Blood Wake - Platform: XBox Cheats: ------- Enter the codes at the Start Game Screen. Note! The L3 and R3 buttons are when you press Left or Right analog stick. If the code doesnt work, reset your X-Box and try again. Cheat Mode: ----------- Up, Left, R, Y, Down, L, B, White, A, Start Invincibility: -------------- L3, R3, Down, Left, Down, Left, B, Y, Start Unlimited turbo: ---------------- Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start Unlimited ammo: --------------- Black, White, L, R, R3, R3, Y, X, Start All Boats: ---------- Up, Down, Left, Right, L, B, X, X, R3, Start All Arenas: ----------- X, Y, Up, Right, Left, Down, Up, Down, L, L, Start Rubber duck mode: ----------------- R3, L3, R, L, Black, White, Up, Down, Left, Right, Start Blood ball mode: ---------------- X, Y, White, Black, B, A, Left, Up, Right, Down, Start Puffer Fish: ------------ A, B, Black, White, Y, X, R3, R3, L3, L3. Start All Battle Modes: ----------------- Y, A, X, B, L3, R3, Black, White, R, R, Start Import boat: ------------ Y, B, X, A, L, R, Left, Right, L3, R3, Start Fireshark gunboat ----------------- Successfully complete the "Up The Nagau" level, under the ensign difficulty setting. Guncat catamaran ---------------- Successfully complete the "Protection Racket" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Gunshark gunboat ---------------- Successfully complete the "Ships In The Night" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Jackal Devil boat ----------------- Successfully complete the "Assault On Black Moon" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Lightning speedboat ------------------- Successfully complete the "A Friend In Need" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Pike speedboat -------------- Successfully complete the "Payment Is Due" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Salamander speedboat -------------------- Successfully complete the "Fish In A Barrel" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Switchblade hydroplane ---------------------- Successfully complete the "Gladiator" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Tigershark gunboat ------------------ Successfully complete the "Sampan Surprise" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Clanbake Battle mode -------------------- Successfully complete the "A Poke In The Eye" level under the ensign difficulty setting. Kingdom Come Battle mode ------------------------ Successfully complete all levels in the "Baptism of Fire" act under the ensign difficulty setting. Metal Massacre Battle mode -------------------------- Successfully complete the "Hurricane Of Fire" level under the ensign difficulty setting.