The Life Ark 4

The Life Ark 4

1.Click spaceship. 
2.Click green alien. 
3.Crash down the three meteors from the sky. 
  DOMINO PUZZLE. Connect the dominoes so the numbers match up with each 
  other. 3-2, 2-4, 4-1, 1-5, 5-1, 1-3. 
4.Click blue alien. 
5.Click red shape. 
6.Click gravestone in center. 
7.Click green alien. 
8.Click blue alien. 
9.Click spaceship. 
10.Click cloud until it turns orange. 
11.Click robot arm. 
12.Click cloud. 
   GRID PUZZLE. You will find a 4×4 grid. The puzzle changes sometimes. The
   goal is to create a path. Every row or column has a number, that is how 
   many path segments should be in that row or column. 
13.Click rainbow segments RED, BLUE, YELLOW. 
14.Click rainbow segments RED, YELLOW, BLUE. 
15.Click RED rainbow segment to raise machine. 
16.Click tank. 
   LETTER PUZZLE. Like sudoku. Every row and column should have A, B, C, and 
   D in it though not necessarily in that order. Also every colored shape should 
   have A, B, C, and D in it, also not necessarily in that order. 
17.Click bottom of tank to raise the arms. 
18.Click the green alien. 
19.Click the blue alien. 
20.Click the cloud and the rainbow. 
21.Click green alien. 
22.Click blue alien. 
23.Click spaceship. 
24.Click tank. 
25.Click projector next to blue alien. 
   TRIANGLE PUZZLE. Click on projector until you see the pattern shown in the 
   example picture. The example picture is missing a piece though, just to let 
   you know. Create the triangle pattern just like the picture, red goes with 
   red, yellow goes with yellow, blue goes with blue. 
26.Click blue alien. 
27.Click spaceship.

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