Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - Platform: Playstation 2 Change team order: ------------------ The order of your fighters will appear before a versus match, with "1", "2", or "3". You can select the first and second fighters of your team, and thus change the entire team order. To select the first fighter, press LP + LK for the character marked "1", MP + MK for the character marked ''2'', or HP + HK for the character marked ''3''. Then, press the same button combos to select the second fighter. Press Start to continue. Switch characters during match: ------------------------------- Use the following to switch between characters in the middle of the game. For example if you choose Cable, Ryu, then Ken, but later in the second stage you want Ryu to appear first -- Hold L1 for the second character and R1 for the third character at the versus screen. Change costume colors: ---------------------- After unlocking the alternate costume colors, press L1 and/or R1 when choosing a character. Evil Sakura and Zhangfei: ------------------------- Press Down, Down/Left, Left, Back, LK. They will have the same moves plus extra. For example, if you do Sakura's first special, instead of her doing her combo she will do a special beam like Ryu. Bonus characters: ----------------- To unlock the characters on the left and right side of the screen in the "?" boxes, you must defeat Abyss in score attack mode. Use the following trick to get all characters without defeating Abyss. First, buy all the characters you can from the secret factor shop. When no more characters can be purchased, find any way to get 9,999 points or at least 8,000. Go back to the shop and make sure you still cannot buy any more characters. Then, go to the score attack mode, and try to defeat the seven teams to reach Abyss. When fighting Abyss, try to get to his "Third Form" (big red monster) and just let him defeat you. Make sure you have 9,999 points and go to the secret factor shop. You can now buy those characters, who normally can only be unlocked by defeating Abyss. The characters are Gambit, Silver Samurai, Juggernaut, Magento, B.B Hood, Akuma, Jin, and Morrigan. This will also help you unlock characters such as Servbot, Cammy, Dan, Felicia, Thanos, War Machine, Iron Man, Sentinel, Ken, Charlie, Dhalsim, M.Bison, Sabretooth, Blackheart, Spiral, and Colossus. Multiple character selection: ----------------------------- Unlock every costume and character to chose multiple people. For example, player one could chose three Charlie's and the other player could also chose three Charlie's. Cheaper hidden fighters: ------------------------ Exit and enter the shop screen until the price of the hidden fighters are lower.