Donkey Kong Country 3 - Platform: Gameboy Advance Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: andresb-24 ( Reach Pacifica: --------------- To reach the new exclusive to this game Oceanic based world, when you get the jetski use your turbo up the waterfall right where you started the game. Go up the waterfall after that and swim to the very hidden world marked by a K Rool Flag. Reach Krematoa: --------------- To reach Krematoa (the Lost World), go to the four rocks east (left) of Mekanos. Stay on the rocks as you circle around it clockwise about four times and the volcano will replace the rocks. View Credits: ------------- Enter the Cheat kredits. Music Player: ------------- Enter the Cheat music. No Midpoint Barrels: -------------------- Enter the Cheat harder. Get all 98 Bonus Coins: ----------------------- Enter the Cheat aqua. Removes DK and Star-Barrels: ---------------------------- Enter the Cheat Tuffer. Play Mini-games: ---------------- Enter the Cheat Extras. Start game with 50 more lives: ------------------------------ Enter the Cheat Monkey. 50 more lives: -------------- Enter Monkey as a password. All bonus coins: ---------------- Enter aqua as a password. Funky's, Cranky's and Swanky's mini-games: ------------------------------------------ Enter Extras as a password. Music Player option: -------------------- Enter music as a password. Disable midpoint barrels: ------------------------- Enter harder as a password. No DK and Star-Barrels in new game: ----------------------------------- Enter Tuffer as a password. View credits: ------------- Enter kredits as a password. Alternate ending sequence: -------------------------- Defeat the last Boss in Krematoa and complete the game with all Bonus Coins, DK Coins, and Banana Birds. -= CodeBreaker =- Max Sliver Coins 330004E4 0063 Infinite Lives 33000458 0063 Max Bananas 830004AE 03E7 Enable Code 000004F6 000A 1000201A 0007