Buffy The Vampire Slayer – Gameboy Color

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Platform: Gameboy Color

Level Password
1 3NKFZ8  
2 9MD1WV  
3 XTN4F7  
4 5BVPL2  
5 9D6F0S  
6 TSCNB4  
8 BNPXZ9  
End GH9MR  

Hint: Killing vampires
When the vampire appears, jump up to a corner as soon as  
possible. If the vampire is in the corner you are in, 
jump to the other corner. Roll to the center and face the vampire. 
Repeatedly do a foot sweep until you knock down the vampire. 
After this is done, repeat the foot sweep attacks until the vampire 
is in a corner. After knocking it down, walk one step away, face the 
vampire again, crouch, and do a foot sweep. Stake it. You will lose 
any blood. 
Note: This will work while fighting all the monsters/vampires in 
the game.

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