Vampire - Bloodlines History List Version: 1.01 By Jake Zahn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be a complete list of all the histories available in game, and will list exactly who has access to each and what benefits/penalties each has. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00 - First incarnation. 1.01 - Spelling fixes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Enable Histories -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First you have to make sure you have the console enabled. If you don't know how to do this, instructions are at the bottom of this guide. Once that's done, go into your vampirecfg folder located in your main Bloodlines folder. The default is: C:Program FilesActivisionVampire - Bloodlinesvampirecfg Now find the Config.cfg file. Open it with notepad, scroll down to the bottom, and add this line: vchar_edit_histories "1" Then, just save the file. Now, when you start a new game, you'll have the opportunity to choose a history. WARNING: Sometimes the game will crash after selecting a history, this is normal and happens seemingly at random. Simply start the game back up and choose the history again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically each clan has a specific set of histories they can choose from, but there are a few histories that more then one clan have access to. Those are listed first under "General", while the clan specific ones are listed under their respective clan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selectable Histories -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Blunt Fangs Clans: Brujah, Malkavian, Nosferatu Gender: Both Bonus: Every time you gain 3+ XP at one time, you get +1 XP Penalty: It takes 3 Blood Points to restore 1 of yours. 2) Burnout Clans: Gangrel, Malkavian, Toreador Gender: Both Bonus: +3 Frenzy modifier Penalty: -1 Wits 3) Cadaverous Flesh Clans: Brujah, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere Gender: Both Bonus: Cheaper Physical Attributes (2nd dot costs 3, 3rd costs 6, 4th costs 10, and 5th costs 12) Penalty: -1 Charisma, -20% healing rate 4) Con ArtistSpecial Forces Clans: Nosferatu, VentrueBrujah, Gangrel Gender: BothMale Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Skills Talents Knowledges Penalty: N/A 5) Corporate Schmo Clans: Toreador, Ventrue Gender: Both Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Skills Knowledges Talents Penalty: N/A 6) Deceptive Strength Clans: Gangrel, Toreador, Tremere, Ventrue Gender: Both Bonus: Blood Buff duration doubled Penalty: -1 Dexterity and Perception 7) Degenerate Gambler Clans: Malkavian, Ventrue Gender: Male Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Mental Physical Social Penalty: N/A 8) Dropped on Head as a Baby Clans: Brujah, Gangrel, Nosferatu Gender: Both Bonus: +2 Stamina Penalty: Stunted Mental Attributes (2nd dot costs 6, 3rd costs 10, 4th costs 16, and 5th costs 20) 9) Eco-Terrorist Hacker Clans: Gangrel, Nosferatu Gender: Both Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Knowledges Skills Talents Penalty: N/A 10) Eerie Presence Clans: Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere Gender: Both Bonus: Cheaper Mental Attributes (2nd dot costs 3, 3rd costs 6, 4th costs 10, and 5th costs 12) Penalty: Stunted Social Attributes (2nd dot costs 6, 3rd costs 10, 4th costs 16, and 5th costs 20), Stealth Costs x4 11) Glass Eye Clans: Brujah, Nosferatu Gender: Both Bonus: +2 Intimidation Penalty: -1 Perception 12) Gossip Columnist Clans: Malkavian, Ventrue Gender: Female Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Social Mental Physical Penalty: N/A 13) Hard-Ass Chica Clans: Brujah, Gangrel Gender: Female Bonus: +1 Firearms, starts with a .38 handgun Penalty: Knowledges cost x4 to raise 14) Highway Drifter Clans: Brujah, Gangrel, Nosferatu Gender: Male Bonus: +1 Melee, starts with a knife Penalty: -2 Humanity 15) Lowborn Clans: Brujah, Gangrel, Nosferatu Gender: Both Bonus: 1 bum/hooker blood point restores 2 of yours Penalty: Knowledges cost x4 to raise 16) Perv Clans: Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu Gender: Male Bonus: +2 Blood Pool, 1 female blood point restores 2 of yours Penalty: Max Subterfuge of 1 17) Rapacious Bloodlust Clans: Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere Gender: Both Bonus: +1 Strength, +1 Brawl Penalty: -1 Frenzy modifier, Stealth costs x4 to raise 18) Runaway Clans: Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Toreador Gender: Both Bonus: +1 Stealth Penalty: Brawl costs x4 to raise 19) Slut Clans: Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador Gender: Female Bonus: +2 Blood Pool, 1 male blood point restores 2 of yours Penalty: Stunted Mental Attributes (2nd dot costs 6, 3rd costs 10, 4th costs 16, and 5th costs 20) Brujah: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Anti-Paladin Gender: Both Bonus: Presence costs x4 Penalty: Stunted Celerity (2nd dot costs 8, 3rd costs 12, 4th costs 18, and 5th costs 24) 2) Ex-Cop Gender: Both Bonus: +2 Firearms, +1 Intimidation Penalty: Max Stamina of 3 3) Infomercial HucksterVoyeur Website Model Gender: MaleFemale Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Social Physical Mental Penalty: N/A 4) Quickling Gender: Both Bonus: +25% Celerity duration Penalty: Stunted Potence (2nd dot costs 8, 3rd costs 12, 4th costs 18, and 5th costs 24) 5) True Brujah Gender: Both Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Mental Physical Social Penalty: N/A Gangrel: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Anda Gangrel Gender: Both Bonus: +1 Fortitude and Stamina Penalty: Stunted Animalism (1st dot costs 6, 2nd costs 8, 3rd costs 12, 4th costs 18, and 5th costs 24), -1 Animalism 2) Beastmistress Gender: Female Bonus: +35% Animalism damage, +50% Animalism duration Penalty: -25% Protean duration 3) Chupacabra Gender: Male Bonus: Protean +1 Penalty: Max Fortitude of 3 4)Insectoid Gender: Both Bonus: +40% Fortitude and Protean duration Penalty: -1 to Wits, Charisma, Appearance, and Animalism 5) PaganPagan Priestess Gender: MaleFemale Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Mental Physical Social Penalty: N/A Malkavian: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Completely Batshit Gender: Both Bonus: +100% Dementation duration, +40% Dementation damage Penalty: Stunted Obfuscate (2nd costs 8, 3rd costs 12, 4th costs 18, and 5th costs 24) 2) Cut-Rate ClownGymnast Turned Stripper Gender: MaleFemale Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Physical Mental Social Penalty: N/A 3) Doomseer Gender: Both Bonus: +100% Auspex duration Penalty: -50% Obfuscate duration 4) Inoffensively Nutty Weatherman Gender: Male Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Social Mental Physical Penalty: N/A 5) Long Foot, Little Foot Gender: Both Bonus: +1 Humanity, +1 Charisma, +1 Wits Penalty: Max Dexterity of 1 6) Ninja! Gender: Both Bonus: +1 Brawl and Melee Penalty: Max Firearms pf 0 7) Woman's Prison Guard Gender: Female Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Mental Physical Social Penalty: N/A Nosferatu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Boogeyman Gender: Male Bonus: +40% Obfuscate duration Penalty: -1 Potence 2) Cleopatra Gender: Female Bonus: +30% Obfuscate duration, +1 Subterfuge Penalty: Stunted Animalism (2nd costs 8, 3rd costs 12, 4th costs 18, and 5th costs 24) 3) Leatherface Gender: Male Bonus: +1 Melee and Potence Penalty: Humanity costs x4 4) Shepard of Vermin Gender: Both Bonus: +50% Animalism duration, +35% Animalism Damage Penalty: -25% Potence duration Toreador: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Beautiful Monster Gender: Male Bonus: +25% Presence duration Penalty: -1 Frenzy and Wits 2) Country Club LotharioSouthern Debute Gender: MaleFemale Bonus: Social Physical Mental Penalty: N/A 3) Decadent Enchantress Gender: female Bonus: +1 Appearance and Subterfuge Penalty: -20% Celerity duration 4) Faelike Gender: Both Bonus: +25% Presence and Celerity duration Penalty: Stunted Firearms, Intimidation, Stamina, and Strength (2nd costs 6, 3rd costs 10, 4th costs 16, and 5th costs 20) 5) Lounge Singer SeductressVelvet Rope Doorman Gender: FemaleMale Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Talents Skills Knowledges Penalty: N/A 6) Uncanny Awareness Gender: Both Bonus: +40% Auspex duration Penalty: Stunted Celerity (2nd costs 8, 3rd costs 12, 4th costs 18, and 5th costs 24) 7) Vaguely Employed Twenty-something Gender: Both Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Knowledges Talents Skills Penalty: N/A Tremere: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Eldrich Prodigy Gender: Both Bonus: +40% Thaumaturgy damage and duration Penalty: Every time you gain 3+ XP at one time, you get -1 XP 2) Infernal Gender: Both Bonus: Thaumaturgy costs x4 Penalty: Max of 3 Dominate, -50% Auspex duration 3) Mortician Gender: Both Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Skills Knowledges Talents Penalty: N/A 4) Pedagogue Gender: Both Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Talents Knowledges Skills Penalty: N/A Ventrue: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) AgentFixer Gender: FemaleMale Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Talents Knowledges Skills Penalty: N/A 2) Cleaner Gender: Male Bonus: +35% Fortitude duration Penalty: Stunted Presence (2nd costs 8, 3rd costs 12, 4th costs 18, and 5th costs 24) 3) Diabolic Gender: Male Bonus: +35% Presence duration Penalty: -1 Frenzy and Humanity 4) Dominatrix Gender: Female Bonus: +40% Dominate Damage, +100% Dominate duration, +1 Subterfuge Penalty: Skills cost x4 6) Industry Lobbyist Gender: Both Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Mental Social Physical Penalty: N/A 7) Pharmaceutical Saleswoman Gender: Female Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Social Physical Mental Penalty: N/A 8) Union Boss Gender: Male Bonus: Switch Attribute order to: Physical Social Mental Penalty: N/A 9) War Profiteer Gender: Both Bonus: Switch Ability order to: Knowledges Skills Talents Penalty: N/A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enabling the Console -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, right-click on your Bloodlines shortcut. Then select "Properties". Now look at the text to the right of the word "Target". It should look something like this: "C:Program FilesActivisionVampire - BloodlinesVampire.exe" Change it so that it looks like this: "C:Program FilesActivisionVampire - BloodlinesVampire.exe" -console -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: