Zoo Tycoon Guide

Zoo Tycoon Guide

Including Dinosaur Digs and Marine Mania
By Steven W. Carter
Last Updated
February 7, 2003

* ================= *
* Table of Contents *
* ================= *

01.00.00  Introduction

02.00.00  Animals
  .01.00  Notes
  .02.00  Coniferous
     .01  Gray Wolf
     .02  Grizzly Bear
     .03  Siberian Tiger
  .03.00  Deciduous
     .01  Black Bear
     .02  Moose
     .03  Unicorn
  .04.00  Desert
     .01  Dromedary Camel
     .02  Gemsbok
  .05.00  Grassland
     .01  American Bison
  .06.00  Highland
     .01  American Bighorn Sheep
     .02  Asian Black Bear (*)
     .03  Giant Panda (+)
     .04  Ibex
     .05  Llama (*)
     .06  Markhor
     .07  Mountain Lion (*)
     .08  Snow Leopard (+)
  .07.00  Rainforest
     .01  Asian Elephant (*)
     .02  Bengal Tiger
     .03  Black Leopard
     .04  Bongo (*)
     .05  Chimpanzee
     .06  Clouded Leopard
     .07  Giant Anteater
     .08  Jaguar
     .09  Lowland Gorilla (+)
     .10  Mandrill
     .11  Okapi (+)
     .12  White Bengal Tiger (+)
  .08.00  Saltwater
     .01  California Sea Lion
     .02  Saltwater Crocodile
  .09.00  Savannah
     .01  African Buffalo
     .02  African Elephant
     .03  African Lion
     .04  African Warthog
     .05  African Wild Dog
     .06  Black Rhinoceros
     .07  Blackbuck (*)
     .08  Cheetah
     .09  Common Wildebeest
     .10  Giraffe
     .11  Greater Flamingo
     .12  Hippopotamus
     .13  Leopard
     .14  Olive Baboon
     .15  Ostrich
     .16  Plains Zebra
     .17  Red Kangaroo
     .18  Spotted Hyena
     .19  Thomson’s Gazelle
     .20  Triceratops (ZT version)
  .10.00  Tundra (Snow)
     .01  Arctic Wolf
     .02  Emperor Penguin
     .03  Magnet (*)
     .04  Polar Bear
     .05  Reindeer (*)
     .06  Yeti (*)
  .11.00  Triassic Age
     .01  Coelphysis (+)
     .02  Herrerasaurus
     .03  Plateosaurus (*)
  .12.00  Jurassic Age
     .01  Allosaurus
     .02  Apatosaurus (+)
     .03  Camptosaurus
     .04  Caudipteryx
     .05  Kentrosaurus (+)
     .06  Plesiosaurus (+)
     .07  Stegosaurus
  .13.00  Cretaceous Age
     .01  Ankylosaurus (+)
     .02  Deinosuchus
     .03  Gallimimus (*)
     .04  Iguanodon
     .05  Lambeosaurus
     .06  Spinosaurus (+)
     .07  Styracosaurus
     .08  Triceratops (DD version)
     .09  Tyrannosaurus Rex (+)
     .10  Velociraptor (+)
  .14.00  Ice Age
     .01  Giant Ground Sloth (*)
     .02  Giant Tortoise
     .03  Saber-toothed Cat
     .04  Wooly Mammoth (+)
     .05  Wooly Rhino
  .15.00  Marine Animals
     .01  Atlantic Swordfish (*)
     .02  Beluga
     .03  Bluefin Tuna
     .04  Bottlenose Dolphin
     .05  Elephant Seal
     .06  Giant Pacific Octopus
     .07  Giant Squid
     .08  Great Barracuda (*)
     .09  Great White Shark (+)
     .10  Green Moray Eel
     .11  Green Sea Turtle
     .12  Hammerhead Shark
     .13  Harbor Porpoise
     .14  Humpback Whale (+)
     .15  Lion’s Mane Jelly
     .16  Manta Ray
     .17  Mermaid
     .18  Narwhal (+)
     .19  Orca
     .20  Pacific Walrus
     .21  Shortfin Mako Shark (+)
     .22  Southern Sea Otter
     .23  Sperm Whale
     .24  Tiger Shark
     .25  West Indian Manatee

03.00.00  Buildings
  .01.00  Notes
  .02.00  Guest Needs
     .01  Zoo Tycoon
     .02  Dinosaur Digs
     .03  Marine Mania
  .03.00  Animal Houses
     .01  Zoo Tycoon
     .02  Dinosaur Digs
     .03  Marine Mania
  .04.00  Other
     .01  Zoo Tycoon
     .02  Dinosaur Digs
     .03  Marine Mania

04.00.00  Objects
  .01.00  Notes
  .02.00  Exhibit Fences
     .01  Zoo Tycoon, High
     .02  Zoo Tycoon, Low
     .03  Dinosaur Digs
     .04  Marine Mania
  .03.00  Paths
  .04.00  Foliage
  .05.00  Miscellaneous Scenery
     .01  Zoo Tycoon
     .02  Dinosaur Digs
     .03  Marine Mania

05.00.00  Awards and Bonuses
  .01.00  Zoo Tycoon Awards
  .02.00  Dinosaur Digs Awards
  .03.00  Marine Mania Awards
  .04.00  Bonuses

06.00.00  Cheats and Easter Eggs
  .01.00  Guests
  .02.00  Exhibits
  .03.00  Staff
  .04.00  Miscellaneous

07.00.00  Gameplay Tips
  .01.00  Money
  .02.00  Exhibits
  .03.00  Guest Happiness
  .04.00  Miscellaneous

08.00.00  Intermediate Scenario Walkthroughs
  .01.00  Revitalize Burkitsville Zoo
  .02.00  Inner City Zoo
  .03.00  Saving the Great Cats
  .04.00  Endangered Species Zoo
  .05.00  Beach Resort Zoo (*)
  .06.00  Valley of the Dinosaurs (DD)
  .07.00  Jurassic Zoo (DD)
  .08.00  Carnivore Zoo (DD) (*)
  .09.00  Oceans of the World (MM)
  .10.00  Save the Marine Animals (MM)
  .11.00  Free Admission (MM)
  .12.00  Aquatic Show Park (MM)

09.00.00  Advanced Scenario Walkthroughs
  .01.00  Island Zoo
  .02.00  African Savannah Zoo
  .03.00  Mountain Zoo
  .04.00  Tropical Rainforest Zoo
  .05.00  Dinosaur Island Research Lab (DD)
  .06.00  Marine Conservation (MM)
  .07.00  Save the Zoo (MM)

10.00.00  Very Advanced Scenario Walkthroughs
  .01.00  Paradise Island
  .02.00  Breeding Giant Pandas
  .03.00  Return to Dinosaur Island Research Lab (DD)
  .04.00  Breeding the T. Rex (DD)
  .05.00  Giant Marine Park (MM)
  .06.00  Super Zoo (MM)

11.00.00  Revision History

12.00.00  Permissions and Updates

* 01.00.00 INTRODUCTION                                                      *

Not surprisingly, Zoo Tycoon is a sim-style game where you manage a zoo.  It 
was developed by Blue Fang Games and published by Microsoft Game Studios.  Its 
official web site is at http://www.microsoft.com/games/zootycoon/.

Being generally difficult to please, I wasn’t happy with the existing 
(incomplete) guides at GameFAQs, and so I decided to create my own.  I’m being 
perhaps a little ambitious in what I plan to include, and so it’s possible I 
won’t get to everything.  One nice thing about Zoo Tycoon, but bad for writing 
guides, is that there are a lot of things to try out, and a lot of things to 
learn.  I’m still learning things as I write this guide.

Zoo Tycoon information is based on version of the game.  Marine 
Mania and Dinosaur Digs information is based on version of the 

* 02.00.00 ANIMALS                                                           *

| 02.01.00 Notes                                                             |

Density represents the number of grid squares each animal in an exhibit needs.  
So multiply the density by the number of animals you plan to have in an 
exhibit, and that’s the size of the exhibit you should create.  (But with 
trained zookeepers and otherwise suitable exhibits, you can fudge these 
numbers a little and still be ok.)

For Marine Mania animals, besides density there is also a minimum depth 
animals require for their exhibits, and so a depth value is listed after the 
density.  (But note: animals don’t care if their tank is too deep, so you only 
need to make tanks deeper.)

For exhibit costs, when I give a foliage percentage, the plants shouldn’t be 
placed anywhere.  They should be spread across the number of squares in which 
the animal wants foliage.  The easiest way to deal with this is to put one 
plant to a square until the animal is unhappy, and then start filling up the 
squares until you reach the total number of plants.

Rocks work differently than foliage.  For foliage, if you put a plant in a 
square, the entire square counts towards the foliage percentage.  For rocks, 
only grid square quadrants count.  (For example, if an animal wants 1% rocks, 
and you give it an exhibit with 50 squares, then you should only fill up half 
a square with rocks.)  So when I list that an animal wants a certain 
percentage of squares filled up with large rocks, you might actually be better 
off replacing the last large rock with some small rocks so the rock percentage 
is correct.

Elevated terrain is the only part of an exhibit where placement matters.  The 
percentage you need to raise also seems to depend on the size of the exhibit.  
So this is something you mostly have to play by ear.

For exhibit costs, I’m assuming plexiglass (ZT), reinforced concrete and glass 
(DD), or concrete and glass (MM) is the fence type used, unless specified 

It’s often possible to get a suitability rating of 101 for an exhibit, but to 
do that you usually have to have an exhibit where the size is a multiple of 
100 -- that is, an exhibit larger than you need.  Since a rating of 101 
doesn’t help you in the game any, I’m mostly ignoring it and showing how to 
get high ratings with appropriately sized exhibits.

“Attractiveness” is a measure of how much guests like an animal.  The higher 
the number, the more popular it is.

“Shyness” measures how skittish an animal is around guests.  The lower the 
number, the more skittish it is.

“Strength” determines if an animal can bash through a fence.

Animals marked with an asterisk (*) can be downloaded from the official Zoo 
Tycoon web site.

Animals or objects marked with a plus sign (+) must be researched.

| 02.02.00 Coniferous                                                        |

* ================== *
* 02.02.01 Gray Wolf *
* ================== *

Density      : 35 (4-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 10 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 50% coniferous, 25% grass, 20% deciduous, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 14% foliage (spruce trees), 2% rocks (small), rock cave (+)
Exhibit Cost : $27,300 (10x14, 4 adults, 41 trees, 100 suitability)

* ===================== *
* 02.02.02 Grizzly Bear *
* ===================== *

Density      : 50 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 35 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 40 strength
Terrain      : 60% coniferous, 30% deciduous, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 20% foliage (pine trees), 7% rocks (large), wood shelter
Special      : Elevated terrain (10-15% raised one notch in cliff mode)
Exhibit Cost : $23,379 (10x10, 2 adults, 65 trees, 100 suitability)

The grizzly bear likes the pine tree just as much as the yellow cedar tree.

* ======================= *
* 02.02.03 Siberian Tiger *
* ======================= *

Density      : 35 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 30 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 15 strength
Terrain      : 40% coniferous, 40% snow, 15% gray rock, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 12% foliage (pine bushes), 2% rocks (large), wood shelter
Special      : Elevated terrain (8-10% raised one notch in cliff mode)
Exhibit Cost : $26,417 (14x10, 4 adults, 33 bushes, 100 suitability)

The Siberian tiger likes the pine bush just as much as the Chinese fir tree.

| 02.03.00 Deciduous                                                         |

* =================== *
* 02.03.01 Black Bear *
* =================== *

Density      : 35 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 20 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 40 strength
Terrain      : 60% deciduous, 30% coniferous, 5% grass, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 20% foliage (elm trees), 7% rocks (large), rock cave (+)
Exhibit Cost : $18,705 (7x10, 2 adults, 43 trees, 100 suitability)

The black bear likes the elm tree just as much as the trembling aspen tree.

* ============== *
* 02.03.02 Moose *
* ============== *

Density      : 20 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 25 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 20 strength
Terrain      : 50% deciduous, 20% grass, 20% coniferous, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 14% foliage (weeping willow trees), 2% rocks (large), small
Exhibit Cost : $9,785 (4x10, 2 adults, 8 trees, 100 suitability)

* ================ *
* 02.03.03 Unicorn *
* ================ *

Density      : 60 (2-4 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 90 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 80% deciduous, 10% grass, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 15% foliage (thornless mesquite tree), 4% rocks (large), large
               concrete shelter (+)
Exhibit Cost : $34,345 (12x10, 2 adults, 50 trees, 100 suitability)

The unicorn must be unlocked using the “Xanadu” cheat (see section 06.02.00).

The unicorn likes the thornless mesquite tree just as much as the Japanese 
maple tree.

| 02.04.00 Desert                                                            |

* ======================== *
* 02.04.01 Dromedary Camel *
* ======================== *

Density      : 20 (1-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 10 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 88% sand, 10% dirt, 2% freshwater
Extras       : 2% foliage (palm trees), 3% rocks (small), wood shelter
Exhibit Cost : $8495 (4x10, 2 adults, 8 trees, 87 suitability)

As long as you keep filling up grid squares, you can have up to 9% foliage.  
That will increase the suitability rating of the exhibit to 95, but the 
zookeeper recommendations panel for the camel will eventually list it as being 
unhappy with the foliage.

* ================ *
* 02.04.02 Gemsbok *
* ================ *

Density      : 20 (3-15 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 10 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% sand, 15% Savannah grass, 10% dirt, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 3% foliage (palm trees), 2% rocks (small), stable
Exhibit Cost : $13,785 (8x10, 4 adults, 12 trees, 90 suitability)

As long as you keep filling up grid squares, you can have up to 9% foliage.  
That will increase the suitability rating of the exhibit to 95, but the 
zookeeper recommendations panel for the gemsbok will eventually list it as 
being unhappy with the foliage.

| 02.05.00 Grassland                                                         |

* ======================= *
* 02.05.01 American Bison *
* ======================= *

Density      : 20 (3-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 10 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 50 strength
Terrain      : 95% grass, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 5% foliage (broadleaf bushes), 3% rocks (small), large
               stable (+)
Exhibit Cost : $16,850 (8x10, 4 adults, 16 bushes, 99 suitability)

The bison starts to show unhappy faces after 3% foliage, but it’s safe to go 
up to 5% foliage.

| 02.06.00 Highland                                                          |

* =============================== *
* 02.06.01 American Bighorn Sheep *
* =============================== *

Density      : 20 (3-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 15 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 35 strength
Terrain      : 70% brown stone, 20% gray stone, 5% grass, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 3% foliage (sage bushes), 7% rocks (small), lean-to
Special      : Elevated terrain (lots, max height 5 notches)
Exhibit Cost : $17,776 (8x10, 4 adults, 12 bushes, 100 suitability)

The easiest way I’ve found to deal with the elevated terrain is to put four 
squares of water in the center of the exhibit, and then use the four-square 
hill terrain tool to raise the water five notches.  That usually gets the 
suitability rating to 99 or 100, and then, if you need to, you can try raising 
individual squares until the sheep like the change and the rating goes to 100.  
For a lengthier (but cheaper) process, use the single-square cliff terrain 
tool, raise a couple squares five notches, and then work from there until you 
reach a 100 suitability rating.

* ============================= *
* 02.06.02 Asian Black Bear (*) *
* ============================= *

Density      : 45 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 20 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 20 strength
Terrain      : 50% coniferous, 25% snow, 25% gray stone
Extras       : 20% foliage (Himalayan birch trees), 7% rocks (large), small
               concrete shelter
Special      : Elevated terrain (15-20% raised one notch in cliff mode)
Exhibit Cost : $20,453 (9x10, 2 adults, 26 trees, 100 suitability)

The Asian black bear likes the Himalayan birch tree just as much as the 
Himalayan pine tree.

* ======================= *
* 02.06.03 Giant Panda (+)*
* ======================= *

Density      : 20 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 90 attractiveness, 10 shyness, 15 strength
Terrain      : 80% coniferous, 8% grass, 5% gray stone, 5% snow, 2% fresh
Extras       : 13% foliage (Himalayan birch trees), 2% rocks (large), panda
               rock cave (+)
Special      : Elevated terrain (15-40% raised one notch in cliff mode)
Exhibit Cost : $19,950 (4x10, 2 adults, 10 trees, 100 suitability)

The giant panda likes the Himalayan birch tree just as much as bamboo.

If you don’t mind losing a point of suitability, you can use a concrete 
shelter rather than the panda rock cave and save about $1000.

* ============= *
* 02.06.04 Ibex *
* ============= *

Density      : 20 (3-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 25 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% gray stone, 20% brown stone, 5% grass, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 4% foliage (Himalayan pine trees), 6% rocks (large), large
               lean-to (+)
Special      : Elevated terrain (medium amount, max height of 4-5 notches)
Exhibit Cost : $15,155 (8x10, 4 adults, 13 trees, 100 suitability)

* ================== *
* 02.06.05 Llama (*) *
* ================== *

Density      : 15 (4-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 15 attractiveness, 35 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 75% gray rock, 10% dirt, 10% snow, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 5% foliage (Himalayan birch trees), 2% rocks (small), large
               wood shelter (+)
Special      : ~32% highland rock formations, elevated terrain (medium amount,
               max height 2-3 notches)
Exhibit Cost : $25,140 (10x10, 6 adults, 20 trees, 100 suitability)

The llama likes the Himalayan pine tree just as much as the Himalayan birch 
tree, and although it’s more expensive, it matches the highland rock formation 

* ================ *
* 02.06.06 Markhor *
* ================ *

Density      : 20 (2-7 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 10 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 60% gray stone, 30% snow, 5% grass, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 3% foliage (Himalayan birch trees), 8% rocks (small), large
               lean-to (+)
Special      : Elevated terrain (30-40%, max height 5-6 notches)
Exhibit Cost : $20,088 (8x10, 4 adults, 8 trees, 100 suitability)

The markhor starts to show unhappy faces after 2% foliage, but it’s safe to go 
up to 3% foliage.

If you have trouble getting the exhibit up to a 100 suitability rating, you 
can also add in highland rock formations.

* ========================= *
* 02.06.07 Mountain Lion (*)*
* ========================= *

Density      : 30 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 25 attractiveness, 25 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% brown stone, 20% gray stone, 5% grass, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 5% foliage (sage bushes), 7% rocks (small), small concrete
Special      : Elevated terrain (20-25%, max height 5-6)
Exhibit Cost : $11,397 (6x10, 2 adults, 7 bushes, 100 suitability)

* ========================= *
* 02.06.08 Snow Leopard (+) *
* ========================= *

Density      : 35 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 55 attractiveness, 10 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 60% snow, 30% gray stone, 10% brown stone
Extras       : 5% foliage (Himalayan pine trees), 7% rocks (small), snowy rock
Special      : Elevated terrain (20-25%, max height 2-3)
Exhibit Cost : $20,392 (7x10, 2 adults, 12 trees, 1 highland rock formation,
               99 suitability)

The snow leopard starts to show unhappy faces after 3% foliage, but it’s safe 
to go up to 5% foliage.  You can also use the highland rock formation instead 
of the extra foliage to increase suitability.

| 02.07.00 Rainforest                                                        |

* =========================== *
* 02.07.01 Asian Elephant (*) *
* =========================== *

Density      : 40 (2-12 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 40 attractiveness, 50 shyness, 56 strength
Terrain      : 60% rainforest, 20% grass, 20% freshwater
Extras       : 12% foliage (rainforest ferns), 2% rocks (small), small
               elephant shelter
Exhibit Cost : $14,155 (8x10, 2 adults, 30 ferns, 100 suitability)

* ===================== *
* 02.07.02 Bengal Tiger *
* ===================== *

Density      : 35 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 50 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% rainforest, 15% grass, 10% freshwater, 5% dirt
Extras       : 20% foliage (rainforest ferns), 2% rocks (small), wood shelter
Exhibit Cost : $11,790 (7x10, 2 adults, 31 ferns, 100 suitability)

The Bengal tiger likes the rainforest fern just as much as the mangrove tree.

* ========================== *
* 02.07.03 Black Leopard (+) *
* ========================== *

Density      : 20 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 50 attractiveness, 10 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 85% rainforest, 10% grass, 5% dirt
Extras       : 15% foliage (rainforest ferns), 6% rocks (small), rock cave (+)
Special      : Cat climbing tree (+)
Exhibit Cost : $12,335 (4x10, 2 adults, 13 ferns, 100 suitability)

The black leopard likes the rainforest fern just as much as the foxtail palm 

* ================== *
* 02.07.04 Bongo (*) *
* ================== *

Density      : 20 (3-15 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 10 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% rainforest, 20% grass, 10% dirt
Extras       : 12% foliage (elephant ear trees), 2% rocks (small), small
Special      : 36% jungle rock formations
Exhibit Cost : $17,935 (8x10, 4 adults, 10 trees, 100 suitability)

If you ignore the jungle rock formations, you can still reach 98 suitability.

* =================== *
* 02.07.05 Chimpanzee *
* =================== *

Density      : 15 (3-15 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, climbs, 15 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 85% rainforest, 10% grass, 5% dirt
Extras       : 20% foliage (rainforest bushes), 4% rocks (small), concrete
Special      : Small chimpanzee bars
Exhibit Cost : $23,685 (9x10, 6 adults, 56 bushes, 99 suitability)

Rainforest bushes seem to be short enough that you can put them right next to 
the exhibit fences, and the chimpanzees won’t be able to escape.

* ======================== *
* 02.07.06 Clouded Leopard *
* ======================== *

Density      : 35 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 40 attractiveness, 10 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 80% rainforest, 20% grass
Extras       : 15% foliage (rainforest ferns), 6% rocks (small)
Special      : Cat climbing tree (+)
Exhibit Cost : $15,115 (7x10, 2 adults, 11 ferns, 100 suitability)

The clouded leopard likes the rainforest fern just as much as the mangrove 

* ======================= *
* 02.07.07 Giant Anteater *
* ======================= *

Density      : 15 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 10 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 80% rainforest, 10% dirt, 8% grass, 2% freshwater
Extras       : 12% foliage (ulmo trees), 0% rocks, burrow
Exhibit Cost : $10,430 (5x10, 3 adults, 21 trees, 101 suitability)

* =============== *
* 02.07.08 Jaguar *
* =============== *

Density      : 18 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 25 attractiveness, 10 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 75% rainforest, 15% freshwater, 10% dirt
Extras       : 15% foliage (ulmo trees), 6% rocks (small), small concrete
Exhibit Cost : $9795 (4x10, 2 adults, 8 trees, 100 suitability)

The jaguar likes the ulmo tree just as much as the kapok tree.

* ============================ *
* 02.07.09 Lowland Gorilla (+) *
* ============================ *

Density      : 20 (2-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 25 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 30 strength
Terrain      : 70% rainforest, 20% grass, 10% dirt
Extras       : 15% foliage (rainforest bushes), 6% rocks (small), concrete
Special      : Gorilla climbing bars (+), elevated terrain (5%, max height 1)
Exhibit Cost : $23,415 (8x10, 4 adults, 42 bushes, 100 suitability)

* ================= *
* 02.07.10 Mandrill *
* ================= *

Density      : 15 (3-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, climbs, 12 attractiveness, 40 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 85% rainforest, 10% grass, 5% dirt
Extras       : 15% foliage (elephant ear trees, 4% rocks (small), large
               concrete shelter (+)
Exhibit Cost : $2,215 (9x10, 6 adults, 13 trees, 100 suitability)

* ================== *
* 02.07.11 Okapi (+) *
* ================== *

Density      : 20 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 50 attractiveness, 10 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 88% rainforest, 5% grass, 5% dirt, 2% freshwater
Extras       : 20% foliage (rainforest bushes), 1% rocks (small), lean-to
Exhibit Cost : $10,640 (4x10, 2 adults, 8 bushes, 100 suitability)

* =============================== *
* 02.07.12 White Bengal Tiger (+) *
* =============================== *

Density      : 35 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 70 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% rainforest, 15% grass, 10% freshwater, 5% dirt
Extras       : 13% foliage (rainforest ferns), 2% rocks (large), rock cave (+)
Exhibit Cost : $13,435 (7x10, 2 adults, 31 ferns, 100 suitability)

The white Bengal tiger likes the rainforest fern just as much as the mangrove 

| 02.08.00 Saltwater                                                         |

* ============================ *
* 02.08.01 California Sea Lion *
* ============================ *

Density      : 35 (2-16 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 20 attractiveness, 40 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 90% saltwater, 10% gray stone
Extras       : 5% foliage (water lilies), 3% rocks (small)
Exhibit Cost : $11,720 (7x10, 2 adults, 15 lilies, 98 suitability)

The sea lion starts to show unhappy faces after 3% foliage, but it’s safe to 
go up to 5% foliage.

Adding a raft from Marine Mania doesn’t seem to increase the suitability 
rating any.

* ============================ *
* 02.08.02 Saltwater Crocodile *
* ============================ *

Density      : 20 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 60 attractiveness, 25 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 80% saltwater, 20% dirt
Extras       : 8% foliage (water lilies), 2% rocks (large)
Exhibit Cost : $12,975 (6x10, 3 adults, 10 lilies, 100 suitability)

| 02.09.00 Savannah                                                          |

* ======================== *
* 02.09.01 African Buffalo *
* ======================== *

Density      : 20 (2-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 5 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 50 strength
Terrain      : 80% savannah, 10% dirt, 5% sand, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 9% foliage (tall grass), 0% rocks, small stables
Exhibit Cost : $17,780 (8x10, 4 adults, 28 grasses, 95 suitability)

The buffalo starts to show unhappy faces after 5% foliage, but it’s safe to go 
up to 9% foliage.  You can also go up to 10% foliage to increase the 
suitability to 96, but then the zookeeper recommendations panel for the 
buffalo will eventually list it as being unhappy with the foliage.

* ========================= *
* 02.09.02 African Elephant *
* ========================= *

Density      : 50 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 50 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 76 strength
Terrain      : 65% savannah, 15% freshwater, 10% sand, 10% dirt
Extras       : 7% foliage (thorn bushes), 2% rocks (small), small elephant
Special      : Swinging log (+)
Exhibit Cost : $19,150 (10x10, 2 adults, 28 bushes, 94 suitability)

The elephant starts to show unhappy faces after 3% foliage, but it’s safe to 
go up to 7% foliage.  You can also go up to 9% foliage to increase the 
suitability to 96, but then the zookeeper recommendations panel for the 
elephant will eventually list it as being unhappy with the foliage.

* ===================== *
* 02.09.03 African Lion *
* ===================== *

Density      : 20 (3-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 30 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 80% savannah, 10% dirt, 5% sand, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 8% foliage (umbrella thorn acacia trees), 6% rocks (small),
               concrete shelter
Special      : small lion rock
Exhibit Cost : $17,685 (8x10, 4 adults, 13 trees, 100 suitability)

* ======================== *
* 02.09.04 African Warthog *
* ======================== *

Density      : 12 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 10 attractiveness, 10 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% dirt, 20% savannah, 5% sand, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 5% foliage (thorn bushes), 6% rocks (small), burrows
Exhibit Cost : $12,750 (8x10, 6 adults, 28 bushes, 98 suitability)

* ============================= *
* 02.09.05 African Wild Dog (*) *
* ============================= *

Density      : 35 (5-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 25 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 75% savannah, 10% sand, 10% dirt, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (tall grass), 2% rocks (small), concrete shelters
Exhibit Cost : $29,955 (21x10, 6 adults, 47 grasses, 100 suitability)

The wild dog starts to show unhappy faces after 5% foliage, but it’s safe to 
go up to 6% foliage.

* ========================= *
* 02.09.06 Black Rhinoceros *
* ========================= *

Density      : 50 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 10 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 60 strength
Terrain      : 85% savannah, 10% dirt, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 9% foliage (thorn bushes), 2% rocks (small), small stable
Exhibit Cost : $16,060 (10x10, 2 adults, 36 bushes, 100 suitability)

* ====================== *
* 02.09.07 Blackbuck (*) *
* ====================== *

Density      : 15 (3-25 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 5 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 95% savannah, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (khejri trees), 3% rocks (small)
Exhibit Cost : $19,180 (9x10, 6 adults, 15 trees, 100 suitability)

* ================ *
* 02.09.08 Cheetah *
* ================ *

Density      : 50 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 20 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 90% savannah, 10% dirt
Extras       : 7% foliage (thorn bushes), 4% rocks (small), small concrete
Exhibit Cost : $17,265 (10x10, 2 adults, 28 bushes, 101 suitability)

* ========================== *
* 02.09.09 Common Wildebeest *
* ========================== *

Density      : 15 (3-25 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 5 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 80% savannah, 10% dirt, 5% sand, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (tall grass), 1% rocks (large), concrete shelters
Exhibit Cost : $19,325 (9x10, 6 adults, 23 grasses, 90 suitability)

The wildebeest starts to show unhappy faces after 2% foliage, but it’s safe to 
go up to 6% foliage.  You can also go up to 10% foliage to increase the 
suitability to 94, but then the zookeeper recommendations panel for the 
wildebeest will eventually list it as being unhappy with the foliage.

* ================ *
* 02.09.10 Giraffe *
* ================ *

Density      : 35 (2-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 25 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 83% Savannah, 10% dirt, 5% sand, 2% freshwater
Extras       : 13% foliage (umbrella thorn acacia trees), 1% rocks (large),
               small giraffe shelter
Exhibit Cost : $15,980 (7x10, 2 adults, 13 trees, 100 suitability)

* ========================= *
* 02.09.11 Greater Flamingo *
* ========================= *

Density      : 15 (2-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 10 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 60% freshwater, 20% dirt, 10% savannah, 10% sand
Extras       : 6% foliage (water reeds), 2% rocks (large)
Exhibit Cost : $10,885 (6x10, 4 adults, 16 reeds, 95 suitability)

The flamingo starts to show unhappy faces after 2% foliage, but it’s safe to 
go up to 6% foliage.

* ===================== *
* 02.09.12 Hippopotamus *
* ===================== *

Density      : 35 (2-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 50 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 50 strength
Terrain      : 70% freshwater, 15% savannah, 15% dirt
Extras       : 3% foliage (acacia caffra trees (+)), 1% rocks (small)
Exhibit Cost : $13,570 (10x10, 2 adults, 12 trees, 89 suitability)

As long as you keep filling up grid squares, you can have up to 8% foliage.  
That will increase the suitability rating of the exhibit to 97, but the 
zookeeper recommendations panel for the hippopotamus will eventually list it 
as being unhappy with the foliage.

* ================ *
* 02.09.13 Leopard *
* ================ *

Density      : 35 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 40 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% savannah, 20% rainforest, 5% dirt, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 15% foliage (thorn bushes), 6% rocks (small), small concrete
Special      : Cat climbing tree (+)
Exhibit Cost : $15,580 (7x10, 2 adults, 38 bushes, 99 suitability)

The leopard likes the thorn bush just as much as the baobab tree.

* ===================== *
* 02.09.14 Olive Baboon *
* ===================== *

Density      : 15 (3-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, Climbs, 10 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 90% Savannah, 10% dirt
Extras       : 15% foliage (thorn bushes), 4% rocks (large), large wooden
               shelter (+)
Exhibit Cost : $18,515 (9x10, 6 adults, 32 bushes, 100 suitability)

* ================ *
* 02.09.15 Ostrich *
* ================ *

Density      : 10 (2-12 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 5 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 90% savannah, 5% dirt, 5% grass
Extras       : 7% foliage (tall grass), 2% rocks (small), concrete shelter
Exhibit Cost : $17,450 (8x10, 4 adults, 23 grasses, 97 suitability)

The ostrich starts to show unhappy faces after 3% foliage, but it’s safe to go 
up to 7% foliage.

* ===================== *
* 02.09.16 Plains Zebra *
* ===================== *

Density      : 15 (3-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 5 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 95% savannah, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (tall grass), 2% rocks (small), concrete shelter
Exhibit Cost : $13,430 (6x10, 4 adults, 12 grasses, 96 suitability)

The zebra starts to show unhappy faces after 2% foliage, but it’s safe to go 
up to 6% foliage.

* ===================== *
* 02.09.17 Red Kangaroo *
* ===================== *

Density      : 20 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 35 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 60% savannah, 30% dirt, 8% sand, 2% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (eucalyptus trees), 2% rocks (small), lean-to
Exhibit Cost : $9855 (4x10, 2 adults, 8 trees, 99 suitability)

The kangaroo starts to show unhappy faces after 4% foliage, but it’s safe to 
go up to 6% foliage.

* ====================== *
* 02.09.18 Spotted Hyena *
* ====================== *

Density      : 20 (3-15 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 15 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 75% savannah, 10% sand, 10% dirt, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (umbrella thorn acacia trees), 1% rocks (large),
               concrete shelter
Exhibit Cost : $19,250 (8x10, 4 adults, 19 trees, 97 suitability)

The hyena starts to show unhappy faces after 2% foliage, but it’s safe to go 
up to 6% foliage.

* ========================== *
* 02.09.19 Thomson’s Gazelle *
* ========================== *

Density      : 15 (3-25 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 5 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 95% savannah, 5% rocks
Extras       : 9% foliage (tall grass), 3% rocks (small), concrete shelter
Exhibit Cost : $12,940 (6x10, 4 adults, 20 grasses, 96 suitability)

The gazelle starts to show unhappy faces after 5% foliage, but it’s safe to go 
up to 9% foliage.

* ================================= *
* 02.09.20 Triceratops (ZT version) *
* ================================= *

Density      : 80 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 95 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 80 strength
Terrain      : 75% savannah, 15% dirt, 5% sand, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 9% foliage (thorn bushes), 2% rocks (large)
Exhibit Cost : $38,425 (16x10, 2 adults, 38 bushes, 100 suitability)

The triceratops must be unlocked using the “Cretaceous Corral” cheat (see 
section 06.02.00).

The triceratops likes the thorn bush just as much as the grass tree.

| 02.10.00 Tundra (Snow)                                                     |

* ==================== *
* 02.10.01 Arctic Wolf *
* ==================== *

Density      : 35 (4-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 15 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 80% snow, 15% gray stone, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 0% foliage, 8% rocks (smallest snowy), snowy rock cave
Special      : 20% snowy rock formations
Exhibit Cost : $33,345 (14x10, 4 adults, 100 suitability)

Sometimes the arctic wolf will show smiley faces when you put down small snowy 
rocks, only to complain about them later.  So be sure to keep to around 8% 

* ======================== *
* 02.10.02 Emperor Penguin *
* ======================== *

Density      : 15 (2-16 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 15 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 60% saltwater, 40% snow
Extras       : 0% foliage, 7% rocks (smallest snowy), concrete shelters
Special      : 36% snowy rock formations
Exhibit Cost : $26,140 (9x10, 6 adults, 100 suitability)

You can ignore the snowy rock formations and still get 92 suitability.

Using either the raft or the ice floe from Marine Mania allows you to reach a 
100 suitability rating with fewer (around %20) snowy rock formations.

* =================== *
* 02.10.03 Magnet (*) *
* =================== *

Magnet is just a regular polar bear but with different animations.

* =================== *
* 02.10.04 Polar Bear *
* =================== *

Density      : 35 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 50 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 50% snow, 50% saltwater
Extras       : 0% foliage, 7% rocks (smallest snowy), snowy rock cave (+)
Special      : 20% snowy rock formations
Exhibit Cost : $18,600 (7x10, 2 adults, 98 suitability)

The polar bear exhibit is just odd.  You can get a 100 suitability rating for 
it if you want, but to do so you have to cover almost all the available land 
with snowy rock formations, and you can’t give the bear a shelter, which it 
claims it wants.  So I’m showing how to get a 98 suitability rating, with an 
exhibit that looks more normal.

The icy keg from Marine Mania allows you to create an exhibit with a snowy 
rock cave and reach a 99 suitability rating.

* ===================== *
* 02.10.05 Reindeer (*) *
* ===================== *

Density      : 30 (6-15 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 45 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 75% snow, 15% grass, 10% gray stone
Extras       : 7% foliage (spruce trees), 2% rocks (smallest snowy), stables
Special      : 56% snowy rock formations
Exhibit Cost : $54,445 (18x10, 6 adults, 48 trees, 97 suitability)

The reindeer starts to show unhappy faces after 3% foliage, but it’s safe to 
go up to 7% foliage.

If you ignore the snowy rock formations, you can still get a 92 suitability 
rating (and 94 if you want to go up to 10% foliage and make the reindeer 
unhappy about its environment).

* ================= *
* 02.10.06 Yeti (*) *
* ================= *

Density      : 85 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 90 attractiveness, 15 shyness, 79 strength
Terrain      : 90% snow, 10% gray stone
Extras       : 6% rocks (smallest snowy), snowy rock cave
Special      : Elevated terrain (20%, max height 3), 40% snowy rock formations
Exhibit Cost : $35,248 (10x10, 1 adult, 100 suitability)

If you ignore the snowy rock formations, you can still get a suitability 
rating of 93.

| 02.11.00 Triassic Age                                                      |

* ======================== *
* 02.11.01 Coelophysis (+) *
* ======================== *

Density      : 100 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 60 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 195 strength
Terrain      : 85% rainforest, 10% freshwater, 5% grass
Extras       : 5% foliage (leptocycas trees), 1% rocks (large), dino burrow
Exhibit Cost : $31,900 (20x10, 2 adults, 32 trees, 100 suitability)

You can add a slight amount of elevation if you want, but the Coelophysis 
seems perfectly happy without it.

* ====================== *
* 02.11.02 Herrerasaurus *
* ====================== *

Density      : 100 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 80 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 225 strength
Terrain      : 80% rainforest, 10% grass, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 7% foliage (fern bush), 2% rocks (large)
Exhibit Cost : $29,750 (20x10, 2 adults, 18 bushes, 100 suitability)

* ========================== *
* 02.11.03  Plateosaurus (*) *
* ========================== *

Density      : 100 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 60 attractiveness, 35 shyness, 270 strength
Terrain      : 85% deciduous, 10% freshwater, 5% grass
Extras       : 6% foliage (magnolia trees), 2% rocks (large), dino burrow
Exhibit Cost : $37,800 (20x10, 2 adults, 20 trees, 101 suitability)

| 02.12.00 Jurassic Age                                                      |

* =================== *
* 02.12.01 Allosaurus *
* =================== *

Density      : 200 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 80 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 290 strength
Terrain      : 70% rainforest, 20% grass, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 5% foliage (fern bushes), 2% rocks (large), dino cave
Special      : Electrified fencing
Exhibit Cost : $36,100 (20x10, 1 adult, 20 bushes, 100 suitability)

You can avoid the electrified fencing by lowering the exhibit two notches.

* ======================== *
* 02.12.02 Apatosaurus (+) *
* ======================== *

Density      : 250 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 95 attractiveness, 20 shyness, 325 strength
Terrain      : 75% deciduous, 10% dirt, 10% freshwater, 5% grass
Extras       : 8% foliage (magnolia trees), 2% rocks (large)
Exhibit Cost : $46,270 (25x10, 1 adult, 64 trees, 100 suitability)

The Apatosaurus is also known as the Brontosaurus.

The Apatosaurus is good at breaking out of exhibits, so you might want to 
lower its exhibit by two notches to keep it inside.

* ===================== *
* 02.12.03 Camptosaurus *
* ===================== *

Density      : 100 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 50 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 230 strength
Terrain      : 80% coniferous, 10% grass, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 8% foliage (walchian conifer trees), 2% rocks (large), dino
Exhibit Cost : $21,700 (10x10, 1 adult, 9 trees, 101 suitability)

* ==================== *
* 02.12.04 Caudipteryx *
* ==================== *

Density      : 20 (3-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 65 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 50% rainforest, 30% freshwater, 20% grass
Extras       : 6% foliage (fern bushes), 2% rocks (large), wood shelter
Exhibit Cost : $17,869 (10x10, 4 adults, 10 bushes, 100 suitability)

You can add a slight amount of elevation if you want, but the Caudipteryx 
seems perfectly happy without it.

Caudipteryx exhibits can use regular Zoo Tycoon fencing.

* ========================= *
* 02.12.05 Kentrosaurus (+) *
* ========================= *

Density      : 70 (3-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 35 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 225 strength
Terrain      : 70% coniferous, 15% freshwater, 10% grass, 5% dirt
Extras       : 6% foliage (club moss shrubs (+)), 2% rocks (medium coniferous)
Exhibit Cost : $42,505 (20x14, 4 adults, 16 shrubs, 100 suitability)

* ========================== *
* 02.12.06  Plesiosaurus (+) *
* ========================== *

Density      : 70 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 60 attractiveness, 35 shyness, 220 strength
Terrain      : 85% saltwater, 10% sand, 5% brown stone
Extras       : 3% foliage (horsetails (+)), 5% rocks (medium aquatic)
Exhibit Cost : $27,180 (14x10, 2 adults, 14 horsetails, 100 suitability)

* ==================== *
* 02.12.07 Stegosaurus *
* ==================== *

Density      : 60 (3-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 45 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 265 strength
Terrain      : 70% coniferous, 10% dirt, 10% grass, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 5% foliage (club moss shrubs (+)), 1% rocks (medium coniferous)
Exhibit Cost : $27,995 (12x10, 2 adults, 11 shrubs, 100 suitability)

| 02.13.00 Cretaceous Age                                                    |

* ========================= *
* 02.13.01 Ankylosaurus (+) *
* ========================= *

Density      : 60 (3-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 20 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 225 strength
Terrain      : 80% savannah, 10% freshwater, 5% dirt, 5% sand
Extras       : 5% foliage (sigillaria trees), 1% rocks (medium savannah)
Exhibit Cost : $35,235 (18x10, 3 adults, 21 trees, 100 suitability)

* ==================== *
* 02.13.02 Deinosuchus *
* ==================== *

Density      : 230 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 150 attractiveness, 50 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 70% saltwater, 20% brown stone, 10% dirt
Extras       : 8% foliage (horsetails (+)), 2% rocks (medium aquatic)
Exhibit Cost : $44,120 (23x10, 1 adult, 45 horsetails, 100 suitability)

The Deinosuchus is unlocked by completing the “Breeding the T. Rex” scenario.

Even though the Deinosuchus has a strength of 0, it still requires Dinosaur 
Digs fencing.

* ======================= *
* 02.13.03 Gallimimus (*) *
* ======================= *

Density      : 20 (3-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 45 attractiveness, 35 shyness, 180 strength
Terrain      : 80% coniferous, 10% grass, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (dawn redwood trees (+)), 2% rocks (medium
               coniferous), wood shelter
Special      : Elevated terrain (~5%, max height 1)
Exhibit Cost : $23,365 (10x10, 4 adults, 11 trees, 101 suitability)

The Gallimimus is an official Microsoft creation, but it isn’t available yet 
at Microsoft’s official Zoo Tycoon web site.  However, you can download it at 
other sites, such as at Zoo Admin:


Then just place the .ztd file into Zoo Tycoon’s Updates directory.

* ================== *
* 02.13.04 Iguanodon *
* ================== *

Density      : 70 (3-5 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 40 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 275 strength
Terrain      : 75% deciduous, 15% grass, 10% freshwater
Extras       : 7% foliage (gingko trees), 1% rocks (large), dino cave
Exhibit Cost : $44,215 (21x10, 3 adults, 20 trees, 100 suitability)

* ===================== *
* 02.13.05 Lambeosaurus *
* ===================== *

Density      : 60 (3-5 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 40 attractiveness, 35 shyness, 175 strength
Terrain      : 85% coniferous, 10% grass, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 7% foliage (dawn redwood trees (+)), 2% rocks (medium
Exhibit Cost : $37,685 (18x10, 3 adults, 16 trees, 100 suitability)

* ========================= *
*  02.13.06 Spinosaurus (+) *
* ========================= *

Density      : 100 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 90 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 325 strength
Terrain      : 65% coniferous, 25% grass, 5% dirt, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 8% foliage (dawn redwood trees (+)), 2% rocks (medium
               coniferous), dino cave
Special      : Electrified fencing
Exhibit Cost : $44,300 (20x10, 2 adults, 20 trees, 100 suitability)

You can avoid the electrified fencing by lowering the exhibit two notches.

* ====================== *
* 02.13.07 Styracosaurus *
* ====================== *

Density      : 60 (5-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 30 attractiveness, 35 shyness, 245 strength
Terrain      : 70% deciduous, 10% freshwater, 5% dirt, 5% grass, 5% sand
Extras       : 5% foliage (gingko trees), 1% rocks (large)
Exhibit Cost : $51,975 (20x15, 5 adults, 25 trees, 99 suitability)

The Styracosaurus is “broken.”  Its data file only specifies how 95% of the 
exhibit terrain should be laid out, and so there isn’t any way to reach 100 
suitability for it.  To keep the scientist recommendations panel from listing 
any problems, just add 1% to each of the five terrain types the Styracosaurus 
uses to make up the missing 5%.

* ================================= *
* 02.13.08 Triceratops (DD version) *
* ================================= *

Density      : 80 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 60 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 225 strength
Terrain      : 75% savannah, 15% dirt, 5% sand, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 9% foliage (thorn bushes), 2% rocks (large)
Exhibit Cost : $30,325 (16x10, 2 adults, 38 bushes, 100 suitability)

* ============================== *
* 02.13.09 Tyrannosaurus Rex (+) *
* ============================== *

Density      : 200 (1 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 100 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 301 strength
Terrain      : 60% grass, 25% gray stone, 10% deciduous, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 5% foliage (broadleaf bushes), 3% rocks (large), dino cave
Special      : Electrified fencing
Exhibit Cost : $39,500 (20x10, 1 adult, 40 bushes, 100 suitability)

You can add a slight amount of elevation if you want, but the Tyrannosaurus 
Rex seems perfectly happy without it.

You can avoid the electrified fencing by lowering the exhibit two notches.

* ========================= *
* 02.13.10 Velociraptor (+) *
* ========================= *

Density      : 80 (1-5 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 100 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 185 strength
Terrain      : 85% coniferous, 10% grass, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (dawn redwood trees (+)), 1% rocks (large), dino
Exhibit Cost : $33,935 (16x10, 2 adults, 14 trees, 100 suitability)

If you’ve researched it, you can also use the rock cave as the exhibit 

| 02.14.00 Ice Age                                                           |

* =============================== *
* 02.14.01 Giant Ground Sloth (*) *
* =============================== *

Density      : 50 (2-4 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 60 attractiveness, 25 shyness, 175 strength
Terrain      : 50% grass, 30% snow, 15% brown rock, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (arctic grass), 2% rocks (large), ice age cave
Exhibit Cost : $23,250 (10x10, 2 adults, 24 grasses, 100 suitability)

The giant ground sloth is also known as the Megatherium.

You can add a slight amount of elevation if you want, but the giant ground 
sloth seems perfectly happy without it.

* ======================= *
* 02.14.02 Giant Tortoise *
* ======================= *

Density      : 50 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 75 attractiveness, 35 shyness, 100 strength
Terrain      : 60% freshwater, 30% snow, 10% gray stone
Extras       : 3% foliage (arctic grass), 3% rocks (large)
Exhibit Cost : $21,050 (10x10, 2 adults, 12 grasses, 100 suitability)

The giant tortoise is also known as the Meiolania.

Giant tortoise exhibits can use most Zoo Tycoon fencing.

* ========================== *
* 02.14.03 Saber-toothed Cat *
* ========================== *

Density      : 50 (3-5 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 30 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 150 strength
Terrain      : 80% gray stone, 10% snow, 5% brown stone, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 6% foliage (arctic bushes), 4% rocks (large), wood shelter
Special      : Elevated terrain (~5%, max height 1-2)
Exhibit Cost : $42,769 (20x10, 4 adults, 32 bushes, 100 suitability)

The saber-toothed cat is also known as the Smilodon.

* ========================== *
* 02.14.04 Wooly Mammoth (+) *
* ========================== *

Density      : 75 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : Jumps, 55 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 185 strength
Terrain      : 60% snow, 20% gray rock, 15% brown rock, 5% freshwater
Extras       : 5% foliage (arctic grass), 2% rocks (large), sm elephant house
Exhibit Cost : $32,590 (15x10, 2 adults, 22 grasses, 99 suitability)

* ==================== *
* 02.14.05 Wooly Rhino *
* ==================== *

Density      : 60 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 20 attractiveness, 30 shyness, 180 strength
Terrain      : 75% snow, 15% gray stone, 10% brown stone
Extras       : 5% foliage (arctic grass), 2% rocks (large snowy)
Special      : Elevated terrain (~5%, max height 1)
Exhibit Cost : $28,500 (12x10, 2 adults, 21 grasses, 100 suitability)

The wooly rhino is also known as the Coelodonta.

| 02.15.00 Marine Animals                                                    |

* =========================== *
* 02.15.01 Atlantic Swordfish *
* =========================== *

Density      : 20x5 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 75 attractiveness, 100 shyness
Extras       : 16% foliage (red gorgonian), 8% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $15,390 (10x10, 4 adults, 100 suitability)

The Atlantic swordfish is also known as the marlin.

The Atlantic swordfish is an official Microsoft creation, but it isn’t 
available yet at Microsoft’s official Zoo Tycoon web site.  However, you can 
download it at other sites, such as at Zoo Admin:


Then just place the .ztd file into Zoo Tycoon’s Updates directory.

* =============== *
* 02.15.02 Beluga *
* =============== *

Density      : 20x2 (3-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 150 attractiveness, 25 shyness
Extras       : 20% foliage (barnacles), 10% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $12,300 (8x10, 4 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $10,300 (8x10, 4 adults, medium rocks, 98 suitability)

* ===================== *
* 02.15.03 Bluefin Tuna *
* ===================== *

Density      : 5x3 (6-20 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 40 attractiveness, 100 shyness
Extras       : 15% foliage (barnacles), 10% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $11,275 (5x10, 10 adults, 99 suitability)

The bluefin tuna likes barnacles just as much as sargassum.

* =========================== *
* 02.15.04 Bottlenose Dolphin *
* =========================== *

Density      : 20x5 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 160 attractiveness, 100 shyness
Extras       : 20% foliage (barnacles), 8% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $13,320 (8x10, 4 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $11,770 (8x10, 4 adults, medium rocks, 97 suitability)

The bottlenose dolphin likes barnacles just as much as kelp.

* ====================== *
* 02.15.05 Elephant Seal *
* ====================== *

Density      : 50x4 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 65 attractiveness, 40 shyness
Terrain      : 75% saltwater, 15% gray stone, 10% snow
Extras       : 6% foliage (beach grass), 6% rocks (small)
Special      : Ice floe
Exhibit Cost : $16,800 (10x10, 2 adults, 6 grasses, 101 suitability, stdrd)
               $13,240 (10x10, 2 adults, 6 grasses, 101 suitability, combo)

* ============================== *
* 02.15.06 Giant Pacific Octopus *
* ============================== *

Density      : 48x8 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 85 attractiveness, 20 shyness
Extras       : 10% foliage (barnacles), 9% rocks (small ocean), seafloor cave
Exhibit Cost : $16,400 (10x10, 2 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $14,000 (10x10, 2 adults, medium rocks, 94 suitability)

* ==================== *
* 02.15.07 Giant Squid *
* ==================== *

Density      : 50x13 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 98 attractiveness, 20 shyness
Extras       : 9% foliage (barnacles), 8% rocks (small ocean), seafloor cave
Exhibit Cost : $21,985 (5x10, 1 adult, small rocks, 97 suitability)
               $19,385 (5x10, 1 adult, medium rocks, 93 suitability)

* ============================ *
* 02.15.08 Giant Barracuda (*) *
* ============================ *

Density      : 5x5 (4-12 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 40 attractiveness, 100 shyness
Extras       : 25% foliage (sea grass), 10% rocks (medium ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $15,090 (6x10, 12 adults, 100 suitability)

* ============================== *
* 02.15.09 Great White Shark (+) *
* ============================== *

Density      : 40x3 (1-2 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 150 attractiveness, 35 shyness
Extras       : 18% foliage (barnacles), 16% rocks (medium ocean), sunken ship
Exhibit Cost : $13,450 (8x10, 2 adults, 100 suitability)

* ======================== *
* 02.15.10 Green Moray Eel *
* ======================== *

Density      : 10x8 (4-8 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 75 attractiveness, 35 shyness
Extras       : 10% foliage (barnacles), 20% rocks (small ocean)
Special      : Sunken log
Exhibit Cost : $22,580 (8x10, 8 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $18,580 (8x10, 8 adults, medium rocks, 94 suitability)

* ========================= *
* 02.15.11 Green Sea Turtle *
* ========================= *

Density      : 40x2 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 70 attractiveness, 40 shyness
Extras       : 26% foliage (sea grass), 7% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $10,000 (8x10, 2 adults, 100 suitability)

* ========================= *
* 02.15.12 Hammerhead Shark *
* ========================= *

Density      : 20x4 (2-4 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 85 attractiveness, 35 shyness
Extras       : 12% foliage (barnacles), 16% rocks (small ocean), seafloor cave
Exhibit Cost : $16,000 (8x10, 4 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $12,850 (8x10, 4 adults, medium rocks, 95 suitability)

* ======================== *
* 02.15.13 Harbor Porpoise *
* ======================== *

Density      : 20x5 (4-8 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 120 attractiveness, 25 shyness
Extras       : 16% foliage (barnacles), 8% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $12,395 (8x10, 4 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $10,395 (8x10, 4 adults, medium rocks, 94 suitability)

* =========================== *
* 02.15.14 Humpback Whale (+) *
* =========================== *

Density      : 90x7 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 110 attractiveness, 20 shyness
Extras       : 20% foliage (barnacles), 12% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $31,310 (18x10, 2 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $26,010 (18x10, 2 adults, medium rocks, 98 suitability)

* ========================== *
* 02.15.15 Lion’s Mane Jelly *
* ========================== *

Density      : 20x12 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 80 attractiveness, 25 shyness
Extras       : 8% foliage (barnacles), 6% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $12,955 (4x10, 2 adults, 96 suitability)

You can go up to 7% rocks to get a suitability rating of 97, but then the 
marine specialist recommendations panel for the lion’s mane jelly will 
eventually list it as being unhappy with the rocks.

Since the lion’s mane jelly requires so little on its exhibit tank floor, this 
is a good place to use the clam or treasure chest object.  The jelly won’t 

* ================== *
* 02.15.16 Manta Ray *
* ================== *

Density      : 20x4 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 95 attractiveness, 35 shyness
Extras       : 20% foliage (barnacles), 14% rocks (small ocean), seafloor cave
Exhibit Cost : $14,250 (8x10, 4 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $11,400 (8x10, 4 adults, medium rocks, 94 suitability)

* ================ *
* 02.15.17 Mermaid *
* ================ *

Density      : 20x4 (4-16 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 120 attractiveness, 20 shyness
Extras       : 24% foliage (barnacles), 8% rocks (medium ocean), sunken ship
Special      : ~6% clams
Exhibit Cost : $16,735 (8x10, 4 adults, 100 suitability)

Mermaids are “purchased” by putting a mermaid statue into an underwater tank.

You can also reach 100 suitability by using small ocean floor rocks and no 
clams, but it costs more (and is more boring).

* ==================== *
* 02.15.18 Narwhal (+) *
* ==================== *

Density      : 20x5 (4-10 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 130 attractiveness, 25 shyness
Extras       : 20% foliage (barnacles), 8% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $14,120 (8x10, 4 adults, 100 suitability)

* ============= *
* 02.15.19 Orca *
* ============= *

Density      : 90x8 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 120 attractiveness, 100 shyness
Extras       : 8% foliage (barnacles), 20% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $34,205 (18x10, 2 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $25,205 (18x10, 2 adults, medium rocks, 96 suitability)

* ======================= *
* 02.15.20 Pacific Walrus *
* ======================= *

Density      : 60x2 (1-4 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 80 attractiveness, 35 shyness, 50 strength
Terrain      : 60% saltwater, 30% snow, 10% gray stone
Extras       : 12% foliage (beach grass), 6% rocks (small)
Special      : Ice floe
Exhibit Cost : $21,935 (12x10, 2 adults, 25 grasses, 100 suitability, stdrd)
               $19,191 (12x10, 2 adults, 25 grasses, 100 suitability, combo)

* ================================ *
* 02.15.21 Shortfin Mako Shark (+) *
* ================================ *

Density      : 20x4 (2-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 85 attractiveness, 35 shyness
Extras       : 20% foliage (barnacles), 12% rocks (small ocean), sunken ship
Exhibit Cost : $14,300 (8x10, 4 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $12,000 (8x10, 4 adults, medium rocks, 95 suitability)

* =========================== *
* 02.15.22 Southern Sea Otter *
* =========================== *

Density      : 20x1 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 80 attractiveness, 100 shyness, 0 strength
Terrain      : 90% saltwater, 10% gray stone
Extras       : 12% foliage (barnacles), 8% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $10,367 (6x10, 3 adults, 100 suitability, combo)

You can also make a standard exhibit for the southern sea otter, but you have 
to cheat.  The otter doesn’t like water lilies at all, and it doesn’t like 
water reeds very much, and so it wants more foliage than its exhibit has land 
to offer, not to mention that you have to leave some land available so the 
otter can get fed.  But there is some wiggle room in the otter’s terrain 
preferences, and so you can add a little extra gray stone and fill it up with 
beach grass, and then use water reeds as much as you have to.  I’ve gotten a 
100 suitability rating on a 100-square exhibit.

* ==================== *
* 02.15.23 Sperm Whale *
* ==================== *

Density      : 130x12 (1-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 110 attractiveness, 20 shyness
Extras       : 20% foliage (barnacles), 12% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $28,910 (13x10, 1 adult, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $25,110 (13x10, 1 adult, medium rocks, 98 suitability)

* ==================== *
* 02.15.24 Tiger Shark *
* ==================== *

Density      : 20x8 (1-6 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 90 attractiveness, 35 shyness
Extras       : 16% foliage (barnacles), 14% rocks (small ocean), sunken ship
Exhibit Cost : $22,055 (8x10, 4 adults, small rocks, 100 suitability)
               $19,205 (8x10, 4 adults, medium rocks, 95 suitability)

* ============================ *
* 02.15.25 West Indian Manatee *
* ============================ *

Density      : 20x3 (2-3 per exhibit)
Attributes   : 95 attractiveness, 25 shyness
Extras       : 20% foliage (sea grass), 8% rocks (small ocean)
Exhibit Cost : $7800 (4x10, 2 adults, 100 suitability)

* 03.00.00 BUILDINGS                                                         *

| 03.01.00 Notes                                                             |

In order to fit in as much information as possible, I had to use some notation 
which I’ll explain here:

-- “Cost/Upk” is the cost of the building and its upkeep each month.

-- “Cap” is the capacity of the building.

-- “Needs” refers to the hunger (hun), thirst (thi), bathroom (bat), and 
energy (ene) needs for the guests.  Technically, food and drink stands don’t 
satisfy these needs -- guests have to sit down and consume the food or drink 
first -- but I’m listing them with the stands anyway.

-- “View Happiness” shows how much happiness is gained or lost when a man (m), 
woman (w), boy (b), or girl (g) guest views the building.

-- “Visit” shows how much happiness is gained or lost when an adult (ad) or 
child (ch) guest visits or uses the building.

Buildings marked with an asterisk (*) can be downloaded from the official Zoo 
Tycoon web site.

Buildings marked with a plus sign (+) must be researched.

| 03.02.00 Guest Needs                                                       |

* =================== *
* 03.02.01 Zoo Tycoon *
* =================== *
                                         Needs         View Happiness    Visit
Name              Cost/Upk   Cap    Hun/Thi/Bat/Ene     M/  W/  B/  G    Ad/Ch

Burger Stand       250/ 50     3    100/-10/  0/ 10     0/  0/  0/  0    10/ 0
Hot Dog Stand      175/ 50     2     75/-15/  0/  0     0/  0/  0/  0     0/ 0
Ice Cream Stand    125/ 50     2     30/  0/  0/  0     0/  0/ 10/ 10     5/15
Pizza Stand        325/ 50     6    125/-15/  0/  0     0/  0/  0/  0     0/ 0
Snack Machine       50/ 10     1     15/ -5/  0/ 15     0/  0/  0/  0     0/ 0

F Burger (*)       350/150     5    100/-10/  0/ 10     5/  5/  5/  5    15/ 0
F Hot Dog (*)      275/150     4     75/-15/  0/  0     5/  5/  5/  5     5/ 5
F Ice Cream (*)    225/150     4     30/  0/  0/  0     5/  5  15/ 15    10/20
F Pizza (*)        425/150     8    125/-15/  0/  0     0/  0/  0/  0     5/ 5

Restaurant        2200/500    12    200/200/200/200    10/ 10/  0/  0    15/ 0

Drink Machine       50/ 10     1      0/100/-20/  0     0/  0/  0/  0     0/ 0
Drink Stand        250/ 50     4      0/100/-20/  0     0/  0/  0/  0     5/ 5
F Drink (*)        350/150     6      0/100/-20/  0     5/  5/  5/  5    10/10

Bathroom           120/ 50     2      0/  0/100/  0    -5/ -5/ -5/ -5     0/ 0
Family Bathroom    250/ 50     8      0/  0/200/  0     0/  0/  0/  0     5/ 5
F Family Bath (*)  350/150    10      0/  0/200/  0     5/  5/  5/  5    10/10

* ====================== *
* 03.02.02 Dinosaur Digs *
* ====================== *
                                         Needs         View Happiness    Visit
Name              Cost/Upk   Cap    Hun/Thi/Bat/Ene     M/  W/  B/  G    Ad/Ch

Bronto Burger      250/ 50     4    100/-10/  0/ 10     0/  0/  0/  0    10/ 0
Mammoth Cones      125/ 50           30/  0/  0/  0

* ===================== *
* 03.02.03 Marine Mania *
* ===================== *
                                         Needs         View Happiness    Visit
Name              Cost/Upk   Cap    Hun/Thi/Bat/Ene     M/  W/  B/  G    Ad/Ch
Frozen Yogurt      130/ 50     3     30/  0/  0/  0     0/  0/  0/  0    10/ 0
Kneemo’s Subs      350/ 50     3    200/200/  0/  0    10/ 10/  0/  0    15/ 0
Polly’s Popcorn    100/ 50     1     30/  0/  0/  0     0/  0/  5/  5     5/ 5
Sea Dawgs          125/ 50     1     75/-15/  0/  0     0/  0/  5/  5     5/ 5

Lobby’s Rstrnt    2000/350    12    150/200/150/100    10/ 10/  0/  0    15/ 0

Crushed Ice        125/ 50     1      0/ 50/  0/  0     0/  0/  5/  5     5/ 5

Aquatic Restroom   250/ 50     8      0/  0/200/  0     0/  0/  0/  0     5/ 5

| 03.03.00 Animal Houses                                                     |

* =================== *
* 03.03.01 Zoo Tycoon *
* =================== *
                                                View Happiness       Visit
Name                    Cost/Upk      Cap        M/  W/  B/  G       Ad/Ch

Aviary (+)              1600/  0       12       15/ 15/  0/  0        5/ 3
   Africa (+)                150                                      8/ 5
   Raptors (+)               200                                     10/15
Insect House (+)         600/  0        4        0/  0/ 10/  0        5/ 5
   Spiders (+)               100                                      8/12
Primate House (+)       1100/  0        8       10/  0/ 15/ 15        5/ 3
   Primates (+)              120                                      6/ 6
   Lemurs (+)                200                                     10/15
Reptile House (+)        950/  0        6        0/  0/ 10/  0        5/ 5
   Snakes (+)                120                                     10/12

* ====================== *
* 03.03.02 Dinosaur Digs *
* ====================== *
                                                View Happiness       Visit
Name                    Cost/Upk      Cap        M/  W/  B/  G       Ad/Ch

Lepospondyl House (+)  1000/   0        7        0/  0/ 12/  0        5/ 5
   Karaurus (+)              100                                      8/ 8
   Diplocaulus (+)           150                                     12/12
Pteranodon House (+)   2000/   0       12       17/ 12/ 10/  2        6/ 6
   Ramphorhyncus (+)         150                                      8/10
   Dimorphodon (+)           200                                     10/15

* ===================== *
* 03.03.03 Marine Mania *
* ===================== *
                                                View Happiness       Visit
Name                    Cost/Upk      Cap        M/  W/  B/  G       Ad/Ch

Crustacean House (+)    1500/  0        4        5/  5/ 10/  5        4/ 8
   Horseshoe (+)             140                                     10/ 8
   Spider (+)                180                                     12/14
Tropical Aquarium (+)   1100/  0        4       10/ 10/ 10/ 10        6/ 6
   Angelfish (+)             150                                      8/10
   Blue Tang (+)             200                                     10/15

| 03.04.00 Other                                                             |

* =================== *
* 03.04.01 Zoo Tycoon *
* =================== *
                                                View Happiness       Visit
Name                    Cost/Upk      Cap        M/  W/  B/  G       Ad/Ch

Animal Theater          1300/ 50       12       10/ 10/  0/  0       12/ 8
Carousel                 800/100       12       10/ 10/ 20/ 20        0/12
Compost Building        1500/  0               -25/-25/-25/-25
Elephant Ride           1200/ 50        2       -5/ -5/ 10/ 10        3/20
Gift Shop                600/200       12        0/  0/  0/  0        8/15
Gift Stand               125/ 50        1        0/  0/  5/  5        5/ 5
Japanese Garden         1900/ 50        4       25/ 25/ 10/ 10       30/10
Petting Zoo              700/100        4        5/  5/ 15/ 15       10/15

* ====================== *
* 03.04.02 Dinosaur Digs *
* ====================== *

                                                View Happiness       Visit
Name                    Cost/Upk      Cap        M/  W/  B/  G       Ad/Ch

Bouncy Ride              100/ 15        1       10/ 10/ 22/ 22        5/12
Dino Slide               500/ 25        1       10/ 10/ 22/ 22        5/12
Dinosaur Cinema         2000/150       30       15/ 15/ 10/ 10       12/ 9
Dinosaur Gift Shop       600/200       10        0/  0/  0/  0        9/17
Dinosaur Gift Stand      130/ 60        1        1/  1/  6/  4        5/ 5
Stego Putt              1200/ 50        1       10/ 10/ 22/ 22        5/12
Tree Swing               100/ 15        1       10/ 10/ 22/ 22        5/12

* ===================== *
* 03.04.03 Marine Mania *
* ===================== *
                                                View Happiness       Visit
Name                    Cost/Upk      Cap        M/  W/  B/  G       Ad/Ch

Aquatic Gift Shop        600/200       12        0/  0/  0/  0        8/15
Aquatic Gift Stand       125/ 50        1        0/  0/  5/  5        5/ 5
Boat Rental Shack        200/ 75       25       15/ 12/ 10/  2       10/ 0
Dolphin Ride             450/ 50        2       17/ 12/ 10/  2       15/ 0
Orca Bouncy Ride         100/ 15        1       10/ 10/ 22/ 22        5/12
Photo Booth (1)          125/ 25        1        0/  0/  5/  5        5/ 5
Ring Toss                200/ 50        1        0/  0/  8/  8        2/12
Shark Tunnel             500/100       24       15/ 10/ 15/ 10       12/ 9
Swim Shack               200/ 75     1000       17/ 12/ 10/  2       15/ 0

Atlantean Gift Shop (*)  600/200       12        0/  0/  0/  0        8/15

Grandstand               120/ 15       12        0/  0/  0/  0        0/ 0
Fancy Grandstand (2)     120/ 15       12        0/  0/  0/  0        0/ 0

(1) The photo booth is unlocked by completing the “Shark World” scenario.
(2) The fancy grandstand is unlocked by completing the “Aquatic Show Park”

* 04.00.00 OBJECTS                                                           *

| 04.01.00 Notes                                                             |

The “happiness” attribute measures how much happiness a man (m), woman (w), 
boy (b), or girl (g) guest receives when viewing the object.

A fence’s “strength” attribute is just how much strength the fence has when it 
is built.  As the fence deteriorates, the strength value drops, and if an 
animal’s strength is ever greater than the fence’s strength, the animal will 
be able to bash through the fence and escape.  This is mostly an issue with 
Dinosaur Digs.

Objects marked with an asterisk (*) can be downloaded form the official Zoo 
Tycoon web site.

| 04.02.00 Exhibit Fences                                                    |

* ========================= *
* 04.02.01 Zoo Tycoon, High *
* ========================= *
                                 Can       Can                  Happiness
Type                  Cost     Climb?     Jump?    Strength       M/W/B/G

Chain-link              70       Yes        No          200       1/1/1/1
Concrete               200        No        No          300       2/2/2/2
Concrete and Chain     150        No        No          275       3/3/2/2
Iron Rail              180        No        No          290       3/2/3/2
Plexiglass             150        No        No          270       3/3/3/3
Post and Rail           90       Yes        No          250       2/2/2/2
Rock (window)          150       Yes        No          280       2/1/2/1
Rock (solid)           150       Yes        No          280       3/2/2/2
Wood Slat (window)     110       Yes        No          240       2/3/2/1
Wood Slat (solid)      110       Yes        No          240       2/2/2/2
Stick Pole (window)     75       Yes        No          225       2/1/2/1
Stick Pole (solid)      75       Yes        No          225       2/1/1/1

* ======================== *
* 04.02.02 Zoo Tycoon, Low *
* ======================== *
                                 Can       Can                  Happiness
Type                  Cost     Climb?     Jump?    Strength       M/W/B/G

Chain-link              45       Yes       Yes          200       1/1/1/1
Concrete               125       Yes       Yes          300       2/2/1/1
Concrete and Chain     125       Yes       Yes          275       3/2/2/2
Iron Rail              125       Yes       Yes          290       1/2/1/2
Plexiglass             125        No       Yes          270       2/2/2/2
Post and Rail           70       Yes       Yes          250       2/1/2/1
Rock                   125       Yes       Yes          280       2/2/2/2
Wood Slat               85       Yes       Yes          240       3/2/2/3
Stick Pole              55       Yes       Yes          225       1/1/1/1

* ====================== *
* 04.02.03 Dinosaur Digs *
* ====================== *
Type                           Cost        Strength          M/ W/ B/ G

Concrete and Iron Bar           240             440          8/ 8/ 4/ 4
Reinforced Concrete             225             460          6/ 6/ 8/ 8
Reinforced Concrete / Glass     225             420         10/10/ 8/ 8

Electrified Iron Bar            350             400          4/ 4/ 2/ 2
Electrified Chain-link          300             480          3/ 3/ 3/ 3

* ===================== *
* 04.02.04 Marine Mania *
* ===================== *
Type                           Cost        M/ W/ B/ G

Black Bar and Glass             130        3/ 3/ 3/ 3
Concrete Edge and Glass         125        3/ 3/ 3/ 3
Solid Concrete                  125        3/ 3/ 3/ 3

Atlantean (*)                   125        3/ 3/ 3/ 3

Angled Railing and Glass        175        3/ 3/ 3/ 3
Striped Scooped Edges / Glass   150        3/ 3/ 3/ 3
Striped Wavy Edges / Glass      160        3/ 3/ 3/ 3
Striped Wavy Edges / Gunite     150        3/ 3/ 3/ 3

| 04.03.00 Paths                                                             |

Type                           Cost        M/ W/ B/ G

Asphalt                          25        4/ 4/ 4/ 4
Cobblestone                      50        6/ 6/ 6/ 6
Concrete                         25        4/ 4/ 4/ 4
Dirt                             10        2/ 2/ 2/ 2
Red Brick                        50        6/ 6/ 6/ 6
Sand                             10        2/ 2/ 2/ 2
Yellow Brick (1)                100       10/10/10/10

Atlantean (*)                    20        6/ 6/ 6/ 6
Desert (*)                       20        2/ 2/ 4/ 4

Boardwalk (MM)                   30        6/ 6/ 6/ 6

(1) The yellow brick path type must be unlocked.  See 06.02.00.

| 04.04.00 Foliage                                                           |

Type                           Cost        M/ W/ B/ G

Cherry Tree                     175        8/ 8/ 4/ 4
Christmas Tree                  200       10/10/10/10
Japanese Maple Tree             135        6/ 6/ 3/ 3
Pacific Dogwood Tree            125        3/ 3/ 3/ 3
Wild Olive Tree                 120        2/ 2/ 2/ 2

Elephant Topiary                225        3/ 6/ 3/ 6
Giraffe Topiary                 200        3/ 3/ 6/ 6
Polar Bear Topiary              200        6/ 3/ 6/ 3
Rhinoceros Topiary              200        4/ 2/ 4/ 2
Spiral Topiary                  150        5/ 5/ 0/ 0

Small Flowerbeds
   Pink, White, Light Green      40        2/ 4/ 2/ 4
   Purple, Orange, Yellow        40        4/ 4/ 2/ 2
   Purple, White, Dark Green     40        4/ 2/ 4/ 2
   Red, White, Light Green       40        2/ 2/ 4/ 4

Large Flowerbeds
   Purple and Yellow             80        8/ 4/ 8/ 4
   Red                           80        4/ 8/ 4/ 8
   Yellow                        80        4/ 4/ 8/ 8

Desert Flowers (*)               60        4/ 4/ 4/ 4

No other foliage affects guest happiness.

| 04.05.00 Miscellaneous Scenery                                             |

* =================== *
* 04.05.01 Zoo Tycoon *
* =================== *
Type                           Cost        M/  W/  B/  G

Elephant Fountain               500        6/  6/ 10/ 10
Fountain                        250        5/  5/  5/  5
Turtle Fountain                 800       15/ 15/ 15/ 15

Bighorn Statue                  450        8/  8/  8/  8
Elephant Statue                 210        3/  6/  3/  6
Lion Statue                     185        6/  2/  6/  2
Sphinx Statue (*)               400       12/ 12/  4/  4

Cloth Observation Area (*)      235        4/  4/  4/  4
Concrete Observation Area       250        8/  4/  8/  4
Metal Observation Area          150        2/  2/  2/  2
Metal Grate Observation Area    200        4/  2/  4/  2
Rock Observation Area           250        4/  4/  8/  8
Stick Pole Observation Area     175        3/  3/  3/  3
Wood Observation Area           200        2/  4/  2/  4

Brick Wall                       80       10/ 10/ 10/ 10
Cast-Iron Fence                  65       10/  5/ 10/  5
Low Hedge Fence                  85        5/  5/  5/  5
Low Sand Wall (*)                60        5/  5/ 10/ 10
Picket Fence                     30        5/ 10/  5/ 10
Post and Rope Fence              30        5/  5/  5/  5
White Fence                      60        5/  5/ 10/ 10

Duck Pond                       500       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Exhibit Sign                     50        4/  4/  2/  2
Jack-o-lantern                  100        5/  5/ 15/ 15
Lamp                             65        3/  3/  0/  0
Large Bench                      40        5/  5/  0/  0
Metal Picnic Table               95        0/  0/  0/  0
Picnic Table                     75        0/  0/  0/  0
Poo                              --       -5/ -5/ -5/ -5
Snowman                         150        5/  5/ 15/ 15
Trash                            --      -15/-15/-15/-15
Trash Can                        25      -10/-10/ -5/-10
United States Flag              500       20/ 20/ 15/ 15
Zoo Map                         250        8/  8/  5/  5

Amphora Clay Pot (*)            115        4/  4/  0/  0
Sand Archway (*)                350        4/  4/  8/  8
Snake Pit (*)                   450        5/  5/ 12/ 12
Stone Obelisk (*)               300        8/  8/  4/  4
Water Well (*)                  200        3/  3/  3/  3
Worn Cart (*)                    85        2/  2/  4/  4

* ====================== *
* 04.05.02 Dinosaur Digs *
* ====================== *
Type                           Cost        M/  W/  B/  G

Giant Tortoise Fountain         800       15/ 15/ 15/ 15
Wooly Mammoth Fountain          800       15/ 15/ 15/ 15

Large Geyser                    700        5/  5/  5/  5
Small Geyser                    600        5/  5/  5/  5

Lava Pit                       1200        5/  5/  5/  5
Tar Pit                        1200        5/  5/  5/  5

Large Volcano                  4500       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Small Volcano                  3500       10/ 10/ 15/ 15

Large Stone Torch               250        3/  6/  3/  6
Small Stone Torch               150        3/  6/  3/  6

T. Rex Skeleton                 300        3/  6/  3/  6
Triceratops Skeleton            300        3/  6/  3/  6
Velociraptor Skeleton           300        3/  6/  3/  6

T. Rex Statue                   210        3/  6/  3/  6
Triceratops Statue              210        3/  6/  3/  6
Velociraptor Statue             210        3/  6/  3/  6

Wooden Observation Area         200        2/  2/  2/  2
Ice Age Observation Area        300        2/  2/  2/  2
Iron Bar Observation Area       250        2/  2/  2/  2
Marble Observation Area         350        2/  2/  2/  2
Reinforced Observation Area     250        2/  2/  2/  2

Large Fossil Wall               500       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Medium Fossil Wall              350       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Small Fossil Wall               200       10/ 10/ 15/ 15

Bone Bed                        500       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Poo                              --      -25/-25/-25/-25
Lava Archway                    375       12/ 12/  7/  7
Steam Vent                      350        5/  5/  5/  5
Stone Archway                   375       12/ 12/  7/  7
Stone Bench                      40        5/  5/  0/  0

* ===================== *
* 04.05.03 Marine Mania *
* ===================== *
Type                           Cost        M/  W/  B/  G

Dolphin Wishing Fountain        250       15/ 15/ 15/ 15
Jumping Fountain                150       15/ 15/ 15/ 15
Wishing Fountain                250       15/ 15/ 15/ 15

Deep Sea Diver Statue (1)       200       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Dolphin Statue (2)              200       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Mermaid Statue (1)             2000        6/  2/  6/  2
Orca Statue (2)                 200       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Sea Lion Statue (2)             200       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Seal Statue  (3)                200       10/ 10/ 15/ 15
Trio Statue (4)                 200       10/ 10/ 15/ 15

Buoy Rope Fence                  30        5/  5/  5/  5
Thick Atlantean Wall (*)         60        5/  5/ 10/ 10
Thin Atlantean Wall (*)          60        5/  5/ 10/ 10

Black Observation Area          150        2/  2/  2/  2
White Observation Area          150        2/  2/  2/  2

Fancy Backdrop                   50        4/  4/  2/  2
Stage Backdrop                   50        4/  4/  2/  2
Stage Backdrop End               50        4/  4/  2/  2
Stage Door                       50        4/  4/  2/  2

Filter (5)                      200        0/  0/  0/  0
Giant Pacific Clam (1)          185        6/  2/  6/  2
Metal Bench                      40        5/  5/  0/  0
Treasure Chest (1)              185        6/  2/  6/  2

Atlantean Arch (*)               85        2/  2/  4/  4
Atlantean Statue (*)             85        2/  2/  4/  4
Atlantean Urn (*)                85        2/  2/  4/  4

(1) Can be placed in underwater tanks.
(2) Unlocked by running successful shows.  See 05.03.00.
(3) Unlocked by “Zoo of the Year” award.  See 05.03.00.
(4) Unlocked by completing the “Super Zoo” scenario.
(5) Each filter costs $350 per month.

* 05.00.00 AWARDS AND BONUSES                                                *

| 05.01.00 Zoo Tycoon Awards                                                 |

Best Zoo, Silver Trophy -- for achieving a zoo rating of 90.

Best Zoo, Gold Trophy ($25k) -- for achieving a zoo rating of 95.

Diverse Species, Silver Plaque -- for having at least 10 animal species in 
your zoo.

Diverse Species, Gold Plaque ($30k) -- for having at least 30 animal species 
in your zoo.

Excellence in Exhibit Design, Silver Plaque -- for creating an exhibit with a 
90+ suitability rating.

Excellence in Exhibit Design, Gold Plaque ($15k) -- for creating an exhibit 
with a 99+ suitability rating.

Highest Customer Satisfaction, Blue Ribbon ($25k) -- for achieving a guest 
happiness rating of 95.

Highest Quality Exhibits, Silver Certificate -- for creating 10 exhibits with 
an 80+ suitability rating.

Highest Quality Exhibits, Gold Certificate ($40k) -- for creating 25 exhibits 
with a 95+ suitability rating.

Most Popular Zoo, Silver Certificate -- for having 500 guests in your zoo.

Most Popular Zoo, Gold Certificate ($25k) -- for having 1000 guests in your 

Quality Animal Care, Blue Ribbon ($5k) -- for achieving an animal happiness 
rating of 98 (after at least six months).

| 05.02.00 Dinosaur Digs Awards                                              |

Complete Ice Age Zoo, Gold Mammoth -- for displaying all four Ice Age animals.

Complete Jurassic Zoo, Gold Stegosaurus -- for displaying all seven Jurassic 
Age dinosaurs.

Excellence in Dinosaur Exhibit Design, Gold Cup -- for creating three dinosaur 
exhibits with a 99+ suitability rating.

Outstanding Animal Health Plaque -- for having less than three sick animals in 
your zoo at the end of the first year.

Quality Dinosaur Care, Blue Ribbon ($50k) -- for displaying at least 10 
dinosaurs in suitable exhibits.

Tyrannosaurus Rex Egg, Gold Rex ($100k) -- for producing a baby Tyrannosaurus 

| 05.03.00 Marine Mania Awards                                               |

(Note: These awards are only given during freeform games.)

Arctic Aquatic Care (pair of emperor penguins donated) -- for placing belugas, 
lion’s mane jellies, narwhals, and pacific walruses into suitable (80+ rating) 

Best Dolphin Show in the Country ($10k, dolphin statue unlocked) -- for 
earning $20,000 in bottlenose dolphin show profits in one year.

Best Orca Show in the Country ($5k, orca statue unlocked) -- for earning 
$15,000 in orca show profits in one year.

Best Sea Lion Show in the Country (sea lion statue unlocked) -- for earning 
$5000 in California seal lion show profits in one year.

Best Sea Otter Show in the Country ($10k) -- for earning $10,000 in southern 
sea otter show profits in one year.

Best Zoo in the World ($100k, panda donated) -- for receiving 15 awards.

Excellence in Arctic Conservation ($25k) -- for placing arctic wolves, 
belugas, narwhals, pacific walruses, and polar bears into suitable (90+ 
rating) exhibits.

Excellence in Savannah Exhibit Construction ($50k) -- for placing African 
buffaloes, African elephants, African lions, African warthogs, ankylosauruses, 
black rhinoceroses, cheetahs, common wildebeests, giraffes, greater flamingos, 
hippopotamuses, leopards, olive baboons, ostriches, plains zebras, red 
kangaroos, spotted hyenas, Thompson’s gazelles, and triceratops in suitable 
(80+ rating) exhibits.

Excellence in Shark Conservation, Bronze Shark Statue ($10k) -- for placing 
great white, hammerhead, shortfin mako, and tiger sharks into suitable (85+ 
rating) exhibits.

Excellence in Arctic Construction ($50k, iceberg unlocked) -- for placing 
arctic wolves, belugas, narwhals, pacific walruses, polar bears, wooly 
mammoths, and wooly rhinos in suitable (90+ rating) exhibits.

Penguin Colony, Silver Plaque ($5k) -- for creating a suitable exhibit (90+ 
rating) for 16 emperor penguins.

Superior Whale Care, Gold Plaque ($20k) -- for placing beluga, humpback, orca, 
narwhal, and sperm whales into suitable (90+ rating) exhibits.

Zoo of the Year ($150k, seal statue unlocked) -- for earning a 90+ animal 
happiness rating, 90+ guest happiness rating, 20+ exhibits, and $350k+ zoo 

| 05.04.00 Bonuses                                                           |

Emergency Donation ($10k) -- for dropping under $1k available cash (only the 
first time).

Endangered Species Donation ($10k) -- for producing an endangered species 
(once per exhibit).

Panda Donation ($50k) -- for producing a baby panda (only the first time).

Great White Shark Donation ($25k) -- for producing a baby great white shark 
(only the first time).

* 06.00.00 CHEATS AND EASTER EGGS                                            *

| 06.01.00 Guests                                                            |

Name a guest “Adam Levesque” to research all animal care topics.

Name a guest “Alfred H” to cause birds to appear and guests to run in terror.

name a guest “Akiyama” to unlock all scenarios.

Name a guest “Andrew Binder” to research all animal shelters and programs.

Name a guest “Hank Howie” to research all staff education topics.

Name a guest “John Wheeler” to unlock all animal shelters.

Name a guest “Lou Catanzaro” to unlock all animal toys.

Name a guest “Mr. Blonde” to change the color scheme of guests and buildings 
to yellow.  Similarly, you can use “Mr. Blue,” “Mr. Brown,” “Mr. Orange,” “Mr. 
Pink,” and “Mr. White.” 

Name a guest “Russell C” to break all fences.

Name a guest “Steve Serafino” to unlock all endangered animals.

Name a guest “Zeta Psi” to cause about half your guests to turn green and 
puke.  (Nothing needs to be cleaned up.)

| 06.02.00 Exhibits                                                          |

Name an exhibit “Blue Fang” to double the amount paid at attractions.

Name an exhibit “Cretaceous Corral” to gain access to the triceratops.

Name an exhibit “Microsoft” to double exhibit donations.

Name an exhibit “Xanadu” to gain access to the unicorn.

Make an exhibit with an African lion, Bengal tiger and grizzly bear in it to 
unlock the yellow brick path.  (Sometimes this works for me but usually it 
doesn’t.  I have no idea why.)

| 06.03.00 Staff                                                             |

Name a male maintenance worker “Bob V” to repair all fences.

Name a female tour guide “Rosalie” to cause all tour guides to work for free.

| 06.04.00 Miscellaneous                                                     |

Press shift-4 ($) to gain $10,000 but also damage your fences.

* 07.00.00 GAMEPLAY TIPS                                                     *

| 07.01.00 Money                                                             |

The very first thing you should build on a map is a compost building.  It 
doesn’t require upkeep, and your zookeepers (scientists) don’t need to walk to 
it, so put it in the farthest corner of the map, and then watch it convert 
every pile of poo into $50 ($100).

When starting scenarios, immediately sell everything on the map, except for 
cages (which you’ll probably want to replace quickly) and maybe some paths.  
This gives you a nice bonus to your starting funds, and it allows you to 
organize your zoo any way you want.

Restaurants are your friend.  They take about the same space as food courts, 
they require about the same upkeep as food courts, they don’t produce trash 
and so don’t require maintenance workers, and they fill up every need of the 
guests who visit them.  So put restaurants in key locations in your zoo and 
mostly ignore things like bathrooms, benches, food stands, and trash cans.

Zoo staff are paid when you hire them and at the first of the month.  So never 
hire staff at the end of the month.  You can also get by without hiring staff 
for the first month of scenarios (except for scientists).

When a scenario starts, drop the admission price to $19.  Guests consider that 
price “cheap,” and it will causes more guests to visit your zoo.  After a 
couple months, increase the price to $29.  (Guests don’t notice any difference 
between $0-19, $20-29, $30-49, or $50-99.)

| 07.02.00 Exhibits                                                          |

Don’t spread your zookeepers too thin.  They should manage at most three 
exhibits, and only then if the animals are reasonably low maintenance.  
Exhibit quality and animal happiness drastically affect guest happiness, and 
so you not only need your zookeepers to do their job, you need them to do it 

If you assign multiple exhibits to a zookeeper, make sure the exhibit doors 
are right next to each other so the zookeeper doesn’t have to walk far to do 
its job.

Animals only want a certain percentage of their exhibit’s grid squares to have 
foliage in them.  That means if an animal’s preferred plant only takes up one 
quarter of a grid square, you can put 1-4 plants into each square and it 
doesn’t matter to the animal.  However, it does matter to the exhibit’s 
suitability rating.  So put foliage in last, and add in enough plants to 
“tune” the exhibit to the suitability rating you want.  You can use this 
strategy to get anywhere from 90 to 100 suitability for most exhibits.

Guests can only see 10 grid squares into an exhibit, so don’t make them any 
“deeper” than that.

You can combine different types of animals into an exhibit (like all the 
Savannah herd animals), but generally you shouldn’t since different animals 
have slightly different needs, even if they’re from the same region.  And so 
if you combine animals you won’t be able to achieve a high suitability rating 
for them.  Also, most scenarios require a certain number of exhibits rather 
than a certain number of animals, and so simple exhibits are better.

If you’re building an exhibit for a water creature, don’t create “islands” of 
land away from the doorway.  The creature will poo on the islands, but the 
zookeeper won’t be able to get to it, and so the poo will never be picked up 
(unless you manually move the zookeeper around).

Animals only care how many grid squares are in their exhibit, not what shape 
the exhibit is.  So you should always make exhibits square-shaped to reduce 
the number of fence pieces you need.

If you have problems with animals escaping their exhibits (particularly in 
Dinosaur Digs), there are a couple things you can try.  You can lower the 
ground of the exhibit by two notches (using cliff mode).  Then it doesn’t 
matter what sort of fence you have, or if the fence is broken or not.  The 
animals won’t be able to escape.  (Just be sure to leave a way in and out for 
your zookeeper.)  You can also surround the exhibit with a moat, but you don’t 
have to surround it only on the outside.  You can use the animal’s freshwater 
needs to block some of the fence pieces from the inside.

Other than a few dinosaurs, you almost never want to put a single animal into 
an exhibit.  That’s a good way to get a low popularity exhibit, even if the 
animal is content to be alone.  So always pair up large animals, and put in 
four (maybe six) small animals.

You can use the zoo’s perimeter fencing for exhibits.  It’s free and it never 
breaks down.

When putting guest walkways between exhibits, leave four grid squares between 
the exhibits.  Then you can use the middle two squares for the path, and save 
the squares adjacent to the exhibits for future “observation paths,” should 
the zoo get too crowded.  That is:

                exhibit  exhibit             exhibit  exhibit
                                               obs      obs
                pathpathpathpath    leads    pathpathpathpath
                pathpathpathpath      to     pathpathpathpath
                                               obs      obs
                exhibit  exhibit             exhibit  exhibit

You can also make the path area five grid squares wide, and use the middle 
squares either for just the path, or for narrow decorative objects like lamps, 
benches, zoo maps, and so forth.

| 07.03.00 Guest Happiness                                                   |

What makes guests the happiest is a wide variety of animal exhibits.  So make 
sure guests can see animals wherever they are, and make sure the animals are 

Eye candy -- fountains, flowers, statues and the like -- doesn’t hurt any for 
guest happiness, but it’s not as potent as animal exhibits.

Use cobblestone or red bricks for paths, and feel free to flank them with low 
red brick walls.

The best building for making guests happy is the Japanese garden, but you 
usually don’t need it or the other happiness buildings, provided you have 
enough animal exhibits.

Guests enter zoos with a 75 happiness rating.  So if you’re trying to achieve 
a particular happiness rating in a scenario, you should increase the admission 
cost to $100 in the last month or two to prevent new guests from arriving and 
lowering your rating.

| 07.04.00 Marine Mania                                                      |

Guests attend shows if they happen to be nearby when the show starts (or when 
it is in progress).  So you don’t want to put grandstands on the edge of your 
zoo.  Put them in the middle or near congested areas (like near restaurants).

Swim shacks can generate all sorts of money (almost as much as restaurants).  
Just be aware that they make guests tired, and so you should place them near 
restaurants or “scenic outlooks” so guests have a place to rest afterwards.

When creating “combo” exhibits, the size of the tank should be the same as the 
percentage of water the animal wants, and you shouldn’t use any water terrain 
in the land part of the exhibit.  That means you need to know the animal’s 
terrain needs before you start building the exhibit.

Filters cost $350 per month to clean tanks, so you might want your marine 
specialists to clean the tanks instead, provided they can do the job without 
the tanks getting too dirty or the animals sick.

You can connect multiple exhibit tanks to a single show tank, and then the 
different animals will alternate their shows.  If you later decide you don’t 
want one of the animals to perform, simply change the height of its exhibit to 
disconnect it from the show tank.

If you don’t use food courts, then you should de-select the “sweep and clean 
zoo” assignment for your maintenance workers.  Otherwise, they’ll “clean” the 
food from combo tanks when the animals leave to perform shows.

If you create a combo exhibit for an animal that can jump (like the polar 
bear) then you need to put fencing around the water part of the exhibit.  
Otherwise the tank wall is enough.

When placing grandstands, they must be one square away from the show tank.  
Any closer or farther and guests won’t enter them.

| 07.05.00  Miscellaneous                                                    |

Some hotkeys of note:
   ctl-b  Toggle buildings (expansion packs only).
   ctl-g  Toggle grid lines
   ctl-f  Toggle foliage.
   ctl-v  Toggle guests (expansion packs only).

If you’re constructing something like a fence, and you decide you don’t want 
to lay a segment you’ve already started, you can press  to cancel the 
build.  By using , you can save the undo button for whatever you built 
prior to the current segment.

* 08.00.00 INTERMEDIATE SCENARIO WALKTHROUGHS                                *

| 08.01.00 Revitalize Burkitsville Zoo                                       |

Time Limit:

   12 months


   1. Achieve a zoo rating of 50.
   2. Achieve an average animal happiness of 75.
   3. Exhibit at least 8 different animal species.


You start out with a Bengal tiger, a black rhinoceros, two gemsbok (male and 
female), and two chimpanzees (also male and female).  They’re in really crummy 
exhibits, but that’s ok.  It’s nice to have the animals for free.

To start out, immediately delete everything but the exhibits.  Not only will 
this add over $2000 to your coffers, it’ll prevent guests from wandering over 
to the exhibits and viewing the unhappy animals.  Just let your starting 
zookeeper roam free for the moment.

Also, even though guest happiness isn’t listed in the objectives, you should 
still try to make it as high as possible, because it’ll increase your revenue, 
and keeping it high here is good practice for later scenarios when you have to 
maintain a 93 rating.

So plan ahead before building new exhibits.  Try to leave space for wide 
cobblestone paths; a mixture of fountains, statues, and flowers; and 
restaurants, carousels, and animal theaters (one or two of each is probably 
sufficient since the scenario is short).

Then start building exhibits, starting with the animals you already have.  
There are 17 grid squares to the right of the entrance.  That allows you space 
to create a 10x5 black rhinoceros exhibit and a 10x10 Bengal tiger exhibit.  
Leave one grid square between the exhibits and the entrance, and another 
between the exhibits, and use the zoo’s fencing as much as possible.  Add a 
female Bengal tiger to the Bengal tiger exhibit when you’re done.  The two 
exhibits should cost you all of your money (including what you got for 
bulldozing the old exhibits), but you should win an exhibit design award for 
$15,000, keeping you flush in cash.

Now you can build the next two exhibits.  Use the space above your new 
exhibits, about where the old exhibits are now.  Put the gemsbok closest to 
the new exhibits, and make their exhibit 8x10 (enough for four gemsbok).  Then 
put the chimpanzees above the gemsbok exhibit and make their exhibit 9x10 
(enough for 6 chimpanzees).  Your zoo should now look something like:


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