WWE RAW - Hex-edits Submitted by: Henry Evil POSSIBILITIES OF CHANGING VALUES: ALMOST EVERYTHING, ESCPECIALLY- POWER VOLTAGE DAMAGE KNOCKING EFFECTS VELOCITY OFFSET FRAME LIMIT All SIMILAR values (for example: voltage, damage, knocking effects, don't really know about power) MUST be around eachother. VALUES(They are almost right, I'm not sure, I'll soon find the accurate values): 2/3 = E 4/5 = D 6/7 = C 8/9 = B 10/11/12 = A 14-99 = S ;------------------------STEP SIDE KICK 1's HEX CODES----------------------------- To make a step side kick 1 to a super kick like Shawn Michael's SCM, you have to open the ff.xpk file. Check the EDIT HEADER folder where there are lots of files, (if you can't find out which file you're looking for ask me) extract the natk.fmh into a file like natk.txt. Open it with a hex editor, search 'step' to find the step side kick move. It starts like this: '........Step_Side_Kick_1............Basic.....M_M_TRA_K....NULL.......yyyyy' (blah blah blah and on) There will be a line which contains: '(.......d.*.NULL...'(dots going on for a while just before it stops at yyyy again) The dot just AFTER the 'd' represents the DAMAGE. The 13th dot FROM the 'NULL' determines how a character will react after being hit(that means KNOCKING EFFECTS) The dot just BEFORE the 'NULL' determines the VOLTAGE. ;-------------------------STEP SIDE KICK 2's HEX CODES---------------------- Search step side 2 kick. Step side kick 2 is also in natk.fmh file in the Editheader folder. Look at the lines 'G.&.(.....|.d.x.NULL...................@......K_R_HI_MAWASU....'(and on) ( '|' and '@' aren't the original sign, I don't know how to type them here) The value of the dot AFTER the 'x' (and b4 the NULL) represents VOLTAGE. ;The dot just BEFORE the '@'(the 19th dot from NULL) represents KNOCKING EFFECTS. ;-------------------------STEP SIDE KICK 3's HEX CODES---------------------- Search step side 3 kick (for example 'step_side_kick_3'). Step side kick 3 is also in natk.fmh file in the Editheader folder. Look at the lines 'D=... .|...d.d.x.NULL' The dot just AFTER the 'x' represents voltage. ;-------------------------RIGHT RISING PUNCH-------------------------------- Search 'RISING.' Right rising punch is a standing attack which means it belongs to natk.fmh Look at the line '.BF.........u.....NULL...................(19 dots)@......NULL' The fifth dot FROM the 'u' (which is just BEFORE the 'NULL) determines VOLTAGE. ;-------------------------LEFT RISING PUNCH--------------------------------- Left rising punch is in natk.fmh Look at the line '.DZ.....'...d...A.NULL...................@......' The dot just BEFORE the 'NULL determines VOLTAGE. ;-------------------------DRAGON WAVE 2------------------------------------- Open natk.fmh. Look at the line 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(20 y's).S'.S.U.z..1/4(one fourth)...D.NULL' The dot right AFTER the 'D' represents VOLTAGE. ;-------------------------RUNNING LEG DROP'S HEX CODES---------------------- RUNNING LEG DROP is in RDATK.fmh file in the Editheader folder. Search 'leg'. Look at the line 'Dyy6.<.... x.d.x.NULL...................&......Senton_Drop' The dot just AFTER the 2nd x represents the VOLTAGE METER The 13th dot FROM the 'NULL' (or the 7th dot BEFORE the '&') represents the KNOCKING EFFECTS Both requires their value to be increased for a higher result. ;-------------------------FOX KICK (running strike attack)------------------ This move is in RATK.fmh, Open the file and search 'Fox' Look at the line 'yy..yyyyyy..yy........yyyy..yyyy' The 3rd dot FROM the 10th 'y' represents VOLTAGE. Look at the line 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(18 y's)..yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(18 y's again)....yyyyyy' which comes after the 1st 'NULL', the dot right AFTER the first continous 18 y's represents KNOCKING EFFECT. BE SURE TO BACK UP THE FILE YOU'RE USING BEFORE TRYING THIS THING. MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP THE XPKT FOLDER B4 YOU TRY THESE THINGS. (IF YOUR GAME CRASHES, replace the changed file with the original one AND PLACE THE XPKT BACKUP IN USE.)