NCAA Football 07 - Platform: XBox All Impact Players "In The Zone": --------------------------------- Enter "ZoneOut" as a user profile name, then select Practice mode. After the first play, all Impact Players will be "In The Zone". Reggie Bush: ------------ Successfully complete Dynasty mode with USC to unlock Reggie Bush as a historic player. Better 2-point conversions: --------------------------- Press Start, select "In-Game Strategy", then choose "Formation Subs". Press Up(2) until you get to "Special Teams - Field Goal". Substitute the QB position (the player who is holding the ball for the kicker) and replace him the HB on your current offense. The HB should be in the QB's position to hold the ball for your field goals. This will give you a better chance of making 2-point conversions. Avoiding 15 yard penalty for excessive celebration: --------------------------------------------------- If a player on your team begins to celebrate and you want to avoid a costly penalty, pause the game before the referee throws his flag, then continue playing. This will prevent your team from being assessed a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Easy 5-star caliber ranking in Campus Legend mode: -------------------------------------------------- Note: This trick requires a controller with an auto-fire feature. Go into 40-yard Dash and set A to auto-fire to complete the dash in record time. Better recruiting in Dynasty mode: ---------------------------------- When recruiting in Dynasty mode, try to learn which pitch a prospect is interested in as quickly as possible. The more time you spend pitching him on something he likes, the better your chances of landing a commitment from him. Recommended position in Legend mode: ------------------------------------ Select QB as it is an easy way to get a four star and go mostly anywhere desired.