Titan Quest - Immortal Throne Cool Down Guide .,:,~:,,. ~~I+?I$ZOOD8ZOZII7I?=: .=I7$ZOOOZODDNDNDDDDD8ZZ7$7++~ ,?+I$ZOOO8OOZODDDDNNNNNNDOOOZZZ$77+= :?ZZ$Z88OZOOO8ZZODNDDNNDNN8O8OZ8O$O8$7$7 :I7ZO88ZZO8OO8O8OZ8ONDNNNNNN8OOZO8ZZZOOZZ7$? ~$7O88888OOZ888O8Z8OZONDDDNNNN8OOZOOZZO8OZO8O$7? ,+OD8OOODOO8O8ZO8OO8O88ODDDDNNNNDOOOOOOOZO8Z8OZZ88, ,ODDNNN8OODO8D88O88OOOO8O8NNDNDNN8OZ8OOO8OOZZDOO88OZ?, :$DDNNNNNNOO888888888OO88O8NNNNNNND8OD8OO8OOZ8OODD8O8ZZ?. .?DDDDDNNDNNN8ZO8Z8ZOOO8O8D88NMDOZZZZO8DD88OOZ8OO8D8D8D88O,. .$O8DDDNDNN8NNDD8OOZ888OODDO$$7+7I7+77I=I7?Z8888OZD8DDDDDOOZ.. .88DDDNDDD8NNDDOOZO8D8$7I+77OZ7II777$Z$I$7+ZD8D8DND88OZ8Z?.. .I88DDNN8DNNNDO8DO$7IIO7I???IIIIIIIIIII777$ZD8DNNDOOO88Z?.. .ODDDNNNNNNN8$7?I$7II???III7IIIIIIIIIII?+ZDD88ZOO8NDZ$... .,DDDDNNNO7=?O$7IIIIIIIIIIIIIII????III?+~7O8DODDON8O+.. .. ..=8DN$77IZ$7IIIIIIIII??~=+++?????????+=,$888NMNDDD.. . .O8$IIIZ$77IIIIII??+=:,,:~++++???????+=:INNNNDNDD~. ?ZOOZ$Z$7IIIIII??+=:,...,:~+???III?????=:DNNMMNDO=. .O$Z$$$77III?????+~:,....,:+??II777II????=:NNNNDDO$. :$+$$Z77III?????+~:,....,~+??III7777II????:IDNND887. 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Rogue [rog] iv... Hunting [hnt] v... Nature [ntr] vi... Spirit [spr] vii... Earth [rth] viii... Storm [stm] ix... Dream [drm] x... Items [itm] 6. Contacting me _______________________________________________________________________________ 1. D I S C L A I M E R S _______________________________________________________________________________ I want to start out by saying that I'm allowing anybody and everybody to use and/or host this guide. But ONLY on these conditions: 1. This guide is not to be altered in any way, shape, or form 2. I'm given proper credit for my work 3. This guide is NOT used to make any sort of profit As long as those guide lines are followed, then... groovy. This guide is based on Titan Quest version 1.30 and Titan Quest Immortal Throne version 1.10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. W H Y ? _______________________________________________________________________________ As with all my guides, this was originally made more to help me. Being a Diablo II Player for quite some years, I wasn't really used to skills needing to cool down. It required me to change my play style a little and plan out my builds more precisely. Not to mention make me carefully choose how and when to use certain skills. In order to fully understand a character, one has to understand it's skills and their pairings and uses. Knowing that X skill takes Y seconds to cool down, allows one to more accurately determine primary and secondary attacks as well as how often to use other skills. This should hopefully help some people in the planning and using of their characters. _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. W H A T I S "C O O L D O W N " ? _______________________________________________________________________________ "Cool Down" is basically the interval in between which skills can be used, preventing the player from abusing them. In essence, it's a way to try to balance out the powerful skills. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. H O W I R E T R I E V E D T H E D A T A _______________________________________________________________________________ First, I started off with a "naked" character. In that the character had nothing equipped that wasn't required for the skill and ensuring that said item had no modifiers on it. I then used the skill and, using a stop watch, measured how long it took from when the skill went blue (meaning it was used) to the time the skill had full color (able to use again). Because human error is inevitable, I did this five times for each skill then recorded the average time. This does not give the _exact_ cool off time, but a close approximation. Off by a second at most. However, this only applies to active skills. I had no way to record the cool down time on skills that the player has no control over. Also, these are the base cool down times. Equipment and other skills are able to reduce the cool down time on your skills. Finally, as far as I noticed, there isn't anything in this game that increases cool down, So it is safe to assume that these are the longest you will wait in between usage. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. T H E G U I D E _______________________________________________________________________________ Please forgive the poor formatting. I had no idea on how to neatly organize it. *------------* |i... Warfare| |[war] | *------------* Level 1 Skills: Onslaught - None Level 4 skills: War Horn - 22 seconds Level 10 skills: Battle Standard - 1 minute 12 seconds War Wind - 11 seconds Level 16 skills: All passive Level 24 skills All passive Level 32 skills: Ancestral Horn - 6 minutes *-------------* |ii... Defense| |[def] | *-------------* Level 1 skills: Battle Awareness - 5 seconds (doesn't require cool down until you deactivate it) Batter - 5 seconds Level 4 skills: Rally - 54 seconds Quick Recovery - 1 minute 12 seconds Level 10 skills: Shield Charge - 14 seconds Level 16 skills: All passive Level 24 skills All passive Level 32 skills: Collossus Form - 7 minutes 7 seconds *-----------* |iii...Rogue| |[rog] | *-----------* Level 1 skills: Calculated Strike - none Blade Honing - none Envenom Weapon - none Level 4 skills: Throwing Knife - 7 seconds Flash Powder - 17 seconds Level 10 skills: Lay Trap - 14 seconds Poison Gas Bomb - 11 seconds Level 16 skills: Lethal Strike - 14 seconds Level 24 skills: All passive Level 32 skills: All Passive *------------* |iv...Hunting| |[hnt] | *------------* Level 1 skills: Ensnare - 3 seconds Take Down - 10 seconds Level 4 skills: Marksmanship - none Art of the Hunt - 4 seconds Herbal Remedy - none Level 10 skills: Call of the Hunt - 3 minutes 32 seconds Monster Lure - 14 Seconds Level 16 skills: Study Prey - 9 seconds Level 24 skills: All Passive Level 32 skills: All Passive *-----------* |v... Nature| |[ntr] | *-----------* Level 1 skills: Regrowth - 9 seconds Call of the Wild - 23 seconds Level 4 skills: Heart of the Oak - none Plague - 9 seconds Level 10 skills: Briar Ward - 2 minutes 20 seconds Level 16 skills: Sylvan Nymph - 1 minute 10 seconds Level 24 skills: All Passive Level 32 skills: Refresh - 23 seconds *-----------* |vi...Spirit| |[spr] | *-----------* Level 1 skills: Death Chill Aura - 4 seconds (after the skill has been deactivated) Live Drain - 7 seconds Level 4 skills: Ternion Attack - none Vision of Death - 16 seconds Spirit Ward - none Level 10 skills: Dark Covenant - 1 minute 34 seconds Summon Liche King - 1 minute 10 seconds Level 16 skills: Enslave Spirit - 3 minutes 32 seconds Level 24 Skills: Circle of Power - 21 seconds Level 32 skills: Summon Outsider - 7 minutes 3 seconds *------------* |vii... Earth| | [rth] | *------------* Level 1 skills: Earth Enchantment - 2 seconds (after the skill is deactivated) Flame Surge - 7 seconds Level 4 skills: Heat Shield - 1 minute 10 seconds Ring of Flame - 3 seconds Volcanic Orb - 6 seconds Level 10 skills: Stone Form - 28 Seconds Summon Core Dweller - 1 minute 47 seconds Level 16 skills: All Passive Level 24 skills: All passive Level 32 skills: Eruption - 24 seconds *------------* |viii...Storm| |[stm] | *------------* Level 1 skills: Ice Shard - none Storm Nimbus - none Level 4 skills: Spell Breaker - 7 seconds Thunderball - 12 seconds Level 10 skills: Squall - 5 seconds Freezing Blast - 9 seconds Level 16 skills: Lightning Bolt - 13 seconds Energy Shield - 1 minute 10 seconds Level 24 skills: Summon Wisp - 23 seconds Storm Surge - 6 seconds (after it is deactivated) Level 32 skills: All Passive *-----------* |ix... Dream| |[drm] | *-----------* Level 1 skills: Sands of Sleep - 4 seconds Psionic Touch - none Distortion Wave - 5 seconds Level 4 skills: Trance of Empathy - none Phantom Strike - 19 seconds Level 10 skills: Summon Nightmare - 1 minute 10 seconds Level 16 skills: Trance of Convalescence - none Distort Reality - 14 seconds Level 24 skills: All Passive Level 32 skills: Trance of Wrath - none *---------* |X...Items| |[itm] | *---------* Health / Mana potions - 7 seconds Scrolls - 3 minutes 33 seconds _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. C O N T A C T I N G M E _______________________________________________________________________________ If you have any comments, concerns or criticisms or if you feel I errord or missed something, you may email me at shen_long36@hotmail.com I know this guide is far from complete or perfect and that I probably missed quite a bit, so I'll be happy to receive any help or suggestions. Also, please know that I only check this specific email address maybe once or twice a week. If you do email me, and are expecting a response, please be patient. Finally, if you do email me, please put the word GAMEFAQs somewhere in the subject, so that I don't accidentally delete it as spam. _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. R E V I S I O N S _______________________________________________________________________________ 5/14/07 - Started collecting data for this guide 5/15/07 - Compiled the data into this guide and submitted it.