World of Warcraft – Cataclysm

World of Warcraft - Cataclysm 

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This is a Restoration Druid guide for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.0.6.
The guide focuses on PvE. Some of this information--particularly the Heroic
Dungeon and raiding guides--can be useful to all players and all healers.

I play the character Panis on the server Skullcrusher. Currently, I have
cleared all 10 man raid content on normal mode and am 7/13 in Heroic 10 man
content. According to, I have had 200 healing performances on
every normal fight (including a #1 ranking) except for Ascendants Council and
on 6 of the 7 Heroic fights we have completed.

I appreciate any feedback and am always looking to improve my healing or
consider alternate strategies and approaches. Thank you for reading my guide.

To navigate this guide use control-F and type in the brackets and what is
between the brackets to quickly find the proper section.

Thanks to my guild BLT. Many of these strats and tips are either directly from
them or learned while raiding with them.



I. Leveling [1.0]

II. Spells & Strategy [2.0]

III. Talents & Glyphs [3.0]

IV. User Interface & Addons [4.0]

V. Stats [5.0]

VI. Gems, Enchants, Food, Flasks, & Professions [6.0]
   Gems 	[6.1]
   Enchants	[6.2]
   Food & Flasks[6.3]
   Professions  [6.4]

VII. Gear [7.0]
   Pre-Heroic Gear 	[7.1]
   Heroic Dungeon Gear	[7.2]	
   Pre-Raiding Gear	[7.3]
   Raiding Gear		[7.4]
   Heroic Raiding Gear	[7.5]

VIII. Heroic Dungeon Guide [8.0]

IX. Raid Guide [9.0]

   i. Baradin Hold          	[9.1]
 	Pit Lord Argaloth 	  [9.1a]
   ii. Throne of the Four Winds [9.2]
	Conclave of Wind 	  [9.2a]
	Al'Akir 		  [9.2b]
   iii. Bastion of Twilight 	[9.3]
	Halfus Wyrmbreaker 	  [9.3a]
	Valiona & Theralion 	  [9.3b]
	Ascendant Council 	  [9.3c]
	Cho'gall 		  [9.3d]
   iv. Blackwing Descent    	[9.4]
	Magmaw			  [9.4a]
	Omnotron Defense System	  [9.4b]
	Maloriak		  [9.4c]
	Atramedes		  [9.4d]
	Chimaeron		  [9.4e]
	Nefarion		  [9.4f]

X. Heroic Raid Guide [10.0]

   Halfus Wyrmbreaker 		[10.3a]
   Atramedes	 		[10.4d]
   Chimaeron	 		[10.4e]
   Maloriak			[10.4c]
   Valiona & Theralion		[10.3b]
   Magmaw			[10.4a]
   Omnotron Defense System 	[10.4b]

XI. Links [11.0]


Aggro: When a mob targets you, you have aggro on that mob.

AoE: Area of effect. Usually refers to a spell or ability that targets an area.

BoA: Binds on Account. Can trader this item between players on your account.

BoE: Binds on Equip. Can trade, sell, or buy these items from other players.

Boomkin: Druid with Balance specialization.

Buff: A status effect which aids the unit under its effect.

CC: Crowd Control. An ability that prevents a mob from taking action like
Polymorph, Hex, Fear, etc.

Crit: Critical strike rating

Debuff: A status effect which hinders the unit under its effect.

DoT: Damage Over Time. Ability that damages the target over time like Moonfire.

DPS: Party member brought along to provide damage.

GCD: Global Cooldown. 1.5 second limit on how often you can cast spells and
perform certain actions. Can be lowered with more haste.

HoT: Heal Over Time. Spell that heals the target periodically like Rejuv.

ilvl: Item level. Better items have a higher item level.

Int: Intellect

LoS: Line of Sight. To cast a spell on a target you have to have line of
sight with someone. Staircases have the mysterious ability to sap the
intelligence from tanks and cause tanks to forget about the existence of LoS.

Mast: Mastery Rating

Spi: Spirit

SM: Swiftmend

ToL: Tree of Life form

UI: User Interface

	= Choosing your Race =

Tauren Druids get a small boost to health. Troll Druids get to use Berserking
which increases your attack and casting speed by 20% for 10 seconds.

	= The Grind =

Level as a Feral Druid. When dual specialization is available, purchase it and
learn restoration. Level primarily by questing and killing mobs. Run dungeons
to break up the monotony and practice healing. This is a viable build for
Feral damage:

Choose Skinning and either Herbalism or Mining as your leveling professions.
When you reach 85 change your professions (see section six of this guide).

Get an add-on like Bad Kitty or Destruction for Dummies that helps maximize
your dps. Joining a high level guild and having Heirloom items gives an
experience bonus to make leveling faster.

Levels 10-20: Quest in Azshara, Ghostlands, Northern Barrens, or Silverpine
Levels 20-25: Ashenvale, Duskwood, or Hillsbrad Foothills.
Levels 25-30: Arathi Highlands, Northern Stranglethorn, Stonetalon Mountains,
or Wetlands
Levels 30-35 Southern Barrens, the Cape of Stranglethorn, the Hinterlands.
Levels 30-40: Desolace and Stranglethorn Vale.
Levels 35-40: Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Western Plaguelands. Levels
Levels 40-45: Eastern Plaguelands and Thousand Needles.
Levels 45-50: Felwood and Tanaris.
Levels 50-55: Un'Goro Crater, Winterspring and Swamp of Sorrows (51-55)
Levels 55-58: Blasted Lands and Silithus

At level 58 start leveling in the Outlands.

At level 68 start leveling in Northrend.

At level 80 start leveling in Cataclysm zones. Try to obtain a faction rep of
at least Honored with the Guardians of Hyjal. At level 82 move to Deepholm and
complete all quests until you are able to run the Therazane faction dailies.
At level 83 quest in Uldum and at level 84 quest in Twilight Highlands. Make
sure to open up the Dragonmaw Clan dailies. It is nice--but not essential--to
hit Honored with all factions. This will make getting geared up for Heroic
Dungeons easier.


First part of this section is devoted to explanations of spells, how they
function, and how they are best used. Strategy has tips on how to best use the
spells in conjunction with other spells. If you have any other strategies or
recommendations please email me with your thoughts.

: Healing Spells :

  ~ Lifebloom ~

Low mana heal that stacks on one target up to three times. Can only be cast on
one target. Lasts 10 seconds. Is refreshed by casting another Lifebloom on the
target or casting Nourish/Healing Touch/Regrowth on the target (with talents).
In Tree of Life form Lifebloom can be cast on multiple targets. Blooms for
extra healing if the stack is allowed to expire.

Three Lifeblooms should almost always be stacked on the tank and never allowed
to expire (except maybe in emergencies). Cast Lifebloom - Lifebloom - Rejuv -
Lifebloom so that the Lifebloom and Rejuv both benefit from Mastery. In Tree of
Life form Lifebloom should be cast on multiple targets to trigger more Omen
of Clarity procs.

Having Lifebloom up allows Omem of Clarity to proc and Revitalize to proc,
giving you a free heal and mana regen respectively. It also refreshes
Replenishment which allows the raid to regain mana.

  ~ Rejuvenation ~

Periodically heals the target over 12 seconds.

Use Rejuv on damaged targets who do not need an immediate heal or combine Rejuv
with Swiftmend for emergency healing. Keep a Rejuv on the tank at all times.

  ~ Nourish ~

Low mana cost heal that heals target for a small amount. Refreshes the target's
Lifebloom (with talents).

Use Nourish to refresh Lifebloom or to conserve mana. If mana is an issue or
will be an issue later in the fight try to cast more Nourish throughout the
fight so that mana is available during the difficult parts of the fight.

With talents, if you have 3 Rejuvs up you can your Nourish can be cast with a
10%/20%/30% increased cast time.

  ~ Healing Touch ~

Our most powerful direct heal. Refreshes the target's Lifebloom (with talents).

Use Healing Touch on targets with low health and on every Omen of Clarity proc.

  ~ Regrowth ~

Quick heal that also heals the target slightly for six seconds. Fast but has a
high mana cost. Can use Swiftmend on a target with Regrowth. While in Tree of
Life form Regrowth becomes an instant cast and can be cast on the move.
Will refresh a stack of Lifeblooms.

Use once every minute to trigger Nature's Grace (with talents). In emergencies,
you may need to spam this. While in Tree of Life form use this when Omen of
Clarity procs.

  ~ Wild Growth ~

Heals the six (five without the glyph) lowest health targets within 30 yards of
the target over seven seconds. 8 second cooldown. Very mana efficient and
should be cast on cooldown in many cases.

In five man groups, try to position yourself so that any Wild Growth cast on
yourself will hit all party members. After casting a Wild Growth, target each
of the members hit by it with a Rejuv so that the Rejuv benefits from Mastery.

  ~ Swiftmend ~

Low mana cost heal that instantly heals the target. Can only be used on a
target that has Rejuv or Regrowth on it. 15 second cooldown. Leaves an
Efflorescence around the target (with talents).

Use Swiftmend on cooldown in most cases or save it for emergencies or times
when there are damage spikes. Unfortunately, Swiftmend consumes an Omen of
Clarity proc so try not to use it when Omen of Clarity is active as the mana
cost is so low it is a waste of and omen of Clarity proc.

Some classes like Rogues and Feral Druids can spec into a talent that increases
the amount of healing they take. Swiftmend these targets for extra Swiftmend
and Efflorescence oomph.

  ~ Efflorescence ~ 

With talents, your Swiftmend will leave a green circle on the ground that heals
up to six members in it for 30% of the Swiftmend'd amount over six seconds.

Most of the time it is better to use Swiftmend on cooldown but there are some
fights where your Swifthmend & Efflorescence should be saved for damage spikes.
However Efflorescence heals for such a small amount it is not essential that
it be saved.

  ~ Tranquility ~

Heals all raid members for a ton over seven seconds. Huge heal that can only
be used once every 3 minutes.

  ~ Tree of Life ~

Shapeshift into Tree of Life form. Increases healing by 15% for 35 seconds.
Usable every 3 minutes. Enhances the following spells: Lifebloom (can be cast
on multiple targets), Regrowth (can be instant cast and cast on the move),
Entangling Roots (instant cast), Wrath (reduces the cast time), and Wild Growth
(hits an extra target).

A common Tree of Life tactic is to cast Lifebloom on multiple targets in order
to increase your Omen of Clarity chance. Then cast Regrowth or Healing Touch.
Tree of Life form with multiple Lifeblooms and Omen of Clarity procs is a 
chance to conserve mana while still giving great healing output.

: Other Spells & Abilities :

  ~ Nature's Swiftness ~

Turns your next Nature spell into an instant cast. 3 minute cooldown. Typically
used with Healing Touch or Rebirth.

This is an optional talent which may or may not be chosen. I currently do not
spec into it. Let's all spec out of it and then Blizzard will buff it!

  ~ Omen of Clarity ~

Proc that allows your next Healing Touch, Regrowth, or Swiftmend to not cost
any mana. Best used with Healing Touch (though I prefer Regrowth when in Tree
of Life form or to trigger Nature's Grace).

  ~ Nature's Grace ~

Increases spell haste by 15% for 15 seconds after casting a Regrowth (requires
talents). Can and should be used every minute.

  ~ Rebirth ~

Brings the target back to life during combat. Use with the Rebirth Glyph so
the target comes back with full life. Combine with a Nature's Swiftness macro:
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast Rebirth

  ~ Barkskin ~

Reduces all damage taken by 20% for 12 seconds. Prevents spells from being
delayed. One minute cooldown. Use during heavy damage phases or if mobs aggro
onto you.

  ~ Nature's Grasp ~

The next three targets to melee damage you will be caught in Entangling Roots.
Use when mobs aggro onto you.

  ~ Thorns ~

If buffed with Thorns, any target attacking will take Nature damage. Can be
cast on the tank.

  ~ Entangling Roots ~

Snares the target leaving them unable to move. Damage will break the roots.
Cast on a target attacking you, a target that needs to be snared or as cc in
a dungeon.

  ~ Cyclone ~

More of a PVP ability. Puts the target in a Cyclone for six seconds.

  ~ Cat Form ~

Use Cat Form plus Dash (or Stampeding Roar) for the movement speed bonus.
Surprisingly useful in emergency situations.

: Strategy :

  ~ Queue Your Spells ~

You should be able to immediately cast every time you are able to and eliminate
downtime. Every time the GCD is up another spell should be going out. This
requires some practice and can be made much easier with addons like Quartz and

Go to the menu and set your latency settings to allow you to queue spells.
This makes it able so you can cast your next spell while your current spell is
still being cast. Your next spell will be queued and start casting as soon as
your first spell is cast. This is essential for Regrowth plus Swiftmend, Rejuv
spamming and any other number of sequential casting patterns. 

  ~ Mastery ~

Mastery only works if there is a HoT on the target. Rejuv then Healing Touch
is more effective than Healing Touch then Rejuv.

  ~ HoT Stack ~

Always have a full Lifebloom stack and a Rejuv on the tank. Cast Lifebloom -
Lifebloom - Rejuv - Lifebloom so that both the Rejuv and Lifebloom benefit
from Mastery. Some argue for Lifebloom - Rejuv - Lifebloom - Lifebloom

  ~ Wild Growth & Swiftmend on Cooldown ~

These are strong, mana efficient spells. Maximize their use by using them as
often as possible (unless you are saving it for a specific damaging ability
the boss casts).

  ~ Chase the Wild Growth ~

Wild Growth will hit the six lowest targets. Follow this up with a Rejuv on
each of the six targets to provide healing for the six lowest targets and so
that each Rejuv benefits from Mastery.

  ~ Conserve Mana ~

Use Nourish more if mana is an issue. Turn into Tree of Life form and cast more
Lifeblooms and only use Healing Touch/Regrowth on Omen of Clarity Procs.

  ~ Save your Tranquility ~

Many bosses have a burn phase where the party takes increase damage for the
25% or so or a soft enrage. Save your Tranquility for the last possible moment
in these fights. In Heroics, be generous with your Tranquility to avoid stupid

  ~ Rejuv Bath ~

Rejuv is mana efficient and powerful. It is on a fast GCD cooldown. Do not be
afraid to overheal with this spell. If mana allows, use it early and often. Use
it prior to heavy damage. Use it after heavy damage. Use it to allow you to
proc more Mastery. Use it as much as your mana allows.

  ~ Swap Innervates ~

The Innervate glyph allows you to get 10% of your mana pool when you cast
Innervate. If you have two Druids in the group, you can swap Innervates and
gain roughly 30% of your mana back.

  ~ Zoom Out ~

The default zoom and zoom settings do not give you a good enough vantage point
to see all the action. Type the following the zoom in or out to find a 
comfortable distance:
/console cameraDistanceMaxFactor 4

 	^ III. UI & ADDONS ^

There are many useful Addons that can make your life easier as a healer.
Experiment to find the ones that work best for you. Hamlet at
puts it best. To paraphrase him you want to be able to see:

-All party members health
-The HoTs you have active on targets and their time remaining
-Who has aggro
-Who is in healing range
-Debuffs that can be removed and other useful to know debuffs
-Incoming heals for all players from all healers

Grid & Clique is the preferred UI for most healers. Grid offers some great
customization, particularly for boss debuffs. Personally, I use Healbot. Make
sure to zoom out properly so that you can see the action. The default max
zoom is not sufficient. Use this or a similar script:
/console cameraDistanceMaxFactor 4

: Add Ons :

  ~ GCD ~

Allows you to properly time your spells to minimize downtime and perform as
soon as the GCD ends. Let's you see the cooldown time of your Wild Growth and

  ~ Quartz ~

Shows your cast time.

  ~ Omnicc ~

Counter that shows how much time is remaining on your spell cooldown.

  ~ forteXorcist ~

Convenient bar that shows the cooldown on your spells, talents (like Nature's
Grace), items (Tyrande's Favorite Doll/Synapse Springs), and other abilities.

  ~ Recount ~

Allows you to see your performance and analyze how you did and what you can
do better. is preferred.

  ~ Deadly Boss Mods ~

Warns you of boss mechanics. Essential for raiding. Comes with a /range check
to check the range of nearby party members.

  ~ Outfitter ~

Swap easily between different sets of gear.

I also have some UI Add Ons like Tidy Frames and Perl to make things look a
little crisper but that is more personal preference than performance enhancing.
If you have any other Add On recommendations please email me at


: Talents :

The standard Talent Build:

  ~ Things to consider ~

-Remove Nature's Bounty and spend it on Nature's Swiftness. I usually only used
	Nature's Swiftness for the instant Rebirth and am now spec'd out of it.
	I find Nature's Swiftness not that great but some may want to use it.
-Nature's Cure is not needed for raiding BWD, 25 man BH, and may or may not
	be needed for BoT depending on your healing assignments. I do not spec
	into it for raiding.
-When mana is not an issue, the two points in Furor can be moved to Genesis

The result is something like this:

Some argue for Nature's Bounty instead of Gift of the Earthmother or Blessing
of the Grove instead of Nature's Bounty but I am not persuaded. Looking at my
logs, the crit amounts from Nature's Bounty typically outweigh the theoretical
4% Rejuv healing Blessing of the Grove would have provided. I also like
Nature's Bounty for the emergency burst it provides. When I am casting Regrowth
it is usually in a time of need so the extra crit healing is especially useful.

For certain Heroic mode fights Gift of the Earthmorther may be better but I
will need more experience before I can make an educated comment about that.


  ~ Prime Glyphs ~

Glyph of Rejuvenation: Increases healing done by 10% of Rejuvenation
Glyph of Lifebloom: Increases crit effect chance of Lifebloom by 10%
Glyph of Swiftmend: HoT remains on target even after Swiftmend is used

The only other glyph to consider is Glyph of Regrowth which is terrible.

  ~ Major Glyphs ~

Glyph of Wild Growth: Wild Growth effects a 6th target
Glyph of Innervate: You get 50% of Innervate's effect when you cast it on
	another target
Glyph of Rebirth: Your Rebirth target comes back with 100% life

For certain fights and Heroics, Glyph of Entangling Roots has some utility.

  ~Minor Glyphs ~

Glyph of Dash: Reduces cooldown of Dash by 20%
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth: Rebirth never requires a reagent

 	^ V. STATS ^

Our stat priority in general is:

Int >>> Spellpower > Spirit > Haste (to a breakpoint) > Mastery (10 Man) >

If you are tank healing or raiding 10 man Mastery becomes more of a priority.
In 25 man, Mastery is not as beneficial for raid healing.

  ~ Intellect ~

Int is our primary and most important stat. Int increases our spellpower, mana,
mana regen, and critical strike chance. 

  ~ Spellpower ~

Spellpower causes our heals to heal for more power. Boost Int or upgrade your
weapon to increase.

  ~ Spirit ~

Spirit increase our mana regen.

  ~ Haste ~

Haste reduces our spell casting time, our global cooldown (GCD), and can
increase the number of time our HoTs tick. See below for Haste breakpoints.
As we have a talent in our tree which reduces our GCD after Rejuv to the GCD
cap, more Haste does not help our GCD Rejuv cooldown.

  ~ Mastery ~

Mastery increases the efficacy of a healing spell if there is already a HoT
on a target. For example, if a target has a Rejuv on it any heal you cast on
it will benefit from Mastery.

  ~ Crit ~
Critical strike improves the critical chance of our direct heals and HoT ticks.

-After you reach 915 Haste, it is best to stack Mastery for 10 man raiding or
   tank healing until you can get to 2005 Haste (9th Wild Growth Tick). Do not
   sacrifice too much Int to try to reach that 2005 Haste breakpoint.
-Take the higher ilvl item if it has more Int, even if it does not have Spirit
-If mana is not an issue Spirit may not be such a priority
-In 25 man raids, Mastery is not so useful. In 10 man raid or 5 man Heroics
   Mastery is more useful.

: Haste Breakpoints :

These all assume that you have the 5% Haste buff from a Shadow Priest or
Boomkin and do not include the Dark Intent Warlock buff. Thanks to Hamlet and
his excellent TreeCalcs spreadsheet for providing this information. Make sure
to test these breakpoints as rounding can sometimes produce inaccurate results.

915  -- 5th tick or Rejuvenation
1220 -- 12th tick of Lifebloom
1423 -- 4th tick of Regrowth
2005 -- 9th tick of Wild Growth (72 with Nature's Grace)
2440 -- 13th tick of Lifebloom  (451 with Nature's Grace)
3659 -- 14th tick of Lifebloom  (1512 with Nature's Grace)
3746 -- 10th tick of Wild Growth (1587 with Nature's Grace)
3964 -- 6th tick of Rejuvenation (1777 with Nature's Grace)
4879 -- 15th tick of Lifebloom (2572 with Nature's Grace)
5489 -- 5th tick of Regrowth (3102 with Nature's Grace)
5489 -- GCD cap (3102 with Nature's Grace)

The 9th tick of Wild Growth is 1575 Haste if you have the 5% Haste buff and
Dark Intentions.


: Gems :
:::::::: [6.1]

Meta Gem: Ember Shadowspirit Diamond -- 54 Int and 2% Max Mana
   Requires 2 Yellow Gems

Brilliant Inferno Ruby (40 Int, Red) is your gem of choice. Stack Int above all

Reckless Ember Topaz (20 Int and 20 Haste, Yellow) x2 is needed for your meta

If the socket bonus is 20 Int or more Purified Demonseye (20 Int and 20 Spi,
Purple) is fine for a blue slot. Ignore all socket bonuses unless getting it
provides more Int than Brilliant Inferno Ruby would or if it is one of your two
yellow gems slots needed for the Meta Gem Bonus. One exception is it may make
sense to gem Haste to hit a breakpoint but I do not recommend that practice in

: Enchants :
:::::::::::: [6.2]

  ~ Helm ~
Arcanum of Hyjal from revered reputation from Guardians of Hyjal faction

  ~ Cloak ~
Enchant Cloak - Great Intellect (50 Int)

  ~ Chest ~
Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats (all stats +20) or Might Stats (all stats +15)

  ~ Boots ~
Enchant Boots - Haste (50 Haste); Enchant Boots - Mastery (50 Mastery). Also
some enchants that enchant run speed by a bit which may be useful in certain

  ~ Gloves ~
Enchant Gloves - Haste (50 Haste); Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery (65
Mastery) or Enchant Gloves - Mastery (50 Mastery)

  ~ Legs ~
Powerful Ghostly Spellthread (95 Int and 55 Spirit). Ghostly Spellthread if
you are poor.

  ~ Weapon ~
Enchant Weapon - Power Torrent on ilvl 359 items or if you have a lot of gold.
Enchant Weapon - Heartsong on ilvl 346 or below.

  ~ Offhand ~
Enchant Off-Hand - Superior Intellect (40 Int)

  ~ Shoulder ~
Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone (Therazane Faction Rep)

  ~ Wrist ~
Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect (50 Int) (Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Spirit
   if you are poor)

  ~ Waist ~
Eternal Belt Buckle and a Brilliant Inferno Ruby

  ~ Neck & Rings ~
None that I am aware of (outside of professions)

: Food & Flasks :
::::::::::::::::: [6.3]

Severed Sagefish Head for 90 Int and 90 Stam.  For some fights, Delicous
Sagefish Head for 90 Spi and 90 Stam may be useful.

Flask of Draconic Mind for 300 int. Flask of Flowing Waters may be useful for
some fights but I do not recommend it.

: Professions :
::::::::::::::: [6.4]

Tailoring, Engineering, and Alchemy are the three strongest professions.
Jewelcrafting,  Inscription, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, and Leatherworking are
basically equivalent to those three. Mining is useless and Skinning and
Herbalism are not that great.

Leatherworking: 130 Int to a bracer (instead of 50 Int enchant)

Engineering: Synapse Springs to the Gloves. Increases Int by 480 for 12
seconds on a 1 minute cooldown. Also can craft an ilvl 359 helm, add a damage
absorption item to a belt (macro this with Barkskin for 24000 damage
absorption). There is further utility like a ranged interrupt, Slowfall from a
cloak et al.

Alchemy: Mixology - 80 int from flasks. Flasks last twice as long. Can craft
Vibrant Alchemist Stone for 351 Int and 194 Haste.

Blacksmithing: Extra socket in gloves and bracers thus 80 Int from Brilliant
Inferno Ruby.

Enchanting: Enchant rings for 80 Int.

Inscription: Enchant shoulders for 130 Int and 25 Haste versus 50 Int and 25
Haste available from the Therazane shoulder inscription.

Jewelcrafting: 81 Int from the three gems only Jewelcrafters can use.

Tailoring: Lightweave Embroidery - Increase Intellect by 580 for 15 seconds.

Herbalism: Lifeblood - 240 Haste for 20 seconds on a 2 minute cooldown.

Skinning: 80 crit

Mining: 120 stam

For further information, please see Keeva's excellent and entertaining guide at

For help in leveling your chosen profession this website is very useful:

	^ VII. GEAR ^

The first goal is to get sufficient gear in order to get an average ilvl of 
329 or more. Once you get ilvl 329, Heroic dungeons can be run. Heroic
dungeons give you good enough gear to raid. Raids give you gear so you can run
Heroic raids. This section is broken into five sections: Pre-Heroic Gear &
Factions, Heroic Dungeon Gear, Pre Raid Gear, Raid Gear, and Heroic Raid Gear.
Pre Raid Gear can be gotten prior to running Heroics for an extra ilvl boost.

: Pre-Heroic Gear & Faction Rewards Gear :
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [7.1]

See the end of this section for a quick summary of Pre-Heroic gear available
in a table format.

Questing can get you decent items for running dungeons and reputation with
factions. Try to hit Honored with all factions for some decent items.

At level 80 quest in Mount Hyjal. At level 82 go to Deepholm and quest there
until you have access to the Therazane daily quests.

Once you hit level 83, I recommend questing in Uldum until 84 and then Twilight
Highlands. Make sure you open up the Dragonmaw Clan dailies in the Twilight
Highlands. Those quests should give you some decent items for running level 85
dungeons and Heroics. In particular, try to get the below quest items.

	= Notable Quest Rewards =

Talisman of Sinister Order: Trinket from Uldum quests. Follow the Harrison
Jones questline. ilvl 325.

Gurgthock's Garish Gorebat: 1H Mace from Crucible of Carnage quests in Twilight
Highlands. ilvl 333.

Wrap of the Fallen City: Chest from Uldum quests. Follow the Ramhaken
questline. ilvl 325.

Vision-Tainted Treads: Feet from Twilight Highlands quests. ilvl 333.

Eye of the Stars: Ring from Uldum quests. ilvl 325.

Red Dragonheart Ring: Ring from Twilight Highland quests. ilvl 333.

Gloves of Baleflame: Gloves from Grim Batol quest. ilvl 333.

Helm of Reorigination: Helm from Halls of Origination quest. ilvl 333.

Air Raid Beacon: Offhand from Twilight Highlands quest. ilvl 333.

	= BoE & Crafted =

  ~ ilvl 359 ~

There is an ilvl 359 crafted belt--Lightning Lash. However there is a faction
reward that is almost as good so it might not be worth picking up the crafted
belt unless you have gold to burn. There is also an ilvl 359 chest--Chestguard
of Nature's Fury--crafted by Leatherworking.

Chelley's Dark Staff of Mending (Two Handed Weapon), Heartbound Tome (offhand),
Fading Violet Sandals (boots), Ritssyn's Ruminous Drape (Cloak), Dorian's Lost
Necklace (neck), and Hide of Chromaggus (shoulders) are all ilvl 359 and
available on the Auction House for a hefty price. There are also some ilvl 359
Archeology items available (please see Pre-Raiding Gear section for more
details). Vibrant Alchemist Stone (trinket) can be crafted by Alchemists.

  ~ ilvl 346 ~

Tarvus's Poison-Scarred Boots (feet) and Blazewing's Furious Kilt (legs) are
ilvl 346 items available from rare monsters or on the Auction House. I bought
the boots from the AH but similar legs can be bought with Justice Points.

Elementium Hammer (ilvl 346) is crafted by blacksmiths but is very expensive
and only equivalent to Heroic drops.

The Bloodied Wyrmhide PVP set can do in a pinch. Get these pieces to boost your
ilvl or to replace a mediocre piece. Bloodied Wyrmhide is available in any
leather slot.

Divine companion (off hand) is crafted by Inscription and can be found on the
Auction House. Book or Origination or Bone-Inlaid Sarcophagus Key are ilvl 333
offhands. See the Auction House. Battle Tome can be crafted for the offhand but
is PVP gear. 

Thousand Bandage Drape (ilvl 325 cloak), Rainsong (trinket), Charm of the Muse
(ilvl 333 neck), Kuang's Locket of Secrets (ilvl 325 neck) are BoE and
available from the AH. Tattooed Eyeball (ilvl 346 relic) is crafted by
Inscription professionals.

	= Faction Rewards =

Dragonmaw Clan is highest priority faction. Run Heroics with their tabard and
run their dailies until hitting exalted. After that, Guardians of Hyjal have
the Helm Enchant at Revered and Therazane has the shoulder enchants at Honored
and better shoulder enchants at Revered.

  ~ Dragonmaw Clan ~

Withered Dream Belt -- Exalted ilvl 359 belt
Yellow Smoke Pendant -- Exalted ilvl 359 neck
Spaulders of Endless Plains -- Honored ilvl 333 shoulders

  ~ Therazane ~

Honored & Revered Shoulder Inscriptions
Diamant's Ring of Temperance -- Revered ilvl 346 ring

  ~ Guardian's of Hyjal ~

Arcanum of Hyjal -- Revered Helm enchant
Aessina-Blessed Gloves -- Revered ilvl 346 gloves
Cloak of the Dryads -- Honored ilvl 333 cloak

  ~ The Earthen Ring ~

Cloak of Ancient Wisdom -- Revered ilvl 346 cloak
Leggings of Clutching Roots -- Revered ilvl 346 legs
Pendant of Elemental Balance -- Honored ilvl 333 neck

  ~ Ramkahen ~

Ammunae's Blessing -- Honored ilvl 333 ring

  ~ Hellscreams' Reach ~

Shimmering Morningstar -- Revered ilvl 346 Mace
Mandala of Impatient Youth -- Exalted ilvl 359 Trinket

This section at a glance...

Crafted PVP gear, ilvl 333 quest reward from Uldum

ilvl 359 Exalted Dragonmaw, ilvl 333 Earthen Ring Honored, ilvl 325 and 333
on the Auction House, ilvl 359 Auction House

ilvl 346 Earthern Ring Revered, ilvl 359 on the Auction House, ilvl 325 on
Auction House

ilvl 359 on the Auction House, PVP gear, Dragonmaw Honored ilvl 333

ilvl 325 Uldum quest reward, PVP gear, ilvl 359 crafted

PVP gear

ilvl 333 Grim Batol quest, PVP gear

Exalted Dragonmaw ilvl 359, crafted ilvl 359, PVP gear

ilvl 346 at Auction House, PVP gear, ilvl 346 Revered Earthen Ring

ilvl 346 Auction House, ilvl 333 Twilight quest reward, PVP gear, ilvl 359 BoE
item on the Auction House

ilvl 325 Uldum quest, ilvl 333 Twilight quest, ilvl 333 Honored Ramkahen, ilvl
346 Therazane ring

ilvl 325 Uldum quest reward, Rainsong from Auction House, ilvl 359 from
Hellscream's Reach or from Alchemy or from Archeology

ilvl 333 Twilight quest reward, ilvl 346 crafted, ilvl 346 Hellscream's Reach
(Maces); ilvl 333 offhand quest, ilvl 359 Auction House Offhand, ilvl 333
Auction House Offhands; ilvl 359 Auction House Staff

ilvl 346 crafted

: Heroic Dungeon Gear :
::::::::::::::::::::::: [7.2]

All these items have Intellect and Spirit unless noted otherwise. Some 
Boomkin gear may serve in a pinch but for items of the same ilvl Spirit
is generally the preferred secondary stat. This section also includes some
useful ilvl 346 gear that does not drop from Heroics.

I recommend running one random Heroic every day to get your Valor Points. If
you are just getting used to Heroics, run an easy one like Vortex Pinnacle,
Blackrock Caverns, or Lost City of the Tol'vir until you feel more comfortable
and get some better gear.

Once you have done your daily random, do not do any randoms. Instead
specifically target Heroics that have items you want. If the Heroic you are
in does not have any more bosses that have drops you want and you do not need
the JP you can drop group and choose a new Heroic. This is against common
etiquette and you may disagree with this tactic. I do not see it as a big deal
for the following reasons:
-The group you leave behind will only have to wait a short while until your
replacement comes. They can also use this tactic and will benefit from not
having to be stuck in Heroics they do not want to be in.
-The healer that replaces you gets a shorter run and more easily obtains his
Valor Points.
-You get to spend more of your time getting the items you want.

	= Helm =
Cluster of Stars: Purchased from Vendor (2200 JP)
Cowl of Rebellion: The Deadmines -- Vanessa VanCleef (6th Boss)

	= Neck =
Amulet of Tender Breath: The Vortex Pinnacle -- Altairus (2nd Boss)
Celadon Pendant: Purchased from Vendor (1250 JP)
Quicksilver Amulet: Blackrock Caverns -- Karsh Steelbender (3rd Boss)

	= Shoulder =
Mantle of Bestilled Winds: Altairus -- The Vortex Pinnacle (2nd Boss)
Mantle of Soft Shadows: Anraphet -- Halls of Origination
Somber Shawl: Purchased from Vendor (1650 JP)

	= Cloak =
Azureborne Cloak: Grim Batol -- Drahga Shadowburner (3rd Boss)
Solar Wind Cloak: Halls of Origination -- Rajh
Springvale's Cloak: Shadowfang Keep -- Commander Springvale (3rd Boss) 

There is also a cloak available from Earthen Ring Revered faction rep which
does not have Spirit on it.

	= Chest =
Cursed Skardyn Vest: Grim Batol -- General Umbriss (1st Boss)
Robes of Forgetfulness: Purchased from Vendor (2200 JP)
There is also an ilvl 359 crafted Boomkin chest available. It is not an upgrade
over the Robes of Forgetfulness.

	= Wrist =

Due to a bug there are no ilvl 346 bracers in the game that have Int and
Spirit. Other options:
Oasis Bracers: Normal Lost City of Tol'vir -- Random BoP drop from any mob.
   Rarely seen or dropped.
Armbands of Change: Blackrock Caverns -- Corla (2nd Boss)
   These are the Boomkin bracers. Int/Crit/Haste
Wyrmhide Bracers: PVP Crafted Gear

	= Gloves =
Blessed Hands of Elune: Purchased from Vendor (1650 JP)
Deep Delving Gloves: The Stonecore -- Slabhide (2nd Boss)

	= Belt =

There are two ilvl 359 belts that are much better than these Heroic belts. It
is better to get those. One is available by hitting Exalted with the Dragonmaw
Clan in Twilight Highlands. Lightning Lash is crafted by Leatherworking and 
available at the Auction House.
Thatch Eave Vines: Purchased from Vendor (1650 JP)
Underworld Cord: Halls of Origination -- Earthrager Ptah

	= Legs =
Blazewing's Furious Kilt: Check the Auction House -- BoE
   Drops off a rare mob in Mount Hyjal
Leggings of Clutching Roots: Requires Exalted Reputation with The Earthen Ring
Leggings of the Path: Lost City of the Tol'vir -- Siamat (4th Boss)

	= Feet =
Decapod Slippers: Throne of the Tides -- Mindbender Ghur'sha (3rd Boss)
Tarvus's Poison-Scarred Boots: Check the Auction House -- BoE
  Drops off of a rare spawn in Twilight Highlands

	= Rings =
Band of Life Energy: Ammunae -- Halls of Origination
Kibble: Beauty -- Blackrock Caverns (4th Boss)
Ring of Frozen Rain: The Vortex Pinnacle -- Asaad (3rd Boss)
Veneficial Band: The Lost City of the Tol'vir --  Augh (2nd Boss)

	= Trinket =

These trinkets have plus Int as a base stat. There are other trinkets that
do not have Int. I would rather have the ilvl 325 Talisman of Sinister Order
(quest reward in Uldum) than those in most cases. Int is your best stat.
I do not endorse using a non-Int trinket in most cases.

Tear of Blood: The Stonecore -- High Priestess Azil (4th Boss)

Witching Hourglass: Blackrock Caverns -- Ascendant Lord Obsidius (5th Boss)

Figurine Dream Owl: Requires Jewelcrafting

I prefer Tear of Blood slightly over the other two trinkets but the other
two can be better in some situations.

	= Weapon & Offhand =

As of this patch (4.0.6), 1H Weapon & Offhand are preferable due to the +40
Int enchant available to an offhand. The only reason to go for a Two-Handed
Weapon is if it is a higher item level.

Torturer's Mercy: Blackrock Caverns -- Rom'ogg Bonecrusher (1st Boss)
Scepter of Power: Halls of Origination -- Setesh
Elementium Hammer: Crafted by Blacksmith -- Ridiculously expensive
Shimmering Morning Star: Vendor in Tol Barad -- Requires revered reputation
	and 85 tokens Int/Spi/Crit

	= Relic =
Book of Dark Prophecies: The Stone Core -- High Priestess Azil (4th Boss)
Captured Lightning: The Vortex Pinnacle -- Asaad (3rd Boss)

: Pre-Raiding Gear :
:::::::::::::::::::: [7.3]

It is possible to get quite geared prior to raiding. Below are the ilvl 359
items (raid equivalent ilvl) that are available. Three of them are available
from Archeology, all of which can be found in Kalimdor. If you are leveling up
Archeology stick to Kalimdor. Remember to run your random Heroic every day and
you can spend your Valor Points for ilvl 359 items. I would recommend starting
with the ilvl 359 set gloves--Stormrider's Handwraps--or the Relic of Eonar.

Conquest Gear is easy to obtain and great for raiding. Win five arena matches
a week to get some good gear. Spend your Conquest Points on either the Bracers
or Mace first or replace your weakest item.

Engineers can create Camouflage Bio-Optic Killshades, which are arguably Best
in Slot until Heroic raids.

Yellow Smoke Pendant is available at exalted reputation from the Dragomaw Clan 
faction. Dorian's Lost Necklace can be purchased from the Auction House.

Hide of Chromaggus is a BoE item available on the AH for a hefty price. 
Expensive but they look awesome. This drops in Blackwing Descent.

Rittsyn's Ruminous Drapes is a BoE item world drop.

There is a BoE crafted leather chest. However the it has no spirit and the Int
value on it is equivalent to the ilvl 346 chest with two Brilliant Inferno
Rubies so it is not worth getting.

   ::Weapon & Offhand::
There is an ilvl 359 Arena Mace and Dagger available for two weeks' worth of
conquest points. That combined with the BoE offhand from the AH--Heartbound
Tome--is the best combo. Chelley's Dark Staff of Mending is BoE and available
from the Auction House. Staff of Ammunae is crafted from Tol'vir Archaeology
and BoA. It takes forever but since it is BoA can be passed around to your

Belt of the Untamed is available from exalted reputation from the Dragonmaw
Clan. Lightning Lash is crafted by leatherworkers.

The ilvl 359 boots--Fading Violet Sandals can be purchased from the vendor
for Valor Points and are BoE. People are often willing to sell these.

Ring of the Boy Emperor is crafted from Tol'vir Archaeology and BoA.

Tyrande's Favorite Doll is crafted from Night Elf Archaeology and BoA.
The ilvl 359 Tol Barad trinket does not have base Int but has a chance to proc
additional Int. Vibrant Alchemist Stone is crafted from Alchemy.

: Raiding Gear :
:::::::::::::::: [7.4]

Following is a list of the items to complete your ilvl 359 set. Some of this 
information is a duplicate of the Pre-Raiding items section.

A particular type of ilvl 359 items are the set pieces. These five pieces
(helm, shoulders, chest, gloves, and legs) provide the Resto Druid with a bonus
for wearing two of the pieces and another bonus for wearing four of the pieces.
The two set piece bonus is not all that great--5% increased Lifebloom crit
chance--but the four set piece bonus is very nice--500 Spirit if you have three
stacks of Lifebloom on a target. Set pieces are also needed to purchase the
Heroic set pieces. Even if you have an ilvl 359 item in that slot you will want
to work towards getting your set pieces.

As you raid and run your daily random H you will acquire Valor Points. Spending
valor Points is left to your discretion. A couple of factors to consider are
your guild's progression--why buy an epic cloak when it can drop for you in the
Bastion of Twilight on a boss your guild has on farm?--and the availability of
other comparable drops.

The Relic of Eonar is the only ilvl 359 PVE relic so it is a worthy purchase.
After that the set pieces--in particular the set gloves--are recommended
purchases. The set Chest does not have spirit so you may not want to buy that
if you can get the four other set pieces. The Valor Point ring and boots are
low priority as the boots are BoE and can be purchased from the AH and ilvl 359
rings drop from two of the easier bosses (Omnotron Defense Council and Conclave
of the Four Winds).

PVP Conquest gear can also make a decent substitute for any of your weaker

	= Helm =
Helm of the Blind Seer: Blackwing Descent -- Atramedes
Stormrider's Helm: Blackwing Descent -- Nefarion
Camouflage Bio-Optic Killshades: Engineering
	Int/Your Choice/Your Choice

	= Neck =
Wyrmbreaker's Amulet: Bastion of Twilight -- Halfus Wyrmbreaker (1st Boss)
Yellow Smoke Pendant: Exalted reputation with Dragonmaw Clan Faction
Dorian's Lost Necklace: Purchased from Auction House. World Drop.
Valiona's Medallion: The Bastion of Twilight -- Valiona & Therion (2nd Boss)

	= Shoulder =
Hide of Chromaggus: BoE drop from Blackwing Descent
Passive Resistor Spaulders: Blackwing Descent -- Omnotron Defense System
Stormrider's Mantle: The Bastion of Twilight -- Cho'gall (4th Boss)

	= Cloak =
Drape of the Twins: The Bastion of Twilight -- Valiona & Therion (2nd Boss)
Shadow of Dread: Blackwing Descent -- Nefarion (6th Boss)
Ritssyn's Ruminous Drape: BoE World Drop
Haunt of Flies: Purchased from VP Vendor (1250 VP)
Heavenly Breeze Purchased from VP Vendor (1250 VP)

	= Chest =
Scorched Wormling Vest: Blackwing Descent -- Magmaw
Stormrider's Robes: Purchased from VP Vendor (2200 VP)

	= Wrist =
Manacles of the Sleeping Beast: Blackwing Descent -- Chimaeron

I used the Conquest Point bracers in this slot until getting the above drop.

	= Gloves =
Stormrider's Handwraps: Purchased from VP Vendor (1650 VP)
Hydrolance Gloves: Bastion of Twilight -- Ascendant's Council (3rd Boss)

Set gloves may also drop from Baradin Hold.

	= Belt =
Withered Dream Belt: Exalted reputation from Dragonmaw Clan Faction
Lightning Lash: Crafted by Leatherworkers
Belt of the Nightmare: Blackwing Descent -- Nefarion

ilvl 359 Belts with random stats also drop from The Conclave of Wind in
Throne of the Four Winds.

	= Legs =
Leggings of Consuming Flame: Blackwing Descent -- Maloriak
Stormrider's Legwraps: Purchased from Vendor (2200 VP)
Stormrider's Leggings: Boomkin Set piece. Purchased from Vendor (2200 VP)

Set legs may also drop from Baradin Hold. ilvl 359 legs with random stats
also drop from Al'Akir in Throne of the Four Winds.

	= Feet =
Fading Violet Sandals: Purchased from Auction House or from VP Vendor (1650 VP)
Treads of Hideous Transformation: Bastion of Twilight -- Cho'gall (4th Boss)

	= Rings =
Security Measure Alpha: Blackwing Descent -- Omnotron Defense System
Twined Band of Flowers: Purchased from VP Vendor (1250 VP)
Ring of the Boy Emperor: Tol'vir Archeology BoA
Band of Secret Names: Purchased from VP Vendor (1250 VP)
Signet of the Fifth Circle: The Bastion of Twilight -- Cho'gall (4th Boss)

ilvl 359 rings with random stats also drop from Conclave of Wind in Throne
of the Four Winds.

	= Trinket =
Tyrande's Favorite Doll: Night Elf Archeology
	321 Int + 4200 Mana Restored ever minute
Darkmoon Card Tsunami: Quest reward (combine Ace through 8 of Waves) or
   Purchased from the AH
	321 Int + 400 Spirit
Core of Ripeness: Purchased from VP Vendors (1250 VP)
	321 Int + 1926 Spirit for 20 seconds on use
Fall of Mortality: The Bastion of Twilight -- Chogall (4th Boss)
	321 Int + 1926 Spirit for 15 seconds
Vibrant Alchemist's Stone: Have to be an Alchemist
	351 Int + 194 Haste + More effective Mana Pots

These trinkets do not have Int and I would not recommend using them except in
special circumstances:

Jar of Ancient Remedies: Blackwing Descent -- Maloriak

Mandala of Stirring Patterns: Tol Barad Exalted Reputation & Commendations

Soul Casket: Purchased from Vendors
	= Weapons & Offhand =

Incineratus: Blackwing Descent -- Magmaw (Dagger)
Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King: Blackwing Descent -- Nefarion (Mace)
Blade of the Witching Hour: The Bastion of Twilight -- Valiona/Therion (Dagger)
Twilight's Hammer: The Bastion of Twilight -- Cho'gall (Mace
Vicious Gladiator's Gavel/Spellplace: 2350 Conquest Points from PVP vendor

Heartbound Tome: BoE -- Available from Auction House (Offhand)
Scepter of Ice: The Bastion of Twilight -- The Ascendants' Council (3rd Boss)

Staff of Ammunae: Tol'vir Archeology -- BoA (Staff)
Chelley's Staff of Dark Mending: The Bastion of Twilight BoE drop (Staff)

	= Relic =
Relic of Eonar: Purchased from VP Vendors ( VP)

: Heroic Raiding Gear :
::::::::::::::::::::::: [7.5]

There are no BoE Heroic items, despite some of them being listed on Wowhead.
To get the ilvl 372 set piece Chest, Gloves, and Legs you need to get the
appropriate drop AND have the ilvl 359 set piece. To get the ilvl 372 Helm
and Shoulder set piece you just need to trade in the drop.

	= Helm =

Helm of the Blind Seer (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Atramedes
Stormrider's Helm (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Nefarion

	= Neck =

Wyrmbreaker's Amulet (Heroic): Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Halfus Wyrmbreaker
Valiona's Medallion (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Valiona &

	= Shoulder =

Passive Resistor Spaulders (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Omnotron
Defense System
Stormrider's Mantle (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Cho'gall

	= Cloak =

Drape of the Twins (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Valiona &
Shadow of Dread: Blackwing Descent (Heroic) -- Heroic Nefarion

	= Chest =

Scorched Wormling Vest (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Magmaw
Stormrider's Robes (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Halfus

	= Wrist =

Manacles of the Sleeping Beast (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Chimaeron

	= Gloves =

Stormrider's Handwraps (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Magmaw
Hydrolance Gloves (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Ascendant's Council

Set gloves may also drop from Baradin Hold.

	= Belt =

Belt of the Nightmare (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Nefarion

Heroic Belt from Conclave of Wind in Throne of the Four Winds. Random stats.

	= Legs =

Leggings of Consuming Flame (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Maloriak
Stormrider's Legwraps (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Maloriak
Stormrider's Leggings: Boomkin Set piece. Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Maloriak

ilvl 372 legs with random stats also drop from Al'Akir in Throne of the Four

	= Feet =

Nightmare Rider's Boots: The Bastion of Twilight -- Sinestra
Treads of Hideous Transformation (Heroic): Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic

	= Rings =

Security Measure Alpha (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Omnotron Defense
Signet of the Fifth Circle (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Cho'gall

ilvl 372 rings with random stats also drop from Conclave of Wind in Throne
of the Four Winds.

	= Trinket =

Fall of Mortality (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Chogall (4th Boss)
	363 Int + 1926 Spirit for 15 seconds
Shard of Woe: The Bastion of Twilight -- Sinestra

This trinkets does not have Int:

Jar of Ancient Remedies (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Maloriak

	= One Hand Weapons =

Incineratus (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Magmaw
Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King (Heroic): Blackwing Descent -- Heroic Nefarion
Blade of the Witching Hour (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Valiona
& Theralion
Twilight's Hammer (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Cho'gall

	= Off Hands =

Scepter of Ice (Heroic): The Bastion of Twilight -- Heroic Ascendants' Council

	= Relic =

None that I am aware of


While these guides are written from a healer's perspective, they include all
relevant mechanics for each fight. The guides can be useful to all classes.
I have only healed these on a Resto Druid and Holy Paladan. Priests and Shaman
can take some of the lessons--i.e. a good time for an AoE heal is a good time
for any healing class--away from this but will have to use different abilities. 

When first starting Heroics bring along some food and cheap flasks for the
well fed and flask bonus.

I recommend running one random Heroic every day to get your Valor Points. If
you are just getting used to Heroics, run an easy one like Vortex Pinnacle,
Blackrock Caverns, or Lost City of the Tol'vir until you feel more comfortable
and get some better gear.

Once you have done your daily random, do not do any randoms. Instead
specifically target Heroics that have items you want.

Heroics are now very easy due to Blizzard buffing anyone who finds a group
through the random dungeon maker. Blizzard I disapprove of this. Heroics are
now very boring and do not prepare people for raiding.

     ||  Heroic Blackrock Caverns   ||

One of the easier Heroics.

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

The Evolved Twilight Zealots need to be interrupted. The Angered Earth mobs
drop a meteor that is split between the group. Stack for this. 

=  Rom'ogg Bonecrusher  =


Quake: Damages the ground you are standing under and spawns adds. Move towards
the tank so he can aggro these adds off of you. Adds do not need to be killed
as the boss will do it for you.

Chains of Woe: Pulls everyone near the boss and immobilizes them until the
chains are broken. Chains must be killed quickly by the DPS and tank or the
boss will kill the group with Skullcracker. Run when the chains are broken.

Skullcracker: Deadly AoE ability that kills anyone nearby. Run away as soon as
the Chains of Woe are broken. Massive damage to anyone nearby him when it is

  ~ Mechanics ~

The tank has to pick up the adds after Quake. DPS targets the boss and does not
worry about the adds. The boss will kill the adds with his Skullcracker. After
Chains of Woe, the tank and the DPS have to destroy the chains before
Skullcracker finishes casting. After the Chains of Woe are destroyed run away
from the boss until Skullcracker is finished. 

  ~ Healing ~

The adds from Quake will aggro onto you due to your heals. Be ready with
damage mitigation (Barkskin, Divine Protection etc) and to run to the tank so
he can pull them off of you. Cast AoE heals where needed on the party after
Quake. After Chains of Woe be prepared to run out of range of Skullcracker as
soon as possible. Bubbling or Kitty form and dash is not needed but can be used
in an emergency.

Rom'ogg does not hit hard and it is very easy to keep the tank up with a HoT
stack or some minor heals. 

=   Corla, Herald of the Twilight   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Note the three mobs kneeling in front of Corla. When the fight starts, the
shadow beams flowing into them will start stacking a buff on them. When that
buff reaches 100, the mobs turn into a mob and will likely cause the party to
wipe. To stop the buff from reaching 100, someone will have to stand in front
of each of the beams. However by stepping into the beam the debuff will start
stacking on you. If it reaches 100 you will evolve and likely cause the party
to wipe.

The trick is to alternate standing in the shadow beam and letting the
shadow beam hit the mob. Let the beam reach 80 on the mob then step in front
of it. When the buff on the mob has disappeared, move out of the way and let
the debuff on you disappear. The buff disappears after 15 seconds.

This is complicated by Corla casting Dark Command which will cause someone to
be feared and run out of the beam thus letting the buff reach 100. Dark
Command has to be interrupted. Shamans can drop a Tremor Totem to prevent the
fear but the spell should still be interrupted.

  ~ Healing ~

Corla does not hit hard at all. Just worry about the mechanics.

=   Karsh Steelbender   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

This fight relies almost entirely on the skill of the tank. Karsh takes almost
no damage until he touches the flame pillar in the middle of the room. When he
touches the flame he gains a debuff that melts his armor, allowing the party
to damage him. The longer he is in the flame, the greater the debuff grows
allowing the party to inflict more and more damage. However when he is in the
flame it causes damage to the entire party and Karsh gets stronger. The
debuff wears off after 15 seconds. If the tank does not lure him back into the
flame pillar before the debuff disappears then his armor hardens and he cannot
be damaged. Every time the debuff falls off adds come. When the adds die, they
drop a pool of fire that causes damage to anyone who stands in it and functions
similar to the flame pillar when Karsh stands in it (i.e. his armor melts and
everyone takes flame damage).
The tank has to draw him into the flame pillar until the debuff reaches 1-3
stacks. When the debuff is about to fall off, the tank has to repeat the
process until Karsh dies.

Two things can go wrong. The first is if the tank messes up and does not get
Karsh back into the flame pillar in time and the debuff falls off. Adds will
come. Kill the adds AWAY from Karsh, then drag Karsh back into the flame
pillar. For some reason, tanks who mess this up drag Karsh back into the fire
first before taking care of the adds and also aggro the adds so they cannot
be pulled away from Karsh before they are killed. It is like tanks' reaction
is "Hey, I messed up, let's make this worse!" Either ignore the adds or kill
them away from the boss, THEN drag Karsh back into the flame pillar.

The second thing that can go wrong is if the debuff grows too big and Karsh
starts hitting too hard. If this happens then the tank has to let the debuff
fall off. Kill or ignore the adds then drag Karsh back into the flame pillar.

  ~ Healing ~

Watch the tank and the debuff on Karsh and anticipate when the tank will be
dragging Karsh through the flame pillar. At that time the party will take
increasing flame damage. As the stacks add up, be ready with party heals and

	= Druids = 

Rejuv prior to the flame damage and Wild Growth and Rejuv after the
flame damage. As the debuff grows, pop into Tree Form and cast Lifeblooms on
everyone. Continue to cast Rejuv and Wild Growth. Be ready with Tranquility if

Keep a full stack of Lifeblooms with Rejuv on the tank at all times. Cast
Regrowth to trigger Nature's Grace and be ready to pump him with Healing
Touches and Swiftmends as the debuff grows and Karsh gets stronger.

	= Paladins =

Cycle through your cooldowns if the party starts to take too much flame damage.
Holy Radiance and Light of Dawn after the tank pulls Karsh through the pillar.

=   Beauty  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional boss)

  ~ Mechanics ~

Beauty has two puppies with her. These must be cc'd or killed. The fight
lasts a few minutes so the cc has to be renewed. Polymorph, Fear, Freezing
Trap, Hex and Hibernate all work. Beauty also casts fear occasionally. This can
be prevented by Tremor Totem. From time to time Beauty will cast a charge
ability or some minor fire abilities. The pups drop flame pools that appear on
the ground. Do not stand in the fire.

  ~ Healing ~

Keep the tank and party as close to full as you can at all times as fear will
cause you to be unable to heal for a period. The fight is not hard with good
cc. Have an instant heal like Swiftmend or Word of Glory ready for a tank heal
after a fear. Be ready to use a cool down then too.

Druids can Hibernate and Shamans can Hex if designated as a CC person or if one
of the DPS misses their assignment.

=   Ascendant Lord Obsidius   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss has three mobs in front of him. One of the DPS must aggro the mobs
and pull them away from the boss. The DPS has to then kite the mobs. These mobs
inflict a stacking debuff on anyone nearby that prevents healing, thus the need
to pull them away from the tank and to kite them.

Periodically the boss will switch with one of the mobs. The kiting DPS must
once again aggro the mobs and pull them away from the boss. It helps to have a
DPS who can slow or stun the mobs like a Shaman with earthbind totem, a hunter
with Frost Trap, or a Frost Mage.

  ~ Healing ~

Healing is complicated depending on how good the kiting DPS is at avoiding
damage. A bad DPS will force you to constantly heal two targets: the tank and
the kiting DPS. Keep an eye on the kiting DPS and be ready to give this person
additional heals. If the kiting DPS is good, this fight is very easy to heal.
The boss will also cast a debuff which should be removed as it causes damage
over time.

     ||    Heroic Throne of the Tides    ||

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

CC the Spiritmenders, mana drain them, or kill them first or they will
heal up the other mobs.

=   Lady Naz'jar  =


Geyser: Summons a pool of water on the ground that will later erupt and cause
massive damage to anyone standing in it. Move out of the Geyser.

Shock Blast: Massive damage to the tank. Should be interrupted.

Fungal Spores: Minor poison damage that can be dispelled or strafed to avoid.

Cyclones: Summons a cyclone that damages and stuns anyone caught in it. Move
away from the cyclone.

Summon Adds: Summons 3 adds. Occurs at 50% and 25% life.

  ~ Mechanics ~

This is a two phase fight. Phase one she casts Geyser, Shock Blast, and Fungal
Spores. It causes minor damage. Phase 1 is simple. Interrupt Shock Blast and
move if you are standing on a Geyser puddle.

Phase 2 starts when she reaches 50% life and 25% life. She moves to the
middle of the room and becomes invulnerable. Three adds will come. The one on
the east and west side are casters and the one from the north is a melee add.
The casters deal huge damage--more damage than the boss does. CC one of the
casters and kill the other one ASAP. Hex, Mind Control, Sheep, Freezing Trap,
and Fear are all sufficient CC's. After you kill one caster, kill the melee
then the last caster. While this is going on cyclones will come from Lady
Naz'jar towards the outside of the room. If you get caught in a cyclone you
will be unable to perform actions and take damage. Avoid these.

Before the fight starts designate the kill and CC order for phase two so that
everyone is on the same page.

  ~ Healing ~

Keep the tank full in phase 1 in case someone misses an interrupt and a Shock
Blast hits. Move out of the Geyser puddles.

Make sure the group knows who is going to be cc'd and who is going to be killed
first in phase 2. Position yourself accordingly as the mobs will aggro on you
due to your HoTs. If the east add is being killed first, move to the east side
of the room during phase 1. Face the boss and avoid the cyclones.  Be ready
for big heals at the start of each phase 2, when CC breaks, and if someone
gets sucked into a cyclone.

=  Commander Ulthok  =


Dark Fissure: Causes a shadow puddle on the ground that slowly expands. Deals
damage to anyone in the puddle.

Squeeze: Does damage and immobilizes the target hit by this.

Enrage: Ulthok does slightly more damage, can be Sooth'd if someone is bored.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Ulthok main ability is Dark Fissure. He slams the ground and drops a shadow
puddle that will slowly grow as the fight goes on. Standing in it causes
damage. If the fight goes on long enough it will expand to cover the entire
room and there will not be a safe space to stand. From time to time he will
grab someone with the Squeeze ability and deal 75000 damage over six seconds.
Periodically he will Enrage and deal more damage for 10 seconds and cast
Curse of Fatigue.

Dark Fissure is the only ability to concern yourself with. The tank has to pull
the boss to the side of the room before the first fissure and then slowly tank
the boss around the room. The tank can leave room for the group to retreat into
Lady Naz'jar's room and continue to fight the boss in there. DPS has to let
the tank move the boss and establish aggro before dps'ing the boss.

  ~ Healing ~

The tank will not take much damage in the fight, even during the enrage. Save
your big heals for the Squeeze. Druids, a Rejuv and Swiftmend ready and drop a
couple of Healing Touches on the Squeezed target. Paladins can use a Word
of Glory followed by Divine Light. Dispel Curse of Fatigue. Stay out of the
Dark Fissure puddle and be ready to move if it expands or if you get Squeezed.

=   Erunak Stonespeaker & Mindbender Ghur'sha   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional)


	= Phase 1 =

Cone of Fire: Tank should face the boss away from the raid.

Earth Shards: Line of shards in a random direct. Avoid the line if heading in
your direction.

Lava Bolt: Fire damage at a target. Interrupt this.

	= Phase 2 =

Mind Control on a random member. DPS the member down to 50% then go back to
killing the boss.

Mind Fog: Green gas on the ground. Move out of it or you will be pacified.

Unrelenting Agony: Damage to the party. Heal through it.

Absorb Magic: Shield that absorbs all magic damage for five seconds. Purge or
Spell Steal.

  ~ Mechanics ~

This is a two phase fight. In phase 1 the target is Erunak. He casts a cone of
fire in the direction he is facing so tank the boss facing away from the party.
He will randomly target a party member with Earth Shards, which does damage in
a line from the boss to the target. If he targets you or someone near you move
away. He also casts Lava Bolt which should be interrupted

In phase 2 the jellyfish on his head drops off and is the new target. Ghur'sha
will mind control a random member. DPS down that member to 50% then go back
to killing the boss. Ghur'sha will periodically drop either a green cloud
on the ground which must be moved out of or Unrelenting Agony, which causes
damage to the entire party. Damage from this can be avoided by LoS'ing the boss
behind a pillar but then you will be unable to damage the boss

  ~ Healing ~

Be ready for big tank heals in Phase 1 and big party heals in Phase 2 when
Unrelenting Agony is being cast

	= Druid =

In phase 1, keep a full HoT stack on the tank and be ready with big heals if
Lava Bolt is not interrupted. Dispel the tank to avoid further flame damage.
Be ready to move if targeted by Earth Shards.

For phase 2, cast Wild Growth on the party during Unrelenting Agony and keep
Rejuv on the party in anticipation of that spell. After a party member is Mind
Controlled be ready to heal him up from 50%.

	= Paladin =

Holy power most likely will be used for tank healing in tank healing in Phase 1
and party healing in phase 2. When someone is mind controlled, it is a good
time to regen some mana with Divine Plea.

=  Ozumat   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Three phases in this fight. Phase 1 tank grabs all the adds and dps them down.
Phase 2 three stationary adds will come and start damaging Neptulon. DPS kills
these. Other adds will spawn from the ground. These must be picked up by the
tank and kited around the room. After the stationary adds are dead phase 3
will start. Everyone gets a buff which makes them huge but everyone also
starts taking stacking shadow damage which increases over time. A squid will
appear which must be killed.

  ~ Healing ~

Stand near the tank in phase 1 so he can take the adds off of you. In phase 2
follow the tank around the room as he kites the adds. Have cooldowns ready for
phase 3.
	= Druids =

Use Nature's Grasp, Barkskin, and Entangling Roots if mobs aggro on you.
Towards the end of phase 2 or beginning of phase 3 use Tree of Life and cast
Lifebloom, and Rejuv on the entire party. When phase 3 starts use Wild Growth
on cooldown and keep the Lifebloom and Rejuv stacks an each party member.
Tranquility may be needed.

	= Paladins =

Bubble if the adds aggro you in phase 2. Holy Radiance and chain cooldowns in
phase 3.

     ||    Heroic The Stonecore     ||

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

The Crystalspawn Giants stomp the ground. Jump when the casting bar is at like
70% to avoid damage from this.

=   Corborus   =


Crystal Shards: Direct damage to the target and anyone standing in it. Move out
of the shards and dps them down ASAP before the morph into explosive adds.

Dampening Wave: Deals minor damage to the party and absorbs 15000 healing.
Healer should heal this debuff off the tank then let it fade before healing
the rest of the party.

  ~ Mechanics ~

This is a two phase fight. In phase 1 Corborus attacks the tank. Periodically
he will target a random player with Crystal Shards. Unless the Shards are
destroyed they will spawn into an add and cause damage to any target they 
touch. Corborus will also cast Dampening Wave periodically. Quickly kill the
Crystal Shards and this fight is simple.

After a minute or so he will go underground and begin phase 2. In
phase 2 adds will come. Corborus will also pop out from under the ground,
killing any target standing in the area. This will look like dust coming from
the ground so move if you see the dust coming from beneath you. Adds will also
come in phase 2. Tank should aggro these and DPS kill them.

  ~ Healing ~

In phase 1, be ready to heal the target that gets hit with Crystal Shards or
move if it targets you. The Dampening Wave debuff that absorbs healing and
causes minor damage is not much of a concern. Simply use a heal on the
tank to eliminate it and wait for it to disappear from the party. Follow this
with a party heal. The debuff can be dispelled if necessary.

Adds will aggro onto you in phase 2. Druids, use Nature's Grasp and Barkskin.
Paladins can use Divine Protection and bubble. Keep moving to avoid Corborus
from popping up underneath you. Run back to the tank after this phase so he can
aggro the remaining mobs off of you.

=   Slabhide   =


Crystal Storm: Deals massive damage to anyone in her LoS. Move behind a
stalactite to prevent.

Falling Rocks: Rocks fall from the ceiling. Move out of the dark circles on
the ground.

Dusty/Flame Pool: Ground gets dusty then lava comes up. Do not stand in the

  ~ Mechanics ~

Slabhide has a ground and air phase. In air phase stalactites will drop from
from the ceiling onto a spot on the ground marked with a black circle. Move
away from the black circle. On the ground phase puddles of dust will appear
which quickly turn into puddles of flame. Move out of these to avoid taking

Slabhide will also cast Crystal Storm during the ground phase. Anyone
within her line of site will take damage. Hide behind a stalactite to avoid
taking damage. DPS can avoid all damage in this fight. If they take damage or
die it is their fault.

  ~ Healing ~

Avoid the stalactites falling from the ceiling and dodge the flame puddles on
the ground. Move behind the stalactites when Crystal Storm begins. The only
tricky thing about healing this fight is maintaining line of sight (LoS) with
the tank. Try to stay within his line of sight at all times while still
maintaining a path of retreat for the Crystal Storm. Have HoTs on the tank or
be ready with a large instant heal in case LoS issues arise.

=   Ozruk   =


Elementium Bulwark: Reflects spells back to the caster for 10 seconds.

Paralyze: Prevents the party from moving until they take damage. Either reflect
a DoT on you during Elementium Bulwark or melee him to take damage.

Ground Slam: Deals damage to anyone within 8 yards of him. Happens right after
a Paralyze. Move away from him after the Paralyze.

Shatter: Deals damage in a cone in front of him. Tank must face the boss away
from the party then move behind the boss or to his side to avoid.

  ~ Mechanics ~

This fight depends on the skill of the tank. The boss casts two spells that
will almost certainly kill anyone hit by them--Ground Slam and Shatter.
To avoid the paralyze, ranged DPS and healers have to cast a DoT spell on Ozruk
when he uses Elementium Bulwark. This will reflect the DoT onto you. Then when
paralyzed the DoT will damage you and break the paralysis. Melee DPS and tanks
get a DoT by hitting Ozruk with a melee hit.

The tank has to get the DoT from Ozruk. Shortly after Paralysis, Ground Slam
will occur so all melee must be ready to move away. Tank should always face the
boss away from the party. When Shatter is being cast, tank has to move to the
other side of the boss to avoid the Shatter.

  ~ Healing ~

Druids cast Moonfire or Insect Swarm after Ozruk casts Elementium Bulwark.
Paladins can judge him for 4 second DoT. Hope that your tank knows what he is
doing. The boss does so little damage that if you die, you can run back in and
rejoin the fight (make sure to heal yourself before taking the teleport). Even
if you get hit by every Paralyze, it is still easy to heal this fight.

=  High Priestess Azil  =


Gravity Well: Causes damage to anyone in it. Causes adds in it to die. Kite
the adds into it.

Force Grip: Causes damage to whoever is targeted by it. Can be interrupted.

Seismic Shard: Hurls a rock at a random target. The ground will look dusty
before this happens. Move out of the dust.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Two phase fight. Phase 1 she summons Gravity Wells and adds. The adds die if
they go into the wells so either kite the adds through the wells or position
yourself so that the adds aggro you by running across the well. She also
casts Force Grip which can be interrupted.

In Phase 2 she goes back to her pillar and summons three huge boulders. Watch
for dust on the ground which indicate where she will throw the next boulder.
Avoid standing there or the boulder will kill you. Continue to dps the adds or
kite them through the wells. It helps if tanks can pick up these adds and keep
them off the healer. Also helps if the DPS kills these adds.

  ~ Healing ~

Adds will aggro onto you throughout the fight. Position yourself by the side
of a Gravity Well so the adds can die by running through it or so you can kite
the adds into it. For Druids, Nature's Grasp and Barkskin are helpful here or
stand near the tank. Holy Paladins can use Divine Protection or bubble. Watch
out for Force Grip and be ready to heal that target up. Be ready to dispel her
Curse of Blood which causes the target to take extra physical damage. Do not
get hit by a rock in phase 2.

     ||    Heroic Vortex Pinnacle   ||

Probably the easiest Heroic.

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

It is all pretty easy. 

=  Grand Vizier Ertan   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Stand inside the group of cyclones. Dodge the cyclones when they come in or
don't. Pew pew.

  ~ Healing ~

The party will take damage when the boss summons in the cyclones. Use party
heals at that time.

=   Altairus   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss summons cyclones which cause damage and throw you up into the air.
Wind will come from a random direction and flow over the boss. Stand upwind of
the boss for a buff. If you are downwind of the boss you will get a debuff
which lows your casting time. All members should try to be upwind as much
as possible.

The boss will also target a party member and breathe fire on him, damaging the
target and nearby enemies. Tank should taunt the dragon at this time so the
damage is taken by the tank.

Zoom out to see which way the wind is flowing if you are having problems
telling what is upwind and downwind.

  ~ Healing ~

First priority is to avoid the tornados.

	= Druid =

Keep a HoT stack on the tank. Most of the time Swiftmend, Wild Growth, and
Rejuv will be enough to keep people healed up so you do not have to move into
the buff. If people start to take too much damage, move to get the buff or
turn into ToL form and insta-cast Regrowth.

	= Paladin =

Get upwind. Direct heals on the low targets should provide enough healing
through beacon to the tank.

=   Asaad   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

When the boss casts a triangle of lightning on the ground move into it or you
will die. Spread out afterwards for the chain lightning. If you jump at 60%
of the cast time of Static Shock then you can avoid the debuff and get
an achievement. Adds now come. Ranged DPS can kill them if they feel like it.

  ~ Healing ~

Move into the triangle of lightning. If people do not jump and get hit by
Static Shock then decurse them (or wait until the next Static Shock when
applicable). Pattern is Static Shock -> triangle -> Static Shock -> Static
Shock -> triangle -> Static Shock -> Static Shock -> triangle -> (he's still
alive?!) -> Static Shock -> Static Shock -> triangle 

     ||    Heroic Lost City of the Tol'vir    ||

One of the easier Heroics.

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

None of note.

=  General Husam  =


Shockwave: Causes damage in four lines out from the boss.

Bad Intentions: Damages and throws a random member up in the air.

Detonate Traps: Causes mines to explode. Cannot be seen unless graphics are on
good or better setting.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Husam will throw mines on the ground. Do not walk on top of them or you will
take damage. He will also target a random member with Bad Intentions. He will
cast Shockwave in a line, which should be moved out of. Periodically he will
use Detonate Traps which causes the mines to explode and damage nearby members.
Move away from the mines.

Have your graphics set to Good or higher in order to see the mines during
Detonate Traps. Move out of the way of Shockwave and do not stand on the 
mines. If you die in this fight it is because you made a mistake.

  ~ Healing ~

Avoid the mines and Shockwave. Keep LoS with the tank around the pillars. Be
ready with a large heal for the Bad Intentions target.

=   Lockmaw & Augh   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Phase 1 you dps Lockmaw and Augh will occasionally join the battle. Lockmaw
will cast Scent of Blood on a random member. That person has to run to the tank
so the tank can get aggro on the adds. DPS can then kill the adds. Avoid
Lockmaw's tail swipe by standing away from the tail. Augh will join the battle
by targeting a random member and casting Whirlwind. Move away from the

Phase 2 begins when Lockmaw is dead. The party is out of combat so can drink
and heal up before killing Augh. Move away from Augh when he begins casting

  ~ Healing ~

Both bosses cast a poison debuff which should be removed. Both also enrage at
low health so be ready for some bigger heals at that time.

=  High Prophet Barim   =


Fifty Lashings: Boss's melee attack gets stronger. Extra heals or a defensive
cooldown at this time.

Plague of Ages: Causes nature damage and jumps to nearby targets. Can be

Heaven's Fury: Flame pillar on a random target. Move out of it.

  ~ Mechanics ~

This is a two phase fight. Phase 1 he will summon a phoenix. A ranged DPS can
either kite this or the DPS can kill it. This should be moved away from the
tank to avoid the flame AoE. He will also call down a pillar of fire on a
random member. Move out of this. Fifty Lashings gives the boss a buff to
his melee attacks.

Phase two begins at 50% of the boss's life. He will summon a dark phoenix which
must be killed to end the phase. Periodically a player will get targeted and
summon a Soul Fragment. Kill the add before it reaches the dark phoenix or
the boss will get a buff and do more damage. Try to stun or snare the Soul
Fragment while the tank moves the dark phoenix away.

Phase 1 begins again when the dark phoenix is dead.

  ~ Healing ~

Be ready for extra tank healing when Fifty Lashings begins. Move out of the
pillar of fire. Save your cooldowns for phase 2 and be ready with party heals.

	= Druid =

In phase 2 everyone will take shadow damage so keep Wild Growth and Rejuv up on
the party. Use Tree of Life form so that you can use instant Entangling Roots
on Soul Fragments and roll Lifebloom on the party. If a Soul Fragment reaches
the dark phoenix, expect the tank to take extra damage.

	= Paladin =

Chain cooldowns in phase 2, Holy Radiance and Light of Dawn where needed.

=  Siamat   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Phase 1 the boss takes reduced damage from a shield. Kill the three Servant
of Siamat adds to drop the shield and begin damaging the boss (phase 2). When
the adds die they drop a debuff on the ground that increases damage taken by
33%. In phase 1 the ranged adds cast Chain Lightning which should be
interrupted. Avoid standing in the green stuff on the ground which causes

Phase 2 begins after the third Servant dies. Siamat will then cast Wailing
Winds which tosses everyone around the platform. Continue to interrupt the
Minion's chain lightning and damage the boss.

  ~ Healing ~

Have everyone near full life at the end of Phase 1 as it will be hard to heal
when being tossed around by Wailing Winds. Try to conserve mana when possible
as this fight can drag on. Have your cooldowns ready for phase 2.

	= Druid =

Wild Growth plus Rejuv on the party when necessary. Save your Tree of Life form
and Tranquility for Phase 2 if things begin getting dangerous. Tree of Life
form in phase two plus Lifeblooms on everyone is very useful for this fight.

     ||    Heroic Halls of Origination   ||

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

There is a gauntlet between the first and second bosses. Avoid the troggs in
this gauntlet as they will continue to spawn and just go straight for the

=  Temple Guardian Anhuur  =


Burning Light: Blue fire spawns under a random member. Move out of this.

Divine Reckoning: Hurts target and heals the boss. Dispel this.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Two phase fight. Phase 1 dps the boss. He occasionally casts Burning Light on
a party member. Move out of the blue flames. Dispel Divine Reckoning.

At 66% and 33% the boss will become protected by a shield and invulnerable to
damage. Beneath the boss's platform there is a pit. On each side of the pit
there is a lever. The two levers must be pressed to release the shield. To
release the shield both levers must be held for 10 seconds. However there are
snakes in the pit. If the snake hits you it will interrupt the lever press.
One person must aggro the snakes while someone else presses the lever. Once
the shield is down the boss will cast a spell that damages everyone until he
is interrupted. There are multiple ways to do this fight:

1) The tank grabs the snakes at the beginning of the fight. No one dps's the
snakes. When the boss puts up his shield, one person drops down to each side
and presses the lever. DO NOT dps the snakes or they will die and respawn
down in the pit. I swear to god DPS, if Blizzard still let me kick you I would
boot each and every one of you that dps's the snakes after I tell you not to
dps the snakes.

2) The entire group drops down to the same side. The tank aggro's the snakes,
and quickly moves to the other lever and aggro's those snakes. He then quickly
moves back to the boss. One dps gets each lever and the third dps kills the

3) 2 people drop down to each side of the platform. One person aggro's the
snakes while the other pulls the lever.

I recommend 1) if the tank and healer are good. 2) otherwise. The problem with
3) is at least two people are out of the healers range for an extended period.
This forces the healer to expend a lot of mana trying to heal them up and
leaves the damaged party members vulnerable.

  ~ Healing ~

Move out of the blue flame. Dispel the debuff. Always stick with the tank. It
is much easier to keep someone at full life or near full life then it is to
try to heal them up from low life. Use strategy 2) and be generous with your
part heals. Druids, Pop ToL form if you need to cast some Regrowths on the
move. Barkskin and Nature's Grasp if the tank fails to aggro the snakes on you.
Paladins can Divine Protection and bubble if the adds get to be too much.

If you do strategy 3) cast a HoT on people who are going to leave your LoS. 
Stick with the tank.

=  Earthrager Ptah   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional)

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss cleaves so only the tank should stand in front of him. The boss
disappears at 50% and adds come. Stack on the tank and dps down the adds.

  ~ Healing ~

Yawn. It's so sleepy in here.

=   Anraphet   =


Alpha Beams: Shadow damage to anyone standing in it. Move out of it.

Omega Stance: Damage to the entire party. Heal through it.

Nemesis Strike: Extra melee damage and shadow damage over time. Dispel it.

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss casts five Alpha Beams and then he will shift into Omega Stance. Move
out of the Alpha Beams. The boss casts Nemesis Strike on the tank which should
be dispelled.

Everyone should spread out so that each Alpha Beam only hits one person. Be
prepared to move quickly when the boss targets you with Alpha Beam. It is
easier for the healer if people group up during Omega Stance for AoE heals but
this is not essential.  

  ~ Healing ~

After you are targeted with an Alpha Beam, it is usually safe to stand still
and cast a large heal where needed. Until you are targeted by Alpha Beam
I like to keep moving. Party heals like Wild Growth and Holy Radiance during
the Omega Stance period.

	= Druid =

I like to do this entire fight without standing still. HoT stack and dispels
on the tank. Rejuv on the Alpha Beam target with a Swiftmend if needed. Have
Wild Growth available for Omega Stance and follow it up with Rejuv on each
party member. Cast Regrowth during Omega Stance to proc your Nature's Grace
and heal everyone up. ToL form for instant Regrowth on the move.

=  Isiset   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional)


Supernova: Stuns any target looking at her. Turn away.

Astral Rain: AoE damage to the party.

Veil of Sky: Spell damage is partially damages her mana instead of her health.

Celestial Call: Summons an add.

Split: Splits into multiple targets.

  ~ Mechanics ~

At 66% the boss will split into three targets. At 33% the boss will split into
two targets. All DPS should focus on one target. When the target is dead the
boss will reform. When she splits into multiple targets, killing the target
will prevent her from casting that spell any more. I.e. kill the Celestial Call
target and that spell will no longer be cast. I recommend killing Celestial
Call, then Astral Rain, but the order is not important.

Another ability to be aware of is Supernova. Simply turn away to avoid. This
effect can be dispelled.

  ~ Healing ~

Face away from the boss during Supernova (or the entire fight) and dispel the
fails if needed. Move to avoid the arcane thing on the ground if it is
following you. Astral Rain is simple to heal through with Rejuv and Wild
Growth or your class's applicable party heal.

=  Ammunae  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional)

  ~ Mechanics ~

Fairly straightforward. Ammunae will drop seed pods on the ground. When these
hatch adds will come out and the boss will be healed. Kill the pods ASAP and
the boss will go down quickly. The boss will also grab a target from time
to time and cast Rampant Growth, which are both easy to heal through.

  ~ Healing ~

This fight is about the DPS making sure to kill the pods. 

=  Setesh   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional)


Seed of Chaos: Green painful bubbles on the ground. Move away from these.

Shadow Missile: Slowly fires at a target leaving a pool of shadow on the ground.
Move to avoid and do not stand in the shadow.

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss cannot be aggro'd. He runs around the room opening portals. The DPS
has to kill the portals ASAP or too many adds will come and the group will
wipe. The tank will pick up any adds from the portals. The DPS resumes damaging
the boss when the portals are destroyed. Periodically the boss will cast Seed
of Chaos. Move away during this. He will also cast projectiles which leave a
painful pool of shadow in the ground. Move to avoid.

DPS only kills the portals and the boss. Let the tank worry about the adds.

  ~ Healing ~

Your heals will aggro the adds from the portal. Help the tank out and stay near
him as he runs around the room. This makes it easier for him to grab adds from
you. Druids, Nature's Grasp and Barkskin when needed and Paladins can Divine
Protection and bubble. Avoid standing in the painful stuff on the ground--leave
that for the bad DPS.

	= Druids =

This fight can last a bit so try to conserve mana by using Tree of Life form
and casting Life Blooms on everyone and Regrowth/Healing Touch only on Omen of
Clarity procs.

=  Rajh  =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Rajh needs to be interrupted. He casts Sun Orb, which should be interrupted
before it causes big damage to the tank. He also casts Inferno Leap which will
target a random member. The random member can move out of this--the indicator
is a circle of flame on the ground--or this too can be interrupted.

Throughout the fight the party will take minor flame damage and flame cyclones
will move through the room. Rajh will periodically move to the center of the
room and recharge his energy. At this time everyone takes damage but everyone
also deals double damage. Use Bloodlust or Time Warp at this time.

  ~ Healing ~

This is easy to heal through if the boss is interrupted. Have a cooldown and
party heals available when Rajh recharges.

	= Druid = 

Keep Rejuvs on everyone and Wild Growth and Swiftmend on cooldown. Pop ToL form
during the recharging phase or to conserve mana by blooming everyone one and
using Regrowth/Healing Touch only on Omen of Clarity procs.

     ||    Heroic Grim Batol   ||

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

Free the dragons caught in the nets. Ride these and spam fireballs on the
trash to damage them down. Dragons also serve like teleports do after a wipe.

= General Umbriss =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional)


Blitz: Targets a random target then charges them. Strafe to either side if
he targets you.

Ground Siege: Targets a random direct. Move to the side to avoid.

Bleeding Wound: Causes damage over time to the tank. Dispelled if tank is
healed to over 90% of his life.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Adds come from the back of the room. If the purple glowing add is killed near
the boss he gets a huge strength buff. The tank should grab the boss and
all the normal Trogg adds while a DPS pulls the purple add away from the boss
and kills it. DPS should kill all other adds too but take special care when
working on the purple add. Umbriss will occasionally set his eyes on someone
and begin to cast Blitz or Ground Siege. Dodge to the side to avoid either one.

  ~ Healing ~

Be ready for adds to aggro onto you. Druids Barkskin and Nature's Grasp when
needed, Paladins Divine Protection and bubble. Keep an eye on the boss and be
ready to dodge the Ground Siege and Blitz.

=   Forgemaster Throngus   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Forgemaster has three modes. Each mode will begin by him grabbing a weapon.
Throughout each mode flame pools will fall on the ground and rocks will fall
from the ceiling. Do not stand in this or you will take a lot of damage. This
may be the hardest Heroic boss for a healer so help him out by avoiding
unnecessary damage.

When Forgemaster grabs a mace, he moves slowly but hits very hard. The boss
must be kited. During this phase he will occasionally grab and impale a
target. DPS watch your aggro as the tank will not be able to melee the boss.

When Forgemaster grabs his shield, he deals damage in front of him. The group
must run behind him. When he shifts his direction move behind him again.

When Forgemaster grabs his dual blades he deals a lot of damage to the tank
and leaves a stacking debuff on him. Healer must occasionally dispel this
while the healer and tank burn defensive cooldowns.

  ~ Healing ~

Use cooldowns for the dual blades phase and party heals for the shield phase.

	= Druids =

This may be the toughest Heroic fight to heal. During dual blades phase keep
a full stack on the tank plus Regrowth to trigger Nature's Grace. Occasionally
dispel the debuff on the tank. If you are hit by Disorienting Roar, your
cast time will be much longer. Cast three instant spells to remove this.

On the mace phase, heal the party up as the tank will not take much damage.
Be ready to drop big heals on the impaled target.

Shield phase is a pain. Use Wild Growth and Swiftmend on cooldown. All targets
should have a Rejuv on them at all times. Barkskin is good to use here.

Save your Tranquility to late in the fight but use Tree of Life early to
conserve mana.

	= Paladins =

Use cooldowns for Dual Blades phase and dispel occasionaly. Holy Radiance and
Light of Dawn for Shield phase. Mace phase is a chance to use Divine plea and
melee to get some mana back.

=  Drahga Shadowburner  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional)

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss will summon flame adds throughout the fight. The flame add will
randomly target a member. If the flame reaches that member it will blow up,
likely killing the target and anyone nearby. The DPS must stun, slow, snare,
and kill the adds ASAP. If you are targeted by the add run away so the DPS
has more time to kill it.

Phase 1 is simply dps'ing Drahga while killing the flame adds. Phase 2 Drahga
disappears and a dragon appears. Keep dps'ing the flame adds. The dragon will
periodically cast a huge breath attack at a random target. Move behind the
dragon or you will take a bunch of damage. This attack is the same as this
dragon uses in the raid Bastion of Twilight. Practice dodging it here so
you are ready for the raid.

  ~ Healing ~

Healing this fight is easy. However people really struggle with the mechanics
so be ready to help them out. Druids, Root every fire add. Twice if needed.
Glyphing Entangling Roots can help out. Root then run away if the flame add
aggro's you.

Be ready to move behind the dragon when she casts her breath. This means
standing somewhat near the boss so it is easy to get behind her, not standing
30 yards away and beginning to move when she casts her breath. Kitty form, Dash
and Barkskin if you need it to get to the other side of her. Holy Paladins
can bubble the flame add or the breath.

=  Erudax   =


Summon Faceless Corruptions: Two adds come. These must be dps'd down quickly or
the boss will regain life and eggs will hatch causing damage to the party.

Summon Gale: Summons a storm killing anyone not in the eye of the storm. Move
into the eye.

Feeble Body: Tank takes more damage and is knocked back. Tank should run away
until this debuff fades.

Binding Shadows: Shadow missile on a random target. Strafe to avoid. Dispel if
someone is hit by it or they will be unable to move and will take damage.

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss will summon two adds. These adds have to be dps'd down before they
reach the eggs. If they are dps'd down, the fight is the easiest in this place.
If they are not dps'd down, you will likely wipe. When the adds reach the eggs
they will release something that causes party damage and heals the boss. The
adds can be slowed but not stunned. I.e. Frost Trap can slow the adds, but
Freeze Trap will not stop an add. Split the DPS up to ensure equal DPS on each
add. The tank should also dps an add.

Before summoning the add the boss has three abilities. One is Summon Gale. The
boss will cast a spell that damages everyone not standing in the eye of the
storm. Move into the eye--it is a black circle on the ground--or die. When the
boss casts Feeble Body, the tank should run away until it fades. The third
ability is Binding Shadows. This can be dodged by moving out of the way. 
Dispel it if someone is hit so they can move to DPS the adds.

  ~ Healing ~

If the DPS does their job this fight is simple. Move into the Shadow Gale. Be
ready to cast your largest heal after Feeble Body if the tank is bad. Be ready
to dispel if the DPS is bad and does not move out of Binding Shadows.

If an add does reach the eggs and begins to hatch then it gets difficult.
Everyone will begin to take damage. Druids Wild Growth on cooldown, Rejuv on
each party member, Swiftmend and Efforesence when people group up in the
middle. Holy Paladins target the low man with a direct heal, Light of Dawn when
possible and Divine Radiance when people group up.

     ||    Heroic Shadowfang Keep   ||

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

After killing the first two bosses there is a ghost near the entrance who you
can talk to in order to teleport to places further in the dungeon after wipes.

=  Baron Ashbury  =


Asphyxiate: Brings everyone down to 1 health.

Stay of Execution: Heals the boss and the party for 10% of their health every
second. Let it tick once or twice before interrupting.

Wracking Pain: Damages a target. Interrupt or dispel.

Dark Angel Form: Boss morphs at 20% life and causes massive AoE shadow damage.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Good interrupts are essential to this fight. The boss will cast Asphyxiate
every so often bringin all party members down to 1 health. He will then cast
Stay of Execution, healing himself and the party. After the Asphyxiate, let
the Stay of Execution tick one or two times before interrupting it. If you
interrupt before any ticks, then the entire party will have low health and 
be vulnerable to death. If you interrupt too late the boss will gain all his
life back.

The boss also casts Wracking Pain which needs to be interrupted or dispelled.
It does not hit for too much but since everyone is at low life after the
Asphyxiate it is deadly. Interrupt the Mend Rotting Flesh before it heals him.

At 20% he will go into Dark Angel form and cast AoE shadow damage on the party.
This gets stronger and stronger and will eventually kill the group. The
important thing is not to push the boss under 20% right after an Asphyxiate
as the party will have low health. Let the healer heal up, push the boss below
20% then burn all cooldowns. Lust or Time Warp if you have it. All members
should use any defensive cooldowns that they have.

  ~ Healing ~

Be ready with an instant heal on the tank after the Asphyxiate. Have your best
cooldowns ready for the final 20%. There is no need to fully heal the DPS after
an Asphyxiate (as the next Asphyxiate will get them down to 1 health) unless
the party is about to push the boss into the Dark Angel phase.  If the DPS is
bad at interrupts be ready to dispel Wracking Pain.

	= Druids =

Keep a Rejuv on the tank at all times. After an Asphyxiate Swiftmend and then
Wild Growth. If no Rejuv is on the tank drop a Regrowth then Swiftmend the
tank. Save your Tree of Life form and Tranquility for when the boss gets
under 20%.

	= Paladins =

Word of Glory or Light of Dawn after Asphyxiate then a Holy Radiance. Save
all cooldowns for the final 20%. Lay of Hands at the last possible moment.

=   Baron Silverlaine   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

DPS the boss. The boss summons adds. Kill the adds, then go back to dps'ing the

  ~ Healing ~

The boss casts a debuff which reduces healing taken by 75%. Remove this from
the tank and keep him full. When the debuff falls off the other party members,
resume healing the party.

=   Commander Springvale   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= (optional)


Shield of the Perfidious: Does damage in a cone in front of the boss. Tank
should turn the boss and DPS remain behind him.

Desecration: Green circle on the ground that causes anyone standing in it to
take damage.

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss starts with two adds. If the adds or left up, they will cast a buff
on the boss that heals him. More adds will come periodically throughout the
fight. If your DPS is good you can ignore the adds and burn the boss down (or
just kill the first two adds and burn the boss down). The adds can be shackled.
The proper way to do the fight is to kill the adds, then the boss, then have
the tank grab the adds that come throughout the fight, kill those, and then
the boss.

This is made more difficult by two of the bosses abilities. Desecration causes
damage to anyone standing in it and forces the tank to move. Shield of the
Perfidious will damage anyone standing in front of him. As the tank will be
grabbing adds throughout the fight the boss will be turned around, making it
more difficult to stand behind the boss or for the tank to turn the boss,
causing the Shield of Perfidious attack to cause more damage. 

  ~ Healing ~

This is not an easy fight to heal. Position yourself so the tank can easily
pull adds off of you. Aggressively use your cooldowns and large heals during
signs of trouble.

	= Druids =

Use your Barkskin when the adds aggro. Keep a full HoT stack on the tank and be
ready to Rejuv the tank and melee dps when the boss drops his green damaging
circle on the ground. Save your Tranquility for as late into the fight as you
can stand it. ToL form and Lifebloom the party at the first sign of trouble.

=   Lord Walden   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss will mix different potions for various effects. The Green potion
means everyone has to move. If you stand still you will die. The blue potion
casts ice shards round the room. Do not stand where the shards are about to
fall. The red potion increases critical strike chance by 100% for as long as
you remain stationary. Red light green light game brought to WoW.

  ~ Healing ~

Either people will move during the green phase and live or they will stand
still and die. Heal up in between the green phases.

=  Lord Godfrey   =


Pistol Barrage: Heavy damage to anyone in the Pistol Barrage cone. Since patch
4.0.6 he now casts it on a random party member.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Fairly straightforward. The boss will summon adds which the tank must pick up.
He will periodically cast Pistol Barrage on a random target. Anyone targeted
by the barrage should quickly move out of it.

  ~ Healing ~

Keep the tank at full health. The boss will cast a Cursed Bullet at a random
party member. Dispel this and heal the target up.

     ||    Heroic Deadmines    ||

  ~ Notable Trash & Gimmicks ~

My least favorite Heroic. I cannot stand this place. Hop into the cannons to
do more DPS. Stack on the pirates to avoid their charge.

=  Glubtok  =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Very easy fight. Phase 1 Glubtok will teleport around the room. At 50% he moves
to the middle of the room. He will cast a line of fire on the ground which
rotates around the room. Do not stand in this. He drops ice shards from the
ceiling. Avoid these by not standing in the blue circle. Flame adds will come
which the tank should pick up.

  ~ Healing ~

Avoid the wall of flame, do not stand underneath where the ice falls. Stick
with the tank so he can get the adds off of you.

=   Helix Gearbreaker   =

  ~ Mechanics ~

Helix starts on top of an oaf. Kill the oaf then Helix. Helix's minions will
drop mines from the ceiling. Do not stand near these. The oaf will occasionally
pick someone up then slam them against the wall. Do not stand in this path
(do not stand on the tracks). Helix will also grab onto someone's chest and
plant a bomb. If you have the bomb attached to you move away from the group.

  ~ Healing ~

Watch who Helix and the Oaf target. Be ready to heal this person up with some
direct heals like Rejuv plus Swiftmend and Healing Touch or Word of Glory and
Divine Light.

=  Foe Reaper 5000   =


Overdrive: Causes more damage to anyone dumb enough to still be near him when
he channels it.

Harvest: Targets a party member then runs towards it dealing massive
damage to anyone dumb enough to be in the path. Do not be that jerk who stands
way behind the party, thus forcing everyone to run far away when the jerk gets
targeted by Harvest.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Adds will come throughout the fight. One person has to ride in a Reaper bot and
kill the adds. This person should hit 1, 1, 2 (damage, damage, stun) to kill
the adds and keep them off the group. The tank will pull the boss up the ramp
a short bit. The boss casts two spells: Overdrive and Harvest. Move up the
ramp to avoid these abilities. Once the abilities are over, pull the boss
down the ramp a bit. Adds come a bit faster when the boss is enraged.

  ~ Healing ~

HoT the tank and heal the Reaper bot where needed. Run up the ramp during
Overdrive and Harvest. Paladins be ready for a big direct heal or to use
some cooldowns after running.

=  Admiral Ripsnarl  =

  ~ Mechanics ~

The Admiral will summon adds throughout the fight. Kill the adds ASAP or they
will grow stronger and do massive dammage to the party. Keep the adds under
control and this fight is pretty simple. DPS down the Admiral, switch to the
adds, and then back to the Admiral. The Admiral does a cleave so do not stand
in front of him.

  ~ Healing ~

This fight can last a bit so be ready to use Tree of Life form to conserve
mana or time your Divine Pleas will. Stay somewhat near the tank so he can get
adds off of you but not too close or the boss will damage you.

=  "Captain" Cookie  =

  ~ Mechanics ~

The boss will drop good food and bad food on the ground. Eating good food
increases your haste by 30% and stacks. Bad food causes a green painful
swirl on the ground--do not stand in this. Eating bad food causes damage.
However if no one eats bad food there will be nowhere safe to stand and
everyone will take too much damage to heal through. The good food will be
shiny and gold, the bad fool will be green.

Eat a piece of bad food then a piece of good food. This removes a piece of bad
food from the ground then gives you a buff. Doing this allows you to keep the
ground clear of bad food and gives the party plenty of time to kill the boss.

  ~ Healing ~

Help people out by clearing the bad food and then eating good food to remove
the bad food debuff. Party heals lile Light of Dawn and Holy Radiance are great
for this fight.

	= Druids =

Rejuv the party and Wild Growth on cooldown. This fight can drag so use Tree of
Life form to conserve mana and stack Lifeblooms on all party members.

=  Vanessa VanCleef  =

The boss comes when someone reads the note on the ground. Before fighting
Vanessa the party must go through the nightmare. If you die in any phase then
run into the zone and take the teleporter.

Part 1 of the nightmare, the party is hanging over a vat of something. Mouse
over the valves and click to free yourself. The party must then run down the
ramp to nightmare Glubtok. Either run down the ramp avoiding the fire on the
ground and ice falling from the ceiling or very quickly drop off the side of
the ramp before the flames start. Kill Glubtok and avoid the falling ice.

Nightmare Helix is next and is the toughest part of the nightmare. Burn all
cooldowns at this phase and Lust if you have it. Spider adds will come but
these do not need to be dps'd down. The phase ends when Helix dies so focus on
him. The tank should pick up the spider adds if any aggro onto the party.

Phase 3 has the party dodging shiny lightning orbs. Do not touch these or you
will die. Dodge the orbs til you reach the foe reaper. Kill him.

Phase 4 of the nightmare has you running back up the ship. Kill the worgens
while healing the Harrisons. If either Harrison dies then the party will wipe.
Run to the top of the ship to find Vanessa and start the fight.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Adds come throughout the fight. Kill them then resume dps'ing the boss. At 50%
and  25% the boss will set off explosives. Move over to the ropes and click
them in order to swing off the ship. If you do not reach a rope in time you
will die. DPS can stand in the red bubbles to get a dps bonus but they will
also take more damage standing in the circle.

  ~ Healing ~

Stand near the tank so he can grab the adds off of you. Be ready to run to
the ropes and jump off.


All raids can be run once every week. Killing a boss in a raid gets you saved
to that raid. Each boss killed grants 70 Valor Points in 10 man raids and 90
Valor Points in 25 man raids. To reach to Valor Point cap (assuming you run
your Heroic Daily every day) you must kill 11 bosses in 10 man raids or 9
bosses in 25 man raids.

For all raids you should come prepared with a Cataclysm Flask and +90 of a stat
food. Going between ilvl 346 Heroic gear and ilvl 359 Raid gear, typically only
provides you with +40 of your primary stat. Passing on the +90 of a primary
stat that food provides is lazy and disrespectful to the people you are raiding

     ||    Baradin Hold   ||
     ||====:====:====:====|| [9.1]

Baradin Hold is located in Tol Barad. To enter this dungeon, your side must
have control of Tol Barad. The entrance is located to the west side of Baradin
Keep in the basement beneath it.

=  Pit Lord Argaloth =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.1a]


Meteor Slash: Massive damage to a target and any nearby members. Causes a
debuff which causes fire damage to increase. Must be absorbed by multiple
members. A group cannot survive two Meteor Slash's in a row so tanks must
alternate taunting the boss and taking Meteor Slash's.

Consuming Darkess: Deals shadow damage every .5 seconds. Must be dispelled

Fel Firestorm: Damage to anyone standing in the flames. Targets random members.
Must move around to avoid. Cast at 66% and 33% life.

  ~ Mechanics ~

This boss is a DPS check. The DPS in the group must be able to collectively
average 10,000 dps or higher. The boss must be killed within five minutes or he
will go Berserk and kill everyone. This fight requires two tanks.

The raid will form into two equally split groups. Each group will have one
tank. Stack on your tank.  The tanks will swap aggro after each Meteor Slash. 
The boss will cast Meteor Slash on the tank who has aggro.The tank that is not
being targeted by the boss will taunt after the first Meteor Slash and the
other tank will taunt back after the second Meteor Slash. This will cause
damage that is split among all party members he is facing, thus the
need to stack. Meteor Slash will also leave a debuff on the target which
increases fire damage taken. If a group takes two Meteor Slashes in a row they
will die, thus the need for the tanks to swap taunts after every Meteor Slash.

At 66% and 33% the boss will cast Fel Firestorm. At this point the group must
spread out and avoid the flames on the ground. Move around until it ends then
stack back up in your original groups. Lust when the boss has 25% health

Throughout the fight healers will have to quickly dispel Consuming Darkness,
which causes Shadow damage every .5 seconds that it is active.

  ~ Healing ~

Healers must quickly dispel the debuff--start with the lowest health target--
and conserve mana so that they have enough throughout the fight.

	= Druid =

Full HoT stack on the tank who has aggro. Plant a pre-emptive Rejuv on a target
in that tanks group prior to the Meteor Slash. Cast Wild Growth and Swiftmend
after each Meteor Slash and then Rejuv and Nourish where needed to top people

Cast your Innervate and Tree of Life early so that it can be used later in the
fight. Move around when Fel Firestorm starts and heal the bad players who
get hit by the fire.

	= Paladin =

Holy Shock on cooldown to build up Holy Power and Judge on cooldown for mana.
Use Holy Radiance when your group gets hit by the Meteor Slash and Light of
Dawn on the other group when they get hit by Meteor Slash. Use cooldowns early
so that they can be available later in the fight. Swap Beacons after each
Meteor Slash. Divine Plea during the Fel Fire phase.

     ||   Throne of the Four Winds  ||
     ||====:====:====:====:====:====|| [9.2]

Throne of the Four Winds is located in the southwest part of Ulduar floating
in the sky.

=  Conclave of Wind  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.2a]

Coordinating raid movement is essential to beating Conclave. There are three
bosses on three platforms. Someone must be on each platform throughout the
fight or a raid wiping ability will be cast. The bosses must be killed within
90 seconds of each other or they reset to full life. This is a two tank fight.

	= East Platform - Rohash =

Rohash does not require a tank. Only a healer and ranged DPS. In 10 man
you want 1 healer and 2 ranged DPS on this platform to begin the fight.

   ::Rohash Abilities:: 

Slicing Gale: Minor damage to a random target.

Tornado: Summons tornados on the platform. Do not get caught in these.

Wind Blast: Rotates clockwise around the platform, knocking anyone in front of
him on the platform off. This should be avoided and may result in a wipe if
people are knocked off.

Hurricane: Rohash's ultimate ability. Cast when he gains 90 energy. Everyone
on the platform is caugh in a Hurricane and thrown into the air. Causes minor
damage and some fall damage when you land.

	= West Platform - Anshal =

Anshal requires a tank. In 10 man, all melee DPS and 1 healer should start
here as well as any ranged DPS not on Rohash's platform. 

   ::Anshal Abilities::

Soothing Breeze: Summons a circle on the ground that heals anyone caught in it,
including himself and his adds. The tank must quickly pull Anshal out of this
circle before he heals himself.

Nurture: Summons adds. These adds do damage to anyone nearby. Tank must aggro
the adds and the DPS should dps them down.

Zephyr: Anshal's ultimate ability. Heals any adds left alive on the platform.
He also gains strength. During this phase, the tank on the platform must kite
the boss and use defensive cooldowns.

	= North Platform - Nezir =

Nezir requires a tank. Places a debuff on anyone on this platform that
increases frost damage taken. In 10 man start with 1 healer and 1 tank on this

   ::Nezir Abilities::

Permafrost: Damages any targets in front of him. Only the tank should be in
front of him.

Chilling Wind: Stacks a frost debuff that increases frost damage taken and
deals minor damage.

Ice Patch: Drops a patch of ice on the ground that slows and damages anyone
standing in it. Move out of it.

  ~ Mechanics ~

All three bosses must die within 90 seconds of each other. If at any point a
boss is alive and no one is on the platform, a raid wiping ability will begin
to be cast. The bosses each have an energy bar that starts at 0 and reaches 90

Divide your group among the three platforms. A tank on the north and west
platforms, sufficient heals on each platform, ranged DPS on the east platform,
and melee DPS on the west platform. In 10 man you want 1 healer on each
platform, a tank on the north and west platforms, 2 ranged DPS on the east
platform and the remainder of your DPS on the west platform.

The bosses charge up their energy throughout the fight. At 90 energy the
bosses each perform their ultimate ability and you will be unable to move
from platform to platform. The North platform ultimate deals damage that is
split equally among all players there so everyone except for essential
personnel should be on the North platform for the ultimate. In 10 man, this
means everyone is there except for the one healer on the east platform and
the one healer and tank on the west platform.

The east platform should DPS the boss down. At 85 energy the ranged DPS will
jump to the North platform and DPS the North boss. They can then go back
to the east boss or stay on the North boss depending on how much life each
boss has. Remember that all bosses must die within 90 seconds of each other so
you may have to juggle DPS a bit. Healer will remain on the east platform at
all times.

The North platform will have a tank and healer on it. At 85 energy the tank
and healer will jump to the West platform. They must leave the platform because
the frost debuff they have will leave them unable to survive Nezir's ultimate.
When getting ready to switch, take into account the frost patch which can slow
you down.

The West platform will attack the boss. The tank must move the boss from
the middle of the platform. This is important because if Anshal drops a
Soothing Breeze healing circle in the middle of the platform, he will heal to
full during his ultimate. When adds are summoned the tank must pick them up and
the DPS promptly kill them. Healer, stack on your tank when the adds come
so the tank will pull aggro easier. After the tank has aggro move away from
the adds unless you are melee as they hurt anyone standing near them. At 85
energy everyone will go to the North platform. Tank has to make sure to pull
the boss far away from the healing circle. The graphic is incorrect and the
boss will heal if it is near the circle even it if looks like it is a bit out
of it. DPS can stay at the North platform for a bit after the ultimate but must
return to the West platform to kill the adds. 

Repeat this until all bosses are down to low life. Then you can either:
1.) Kill the West and East bosses at the same time then burn and kill the north
2.) Kill the north boss then split into two groups where one gets the west
boss and the other gets the east boss.

Either strategy is fine, just make sure to have all three bosses down to low
health before killing any boss.

  ~ Healing ~

East platform is about avoiding tornados and staying on the platform. The other
healers will be switching back and forth so must be able to heal the North and
West platforms. 

	= Druid = 

North is simple when there is no ultimate. Simply heal the tank and keep a
Rejuv on yourself. During the ultimate Wild Growth and Rejuv's all around.

The west platform is simple until the adds come. Stack on the tank so he can
aggro the adds then move away. Pre HoT the melee DPS as they will take damage
from being near the adds and be ready with big heals on the tank while the adds
are still up. I like to use Tree of Life form during this part of the fight. If
you are on the West platform for the ultimate, the tank will need big heals if
he is unable to kite the boss.

	= Paladin =

North is simple when there is no ultimate. Resist Aura and heal the tank. Hand
of Freedom if caught in the ice when you go to switch. For the ultimate, burn
a cooldown and use Holy Radiance where the largest clump of people is. Aura
Mastery is also helpful if you have Resist Aura active.

West platform is simple until the adds come. Stack on the tank so he can aggro
adds then move away. Use a cooldown when the adds come and be ready with large
heals on the melee and any DPS that pulls aggro.

=  Al'Akir  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.2b]

Al'Akir has three phases. The important thing in phase 1 is to stay out of the
cyclones, in phase 2 to properly manage the add kills, and in phase 3 to remain
on the proper level. Only 1 tank is needed.


  ~ Phase 1 Abilities (100%-80% Health) ~

Wind Burst: Knocks everyone on the platform back. If you are not close when
he casts this, then you will be knocked off of the platform. Be near the boss
when it is cast.

Tornado Wall: Wall of tornados with one hole. Must move through the hole while
timing the movement with the Wind Bursts.

Lightning: Blast of lightning in a single direction. Must spread out to
minimize the amount of people getting hit by lightning. In 10 man, no more
than 2 people should be hit. In 25 man, no more than 2 or 3.

Sleet Storm: Rains ice and leaves a patch of ice on the ground. Do not stand
in this or on the patch or you will take damage.

  ~ Phase 2 Abilities (80% to 30% Health) ~

Wind Burst and Lightning stop in this phase. Tornado Wall continues.

Summon Add: One add comes every 20 seconds. Timing the kill of these adds is
important as every add that dies stacks a debuff on the boss.

Acid Rain: Stacking debuff that causes more and more damage to everyone as the
phase continues.

  ~ Phase 3 Abilities (30%-0% Health) ~

Wind Burst: Now an instant cast. Continues to knock people back and knocks
people down slightly.

Lightning Rod: Does damage to you and anyone near you. Move away from the
group horizontally.

Cloud wall: Entire altitude is filled with clouds. Dodge by moving vertically
up or down. Have to move as a group.

	= Phase 1 (100%-80% Health) =

Phase 1 everyone must spread out in groups of two in 10 man and two/three in 25
man. The boss will cast lightning at a random group. This should not hit more
than 2 (3 in 25 man) people. Use the markers on the platform that kind of look
like spades to seperate the groups.

   ~ Positions (10 Man) ~

D----D-BOSS-D----D		H ~ Healer
	T			T ~ Tank
  HD         DH			D ~ DPS
He periodically casts Wind Burst which will knock everyone back. If you are not
close to the boss when he casts Wind Burst you will be knocked off the
platform. He will also summon a wall of tornados. There will be one gap in the
wall which the group must dodge through. Have someone call out in vent where
the gap is.

Stay out of the tornados at any cost. It is better to get knocked off the
platform by Wind Burst than to get caught in the tornado. It is better to run
on top of another group and risk getting more people hit by lightning than to
get caught in the tornado. The tank cannot get hit by tornado or it is likely
a wipe. In phase 1 your priority should be finding where the hole in the
tornado is and doing whatever it takes to run through that hole. If a Wind
Burst is coming up either pre-emptively run to the hole in the tornado wall
or run away from the tornado wall until after the burst.

When the tank is not within melee range of Al'Akir he will be targeted by a
lightning beam and take more damage. If you are standing within melee range of
Al'Akir, any spell with a cast time will be interrupted by him. He will also
rain ice down during phase 1. Do not stand in the ice puddles.

	= Phase 2 (80%-30% Health) =

Phase 2 starts at 80%. You no longer need to worry about lightning or Wind
Burst. However now multiple walls of tornados come and you must continue to
dodge them. The party should group up in a loose stack near the tank.

One person should off-tank the adds (in 10 man a DPS like a Warrior or Death
Knight can do this). The adds cause damage to anyone nearby so they should be
tanked away from the group. Everytime an add dies the boss gains a debuff and
takes more damage. This debuff stacks with each add that dies. The debuff lasts
20 seconds. A new add comes every 20 seconds. Add kills must be timed so that
the debuff stacks higher and higher and the boss takes more damage. Do not kill
the first add until after the third add appears (some groups may want to wait
until the fourth add appears). Then burn down the first add. Time your
subsequent add kills for when the debuff is about to fall off.

In phase 2 the party will take stacking damage from Acid Rain. At some point
this becomes unhealable. With proper add management this will not be an issue.
At 30% phase 3 starts.

	= Phase 3 (30%-0% Health) =

In phase 3 the platform disappears and everyone can fly around. The important
thing is everyone must be on the same altitude but spread out horizontally.
Either group up at the top of the boss or at his feet. Do not fly too far down
or you will get burnt by the lightning clouds.

The boss will summon clouds of lightning on a random member. This can only be 
dodged by moving out of it vertically. Eventually there will be too many
clouds and no where to dodge vertically. Thus the need to be on the same
vertical height. If one person is on a different level and the cloud appears
on his level than everyone else will have no where to dodge or be stuck on the
wrong side of the cloud. The boss will target a random member with Lightning
Rod. Anyone near that target will take heavy electric damage. That member
should move away from the group horizontally, staying on the same vertical
level. The boss will now cast Wind Burst instantly, knocking people back and

Group up at the bottom of the boss. Stay on the same vertical height in a loose
group. When the lightning cloud comes hit space bar to fly up and out of it (or
fly down out of it if the group is dodging downwards). Stay on the same
vertical height. If you get Lightning Rod fly horizontally away from the group,
staying on the same vertical height. Repeat until the boss is dead or there is
no room to fly around in. Pop lust right in Phase 3 when everyone is in

  ~ Healing ~

Phase 1 is more about mechanics than healing. Healers will typically be
assigned to groups that only they or one other healer can reach. You will be
responsible for keeping those people healed up after the lightning blasts. HoT
stack or Beacon the tank if he is in range.

Phase 2 has the Acid Rain debuff stacking up more and more throughout the
	= Druids =

Wild Growth on cooldown. Spam Rejuv on every member. Continue to dodge tornados
and stay away from the stormlings. Tranquility can be used late in this phase,
save it for when Acid Rain stacks are very high and right after you dodge a
tornado wall. You will want to use Tree of Life at some point in this phase.
	= Paladins =

Holy Radiance on cooldown. Save your cooldowns for later in the phase. Build up
Holy Power and use Light of Dawn on cooldown.

	= Phase 3 =

Phase 3 is also more about the mechanics than healing. Stay out of the
lightning clouds and fly away horizontally if you have the Lightning Rod

     ||   The Bastion of Twilight   ||
     ||====:====:====:====:====:====|| [9.3]

The Bastion of Twilight is located in Twilight Highlands high up in the air
on a large platform on the west side of the area. The trash at the beginning
and between Halfus and the 2nd boss can be cc'd.

The trash before the third boss is a bit tricky. The lightning and earth trash
are easy. The fire and water trash must be pulled together. Do not attack the
fire trash until the water trash lowers the fire thrash's shield, or anyone
attacking the fire trash will take damage. The fire trash will give you a
debuff that allows you to attack the water trash and interrupt its painful
raid-wide damage spell.

=  Halfus Wyrmbreaker   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.3a]

  ~ Mechanics ~

Halfus's abilities change each week depending on which of the 5 drakes are up
that week. Each week 3 of the 5 drakes can be talked to, determining which of
Halfus's abilities he will perform. Typically in 10 man you want 2 tanks,
3 healers, and 5 DPS. In 25 man you may want a third tank. Below are the drakes
listed in preferred order of release:

Storm Rider: Halfus gains the ability to perform Shadow Nova. Shadow Nova
damages the entire raid and knocks them back. .25 second cast time. Releasing
Storm Rider reduces the cast time to 1.5 seconds. This must be interrupted.

Nether Scion: Halfus gains the enrage ability, allowing him to attack more
quickly. Releasing the Nether Scion will remove this enrage.

Time Warden: The Proto-Behemoth behind Halfus gains the Fireball Barage
ability, causing damage to raid members it hits. Releasing Time Warden allows
the raid to strafe and dodge the Fireball Barage. If Time Warden is the 2nd
drake that needs to be released, it may be advisable to release him at the
start with the first drake.

Emerald Whelps: The Proto-Behemoth behind Halfus causes raid wide damage with
his Flame Barrage. Releasing the whelps drastically weakens the Flame Barrage.

Slate Dragon: Halfus gains the Malevolent Strikes ability. Every time Halfus
hits the tank, the tank will gain a stack of Malevolent Strikes, reducing
healing by 8%. The more stacks, the more healing reduced. Tanks must taunt swap
Halfus when the stacks get too high (usually around 8 or so). When the debuff
fades, the tanks have to swap again. Releasing the Slate Dragon causes Halfus
to become periodically stunned.

Each week's strategy will depend on the drake comp. I will try to give you an
idea of the general mechanics and some various pointers.

Halfus has a 5 minute enrage timer. Each drake killed causes Halfus to take
100% more damage so you can release all three drakes and beat the timer but it
is not necessary to do (updated as of patch 4.0.6). The typical strategy is to
release one or two drakes right after pulling Halfus. Lust right away, have
all DPS target and kill one drake, kill the next drake and then either release
the third drake or kill Halfus. The beginning of the fight is the hardest part
so burn all needed cooldowns early.

At 50% Halfus will begin casting Furious Howl. Furious Howl will prevent all
raid members from performing any action for about 10 seconds. All drakes must
either be dead before this or you must choose not to release them. If Storm
Rider is up this week, Halfus will follow Furious Howl with a Shadow Nova. A
mage MUST blink after the third howl and interrupt this Shadow Nova.

If Storm Ride is up....
-He must always be released first and at the beginning of the fight
-An interrupt rotation must be assigned. Shamans can windshear every Shadow
Nova but barring that, a solid rotation must be assigned.
-The first Shadow Nova is hard to interrupt but can be done (in Heroic Mode
this has to be interrupted)
-When Furious Howls start, a Mage must blink out of the third howl and
interrupt the subsequent Shadow Nova

If Nether Drake is up...
-He must always be released at the beginning of the fight if Slate Dragon is up
or the tank will take too many stacks of Malevolent Strike. Even if Slate
Dragon is not up, he should still probably be released at the beginning of
the fight.

If Time Warden is up...
-You may want to release him at the pull if he is the 2nd drake to be released.
This will greatly reduce raid healing needed but force the healers to focus
more on tank healing

If Whelps are up...
-The raid will take a lot of damage. This makes the fight much more healing
intensive. Try to release these Whelps to relieve the healing burden.

If Slate Dragon is up...
-Tanks will have to taunt swap Halfus throughout the fight. Let your stack get
to 8 or so then swap, let your stack fall off then swap back.
-Avoidance trinkets and cooldowns can prevent Halfus from stacking the debuff
on you.
-Using the Paladin spell Hand of Protection will remove all stacks. Use this
then have the tank remove the buff and taunt back to remove the stack.

  ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

The beginning of this fight will be the most healing intensive part. Tree of
Life immediately, get Lifebloom stacks on both tanks. Proc Nature's Grace early
and be ready for an early Tranquility if needed. Some combinations drain a lot
of mana so Innervate early so it can be up again later in the fight.

If Whelps are up...
-Be ready for serious raid heals. Wild Growth on cooldowns, Rejuv for everyone,
save your Tranquility for the last possible moment.

If Slate Drake is up...
-Know who is tanking Halfus (ie make sure you know who Halfus's target is by
setting Halfus as your focus) and have a rough idea of how many stacks he has.
Even if you are not assigned to heal that tank, when the stacks reach 7 or
higher the tank will be needing some extra heals.
-Keep a HoT stack on the Halfus tank and keep Swiftmend on cooldown for this
tank. Healing Touch plus an immediate Swiftmend is our biggest burst heal.

=  Valiona & Theralion  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.3b]


	~ Phase 1 Abilities (Valiona on ground) ~

Blackout: Causes damage that is split between all nearby members. Must group
up and dispel this to split damage between the raid. Group up and spread out
quickly due to the Meteor ability. 2 Blackouts in first ground phase, 3
Blackouts in the second ground phase.

Meteor: Causes damage to everyone within 8 yards of the target. Must stay
spread out so that multiple people do not take damage from the same meteor.

Devouring Flames: Targets random member and flame breaths in a wide cone in
that direction. Must quickly run behind the boss.

Dazzling Destruction: 5 patches of purple shiny stuff on the ground. Avoid or
you will be sent to the Twilight Realm.

	~ Phase 2 Abilities (Theralion on ground) ~

Twilight Meteor: Now causes damage to be split between nearby members. Have to
group up in a ranged group and a melee group.

Engulfing Magic: Your HoTs, DoTs, and direct damage abilities cause damage to
nearby enemies. If you are hit by Engulfing Magic, then run away from the
group before you kill everyone.

Shadow Pools: Pool of shadow on the ground. Immediately run out. Do not finish
your cast first. Move out. This should only hit the ranged group. If this is
hitting the melee group then there are not enough people in the ranged group.

Deep Breath: Randomly targets 1/3 of the room. Someone in vent should call out
which side it is hitting so the raid can dodge.

  ~ Mechanics ~

	= Phase 1 =

There are two dragons in this fight. The fight will alter between Valiona on
the ground and Theralion in the air (phase 1) and vice versa (phase 2). This
is a one tank fight, with three healers on 10 man.

In phase 1, Theralion will target random raid members with meteors so the party
should be spread out most of the fight. If you are grouped up, multiple people
will be hit by the same meteor, causing unnecessary damage. The only time when
you should group up is when someone is targeted by Blackout. Blackout causes
massive damage that is split among all nearby members when it expires or is
dispelled. If only one or two people are nearby when it is dispelled it will
kill them instantly. Group up at a set location--like the bosses tail--dispel
it and then spread out again. Do this quickly to avoid Meteors.

After each Blackout Valiona will face a random direction with a breath attack.
Move behind the boss to avoid this. There will be two Blackouts and two breath
attacks before the first phase 2. The second phase 1 has three Blackouts.

	= Phase 2 =

Phase 2 begins with Theralion casting Dazzling Destruction. 5 large pink swirls
will appear on the ground. Do not stand in these. Theralion will then drop to
the ground and Valiona will fly into the sky. The tank needs to get aggro on
Theralion ASAP. Theralion will cast Engulfing Magic two or three times in this
phase. Engulfing Magic causes anyone nearby to take massive damage from you
based on your current damage and healing. If you get hit by Engulfing Magic
move away from nearby members immediately and halt dps until you are at a safe
range. Resume dps or healing when you are at a safe range.

Valiona casts two abilities: a Shadow Pool and Twilight meteor. Her meteor
damage is split between all nearby members. The party must stack into a ranged
group and a melee group to split the damage from the meteors. The ranged group
should have at least 5 members, that way Shadow Pool will only target them.
Mark a ranged group member with a star and make sure that all ranged members
follow this person around the room. Quickly move out of Shadow Pool--even if it
means interrupting a spell cast. The ranged group will rotate around the room,
moving away from Shadow Pool, splitting meteor damage, and not killing the
group with Engulfing Magic (see below for an alternate and preferred 10 man
strategy for this fight).

Phase 1 begins again after Valiona casts three deep breaths. She will randomly
target the left side, right side, or middle of the room. Have someone in vent
call it out and be ready to move out of that third of the room. Repeat until
the boss is dead. Lust after a Blackout sometime in Phase 1.

If you are hit by Dazzling Destruction or a deep breath you will enter the
Twilight Realm. To get out find a portal and click it. Avoid the balls to
prevent damage. Your graphics must be at a good or higher setting to see the
Shadow Pools.

	= Alternate 10 Man Phase 2 Strategy =

I greatly prefer this strategy for 10 man raiding. It is simpler to learn and
execute, reduces the amount of movement needed, and decreases the amount of
damage taken. In phase 2 rather than have a ranged group stack up and move
around the room, have every ranged DPS and healer spread out. Melee stacks by
the boss. If you are targeted by a Meteor then run into the melee group to
split the damage then run back out. If you get hit by Engulfing Magic, it's
fine since you are spread out and no one is near you. Lust in this phase.

   ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

Phase 1 use your Swiftmend and Wild Growth right after a Blackout. Pre Rejuv
for a Blackout and Rejuv more after the Blackout. Kitty form, Barksin and Dash
to dodge her breath attacke.

Phase 2 Rejuv the ranged group (or the melee group if using the 10 man
strategy) and Swiftmend and Wild Growth on cooldown. I like to use Tree of Life
form for this phase and Lifebloom the ranged members (if you are using the 25
man strategy) or the melee (if you are using the 10 man strategy).

	= Paladin =

Beacon the tank. Holy Radiance and Light of Dawn for each Blackout in Phase 1.
In Phase 2, Holy Radiance right after a shadow pool appears. Build up Holy
Power and use Light of Dawn as much as you can.

=  Twilight Ascendant Council =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.3c]


	~ Phase 1 Abilities ~

Flame Torrent (Ignacious): Cone of fire. Tank turns boss away from raid.

Burning Blood (Ignacious): Debuff that causes fire damage. Spreads a buff
that causes members to deal more damage to Feludious. Move this buff to the
ranged group, let it tick so they get the debuff, then dispel.

Aegis Shield (Ignacious): Raid-wide damage that tick every two seconds. Must
destroy the shield then interrupt to stop this damage. Must be stopped before
the 4th tick. 

Water Bomb (Feludious): Puts a debuff on you called Water Logged. Run into the
trail of fire or the next Glaciate will turn you into an ice block.

Glaciate (Feludious): Nearby members take ice damage. Tank should move away
from the boss during this.

Heart of Ice (Feludious): Debuff that causes ice damage. Spreads a buff to
nearby members that causes them to deal more damage to Ignacious. Move this
buff to the melee group, let it tick so they can get the debuff, then dispel.

Hydro Lance (Feludious): Heavy damage to a single target. Should be interrupted
primarily by the tank but have a ranged interrupt on standby.

	~ Phase 2 Abilities ~

Quake: Causes damage to anyone who does not have the tornado buff. Hop in the
cyclone when the Quake is the next cast.

Thundershock: Causes damage to anyone who does not have the gravity well buff.
Hop in the gravity well when Thundershock is the next cast.

Lightning Rod: Deals chain lightning to the target and anyone nearby. Must move
away from the group until this is over.

Harden Skin (Terrastra): Deals 100% increased damage and absorbs 50% of damage
until this shield is broken and hurts him. Burn him down when the shield

Eruption (Terrastra): Deals damage from spike eruptions to nearby people. Only
hurts a little.

	~ Phase 3 Abilities ~

Cryogenic Aura: Ice pool on the ground that reduces the damage the boss takes
and spreads when he is in it. Tank must pull the boss out of it and keep the
boss moving throughout this phase.

Gravity Crush: Entrapped target cannot move and takes damage. Takes fall
damage when released.

Lava Seed: Plants a fire seed on the ground that then erupts. Do not stand
in the ground where the seed is placed.

Chain Lightning: Spread out to avoid the lightning hitting you to be chained
to other nearby people. Only effects ranged.

  ~ Mechanics ~

This fight is a bit of a gear check. If your DPS does not average 12000 DPS
per player then it is best to skip this fight until you get better gear or
better DPS (unless your healers are exceptional). This is a two tank fight,
typically three heals on 10 man (though two healing it is possible).

There are three phases. In phases 1 and 2 you fight two targets. When either
of the targets gets to 25% the phase ends. In Phase 3 they join up to form
one target. The phase 3 boss will have the combined health of the four previous
targets. That means the closer you get the four prior targets to 25%, the less
health the phase 3 boss will have. It is essential that all targets have less
than 28% health when the phase ends or the phase 3 boss will likely have too
much health to defeat.

	= Phase 1 =

Phase 1 has Ignacious (fire boss) and Feludius (water boss).

One tank on each boss, a tank with a reliable interrupt should be on Feludius.
The bosses should be tanked so that the ranged DPS can be in range of each
boss. Ranged DPS should be in a loose stack. Stack too tightly and Ignacious
will hit the entire stack when he jumps on a random ranged member. Stack too
loosely and everyone will not get the Heart of Ice debuff.

Ignacious should be turned away from the raid so that only the tank gets
damage from Flame Torrent. All melee dps should be on Ignacious (if melee DPS
is on Feludius they will get hurt by Glaciate). When Aegis Shield starts,
ranged DPS should switch to Ignacious to destroy shield. During Aegis Shield,
burn cooldowns and then promptly interrupt the spell. The shield must be broken
and the spell interrupted as soon as possible. Aegis Shield ticks for raid wide
damage every two seconds. If it ticks four times it is likely a wipe. The group
should aim for two ticks or less. Aegis Shield will begin shortly after

Feludius's Hydro Lance should be interrupted every time. The tank can get most
of them but you should have a ranged interrupt on standby--a Mage is good for
this. Move away from Feludius if he is too close during Glaciate. Feludius
may hit you with Water Bomb which causes the Water Logged debuff. If you have
this debuff when Glaciate starts you will be turned into a block of ice. To
get rid of this debuff run through the line of fire that Ignacious drops on
the ground.

The two debuffs, Heart of Ice and Burning Blood, hurt the person who gets them
but provide a needed raid buff. If you get the Heart of Ice debuff you should
run to the melee group damaging Ignacious, stand there until it ticks and
nearby people get the buff, and then have a healer dispel it. If you get the
Burning Blood debuff run to the ranged DPS group, let it tick, and have a
healer dispel it.

	= Phase 2 =

Phase 2 begins when either Ignacious or Feludius (hopefully both) reach 25%.
Arion and Terrastra then join the fight. This phase alternates between a
deadly Quake spell being cast and a deadly Thundershock spell being cast.
These casts are predictable. It starts with Quake, then goes to Thundershock,
then back to Quake etc. To avoid damage from Quake, find the cyclone and hop
in it. To avoid damage from Thundershock find the Gravity Well and hop in it.
Someone on vent should call out which buff you need to get next and where to
find it.

Terrastra also casts Eruptions which is not such a big deal. Melee DPS should
avoid standing in it. Arion casts Lightning Rod which is the deadliest
ability in this phase. If you get Lightning Rod you MUST run away from the
group. Do not worry about getting the proper buff. Run to the side of the room
and wait for Lightning Rod to be over. You can survive a Quake or Thundershock
but if you stand near people with Lightning Rod, multiple people will die.

When Terrastra casts Harden Skin burn the boss to get rid of it. The tank will
take extra damage until it is eliminated. Use defensive cooldowns as needed.

Each tank takes a boss and typically melee DPS on Terrestra and ranged DPS
on Arion since she teleports around a bit. Make sure both targets are at 28%
or below before pushing to phase 3.

	= Phase 3 =

Phase 3 is a dps race. The Elementium Monstrosity will cause more and more
damage until the fight is unhealable. Have all healing and DPS cooldowns
available. Save your lust for this phase. The boss hits ranged DPS and healers
with lightning which will chain to any person near you. Healers and ranged
DPS need to spread out and avoid chaining lightning into each other. He will
also drop a ice pool on the ground which reduces damage the boss takes when he
stand in it and causes damage to anyone who stands in it. The boss will also
pick up a target with Gravity Crush rendering the target unable to take action
and to take damage and then fall damage. His last ability is Lava Seed which
puts seeds on the ground which explode a couple seconds later.

The tank should pull the boss out of the middle of the room and tank him in a
circle about mid-way through the room. The tank has to keep the boss moving
throughout this phase. Ranged DPS and healers can stand in the middle of the
room, spread out to avoid the chained lightning but able to dps the boss
without moving. To dodge Lava Seed simply do not stand on the ground
where the seed is planted. This phase is all about the DPS. They have to go
all out. Pop all cooldowns and maybe a DPS increasing potion.

  ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

There are only two difficult healing parts to this fight: the Aegis Shield in
Phase 1 and all of Phase 3. Pop Tree of Life prior to the first Aegis Shield
and pre HoT with Lifebloom and Rejuv. Follow up with Wild Growth. Get a HoT
stack on both tanks after the Aegis. A Potion of Concentration can be drinken
between phase 1 and phase 2 for mana regen.

In phase 2 a healer might get Lightning Rod and have to run out of the group.
Be ready to pick up his role. If it is a tank healer, help out by healing that
tank. If it is a raid healer, help heal the raid a bit more.

Phase 3 is where you go nuts. Pop Tree of Life form 15 or more seconds into
this phase. Wild Growth and Swiftmend on cooldown. Do not worry about healing
the tanks, focus on the DPS and healers. Lifebloom like crazy and cast Regrowth
on every Omen of Clarity proc. The key is to save your Tranquility for as late
as possible into the phase. Be ready to heal up the Gravity Crush target and if
you are hit by Gravity Crush, kitty form will reduce fall damage.

=   Cho'gall   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.3d]


Shadow's Orders: Deals three bursts of raid-wide damage.

Flame's Orders: Cho'gall's melee attacks gain extra damage.

Conversion: Mind controls a target. Must be broken with any stun or snare.

Fury of Cho'gall: Places a debuff on the tank. Must tank swap after this.

Summon Corrupting Adherent: Summons an add. Interrupt this add and avoid its
shadow missile.

Fester Blood: Causes adds to come from the corpses of dead adds.

	= Phase 2 = 

Darkened Creations: Summons Darkened Creations adds. These adds must have
their channelled spell interrupted and be dps'd down ASAP. 4 adds in 10 man,
10 adds in 25 man.

  ~ Mechanics ~

The key to Cho'gall is to properly manage adds so that the raid has low
corruption going into phase 2. Then in phase 2, the group must properly manage
the Darkened Creation adds. Two tanks are needed and for 10 man two or three
healers are typical. If you have two capable healers, I would recommend two
healing it. Each player gets a corruption bar. Throughout the fight taking
damage will increase a player's corruption and leave them more vulnerable.

25 corruption: You get a debuff that increases corruption taken. Dispel this.
50 corruption: You vomit in front of you damaging anyone in a cone in front of
you. Turn away from the group when this happens.
75 corruption: Two tentacles spawn.
100 corruption: You can no longer be healed but spells become instant cast and
you deal more damage.

	= Phase 1 (100%-25% Health) =

Tank Cho'gall on one side of the room far away from the entrance. Group up 
right behind Cho'gall and be ready for Conversions. When Cho'gall casts
Conversion break the mind control with any stun ability like Fear, Scatter
Shot, Thundering Stomp, etc. Be ready for tank heals during Flame's Orders and
raid heals during Shadow's Orders. After Fury of Cho'gall the tanks must swap
aggro with the off-tank picking up Cho'gall. When adds are up, the tank will
want to use a minor cooldown during Flame's Orders.

Cho'gall will summon an add. A tank must take this add to the room entrance and
all DPS shoud switch to the add and kill it. Interrupts on this add are needed
or the tank will take too much corruption. The add will shoot out shadow
missiles that target a random raid member. Dodge these by moving out of the
shadow circle on the ground. The add must die before Cho'gall casts Festering

Festering Blood is where things get tricky. 5 slime adds come out of the corpse
of each dead add. These must be killed before they attack people and cause
their corruption to increase. The first Festering Blood there will only be one
dead add and the 5 slimes are easy for the ranged DPS to kill. Second Festering
Blood will be 2 dead adds so 10 slimes. The third and fourth Festering Blood
means 15 and 20 adds. At this point the melee DPS must help out. Any slowing
ability like Frost Trap and Hungering Cold should be used to slow the adds
and buy more DPS time. Do not get hit by the adds or your corruption will
rapidly increase. Phase 1 is easy except for these intense periods of add
control and burn. At 25% health phase 2 starts.

	= Phase 2 (25%-0% Health) = 

Corruption increases gradually in this phase even if you are not taking damage.
Eventually this becomes unhealable so it becomes a DPS race. Burn Lust at this
phase. Watch your corruption stack and be ready to turn away when you are
about to barf. Tentacle adds come during this period. These adds must be
interrupted ASAP. Then they must be dps'd down by all dps before returning to
the boss. Designate a DPS leader and have everyone /assist that leader or have
him as the focus and follow his lead. A Warrior is a good off-tank for this as
he can bounce around interrupting like crazy. In 10 man, 4 adds will
periodically appear. In 25 man 10 adds will appear. The key is to Interrupt.

  ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

:Phase 1 (Three Healers):

If you are a tank healer, keep your full stack on him and Wild Growth and Rejuv
the raid when you can. If you are designated the raid healer, keep your
Lifebloom stack on the Cho'gall tank. Be ready for extra Healing Touches on the
Cho'gall tank during Flame's Orders. During Shadow's Orders heal up the raid.
Remember there are three bursts of Shadow's Orders. After the third burst you
have plenty of time to heal up the raid so do not panic.

:Phase 1 (Two Healers):

Keep your HoT stack on the tank Cho'gall is attacking at all times. Extra heals
for Flames orders. Down shift to Nourish as much as possible in order to
conserve mana. Pop a Tree of Life early enough so that it will be available in
Phase 2. Very little healing will be needed on the non Cho'gall tank that tanks
the adds.

:Phase 2:

You can use Tree of Life early in Phase 1 but make sure all cooldowns are
available for Phase 2. Pop Tree of Life form when things get hairy and save
your Tranquility for as late as possible in that phase.  Blanket the group with
Rejuv as much as your mana allows.

     || Blackwing Descent ||
     ||====:====:====:====|| [9.4]

Blackwing Descent is located on Blackrock Mountain. I often PUG this raid with
my alt and for some reason every group I have been in saves Chimaeron as the
5th kill. In my opinion Chim should be done third as he is much easier than
Atramedes and slightly easier than Maloriak.

The trash before Magmaw is a bit tricky. The two dragonkin have to die at the
same time or the other one enrages. They also charge at the target furthest
away from them so position the group in a triangle with the two furthest points
of the triangle being the tanks.

The trash before Atramedes is a pain. There are two pulls, each with four
dwarf spirits in it. Each has its own ability. When you kill one dwarf, the
other three dwarves get that ability. For the east pull, save the Whirlwind
and Stay of Execution dwarf for the last two kills. Each tank should tank 2
dwarves. When Stay of Execution is cast, all DPS switches to that target to
break his shield and then interrupt the cast. For the west pull, save the
Burden of the Crown dwarf for one of the last two kills. The Burden of the
Crown debuff causes major damage to anyone who is attacking.

= Magmaw =
=~~=~~=~~= [9.4a]

Phase 1 of the fight is about properly managing the adds. Phase 2 is the dps
phase. 1 tank is sufficient. In 10 man 1 tank, 3 healers and at least 3 ranged
DPS are needed. Kill the adds promptly and Magmaw is easy to defeat.


Flame Pillar: Flame pillar appears on the ground. Does damage to anyone
standing on it when it erupts and causes Lava Parasites to spawn. Cast on a
random raid member more than 15 yards from Magmaw.

Mangle: Heavy damage on the tank. After Mangle tank gets injested and cannot
take any action.

Dusty Room: Half the room gets dusty. Move to the other half of the room or
you will take dust damage and be stunned.

He will also periodically cause massive raid damage and some single target
damage to random members. Heal though these.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Have two melee and the tank healer in the melee group. This group will stay
near Magmaw until his head drops to the ground. The two melee (three in 25
man) will hop on Magmaw then chain him to the ground. Chain him by spamming
1 then clicking the green-target circle on the spike on the ground. If this
is not done promptly by both members Magmaw will break free and cause major
raid wide damage. After both chains are placed Magmaw will be spiked to the
ground and Phase 2 will start. DPS should use all cooldowns here and Lust.
After a phase 2, Magmaw will drop aggro. The two melee and healer should
back slightly away until the tank gets aggro again so that Magmaw does not
melee them. 

The tank will get Mangled and take extra damage. He will then get swallowed
and be able to move. Heavy heals are needed on the Mangle and defensive
cooldowns should be saved for this time.

The rest of the healers and ranged DPS will be stacked up 20-25 yards or so
from Magmaw. They will stay stacked until a Flame Pillar is cast. Quickly
move out of the Flame Pillar and regroup at another designated point. All
ranged DPS should kill the adds ASAP. Use any slowing abilities you have like
Frost Trap, Tsunami, Earthbind Totem, Cone of Cold, etc. If the adds hit you
they will infect you and more parasites will spawn. Do not get hit by the
adds. After the adds are dead stay grouped up until the next flame pillar then
move back to your original spot. Keep this up until Magmaw is chained to the
ground and phase 2 starts.

Typically groups start on the left, wait for Flame Pillar, and move to the
right. In 10 man, there will almost always be 2 Flame Pillars, then a phase 2,
then one Flame Pillar between each phase 2.

  ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

During each phase 1 Magmaw will cast single target damage on random members
and periodically hit the entire raid with massive damage. Direct heal the
single target person and use Wild Growth and Swiftmend during the raid wide
healing phase. Pop Tree of Life form very early as the firhgt prior to the
first phase 2 is the most difficult, mana intensive part of the fight.

Keep a full HoT stack on the tank. While the tank is being Mangled, move out
of the ranged group and closer to the tank so you can hit him with Healing
Touches in addition to your HoT stack. During phase 2, use a Potion of
Concentration if needed and regen your mana. 

=  Omnotron Defense System =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.4b]

The four golems rotate with any two of them being active at any time.  It is
important that each member understands the mechanics of all the bosses and his
role in the fight. This is a two tank fight.


	~ Arcanotron Abilities ~

Arcane Annihilator: Inflicts damage to a single target. Should be interrupted.

Power Generator: Places a glowing buff on the ground that increases damage
dealt and mana regen. Arcanotron must be pulled out of it but healers and DPS
can stand in it for a dps and mana regen bonus.

At 50 energy, Arcanotron puts up a barrier that should be purged or spell
stolen asap.

	~ Toxitron Abilities ~

Chemical Bomb: Hits an area with a poison cloud. Those in the cloud--including
the bosses--take extra damage. Move out of the cloud.

Poison Protocol: Summons poison adds. Summons 3 adds. When Poison Protocol
starts melee DPS must move away and ranged DPS burn the adds ASAP. They can
be slowed and stunned. Roots, Cone of Cold, Frost Trap, etc work. If one
fixates on you run away.

At 50 energy, Toxitron puts up a barrier. If anyone DPS's him they get hit
with poison. All people should stop attacking him at this time even the tank.

	~ Electron Abilities ~

Lightning Conductor: Targets one random member. Anyone nearby takes lightning
damage. If you get this move away from the group.

Electrical Discharge: Chain lightning on a random target. Raid must spread

At 50 energy, Electron puts up a barrier. Do not attack it or everyone takes
AoE damage.

	~ Magmatron ~

Acquiring Target: Targets random member with a beam. Anyone in between that
member and the beam takes heavy damage. Move away from the group if targeted.

Incineration Security Measure: Deals raid wide fire damage.

At 50 energy Magmatron puts up a barrier. If this barrier is broken it deals
heavy damage to the raid.

  ~ Mechanics ~

As the order of the golems is random it is important to know their abilities
and your role. Tanks will alternate Golems. When one is shutting down--getting
near 0 energy--the next one is ready to be picked up. When a golem gets to 50
energy its barrier gets put up. For all barriers except Magmatron, It is okay
to DoT it but no direct damage or direct damage DoTs can be done (ie if your
DoT ticks every 3 seconds it is fine however if it does damage on the cast then
ticks it is not okay). The barrier drops at 25 energy so DPS can resume at that
point or burn the other golem. The exception is Magmatron's barrier. No DoT's
should be put on this.

When Electron is up, the raid needs to spread out. The person with Lightning
Conductor runs away from the raid. When Toxitron is up, the melee DPS has to
run away during Poison Protocol and the ranged DPS has to be ready to burn
the adds. When Magmatron is up, group up for AoE healing UNLESS Electron is up.
Stay spread out if Electron is up. Move away from the group if you are hit
with Acquiring Target. If Arcanotron is up, coordinate your interrupts over
vent. DPS be ready to move into Power Generators unless Electron is up, in
which case stay spread out. Only healers get the Power Generators in this case.

  ~ Healing ~
	= Druid =

Tank healing is pretty easy. A HoT stack and then some Healing Touches where
needed. Even if designated on a tank, be ready to help with the raid. Wild
Growth and Swiftmend on Cooldown. Raid healing means mass Rejuv and helping
out the low tank when needed. Juggling a stack on Lifebloom on both tanks
with the Tree of Life then keeping it up through the fight is useful on this
fight but not really practical if you are raid healing.

If Magmatron is up...
This is the toughest part to heal. I use Tree of Life for the first Magmatron.
Lifeblooms all around, Healing Touch and Rejuv + Swiftmend when someone is
targeted with Acquiring Target. Typically Tranquility is best timed late
into the fight after Magmatron's second Incineration.

If Arcanotron is up...
Hop into the Power Generator. Be ready with Healing Touches when interrupts
miss or fail to happen.

If Electron is up...
Stay spread out.

If Toxitron is up...
Root a slime add if no one needs healing. Move away if fixated or root if

=  Elevator =

A fiendish contraption crafted from the darkest depths of Nefarion's twisted
heart. Elevator lures unsuspecting raiders onto it, triggering horrendous
deaths from fall damage. You encounter Elevator after killing Omnotron and


Up: Elevator quickly moves up. This occurs right when you are about to step
off the elevator, causing you to move up before you step off the elevator and
increases your fall damage.

Down: Elevator rapidly moves down. This occurs right when you are about to
step on Elevator, causing you to miss the platform and plummet to your

  ~ Mechanics ~

Slowly approach Elevator. When located on the edge of the ledge wait for the
platform to come up. Cautiously step onto the platform. As Elevator goes down
move to the edge of the platform. Be ready to jump off as Elevator approaches
the bottom. Do not jump too early or you will take fall damage. Jump too late
and you will begin riding up Elevator.

Levitate, Slow Fall, Engineering Parachute, and Pali bubble are all useful
abilities to have.

=   Maloriak   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.4c]

The only difficult part of the Maloriak fight is the add burn in Green Vial
Phase. Good DPS for these two burns is essential. This is a 2 tank fight. It
can be two or three healed on 10 man.

Maloriak At a Glance...
-Spread out during Blue phase
-Group up during Red phase
-Kill adds during first Green phase
-Kill adds and push Maloriak below 25% during 2nd green phase


Arcane Storm: Damages the entire raid until interrupted. Interrupt immediately.
Curse of Tongues or Rogue's poison will slow the cast on this and lessen the
damage per second.

Remedy: Heals Maloriak. Must be spell stolen or purged ASAP.

Release Aberrations: Release 3 adds from nearby vials.

	~ Blue Vial Phase Abilities ~

Blue vial phase means spread out.
Flash Freeze: Freezes a target and any nearby members. Causes initial damage
and causes damage when broken. The raid must be spread out to avoid multiple
people getting hit by the same Flash Freeze. Do not break the target out of
Flash Freeze until they have over 65k health. Ranged DPS must break the target
out after he has been healed up.

	~ Red Vial Phase Abilities ~

Red vial phase means group up in front of the boss.

Scorching Blast: Deals massive damage in a cone in front of the boss. Damage
is split between all members in the cone. Everyone except for the off-tank must
group up in a cone to mitigate the damage. Use a damage reduction cooldown
if available.

Consuming Flames: Deals minor fire damage and increase fire damage taken. If
hit with this debuff you must move out of the way of Scorching Blast or you
will die. If the tank gets it, he must stand there and take the extra damage.

	~ Green Vial Phase Abilities ~

Green vial phases means burn the adds ASAP.

Acid Nova: Causes the shield on the aberrations to temporarily dissolve.
Burn the adds quickly before debuff disappears.

	= Phase 2 Abilities =

Acid Nova: AoE, raid wide damage.

Absolute Zero: Summons an ice orb that causes damage to nearby targets. Move
out of it.

Magma Jets: Two lines of fire in a direction. Avoid it by strafing.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Designate someone to interrupt Arcane Storm. This must be interrupted every
time. The faster the better. When the Green Vial phase starts, Maloriak will
jump then cast Arcane Storm so be ready with a quick interrupt.

Group up during the Red phase, spread out during the Blue phase. The target
hit with Consuming flames in the Red phase has to move out of the group. The
target hit with Flash Freeze in the Blue phase must be healed up before a
ranged DPS breaks him out of the Blue phase.

Maloriak is surrounded by vials containing adds. Throughout the fight Maloriak
will release the adds. This can be interrupted however any adds not released
will be released when Maloriak hits 25%. If you interrupt all the Release
Aberration casts, all the adds will release at the end and the tank will
promptly die. The adds have a buff on them that causes them to do more damage
if there are more adds around. This also buffs Maloriak so the adds must be
kept away from him. A tank can survive 9 adds and 12 adds for a bit but any
more than that and the tank will likely die.

Maloriak has 5 minute berserk timer. The proper timing of the fight is to push
Maloriak to 25% during the second Green Vial phase. Any later and you will not
meet the Berserk timer. Any earlier and there will be adds still alive. Adds
are hard to kill except during the Green vial phase (though they can be
killed out of it if the DPS has nothing better to do). During the first Green
phase quickly burn the adds. The second Green phase kill the adds then push
the boss below 25% to trigger the final phase. Do not push Maloriak below
25% before this if adds are up.

You will want to have 9 adds released and ready to kill during the first
Green vial phase and 9 adds released and ready to kill during the second Green
phase. This means only interrupting 2 of Maloriak's 5 Release Aberrations
spells. Sometimes Maloriak will interrupt himself so it may not be necessary
to interrupt at all. When adds are released, cc abilities like Frost Trap can
be placed in the back of the room to help the off-tank kite the adds.

	= Final Phase =

Two large adds will come along with the remaining Aberration adds. The two
large adds will fixate after 10 seconds and be untauntable. The off-tank must
get aggro or have them Misdirected/Tricks of the Traded over to him ASAP.

This is the DPS burn phase. Lust and pop all cooldowns. Maloriak gains two new
abilities. He will cast Absolute Zero on a random target, summoning an ice
sphere that will explode and do damage. Simply move away from it to avoid
damage. He will also turn and phase in a random direction--like the first
boss in Grim Batol--and fire a jet of flames in that direction. If Maloriak
is facing you strafe to the side to dodge this. If hit by this it will hurt
you, pick you up and then cause fall damage. Have all defensive cooldowns
ready to go in this phase as it eventually becomes unhealable.

  ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

Tank healing the main tank is easy until the final phase. Tank healing the off
tank is difficult during the first phase and easy during the final phase. As
this fight is two healable, you must be able to raid heal while keeping your
tank up.

Follow each poorly interrupted Arcane Storm with a Wild Growth and Rejuv's.
During the Red vial phase use Barkskin and save your Swiftmend and Wild Growth
til immediately after a Scorching Flames hits. I like to use Tree of Life
for the first Red vial phase and then again during the Final Phase. During
Blue vial phase Rejuv, Swiftmend, and Healing Touch the person hit with Flash
Freeze. Flash Freeze will be cast twice each Blue Phase.

When the off tank gets 9 aberrations on him focus almost all of your healing on
him. Full HoT stack, cast Regrowth to trigger Nature's Grace and keep a steady
stream of healing touches on him.

	= Final Phase Healing =

Pop Tree of Life at the beginning of the phase and roll Lifeblooms on everyone.
Use your Omen of Clarity procs for Regrowth and hit the low health man. Wild
Growth and Swiftmend on cooldown. Alternate between pre-emptive Rejuv's to
keep the raid up and healing the low health man. The main tank will need big
heals but the off tank should be fine if he properly uses his cooldowns. Save
Tranquility for as late into this phase as you can.

=   Atramedes  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.4d]

Atramedes is a strange fight. Everyone gets a sound meter. If you take damage
during the fight your sound meter increases. If it reaches 100, Atramedes
will kill you instantly. To lower your sound there are 10 gongs placed around
the room. The fight consists of avoiding sound as much as possible and properly
using the gongs to reset sound. This is a one tank fight. 2 or 3 healable in 10


Searing Flame: Massive raid wide damage. Ticks every second for five seconds.
If this ticks more than once then you are doing it wrong. If it ticks more than
twice you will likely die. Cast once per each ground phase.

Modulation: Raid wide damage that increases sound. Unavoidable.

Sonic Pulse: Summons a disc that will move out from the boss causing sound
to increase on anyone who gets hit by it.

Sonic Breath: Randomly targets a member and chases them with a flame. In ground
phase, if you are targeted run one way, everyone else should take a couple
steps in the other direction. Circle around the boss as you run. or the flame
will catch up to you. In the air phase this breath will slowly catch up
to you. Burn movement enhancing abilities and have a stand-by ready to gong.

Due to how the game calculates positions when you jump--ie it assumes you
are at the same position until you land--you should not jump if a flame is
tracking you. It is counter-productive and leads to more sound and damage.

  ~ Mechanics ~

There is an air phase and a ground phase. Properly execute the mechanics or
you will face unavoidable sound deaths (And by sound I mean "the sensation
perceived from hearing" not sound as in "free from error, fallacy and
misapprehension" because that is the opposite of what I mean).

	= Ground Phase =

Form a melee group on one side of the boss--let us say his starboard side--
and a ranged group on his other side. Damage the boss while avoiding the discs
of sound that come out from beneath him. Stay stacked in your groups. When
he starts Sonic Breath--there will be two per ground phase--run one way while
the rest of the group takes two steps in the opposite direction. In this
example the ranged member targeted would run counterclockwise or right (away
from the tank) and the rest of the group would move slightly left. The melee
member targeted would run clockwise or left (away from the tank). When
running from the boss try to circle him or the flame will catch up. Restack
and be ready for the next Sonic Breath.

Designate a Ground Phase gong man. He will leave the ranged group early and
move to a gong prior to Searing Flame being cast. Hit the gong right when 
Searing Flame is cast to interrupt it. Only 0-1 ticks should go off from
Searing Flame.

	M			T ~ Tank
     T-Boss			M ~ Melee Stack
 				R ~ Ranged and healers stack

	= Air Phase =

Atramedes will fly into the air and target a random member with Sonic Breath.
If you are not moving at the beginning of this phase and he targets you, you
will die. The flame starts to move faster and faster until it catches up with
the target.

Designate two gong hitters for this phase. You will need someone with some
reliable movement increasing skills like a Shaman with ghost wolf, a Mage with
blink, a Warrior with Heroic Leap etc. When someone hits a gong during this
phase the flame breath will stop tracking the random person and target the
person who hit the gong. This gong hitter must immediately start running. If
the flame starts to catch up to them a second gong must be hit. No more than
two gongs should be hit per phase and ideally only one. A priest can use Body
and Soul or Leap of Faith to help the gong hitter kite the flame. In theory the
Druid Stampeding Roar can be used but that would mean implying the ability
actually had a use.

A Shaman in ghost wolf form with a priest Leap of Faith or Body and Soul can
kite the entire air phase by himself. Ground phase will begin again and the
fight will repeat itself.

  ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

This fight is very easy to heal. It is more about mechanics. Either execute
the mechanics and live or take 100 sound damage and die. Wild Growth and
Swiftmend after Modulation. You will have so much mana during this fight feel
free to cast Rejuv whenever. It may help to heal the gong hitter in the air
phase or cast a Stampeding Roar.

=   Chimaeron  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.4e]

This is a strange fight. Phase 1 stresses the healers and their burst healing
while phase 2 relies on tank avoidance and DPS burn.


Finkle's Mixture: When this buff is active you will survive any hit--no matter
how much it hits you for--as long as you have more than 10000 health. When
Finkle's Mixture is active, 10001 health is the new 100% health. Any healing
above 10001 is useless.

Caustic Slime: Hits the target and any nearby target for a lot of damage,
bringing them down to 1 health. Must have 10001 health or more in order to
survive. Necessitates spreading out to limit the amount of people getting hit.
In 10 man, 2 people will be hit by Caustic Slime each cast.

Masscre: Deals massive damage raid wide. Anyone with less than 10001 health
will die.

Feud: Finkle's Mixture will go offline. Melee attacks on the tank will stop
but he will deal raid wide damage split between all nearby members. There
will be three pulses of raid wide damage followed up by a Massacre. This
phase requires heavy burst healing with every member being over 10001 health
before the Massacre. The party must group up for this and healers must burn
their healing cooldowns.

Double Strike: Chim's next melee will be a double attack. The off tank must
taunt this, absorb the double strike before the main tank taunts back.

  ~ Mechanics ~

Release Finkle and get the Finkle's Mixture buff before attacking Chim. The
main tank will tank the boss while the off-tank will taunt and eat all double
strike abilities. The main tank only needs to have over 10000 health but the
off tank should be kept topped off. The off tank should be the better geared
tank with more avoidance and damage reduction abilities. A Death Knight is
the perfect main tank due to his self healing.

Healers must keep every member above 10000 health at all times. Split healing
assignments so that when people are hit by Caustic Slime, every healer
immediately jumps to their assigned person and heals them over 10000 health. Do
not be dumb and say "healer 1 you have group X and healer 2 you have group Y."
Healers should be assigned so that each raid healer is prepared to heal their
target after a Caustic Slime, for example "healer 1 you start at the bottom of
group X then work your way up til the top of group Y while healer 2 you do the

After each Massacre be ready for a Feud to start. When a Feud does follow a
Massacre, the raid must group up immediately. Use damage reduction spells and
Nature's Aspect, Divine Guardion, protection bubbles etc to reduce damage
taken. Healers must use their best heals and stagger their healing cooldowns so
that a powerful healing cooldown is available for each phase.

There will be three burts of nature damage followed by a Massacre. The group
does not need to be topped off at the end only kept above 10000 health for the
Massacre. The healers should be ready to heal for 3 or 4 feuds.

Please email me at if you have advice on any damage
mitigation abilities that can be used during the Feud.

	= Final Phase =

At 20% Chim will enter his final phase. No one can receive any healing at this
point. The boss will go berserk and deal massive damage. He will basically
one shot each person, starting at the top of the aggro list and working his
way down. Have someone on vent call out the aggro list so the next person is
ready to use their avoidance ability if applicable. Tanks should use their
avoidance cooldowns, and DPS should either kite the boss or use their special
abilities like Evasion for Rogues, Deterrance for Hunters, and Mirror Images
for Mages (if I am missing any other useful abilities for this phase please
let me know). Abilities that lower you on the aggro list can also be useful.
Be ready to kite if you can.

Since you cannot heal during this phase, healers must go to DPS mode.

  ~ Healing ~

Tank healing involves keeping the main tank above 10000 health and the off tank
topped off. A Paladin is preferred for tank healing with his Beacon of Light
on the Main Tank and direct heals on the off tank.

	= Druid =

I try to keep a Rejuv on each tank and a Lifebloom on the off tank. Lifebloom
can also be useful in that a person with a Lifebloom stack is never in danger
of dieing from a Massacre or Caustic Slime. If brought to 1 health, the
Lifebloom stack will heal them up before the next Massacre or Caustic Slime.

For the Caustic Slimes have a set order in place so each healer knows who they
will heal. For example if the Rogue and Warlock both get hit you should know,
hey I've got to heal the Rogue and the other guy will get the Warlock. In 10
man, we have one healer start at the top of group 1 and work his way down
to the bottom of group 2 while the other healer does the opposite.

Work out a good burst healing rotation with your other healers for the Feuds.
There will be four Feuds at the most. I like to go:
1st Feud: Tree of Life
2nd Feud: Nothing Special
3rd Feud: Tranquility

During each Feud, use Wild Growth on cooldown and Swiftmend. Cast Regrowth to
proc your Nature's Grace. 15 seconds into the Feud, the boss will cast a pulse
of raid wide damage, then another pulse at 20 seconds and a final pulse at
25 seconds. At first, Rejuv's all around--Chase the Wild Growth-- and let the
other healers cast the direct heals on the low target. Later in the Feud Rejuvs
will not mean as much so switch to direct healing. After the third burst
everyone must be over 10k. Any healing over that is a waste. Barkskin during
this phase.

For the Final Phase, pop Tree of Life if you have it and spam Wrath. If not
spam Wrath with Moonfire and Insect Swarm.

=   Nefarion   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [9.4f]

Nefarion is about mitigating and dealing with the Crackles while properly
managing the adds.


	= Nefarion's Abilities =

Crackle: At every 10% of his health, Nefarion will cast Cracle which deals
100,000 damage raid wide. I can't believe that this is a mechanic. It is dumb
and unimaginitive. Use any damage reducing abilities you have such as:
  Guardian Spirit
  Mirror of Broken Images (trinket anyone can get from Tol Barad)
  Anti-magic Barrier
  Divine Protection (glyphed to reduce magic damage)
  Divine Guardian (this is awesome)
  Nature's Aspect

Please email me and let me know if I am missing any other useful abilities.

Tail Lash: Do not stand behind the dragon.

Shadowflame Breath: Do not stand in front of the dragon unless you are a tank.
Will also resurrect any skeletons hit by this and reset their energy to full.

Shadowflame Barrage: Only occurs in phase 2. Does shadow damage to his target.

	= Onyxia's Abilities =

Tail Lash: This has a stupidly large range. You will want to be like 45 yards 
away from her tail.

Shadowflame Breath: Do not stand in front of the dragon unless you are a tank.
Will also resurrect any skeletons hit by this and reset their energy to full.

Lightning Discharge: Will emit fierce lightning damage to anyone on the side
of Onyxia. Tank must turn boss when this is about to be cast.

When Onyxia's lightning bar reaches full, she will wipe the entire raid.

  ~ Mechanics ~

This is a three phase fight. Two tanks are required.

	= Phase 1 =

Onyxia is the only dragon to start. Nefarion will join shortly. Nefarion and
Onyxia must be kept apart or they will both gain a buff and kill the raid. All
DPS starts on Onyxia. The tank must pull her to the west side of the room and
face her North or South. DPS stand on her side to avoid her breath and tail
swipe. When she starts her Lightning Discharge, the tank must turn her so
she is facing west. The DPS must move away to avoid the Lightning Charge and,
if possible, the Tail Swipe.

When Nefarion comes down, switch all melee DPS to Nefarion. The main tank must
aggro Nefarion and drag him to the east side of the room. When Onyxia reaches
a comfortable level, switch all ranged DPS to Nefarion also. At this time, all
ranged DPS must move far, far away from Onyxia so when the tank turns her they
will not get tail swiped. This means moving well across the room so that you
are almost in melee range of Nefarion.

Adds will pop up during this phase. They will run around until their energy
runs out. If hit by either dragon's breath they will get full energy. CC them
but try to do it intelligently so that they all run out of energy in a
convenient location. Your off tank will thank you for this in Phase 3.

Try to push Nefarion down as much as possible. You should have forced him
down below 80%--at least two Crackle's--before killing Onyxia to begin Phase 2.
We like to push him down even further and get 3 Crackle's in Phase 1 but your
DPS may not be able to manage. Kill Onyxia at the last possible moment before
her lightning bar fills up to trigger Phase 2.

	= Phase 2 =

The room fills up with lava. The raid must split up into three groups and each
has to hop onto a pillar. To get on a pillar, hold the space bar to swim up
then when you reach the surface jump out of the lava and up onto the platform.
I am not good at this but can make it up to the pillar. Some tips:
   	-Go to Menu -> Interface -> and turn off Water Collision
	-Do not be too close to the pillar when you begin to swim up or you
will be stuck on the lip and not able to jump up.
	-The best person I have seen at this (Reldraw) says he zooms into first
person, stands just a couple steps out of range them swims up and jumps up and
onto  the platform
	-You can pratice in somewhat similar conditions in the port in Azshara
near the Goblin town. There is a lip coming out of the water near the docks.

Each pillar has a mob on it that casts an interruptable spell called Blast
Nova. If more than 1 of these go off it is likely a wipe. Each pillar
should have at least one interrupt on it, capable of interrupting every 12
seconds or less. If your interrupt cooldown is higher than you need two
interrupts. It also helps to have a ranged interrupt on each pillar so that an
interrupt can be performed as people swim up. When on the pillar spread out to
avoid multiple people taking Shadowflame Barrage damage and interrupt the adds.

Heals and melee dps should be equally spread to the three pillars. Phase 3
begins when the add on each pillar dies. The melee DPS should focus on this
mob while the ranged DPS either burn Nefarion or burn the mob. If you did
3 Crackles in phase 1, then either push Nefarion down to 62% or push him for
another Crackle and as far down into the 51%+ range as your healers can take.
If you only did two Crackles in Phase 2 then you must push a Crackle here
and then push Nefarion as far down into 61%+ range as you can.

Phase 2 is very mana intensive. If the healers begin to run low, improvise and
push for Phase 3 when needed.

	= Phase 3 =

Tank Nefarion in the middle of the room. Avoid his Tail Lash and breath attack.
All DPS and healers--except for the off tank and his healer--should be grouped
up to one side of Nefarion.

The skeleton adds will be reborn. Every time they hit a target they gain a
debuff which makes their next attack stronger. They must be kited around the
room. Do not let them get in front of the boss or his breath will recharge
their energy and necessitate more kiting.

There will be flames on the ground. Do not stand in them. Keep the skeletons
out of them or their energy will recharge. Burn Nefarion as quickly as you can
but make sure to heal the raid up to full for every Crackle. You may need to
slow DPS so the healers can catch up. Use damage reducing cooldowns for
every Crackle that you are able to. Lust at some point in this phase but this
will depend on how the healers are doing and the raid damage at this point. A
non-healer heal like a Tranquility from a Boomkin/Feral Druid or a Hymn from
a Shadow Priest may be needed.

  ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

Keep the raid topped off and be ready for every Crackle. After a Crackle, Chase
the Wild Growth with Rejuv's and Rejuv's all around. Keep your HoT stack on the
tank that needs it the most or the one you are designated for in both Phase 1
and Phase 3.

I like to have ToL available for Phase 2 as blooming the platform allows you
to produce serious healing output while conserving mana. Instant Regrowth 
during that time is also a plus.

The raid will rely on you to have mana and be able to heal up after each
Crackle. There is time to get the raid up after a Crackle so do not panic
and use inefficient heals unless it is an emergency. Rejuv and Wild Growth
with Swiftmend and a Healing Touch or Nourish thrown in should be sufficient.
Save Tranquility for an emergency--when multiple people need heals and a
Crackle is incoming. Potion of Concentration can be managed in phase 3 if
you are raid healing.


I am going to assume that you know the normal mode mechanics for each of these
fights. I will focus on the differences in the Heroic fights, whether that be
new mechanics or normal mechanics that increase sharply in difficulty.

Heroic raiding is much more challenging than regular raiding. Heroic ten
man raiding requires all group members to have a firm grasp of the mechanics
of the fight and perform the role well. It is important not to have any weak
links in your group. In normal raiding--and for strong 25 man Heroic groups--
you can carry a below average member but in 10 man you must be strong top to
bottom or have enough talented members to mask the weaknesses elsewhere. In
addition, class composition makes some of these fights much easier. It helps to
have a solid group of 12-13 raiders and the flexibility to sub people in and
out of fights.

Currently I have cleared 7 of the 13 Heroic mode fights. I would rank the
difficulty of the fights as follows:
Easier -> Harder

Halfus/Atramedes ->  Chim/Maloriak/Valiona & Theralion -> Magmaw/Omnotron

Based on my experience, that is the kill order I would recommend. Typically
Conclave of the Wind is grouped in somewhere after Maloriak, but we have not
yet completed that fight. Depending on your group composition, a different
order may be recommended. For example, V&T is much easier with a Subtlety Rogue
while Maloriak is impossible without a reliable interrupt.

For a tank's perspective on these fights, our Prot Warrior has a very helpful
blog at

=  Halfus Wyrmbreaker   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [10.3a]

The hardest part of this fight is the beginning. As the fight continues it gets
easier and easier.

	<<>> Heroic Changes <<>>

All the drakes will be active each week. While there are no new abilities, now
you will have to deal with all of the drakes' abilities at the start of the

Storm Rider: Halfus gains the ability to perform Shadow Nova. Shadow Nova
damages the entire raid and knocks them back. Releasing Storm Rider increases
the cast time to 1.5 seconds. This must be interrupted.

Nether Scion: Halfus gains the enrage ability, allowing him to attack more
quickly and stack more Malevolent Strikes. Releasing the Nether Scion will
remove this enrage.

Time Warden: The Proto-Behemoth behind Halfus gains the Fireball Barage
ability, causing damage to raid members it hits. Releasing Time Warden allows
the raid to strafe and dodge the Fireball Barage. Melee and tanks must stay
four yards or so apart until Time Warden is released.

Emerald Whelps: The Proto-Behemoth behind Halfus causes raid wide damage with
his Flame Barrage. Releasing the whelps greatly weakens the Flame Barrage.

Slate Dragon: Halfus gains the Malevolent Strikes ability. Every time Halfus
hits the tank, the tank will gain a stack of Malevolent Strikes, reducing
healing by 8%. The more stacks, the more healing reduced. Tanks must taunt swap
Halfus when the stacks get too high (usually around 8 or so). When the debuff
fades, the tanks have to swap again. Releasing the Slate Dragon causes Halfus
to become periodically stunned.

  )-Group Composition-(

2 or 3 tanks, 3 healers

  ~ Mechanics ~

Designate someone to interrupt the Shadow Novas or have the tank do it. A
Shaman is perfect for this but a melee DPS like a Rogue can also do the trick.
The interrupter will want to interrupt while not attacking Halfus so a focus
macro has to be set up. Set Halfus as your focus and use a focus macro like
/cast [@focus] Wind Shear

Throughout the fight Tanks must try to keep their Malevolent Strike debuffs as
low as possible for as long as possible. Paladins can bubble this debuff off or
tanks can receive Hand of Protection to remove this debuff. Tanks should make a
macro to quickly drop the bubble/Hand of Protection buff and taunt Halfus back.
Having good dodge/parry or dodge trinkets also helps. If you are able to wipe
the stack, you can let it reach as high as your health will allow. If you do
not have a way to wipe the stack, let it get to 7-8  and have the other tank
taunt Halfus. 

You have to release the Storm Rider on the pull or it will be very difficult
to interrupt the first Shadow Nova. You have to release the Nether Scion on the
pull or the Malevolent Strike debuff will stack too quickly. Release the Whelps
on the pull because the die easily from cleave damage and AoE attacks. One tank
tanks Halfus and the other gets the Nether Scion and the whelps. The DPS tries
to kill the Storm Rider first while killing the whelps with incidental AoE.

When the Storm Rider dies, kill the Nether Scion. After the Nether Scion,
release and kill the Time Warden. Once the Time Warden is released you can
begin dodging fire balls. After Time Warden dies either kill Halfus or release
Slate and kill him then kill Halfus. Either way is acceptable. Be careful not
to push Halfus below 50% while any drakes are released or he will begin to 
Furious Roar and possible wipe the raid.

Lust and burn cooldowns early. Once you release Time Warden, the most difficult
part of the fight is over. After a Furious Roar, have a Mage blink and
interrupt the subsequent Shadow Nova. If you do not have a Mage in your group
use a Free Action Potion or a Hand of Protection from a Paladin.

  ~ Healing ~

The toughest part of the fight to heal is the beginning. Be liberal with your
use of cooldowns and do not be afraid to burn through most of your mana. It is
possible to heal through multiple missed Shadow Nova (8 missed Shadow Novas is
our personal "best").

	= Druid =

  ::Tank Healing::

HoT stack your tank (or if you are tank healing with a Holy Pali you can HoT
stack his tank while he beacons yours). Help out with raid healing as much as
you can. Wild Growth on cooldown, Swiftmend where you can and Rejuv to your
heart's delight. Pop Tree of Life form early and roll blooms on both tanks.
Trigger your Nature's Grace early and do not be afraid to use your Tranquility

  ::Raid Healing::

HoT stack the more vulnerable tank. Wild Growth on cooldown and Rejuv all
around. Pop Tree of Life form early and roll Lifeblooms throughout the raid.
Trigger your Nature's Grace early and do not be afraid to use your Tranquility
early. Be ready to help out on a tank if his life dips a little low or he calls
for help.

=   Atramedes  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [10.4d]

This fight is very similar to normal Atramedes, only less forgiving. It does
not require a particular group composition and does not require decent gear.
The new Heroic mechanics are not difficult at all.

	<<>> Heroic Changes <<>>

1. For each gong that you hit in in the ground phase, Nefarion will destroy
another gong. This basically means you can only hit one gong per ground phase
(after the Searing Flames) and one gong per Air phase.

2. Two Obnoxious Fiends are spawned each ground phase. These will run to a
random target and be invulnerable until they reach the target. When they get
to the target they will cast a spell that increases your sound unless it
is interrupted.

3. Searing Flames: Must be interrupted ASAP. No more than 1 tick should go off.
This add on is very helpful:

4. Sound Bombs: In phase 2 the sound discs he drops on the ground explode much
more quickly. You must be moving constantly in the air phase.


Atramedes has no new abilities. His normal abilities all cause more sound and
more damage.

)-Group Composition-(

One tank, 2 or 3 healers, ranged DPS preferred (as they can damage in the air
phase), need 1 reliable kiter for the air phase (Druid, Arcane Mage, or Shaman
work well), Priest's Leap of Faith is also useful and Holy Priest's Body and
Soul is nice (though why someone would go Holy when they could go Disc is
beyond me)

  ~ Mechanics ~

:Ground Phase:

Make sure everyone understands and is capable of doing the normal mode
mechanics. The Heroic mechanics are less forgiving so it is essential that
everyone can do the normal mechanics flawlessly.

Pull the boss to the center of the room. Rather than clump together like in
normal mode, we spread out. The sound discs target individual members. If you
are clumped up the everyone has to move for each sound disc. If you are spread
out only a few people have to move. When someone is targeted by the flame
breath, that person runs right and anyone to his right also has to run right.

One person is designated as the Searing Flames gong person. That person has to
hit the gong and only allow 1 tick of Searing Flames to go off. If more than
one tick is getting off then find someone else to hit the gong.

Two Obnoxious Fiends appear each ground phase. All DPS should switch to them
and quickly DPS them down. If you have a fiend, on you stand still (unless a
mechanic requires you to move). Interrupt ASAP. The fiends only have like
150000 or so life so die quickly. If a fiend survives to the air phase, you
will have to keep moving as people kill it.

Lust in the Ground Phase after a Searing Flame.

:Air Phase:

Everyone has to be moving to start the Air Phase. You can only burn one gong
in the Air Phase. Designate an Air Phase gonger. We have done it with an Arcane
Mage, Druid, Goblin Hunter w/ Engineering, Shaman, and Goblin Rogue. There
are many options in choosing who can do it. Depending on who is targeted first,
either gong right away or wait 5-10 seconds. If a class with a sprint like a
Rogue or Druid is targeted first, let them kite for 5-10 seconds then have
your gonger hit the gong. If you have a Priest use Leap of Faith to help the
gonger (and Body and Soul if it is a Holy Priest).

Constantly be moving in the air phase to avoid the sound bombs. Do not run near
anyone else or you may accidentily hit each other with your sound bomb.

  ~ Healing ~

	= Druid =

This is not a healing intensive fight. Your main goal is to follow mechanics.
At the start of the Air Phase, go to Kitty form and be ready to sprint or
commanding roar to kite the flames. Save your Tranquility and Tree Form for
an emergency in the ground phase like a Modulation shortly before a Searing
Flames or a Searing Flames that had too many ticks.

You will have plenty of mana this fight so you can use a spec with a couple
points in Genesis. Apply Rejuvenations liberally, like on a full health target
in anticipation of a Modulation (like the Modulation that follows each flame

=   Chimaeron  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [10.4e]

Mechanics are pretty much the same for the DPS. For the tanks and healers there
are some demanding new mechanics that take a bit of time to learn.

	<<>> Heroic Changes <<>>

1. Chim will continue to attack and Double Attack during the Feud phases.

2. Nefarion will cause raid wide shadow damage (Mocking Shadows) throughout
Phase 2. As you cannot heal in Phase 2, the raid must be at full health prior
to Phase 2 beginning. Cannot be healed but can be lessed with Aura Mastery and
Power Word: Shield.

)-Group Composition-(

Two tanks, three healers, 1 DPS with a taunt (Feral Druid, Death Knight,
Ret Paladin, or Warrior)

  ~ Mechanics ~

	= Phase 1 (100%-21% Health) =

You will basically have three tanks in this fight. Two typical tanks and a
third "DPS tank" who is actually a DPS with a taunt (like a Feral Druid, Death
Knight, Ret Paladin or Warrior). The trick to this is that the Feud tank must
start the Feud phase without any Break debuffs on them and with sufficient
cooldowns to survive the Feud phase.

The DPS tank will absorb all of Chim's attacks and stacking Break debuffs in
between the Feud phases. The main tank will taunt Chim to take the Double
Attacks and then the DPS tank will taunt back to start absorbing the Breaks
again. At the Feud phase the Double Attack tank will taunt Chim and tank him
throughout the Feud phase. At the end of the Feud phase, the DPS tank will
taunt back. The process then repeats itself. However since the main tank now
has the Break debuff (since he tanked Chim throughout the Feud phase), the off 
tank will then become the new Double Attack tank. During the next Feud phase
the off tank will tank the boss throughout the Feud. The main tank and off tank
will alternate tanking Feuds throughout the fight. The tank with no Break
debuffs will take the non-Feud Double Attacks.

Everyone stacks together for the Feuds except for the Feud tank who stands away
from the group. The Feud tank must have cooldowns available and use them
liberally during this phase.

Healing this fight between the Feud phases is the same as on normal mode. One
healer will be responsible for the DPS tank and the Double Attack tank (a Holy
Paladin is preferred but a Resto Druid can do it). The other two healers are
responsible for healing people up from Caustic Slimes.

For the Caustic Slimes have a set order in place so each healer knows who they
will heal. For example if the Rogue and Warlock both get hit you should know,
hey I've got to heal the Rogue and the other guy will get the Warlock. We do it
by having our raid frames in alphabetical order. One person has the top of
Group 1 as their first priority and the bottom person in Group 2 as their last
priority and the other healer has the opposite priority order.

When the Feud phase starts is when the demanding healing begins. Here are the
mechanics of the Feud:

0 Seconds: Feud Starts
5 Seconds: Chim attacks a Tank. He will continue to attack throughout the Feud
6-10 Seconds: Chim Double Attacks the Tank
14 Seconds: Chim may Double Attack the Tank again (possibly a bug)
15 Seconds: Chim hits the raid with first burst of Caustic Slime
20 Seconds: Chim hits the raid with second burst of Caustic Slime
25 Seconds: Chim hits the raid with second burst of Caustic Slime

First priority for the healers--prior to grouping up--is to heal up the Feud
tank. Designate one healer to focus on the Feud tank. Any spare GCD's can be
used to heal the raid but his main priority must be to heal the Feud tank. We
stack on this healer for the Feud phases so he does not have to move and can
spend more time healing the tank. A second healer should help the heal the Feud
tank up to full before switching to healing the raid. The third healer should
cast one big heal on the Feud tank before switching to straight raid healing.

The raid should stagger available cooldowns for each phase. Like for the first
Feud have the Resto Druid go Tree Form and the Holy Paladin use Avenging Wrath,
for the 2nd Feud use the Disc Priest's Power Word Barrier, for the third Feud
have the Feral Druid use Tranquility etc. Each class can help out by mitigating
damage with their class specific ability. See below in my healing section for
how a Resto Druid should approach this healing phase.

DPS will continue to do the normal mode mechanics. Spread out until the Feuds
then group together. When the boss gets to near 20% be ready for the Push
phase. Have the raid leader halt DPS at about 22-23% then wait for the next
Massacre. After that Massacre the raid leader will call for a Push. Use your
Health Stones, Druids cast Tranquility, and Healers use all available
cooldowns. DPS should pop their DPS potions, use their cooldowns (which they
were saving for this moment), and use Lust to push Phase 2. The raid must be
healed up to full prior to this phase beginning. 

	= Phase 2 (20%-0% Health) = 

Phase 2 is a race. Chim will become untauntable and no healing can be done.
The raid will take damage from Nefarions's Mocking Shadows and Chim will go 
down the aggro list killing people. The tanks should use all their cool downs
to survive as long as possible. After the three tanks, it is preferrable to
have a Rogue or Mage next. A Rogue can use evasion and survive for a while and
a mage can use Mirror Images to survive for a long time. All other DPS classes 
should drop their aggro below the Mage and Rogue's.

Priests can continue to cast Power Word Barrier to mitigate the damage Mocking
Shadows does and all other healers can DPS. You can also have your Holy Paladin
taunt Chim right before this phase starts to have him on the top of the aggro
list. This gets you a few extra seconds before he begins killing the rest of
the raid.

  ~ Healing ~

See the mechanics section for my general healing advice. The key is to spread
cooldowns out for each Feud phase while still saving enough burst healing for
the Push phase. Make sure to Add the 'Low Health' debuff to your Healbot or
Raid Frames so you can see which targets are below 10k Health.

	= Druid =

If you are raid healing, Reglyph to Glyph of Regrowth. This glyph is awesome
for this fight. If the target is below 50%, the HoT refreshes. Use your first
Tree of Life early--like the first or second Feud. Save your Tranquility for
just before the Push phase. Depending on what your group needs use your second
Tree of Life for a late Feud, for the Push, or for DPS in the 2nd Phase (Tree
of Life Wrath spam DPS is fun!). Your Rebirth should be given out in Phase 2.
I typically use it on the DPS tank as he is typically the first dps to die in
the phase.

:Raid Healing:

Make sure you and the other raid healer know who is getting which target for
the Caustic Slimes. I use Regrowth to get people over 10k. Since I have two
points in Nature's Bounty, it crits often and anytime it does it goes over 10k.
Also due to its glyph, it leaves a HoT which gives me Mastery. If your Regrowth
does not heal for 10k, follow it up with a quick Rejuv. For healing right
before the Massacre, I typically play it safe and due a Regrowth + Rejuv just
to ensure the target is over 10k.

In between Feuds, try to help out the other healers as much as your mana
allows. HoT stack the Double Attack tank and drop a Rejuv on the DPS tank.
Throw Regrowth arround when you proc Omen of Clarity and cast Nourish when you
have some spare GCD's.

When the Feud phase starts, toss a Healing Touch on the Feud Tank before
healing up the raid. Since you often do not know whether the next Massacre
will be a Feud phase or not, time your Healing Touch on the Feud Tank to
arrive right after each Massacre. When the Massacre triggers a Feud phase,
you now you have more time to help out the raid. When the Massacre does not
trigger a Feud Phase, you just helped the tank healer out and can now Wild

Once the Feud Tank is at a safe health level, you have 10-15 seconds to heal
up the raid before everyone takes massive damage. Wild Growth, Rejuv +
Swiftmend, Rejuv until Wild Growth is off cooldown, keep using Rejuv until 
Swiftmend and Wild Growth are available. Barkskin right before the raid takes
damage. Healing Touch and Regrowth should only be used in an emergency. Often
we have enough healing that I can relax towards the end of the Feud phase
and either conserve mana or get my HoT stack ready on the next Double Attack

:Tank Healing:

Put your HoT stack on the Double Attack tank. Rejuv the DPS tank. Pay attention
to the Double Attacks so you can pre-emptively cast a Healing Touch. The key
for tank healing is to time your Healing Touch so one arrives just after the
Massacre goes off. Follow that up with a Swiftmend. If it is a Feud phase use a
Regrowth (to trigger Nature's Grace) and pump Healing Touches into the Feud
Tank. If it is not a Feud, get the DPS tank above 10k and get the Double Attack
tank up to full ASAP. During the Feuds, focus on keeping the tank full. Try to
cast Wild Growth on cooldown and if you have some spare GCD's help the raid out
with a Rejuv here and there.

=   Maloriak   =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [10.4c]

This fight requires a reliable interrupt. You MUST have a dependable member 
who can quickly interrupt the Arcane Storms.

	<<>> Heroic Changes <<>>

Maloriak will now do a 'Black Vial' phase. He will do it to begin the fight
and after the Green Vial Phase. 

Black Swills: Maloriak will summon five adds, called Black Swills. The Swills
will target random members with pools of shadow that hurt like crazy if you
stand in them. Don't stand in the them!

Engulfing Darkness: Maloriak will target the tank with Engulfing Darkness for 8
seconds. This debuff prevents the tank from receiving any healing. The tank
will continue to take damage during this phase. In between each Engulfing
Darkness cast, you will have 3 seconds to heal the tank up.

Arcane Storm: Ticks for much more damage than normal and will cause a lot of
damage over a short period. Must be interrupted by you--the non fail 
interrupter--ASAP. If one tick goes off, the raid can recover but you still
suck and I hate you. If two ticks go off the raid may be able to recover, but 
my rage will linger. If any more ticks go off then the raid is likely wiped. 
Congratulations you have fulfilled your covert mission to wipe your raid and
waste your guildmates' time but hey, at least your DPS was slightly higher.

Scorching Blast: Hits much harder than in normal. Use raid cooldowns to

  )-Group Composition-(

2 tanks, 3 healers, good AoE DPS

  ~ Mechanics ~

Designate a non-fail to interrupt the Arcane Storms. These must be interrupted
ASAP. If one tick goes off, then the interrupter has messed up. Curse of
Tongues and Crippling Poison can help make the interrupts slightly easier.

Just like in normal mode, you will want to kill 9 adds by the time each Green
Vial phase ends. You can either release 3 adds during the first Black Vial
phase and kill them then and then kill 6 adds in the Green Vial phase
(preferred method) or kill 9 adds in the Green Vial phase (much more difficult
for the tanks and healers). I recommend releasing 3 adds prior to the Black
Vial phase and killing those adds with the swills.

The off tank should kite the aberrations that will be killed during the Green
Vial phase as much as he can. Ring of Frost, Frost Trap, Piercing Howl etc are
all very useful abilities to use. 6 or 9 adds can quickly kill a tank if he
stands still and does not use cooldowns.

		= Black Vial Phase = 

Main Tank should let the first Release Aberrations through. Off tank will pick
up those adds. DPS can start attacking those adds and the Black Swills when
they spawn. Give your tank some time to pick up aggro. As the Black Swills will
drop shadow pools on the ground underneath random players, the tank must kite
the adds. Designate a kite path--we follow the walls--and do not stand in the
kite paths or the tank will have to run over your shadow pool. Melee DPS and
Demonology Warlocks have to take care to avoid the shadow pools.

A Holy Paladin can keep the main tank healed up in between Engulfing Darnkess
blasts. However if the main tank is running a bit low on health, the Holy
Paladin can call for help and the other healers can help out next time the
debuff ends. The key is to time your big heal so it lands right when the
Engulfing Darkness cast ends.

	= Blue Vial Phase =

Same as normal mode. Spread out, don't break the ice until the target has
been healed up sufficiently. Good time to drink a Concentration Pot.

	= Red Vial Phase =

Same mechanics as normal mode. Everyone but the off tank should group up to
split the Scorching Blast damage. Use raid cooldowns to mitigate damage. This
is how we handle it:

-Group up so that we are to the south of the boss. This way if he targets us,
he will not accidentally hit the off tank.
-Prot Paladin turns the boss to the east and eats the first Scorching Blast by
himself using the prot ability that allows him to do that. If hit with the 
Consuming Flames ability prior to this he will bubble it off and retaunt the
-Prot Paladin turns the boss back to the south to face the raid. Disc Priest
drops Power Word Barrier.
-Holy Paladin uses Aura Mastery if needed for the third blast

Classes that can mitigate damage with abilities like Barkskin should do so.
Anti Magic shield, Tranquility, and the patch 4.1 Shaman and Warrior raid
cooldowns will also work.

	= Green Vial Phase =

Same as normal mode in that you must kill all the adds during this phase. Do
not forget to interrupt the Arcane Storm. Also let one cast of Release
Aberrations go through so you can kill adds in the next Black Phase.

	= Final Phase 25% - 0% Health =

During the second Green Vial Phase, push Maloriak below 25% to trigger the next
phase. This is the same as in normal mode except his abilities hit harder. Off
tank picks up the adds (you can tricks or mis-direct them to him to help). Main
tank kites Maloriak around the room, dodging the flame jets. All raid members
avoid the ice orbs. Periodically the boss will cast Acid Nova dealing huge raid
damage. Healers have to be ready to quickly top the raid off again.

  ~ Healing ~

Healing this fight is not too difficult except for a couple of stressful
moments. Save your cooldowns for these parts of the fight and conserve mana
when available. Drinking a Concentration Pot during the second blue phase can
help regen some mana.
Black phase tank healing can be handled by one healer, preferrably a Holy Pali.

	= Druid =

   :Black Phase:

HoT stack the off tank. Drop heals on the main tank in between blasts of
Engulfing Darkness if he needs them. I like to Rejuv people who often stand in
the puddles and Wild Growth when more than 2 people need heals. Swiftmend on
cooldown and do a direct heal if someone does not quickly get out of the

   :Final Phase:

Make sure you have a Tree of Life cooldown and a Tranquility available for
this. We run with a Boomkin, so I Tranq the first Acid Nova and he Tranqs the
second one. However if you only have one Tranq, I would recommend going into
Tree of Life form right before the first Acid Nova, roll Life Blooms like crazy
and then follow that up with Wild Growth and Omen of Clarity Regrowths when
Acid Nova starts to hit. Then save your Tranquility for the 2nd or 3rd Acid

The off tank will not take much damage so set your HoT stack on the main tank.
Wild Growth should be pretty much on cooldown after the first Acid Nova and
Rejuv as much as your mana allows.

=  Valiona & Theralion  =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [10.3b]

A good Subtelty Rogue makes this fight much easier. I will assume you have one
for this fight.

	<<>> Heroic Changes <<>>

Mechanics are the same for most of the classes.

Twilight Realm: Adds spawn in the Twilight Realm. These cause raid wide damage
that increases as more and more adds spawn. A Subtelty Rogue should be sent
into the realm to kill the adds. You can enter the Twilight Realm by standing
in pools of Dazzling Destruction, standing near the tank when his debuff
reaches five stacks, or standing in a Deep Breath.

Engulfing Magic: Now targets two people rather than one.

Blackout: Can only be dispelled by healing. 

Twilight Shift: Debuff that stacks on the tank. When it reaches five, tank
is sent into the Twilight Realm with anyone standing nearby him.

  )-Group Composition-(

1 or 2 tanks (1 preferred), 3 healers, 1 Subtlety Rogue

  ~ Mechanics ~

	= Valiona on the Ground =

The mechanics are pretty much the same as normal. Raid spreads out and dodges

meteors that target them (dodge them!). Raid groups up for Blackout. Healers
heal through the Blackout to dispel it and then group spreads out again.
Mitigate the Blackout with available cooldowns (Power Word Barrier, Barkskin,
etc). If a Mage, Rogue, or Paladin gets Blackout, they can run from the group
and dispel it.

We only use one tank on this fight. He is a Prot Paladin so can wipe the debuff
a couple of times. When he does get sent to the Twilight Realm, he keeps aggro
on the boss then runs to the portal and comes back to the normal realm. Make
sure the tank is topped off before he gets sent to the Twilight Realm.

	= Theralion on the Ground =

Three people stack on the bosses tail. Everyone else spreads out around the
boss. If you get targeted by a meteor, run into the stack on the tail to split
the damage then run out. Lust after a couple DPS get hit with the Engulfing
Magic buff (100% more damage & healing to anyone who gets hit by it). Call out
the areas the Deep Breath targets so the raid and people in the Twilight Realm
can dodge.

	= Subtelty Rogue Tips & Tricks =

I will ask the Rogue in our group who does this for some tips, tricks, and a
good spec.

Rogue should regen health by any means possible. It helps to have a Healthstone
and a Health Potion. Once your stacks start to get high, cloak them off and
immediately First Aid yourself. Roll recuperate. If are going to die soon, get
out of the realm get healed up and get back ASAP. Rogue can take damage in the
realm from exploding Dazzling Destructions, Deep Breaths or meteors. Prismatic
Elixir is preferred over a Flask.

Our Rogue goes into the Twilight Realm during the Dazzling Destructions. If he
needs to get out and recieve heals, he then goes back in during a Deep Breath.

  ~ Healing ~

The more adds that are in the Twilight Realm, the more healing that will be

	= Druid =

I like to use my first Tree of Life either after the 2nd Blackout or if not
needed then earlier in the first Theralion phase. My Tranquility is saved for
emergency purposes. If I have not used it by the 2nd Valiona ground phase, I
will likely use it after the 2nd or 3rd Blackout in that phase.

As the damage starts to increase, Wild Growth on cooldown. Rejuv as much as
your mana allows. Add Blackout and Twilight Meteor to your Healbot or Grid so
you can time your heals accordingly.

= Magmaw =
=~~=~~=~~= [10.4a]

	<<>> Heroic Changes <<>>

This is now a two phase fight. In Phase 1 (100% to 30% life) Nefarion will
summon Bone Constructs. In Phase 2, Nefarion will stop summoning Bone
Constructs and will instead deal raid wide Shadowflame Barrage damage.

Blazing Inferno: Meteor drops from the sky. If you do not move from
where it lands, you will most likely be killed. Painful jags of fire spread
out from where the meteor landed. The Bone Construct spawns from the meteor
(or maybe the Bone Contruct was the meteor? Or maybe the meteor was some
sort of cocoon phase in the Bone Construct's metamorphis from ugly lava
parasite to dashing young Bone Construct?) and must be tanked.

Bone Construct: Off tank must aggro these. When the Bone Construct reaches
20% life, he begins to cast Armageddon which will cause huge raid damage (and
almost certainly wipe the raid) if it goes off. Off tank can tank two of these
relatively easy but three of them can be difficult to tank for an extended

Shadowflame Barrage: Raid wide damage. Starts at 30% and lasts until Magmaw
dies. Is not a huge amount of damage but combined with Magmaw's regular damage,
it can be problematic.

)-Group Composition-(

2 tanks, 3 healers

  ~ Mechanics ~

	= Phase 1 (100% - 30% Health) =

There are a few different ways to do this fight. I will describe two of the
ways that we have done this fight but your guild may want to make adjustments
depending on your group composition.

The main tank aggro's Magmaw. His role is relatively straightforward as threat
is not much of an issue. He saves his cooldowns until the Mangle. We stick a
Holy Paladin in melee range and his goal is to heal the main tank and help out
on the raid when he can. We also put two melee in melee range and have them
do the chains. Blazing Inferno can land on these players so they must be ready
to move when necessary. The people doing the chains have to hop on and chain
Magmaw ASAP. The faster they do this, the less damage the tank and raid will

The off tank picks up the Bone Constructs. We have a Prot Warrior with Victory
Rush and have him pick up the Lava Parasites and kite and kill them
(see his how-to write up at his blog: ). Our
first kill we just had him pick up the Bone Constructs and the ranged DPS
killed the Lava Parasites so it can be done either way. For the sake of this
strategy write up I am going to assume the tank picks up the adds and the
parasites. Another possible strategy is to kite the adds with a Frost Death

The remainder of the raid groups up. We stand in a group in the front left side
of the room and move when Blazing Inferno or Flame Pillar targets us. We start
left, move towards the back of the room then slowly work our way right. At the
end of the head phase we run back to where we started. The ranged
DPS focuses on the Bone Constructs until the head is down and then attacks
Magmaw. If a Bone Construct is getting close to casting Armageddon (they cast
this at 20% life)--even in a head phase--we call for a switch and all ranged
DPS attacks the Bone Construct. The healers try to stay with the group but can
move a bit closer to help heal the main tank if the situation warrants it.

The damage in this fight can be a bit intense at time. Magmaw will target
random members with Magma Spit dealing moderate damage to 2-3 targets. He will
cast three Lava Spews prior to his first head phase, and 2 Lava Spews in
between subsequent head phases. Juggle your raid damage reducing cooldowns
accordingly. We go: Power Word Barrier for the first Lava Spew, Divine Guardian
for the second Lava Spew, and Aura Mastery for the third Lava Spew. For
the subsequent ones we use Power Word Barrier and Divine Guardian (if they
are up, Aura Mastery fills in when they are not up).

Other Pointers:
-Do not stand is stuff. Move if you see a Flame Pillar or Blazing Inferno under
-Switch to the Bone Construct if it is near to casting an Armageddon and burn
it ASAP.
-Juggle your raid damage reducing cooldowns. Three Lava Spews until the first
head phase, two Lava Spews between the other head phases.
-Magmaw drops aggro after his head pops back up after the head phase. Anyone in
melee range should be ready to step out before this happens and main tank
should taunt ASAP.

	= Phase 2 (30% - 0% Health) =

The timing of the push is essential to this fight. Phase 2 only starts when
Magmaw's head is up AND he has less than 30%. This means you can lower Magmaw's
health to 32%, wait until a head phase, and dps him way below 30%. Phase 2
will only start when his head goes back up. Be ready to call for a DPS stop and
then push the next time Magmaw's head goes down. If your DPS is good (like
ours) you can call for the push anytime Magmaw's head goes down and he is under
40%. Lust during this head phase.

For Phase 2, we spread out. All DPS on Bone Construct ceases. The off tank has
to have all cooldowns available. Ranged raid members be ready to dodge Flame
Pillars. The designated raid members have to be ready to grab chains and
chain Magmaw one more time.

There will be two Lava Spews. Coordinate your cooldowns accordingly. For the
first one we use a Divine Guardian and my Tranquility. For the second one we
use an Aura Mastery and a second Tranquility. 

  ~ Healing ~

Try to understand the flow to how people take damage and plan your heals
accordingly. How to counter a Magma Spit right before a Lava Spew, how to
handle a Lava Spew, when to toss an extra heal on a tank versus healing the
raid up for the next spew are situationally based. Try to have all cooldowns
available for Phase 2.

	= Druid =

Make sure to have your second Tree of Life and Tranquility available for Phase
2. Barkskin for every Lava Spews that it is available on. Use your Tranquility
during one of the Phase 2 Lava Spews.

 ::Raid Healing::

I bloom the main tank until the first Blazing Inferno. After that I put my
HoT stack on the off tank. I try to have a Wild Growth and Swiftmend up for
each Lava Spew. After the first Lava Spew, Wild Growth on cooldown. Rejuv
generously. I usually only direct heal on the off tank but will direct heal if
someone's health is too low and a Lava Spew is incoming. Regrowth to trigger
Nature's Grace. I use my Tree of Life sometime during the first set of three
spews and save my second one for Phase 2.

=  Omnotron Defense System =
=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~= [10.4b]

	<<>> Heroic Changes <<>>

Nefarion will periodically power up one of the golems. He will only power up
an active golem but it will be a random choice between one of the two active
golems. The difficulty is not so much with the overpowered abilities but how
they interact with the two golems that are active.

Overcharged Power Generator: The Power Generator that Arcanotron drops slowly
expands then detonates, causing damage to anyone nearby. Move away when it
becomes overcharged.

Shadow Conductor: The person targeted with Lightning Conductor is now
targeted by Shadow Conductor. Shadow Conductor causes raid wide damage that
hits for more the further you are away from the conductor. Raid should have a
pre-determined group up point and stack up. Tanks should move closer and may
choose to stack or not depending on which golem is active.

Encasing Shadows: Magmatron's Aquiring Target will also freeze the target in
place. Rather than the encased target moving, everyone else has to move from
that target.

Grip of Death: Everyone is pulled into Toxitron's Poison Cloud. The Poison
Cloud now also deals damage to anyone standing in it. Quickly move out of
the Poison Cloud in a direction away from the adds.

)-Group Composition-(

2 tanks, 3 healers, 1 or 2 good interrupts

  ~ Mechanics ~

General Advice:

1. Be aware (Beware!) of which two golems are active. When it becomes time for
Nef to charge up a golem's ability, be thinking about how you will react to
each ability. Be proactive instead of reactive.
2. Nef will always charge the ability of the first golem that is active.
3. Lust during an Arcanotron phase when you get a good pool.
4. Splitting up vs. Spreading out. All of our ranged and healers stay stacked
up throughout the fight. This helps with mechanics but leaves you very
vulnerable to Electron's Chain Lightning. While this is advisable on 25 man--
since it is very difficult to spread out enough for Chain Lightning--it is
difficult on 10 man. The Chain Lightning hits just as hard on 10 man as it does
on 25 man. However you only have 3 healers on 10 man versus 6-7 on 25 man. If
your group can spread out for Electron while still doing mechanics, try to do
5. Do not hit Electron during his shield phase. We do this all the time for
some unknown reason.

   ::Arcanotron Advice::

Arcanotron's Arcane Annihilator must be interrupted. Set up a good interrupt
rotation and have an emergency interrupter like a Mage on standby. One Shaman
can handle all the interrupts or you can have two interrupters like a tank and
a melee.

Try to tank Arcanotron close enough to the other golem so that you can stand
in his Power Generator and still damage the other golem.

Spell Steal his Power Conversion.

   ::Magmotron Advice::

Save your damage reduction ability for Acquiring Target. If you can wipe it
off with an Ice Block, Bubble, or Cloak of Shadows, warn your healers over
vent and then do so.

Coordinate your raid cooldowns so that one is avaible for both of Magmontron's
two Incineration Measures. We Aura Mastery the first one and Divine Guardian
the second one.

   ::Electron Advice::

Plan where you will group up for Shadow Conductors. DBM will warn you if a
Lightning Conductor will become a Shadow Conductor 5 seconds before it happens
so be ready to group up. Have a raid cooldown--we use Power Word Barrier--
available for the Shadow Conductor. Tanks should try to move closer, but if
you are tanking Toxotron or Electron when his Unstable Shield is up it may be
advisable to stay away.

I recommend spreading out for Chain Lightning but you can do this fight by
staying grouped together.

We have a ton of issues with people attacking Electron when Unstable Shield
is up. This is 100% avoidable. Simply DO NOT ATTACK ELECTRON WHEN HIS SHIELD
IS UP. SWITCH TO THE OTHER BOSS. To help mitigate this we have the tank move
Electron away when the shield goes up. All attacks--even the tank's auto
swing--should stop at this point.

   ::Toxitron Advice::

Ranged DPS can attack Toxitron when his shield is up to get a DPS buff. If you
are not careful though this can kill you.

Slow, stun, snare and burn the adds ASAP. Frost Traps, Mushrooms, Piercing Howl
etc are all very useful.

Grip of Death may be the most deadly charged ability. Tanks will get hit
extra hard by the golem they are tanking so use a cooldown and run out ASAP.
If you are Fixated by an add, move in such a way that if there is a Grip of
Death the add will not blow you up when you are pulled into a puddle. For

Bad Idea		Good Idea				

Cloud			Cloud
|			|			
Tox			Tox-------You

In the 'Bad Idea' picture (available for T Shirts in the size of your choice),
the add will fixate on you and ooze into the cloud. If Death Grip comes, you
will be sucked into the cloud on top of the add and blow up. Bad Idea. In the
'Good Idea' picture, the add will come towards you. If Death Grip comes, you
can run out of the cloud and away from the add and not get blown up.

   ::Electron & Magmatron::

Get ready to take an obscene amount of damage. You should have raid cooldowns
planned for a possible Shadow Conductor and both Security Incineration

   ::Electron & Arcanotron::

If your strategy is to spread out, keep people from grouping up in the
Power Generators. If you strategy is to group up, hop in the power generators.

   ::Electron & Toxitron::

Possibly the most difficult combination. Not only do you need to know where to
group up for a Shadow Conductor, you have to know where to group up for a 
Shadow Conductor if there is a Poison Cloud on your first group up spot. Get
ready to move out of the Poison Clouds ASAP as Poison Cloud + Chain Lightning
is no fun.

   ::Magmatron & Arcanotron::

Nothing special.

   ::Magmatron & Toxitron::

Nothing special.

   ::Arcanotron & Toxitron::

Have a ranged interrupt like a Mage, be ready to interrupt Arcanotron in case
Nef Death Grips you into a Poison Cloud.

  ~ Healing ~

The mechanics are the primary focus. Know which two golems are active and be
ready to react accordingly to each ability Nef may overcharge. The toughest
mechanics are Acquiring Target--all three healers must be ready to heal this
target--and Electron. For Electron's phase try to keep people as close to full
as possible as his Chain Lightning and Shadow Conductor can very quickly take
the raid's health down.

	= Druid =

I use Tree of Life when Electron is activated. Barkskin I try to save for
Acquiring Target and Shadow Conductor. Tranquility I save for emergencies or
if Electron and Magmatron is up I use during any dual Shadow Conductors and
Incineration Measures.

Electron is the most difficult in my opinion. The damage is heavy and random.
You do not know which 1-3 raid members will be hit with Chain Lightning. If
you see a Shadow Conductor is coming, pre Rejuv people in that 5 second build
up and drop a Swiftmend in the group up spot.

Arcanotron is easy to heal. Hop into the Power Generators for more mana. If
your mana is fine, toss around Rejuvs like crazy. Arcano and any other
combination is not too bad to heal.

Magmatron I like to save my Swiftmend for the Acquiring Target. Drop a Rejuv
before damage starts and time a Healing Touch plus Swiftmend right as he
starts to take damage. Then cast one more Healing Touch or Regrowth depending
on how well timed your prior Healing Touch was. Wild Growth on cooldown and
Rejuv's all over the place are great for this phase.

Toxitron, you can root the adds if you have some extra GCD's and no one to
heal. Make sure the tanks are topped prior to Nef's cooldown becoming active in
case he casts a Grip of Death.

	^ XI. LINKS ^
========^^^^^^^^^^^^^=[11.0]=================================================== - Excellent info on gear, abilities, bosses and more. - The Resto Druid thread put together by Hamlet is great. - Place to get addons - Check here to see what the best healers are doing on fights.
Guild leaders should sign up and track every raid fight. - Tankspot has some useful videos for raid fights. Narrated in a
useful and entertaining way with plenty of great drawings. - Useful site to leveling your chosen profession.


I hope you enjoyed this guide. I appreciate any feedback, comments, or
questions. If you wish to host the guide or use any part of the guide, please
email me for permission.


v1.00: Guide Released!

This guide may be hosted at GameFAQS, Neoseeker, and Gameshell. If it is
being hosted anywhere else, please let me know.

Updated for patch 1.06.
-can no longer juggle Lifeblooms
-ToL, WG, and Regrowth spell changes noted
-Profession bonuses and recommendations changed: LW no longer the best, now
probably Alchemy.
-Updated the Heroic Dungeon parts for the patch changes
-Updated Halfus for the patch change, added an alternate Valiona strat, and
added some more helpful info on Cho'gall
-minor changes to the gear list, only major thing of note is Vibrant Alchemist
Stone which is possibly BiS until H mode gear.

-Added some info to raid strategies
-cleaned up some language
-corrected some typos
-added Heroic Raiding Gear

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