Gravity Games - Platform: Playstation 2 Master code: ------------ Enter LOTACRAP at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Maximum stats for all riders ---------------------------- Enter MAXSTATS at the cheat code screen under the options menu. All bikes --------- Enter PIKARIDE at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Dennis McCoy's stats -------------------- Enter DMCDMAN at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Bobby Bones ----------- Enter BONEGUY at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Bird Brains ----------- Enter FLYAWAY at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Hotty Babe ---------- Enter BADGIRL at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Angus Sigmund ------------- Enter SIGMAN at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Ramp Granny ----------- Enter OLDLADY at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Oil Refinery level ------------------ Enter OILSPILL at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Train Depot level ----------------- Enter CHOOCHOO at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Museum District level --------------------- Enter ARTRIDER at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Museum District Competition --------------------------- Enter ARTCOMP at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Fuzzy's Yard level ------------------ Enter FUZYDIRT at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Mount Magma level ----------------- Enter VOLCANO at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Gravity Games Street level -------------------------- Enter PAVEMENT at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Gravity Games Vert level ------------------------ Enter GGFLYER at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Gravity Games Dirt level ------------------------ Enter MUDPUDLE at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Andre Ellison's FMV sequence ---------------------------- Enter ANDFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Dennis McCoy's FMV sequence --------------------------- Enter DMCFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Jamie Bestwick's FMV sequence ----------------------------- Enter JAMFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Leigh Ramsdell's FMV sequence ----------------------------- Enter LEIFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Mat Berringer's FMV sequence ---------------------------- Enter MATFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Reuel Erikson's FMV sequence ---------------------------- Enter REUFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu. Fuzzy Hall's FMV sequence ------------------------- Enter FUZFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu.