Command & Conquer - Red Alert - Platform: Playstation 1 CHEAT MODE ---------- Click on the teams button menu with circle, and then move down the toolbar, pressing circle on each one. INSTANT VICTORY --------------- Press: X, square X2, circle, triangle, circle. INSTANT A-BOMB Press: circle, X, circle, triangle, square, triangle. PARABOMB -------- Press: square, X, circle X2, X, triangle. INSTANT $1000 ------------- Press: square X2, circle, X, triangle. CONVERT ORE OR CRYSTALS TO GOLD ------------------------------- Press: square, circle, square, X, circle X2. CONVERT ORE TO CIVILIANS ------------------------ Press: X, circle, triangle X2, circle, X. REVEAL MAP ---------- Press: square, triangle, circle, X, triangle, square. INSTANT CHRONOSHIFT ------------------- Press: triangle, circle X2, square X2, X. SOVIET PASSWORDS level1-17DUXFJ6C level2-VMBWOQ284 level3-XN37MCCSO level4-LH06FZZQL level5-BUVV20LFF level6-AVYQ10YA8 level7-LZRJTMQAN level8-YQX4C9GFH level9-1QESO8LE0 level10-RKP0UOXJA level11-CDLKYL7Q4 level12-8T5GGDK25 level13-X5CDE0KN8 Submitted by: