Kung Fu Chaos – XBox

Kung Fu Chaos - Platform: XBox

Codes to unlock everything 
All cheats need to be entered at the Main Menu screen. 
For every cheat, you will need to keep the left analog stick depressed 
(pushed down, not pulling the stick down towards you) the entire time 
you are inputting the cheat code. 

Each cheat code is spelled out (e.g. BADBABY for unlocking costumes), 
and each letter corresponds to a button on the controller. 

Here's how it breaks down 
A = the A button 
B = the B button 
X = the X button 
Y = the Y button 
W = the White button 
U = up on the Directional Pad 
L = left on the Directional Pad 
D = down on the Directional Pad 
R = right on the Directional Pad 
S = the Start button

LADYRADAR	- Unlocks all available levels. 
BADBABY	- Unlocks all available costumes for all currently unlocked 
LADYSDAY	- Unlocks Candi Roll character. 
LARDYBUD	- Unlocks Captain Won character. 
WALRUSBALDY	- Unlocks Shao Ting, the rascal director character. 
BAWDYBALLAD	- Unlocks all characters. 
BLARBDRAWL	- Unlocks all available character bios. 
BAYSAWAY	- Unlocks all Island Scenes, giving you a peek into the future 
		  of your character after completing the game. 
SLYSUBURB	- Unlocks the Miniseries mode. 
SLAYDAY	- Unlocks the Championship mode. 
ALLBRAWL	- Unlocks everything that requires four stars. 
LUXURYLARD	- Unlocks every permanent cheat in the game.

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