at least 50 Speedball Ranked Matches over 
  Xbox LIVE. 
  Predator (80 points): Make at least 200 eliminations in multiplayer matches. 

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