Treasure Hunter Escape 1 - Pirate Ship Walkthrough: ------------ First Room 1. get stick under the bench. 2. click left jail door, near the wall, about middle, zoom in, use stick, get the ring keys. 3. click door, zoom in, use key, enter the Second Room. Second Room 1. get Axe. 2. use axe on the left barrel, get key, enter left room. Third Room 1. click the left door, use key, enter the Fourth Room. Fourth Room 1. go upstairs. 2. click the first right door, enter dinner room. Dinner Room 1. zoom in, get the wine bottle. 2. use the wine on the left chair, get key. 3. zoom out, get the knife, go back. Fourth Room 1. click the second right door, use the key enter sleep room. Sleep Room 1. zoom in, use the knife on the belt, get belt strip and belt buckle. 2. go back. Fourth Room 1. click the second left door, use belt buckle on the door and enter. Fifth Room 1. get sword and go back. Fourth Room 1. click the front wall bottom, zoom ladder. 2. use the sword on the roof, and go upstairs. 3. use belt strip on the rope, finish the game.