Moulin Rouge – DVD

Moulin Rouge - Platform: DVD

Submitted by: Dj Simo

More easter-eggs

Disc 2:

On the first menu, highlight "More" and press Enter. 
Press the down arrow four times to highlight "Back," 
then press the right arrow. A red fairy will appear. 
Press Enter to see Jim Broadbent in character as Zidler 
in what appears to be an outtake of him prancing around 
to the tune of "Cancan."

On the first menu, highlight "The Stars," press Enter and 
wait for the montage of shots of Kidman and McGregor to run 
to its end. You will be at a menu that has "Satine" on the 
left of the screen and "Christian" on the right. Press the 
button on the remote labeled 9, then press Enter. Next, you 
need to enter 17 on the remote. On some remotes, you can 
simply press the button on the remote labeled 1, followed 
by the button labeled 7. On other remotes, you may need to 
press some other key to indicate that you're entering a 
two-digit number. In any event, once you've entered 17 on 
the remote, press Enter (although some systems may not 
require Enter to be pressed here). You will see Luhrmann 
presiding over a farewell to McGregor, presumably when he 
has finished principal shooting.

On the first menu, select "More," then on the second page of 
the main menu choose "The Design." Press the down arrow once 
to highlight "Set Design" and press Enter. Press the down 
arrow three times to highlight "Spectacular Spectacular" 
and press Enter. You'll see some instructions on the screen 
about pressing special buttons on the remote to navigate 
through the frames. Press twice the button recommended there 
to step forward and you will arrive at a screen containing 
the words "Spectacular Spectacular" set against a blue sky. 
Press the up arrow, and when a green fairy appears, press 
Enter. You will see Luhrmann claiming that he is about to 
reveal the magic of ADR.

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design." 
Press the down arrow three times to highlight "Costume Design" 
and press Enter. "A Courtesan's Wardrobe" will be highlighted." 
Press Enter. Press the button recommended to step forward four 
times. Then press the up arrow and when the green fairy appears, 
press Enter. You will see Kidman and McGregor in what appears 
to be an outtake where McGregor has a microphone problem. 

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design." 
While looking at the screen that has "The Design!" in big 
red letters at the top, punch in the two-digit number 18 on 
the remote, then press Enter. Then enter the two-digit number 
99 on the remote, then press Enter. You will see some bare 
nipples being dusted with something, presumably some sort 
of makeup. (But don't get your hopes up that you'll see 
something sexually provocative.) 

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design." 
Then press the down arrow once and choose "Set Design." 
Again press the down arrow once and choose "The Gothic Tower." 
Press the button recommended to step forward five times. 
Press the up arrow, and when the red windmill appears, 
press Enter. You'll see Kidman in street clothes and wearing 
eyeglasses, apparently rehearsing for a scene.

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design." 
Then press the down arrow three times and choose "Costume 
Design." Again press the down arrow twice and choose "The 
Bohemians." Press the button recommended to step forward 
five times. Press the up arrow, and when the red windmill 
appears, press Enter. You'll see McGregor, Leguizamo, and 
others in a kick line as "Cancan" plays in the background.

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design." 
Then press the down arrow five times and choose "Smoke and 
Mirrors." A screen will appear where "The Evolution of the 
Intro" is highlighted. Press the button on the remote labeled 
5, then press Enter. Then punch in the two-digit number 18 on 
the remote, followed by Enter. You will seen how the scene in 
the movie when the formally attired men in the Moulin Rouge 
throw their top hats into the air is done.

Hidden clips (Special Edition)
Insert Disc 2. Select the "More" option at the main menu 
to advance to the second screen. Select "The Dance" option, 
then select "Choreography". Highlight the "A Word From Baz" 
option and press Left or Right. A fairy will appear. Select 
it to view a clip about how Baz Luhrmann inspired the 
Argentine actor for the tango scene. 

Insert Disc 2. Select the "More" option at the main menu 
to advance to the second screen. Select "The Dance" option, 
then select "Choreography". Highlight the "Main Menu" option 
and press Left to highlight a windmill. Press Enter to view 
dance rehearsal clips. 

Insert Disc 2. Select the "More" option at the main menu to 
advance to the second screen. Highlight the "Back" option, 
then press Down to highlight a fairy. Press Enter to see a 
sequence of outtakes. 

Insert Disc 2. Select the "This Story Is AboutÂ…" option at 
the main menu. Select the "Old Storylines And Script 
Comparison" option. Highlight the "Return" option and 
press Right to highlight a green fairy. Press Enter to 
view some behind-the-scenes footage. 

Insert Disc 2. Select the "More" option at the main menu 
to advance to the second screen. Select the "Marketing" 
option, then select "Photo Gallery". Highlight "Mary Ellen 
Mark" and press Right to view a clip featuring John Leguizamo. 

Insert Disc 2. Select the "More" option at the main menu 
to advance to the second screen. Select the "Marketing" 
option, then select "The Little Red Book". Highlight "
Mary Ellen Mark" and press Right to highlight a red 
windmill. Press Enter to view a clip featuring John 

Insert Disc 2. Select "The Cutting Room Floor" option 
then highlight the "Main Menu" option. Press Left or 
Right to highlight a windmill. Press Enter to view an 
outtake featuring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor singing. 

Insert Disc 2. Select "The Stars" and highlight John 
Leguizamo. Press Up to highlight a fairy. Press Enter 
to view his audition clip. 

Insert Disc 2. Select "The Music" option at the main 
menu. Select the "The Lady Marmalade Phenomenon" option, 
then highlight the "Main Menu" option. Press Right to 
highlight a windmill. Press Enter to view a clip with 
Baz Luhrman.

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