Gameshark Codes - Platform: Gameboy Advance Mark McMillin ( Must Be On [M] To activate codes, start a game and once you are in the level press Start, then get back into the game and the codes will be on. FA4B9C2301C9A944 80AC00C67948481A Infinite Health 462603CC92CE677C Infinite Grenades 5E04F96F49EB0E28 Infinite Rapid Fire A567E053B2CFD4F9 Infinite Super Goo 809CA995F3F14CE9 Infinite RPG B7720E62E1C3BB87 Infinite Goo 0E580545490553BF Infinite Thrower 008EBB1AED9E054A Have Red Passcard 5F81AEFD28469DD3 Have Green Passcard 3460287E105713DE Have Blue Passcard 27B81B1ABC28F4D7 Have Yellow Passcard FCA5F9D55AF5927C