The Mystery House – The Second Stage

The Mystery House - The Second Stage

1. Go left and click the cabinet. Click the right side and 
   get the stick.
2. Zoom out and click the left side of the cabinet. Get the match.
3. Go right and use the stick on the cobweb. Get the screw.
4. As you go around the room, look for ghosts or inspirations.
5. When you get one click the desk. Then click the left side to 
   plug in the lamp.
6. Zoom out and click the inspiration, then click the switch on top 
   of the lamp. Note the code that the ghost draws 683. (You can 
   always get extra inspirations by going around the room).
7. Use this code on the desk drawer, zoom out, click the drawer and 
   get the screwdriver.
8. Go left to the door and click the doorknob. Use the screw, then 
   zoom out and open the door.
9. Go right and use the stick to get the matchbox.
10. Open the matchbox and get the cabinet key.
11. Use the key on the cabinet and get the newspaper.
12. Go to the fireplace and place the newspaper. Use the match on 
    it to set it on fire.
13. When the fire extinguishes, get the brooch
14. Use the brooch on the red box on the cabinet shelf. 
    Get the door key.
15. Use the key on the door and you’re out!

You can get as many inspirations as you want and use them to show you 
things around the room that you can’t see with the naked eye. Trying 
using inspirations in the mirror, in the view of the exit door, in 
the zoomed out view of the fireplace, and on the ax to the right of
the fireplace.

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