Gravity Games – Playstation 2

Gravity Games - Platform: Playstation 2

Master code:
Enter LOTACRAP at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Maximum stats for all riders
Enter MAXSTATS at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

All bikes
Enter PIKARIDE at the cheat code screen under the options menu. 

Dennis McCoy's stats
Enter DMCDMAN at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Bobby Bones
Enter BONEGUY at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Bird Brains
Enter FLYAWAY at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Hotty Babe
Enter BADGIRL at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Angus Sigmund
Enter SIGMAN at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Ramp Granny
Enter OLDLADY at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Oil Refinery level
Enter OILSPILL at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Train Depot level
Enter CHOOCHOO at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Museum District level
Enter ARTRIDER at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Museum District Competition
Enter ARTCOMP at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Fuzzy's Yard level
Enter FUZYDIRT at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Mount Magma level
Enter VOLCANO at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Gravity Games Street level
Enter PAVEMENT at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Gravity Games Vert level
Enter GGFLYER at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Gravity Games Dirt level
Enter MUDPUDLE at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Andre Ellison's FMV sequence
Enter ANDFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Dennis McCoy's FMV sequence
Enter DMCFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Jamie Bestwick's FMV sequence
Enter JAMFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Leigh Ramsdell's FMV sequence
Enter LEIFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Mat Berringer's FMV sequence
Enter MATFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Reuel Erikson's FMV sequence
Enter REUFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

Fuzzy Hall's FMV sequence
Enter FUZFMV at the cheat code screen under the options menu.

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