Still Life 2

Still Life 2


At the start of the game you want to discuss everything. Open the inventory
(right click) and use the phone to see what your objectives are. Close the
inventory again (right click) to ontinue. Walk right and examine the right
side of the bed. You will get a close-up of the articles. Starting from left to
right you have a newspaper article, a brochure and another newspaper article.
Also check out the sealed file. Exit this view.

On the other side of the bed are some papers lying on the floor. Click on the
painting for a description. Exit this view. Check your phone. Pick the envelope
icon to read the three messages including a database code. Exit this view.

Go to the screen in front of the bed and examine the laptop. Look at the
laptop; you have to plug it in. Exit the screen. Go to the left of the bed and
pick up the transformer with cord.

Return to the desk and examine it. Use the transformer with cord on the plug on
the wall on the left. Use the laptop. Choose Internet Search and click on all
the options. Perform a FBI Database Search and enter the code 96HA)7MN. Choose
all the options.

Killer's House, October 23, 2008


Choose all the conversation topics. Examine the drawer on the right and take
the nail file. Look at the mirror on the desk to see the collar. Look at the
camera on the ceiling. Go to the left of the bed, next to the TV. Look at the
white cable connected to the electrical outlet on the back of the TV. Use the
cable to unplug it from the TV. Pick up the rusty telescopic antenna from the
TV. Examine the panel with the red light on top on the left. Look at the
screwed plate. Use the nail file on the plate's four screws. Remove the plate
and look at the circuit board.

Go to the left screen by the door and receive an electric shock. Use the rusty
telescopic antenna on the light switch on the wall, left of the door. Return to
the TV and click on the white cable to plug it in the circuit board; now you
can walk around freely.

Look at the old stove and examine it. Click on the half burnt flyer inside the
stove. Pick up the poker with the red handle on the left of the stove. Exit the
screen and look at the wedding dress. Look at the boarded window. Use the poker
on the boards and examine the window.

Go left and use the wardrobe to make space in your inventory. Place the nail
file, the rusty telescopic antenna and the poker in the wardrobe and exit. Go
to the bed and pick up the mattress. Return to the window and use the mattress
on it to jump down safely.

Examine the truck on the left of the screen. Try to open the locked toolbox on
the back of the truck. Look at the passenger seat and try to open the door.
Click on the gate to receive another electric shock. Go left and then north, on
the other side of the house. Pick up the ladder from the ground and go right,
next to the fallen mattress. Use the ladder on the open window that you fell

Return to the area where the ladder was and look at the piece of wood on the
ground. Pick up a wood beam from the stack of wood. Go to the truck and use the
wood beam on the truck's passenger seat. Examine the passenger seat and take
the discharged cell phone from the driver's seat. Also, pick up the small key
under the driver's seat. Exit the screen and examine the toolbox on the back of
the truck. Use the small key on the toolbox to open it. Look at the purse and
the receipts. Take the charger and Dictaphone.

The inventory will show up automatically. In the inventory, left click on the
charger and Dictaphone to select them and then click on the separate icon to
get a cell phone charger. Select the discharged cell phone; click on the
combine icon and then click on the cell phone charger to combine get a cell
phone and charger. Go to the ladder to climb up the window.

Go to the door and use the cell phone and charger on the white plug under the
light switch.

Once the conversation topics show up choose: flyer, gas station bill, and
railway tie.

Jackman, October 23, 2008


After a few seconds you receive a message from Clair to your smartphone that
you must check. Talk to Garris about everything; he gives you the CSIA Test Kit
that you can see on the right side of your inventory. Look at the brochure on
the bed. Examine the footprint on the right side of the bed. Right click to
open the CSIA Test Kit and use the 3D scanner on it. In the CSIA Test Kit,
click on the shoe print in motel icon and perform a database analysis.

Zoom out and examine the right bedside table. Click on the answering machine
twice to listen to the messages and collect a recording with the killer's
altered voice. Open the Test Kit and click on the smartphone on the top left to
move the recording from the smartphone to the Test Kit. Select the voice
recorded on answering machine and perform a computer analysis.

Zoom out and go to the other side of the bed. Look at the safe and examine it.
Vitoria notices a remote control under the bed. Use the fingerprint powder
first and then the 3D scanner on the remote control. In the Test Kit select the
fingerprint on remote control and perform a database analysis.

Zoom out and enter the bathroom. Look at the bullet hole on the door and the
tile on the wall, left of the sink. Look at the ventilation system above the
toilet. Use the electronic nose on the ventilation system to get a sample of a
substance. In the Test Kit select the substance traces in motel bathroom and
perform a chemical analysis. Exit and examine the shower.

Notice the white residue in the middle of the screen. Use the revealer spray on
the residue to reveal a bloodstain. Use a sampling swab on the bloodstain. In
the Test Kit select the blood trace in motel bathroom and perform a chemical
and a database analysis. Zoom out and exit the bathroom.

Examine the suitcase under the shirts, outside the bathroom and try to open it.
Talk to Garris about the locked suitcase; he gives you a pick gun with battery
& tension wrench. Examine the suitcase again and use the pick gun with battery
& tension wrench on it to open it. Take the mini-DVD from the suitcase. Zoom
out and look at the camcorder on the left of the TV. Use the mini-DVD on the

Killer's House, October 23, 2008, 11:30 p.m.


You need the antidote before you do anything else. Pick up the ringing cell
phone from the floor by the door; you have to click on it twice to talk with
the killer.  Use the bed to move it; you have to click on the bed and not the
mattress. Open the medicine cabinet by climbing on the bed. Take the tubes
filled with liquid and the bottle filled with two thirds. Save the game.

How to drink the antidote: In the inventory, separate the tubes filled with
liquid; this gives you four tubes of different colour. Combining the bottle
filled with two thirds with one of the tubes will give you the antidote. The
antidote is in the tube that turns black once it is mixed with the green bottle
with two thirds. You can only use the green bottle twice so you have to
experiment with the tubes. This may be a random puzzle but here is an example:
Combine the bottle filled with two thirds with the red tube filled with
colorless liquid; if the liquid inside the tube turns black then select it and
click on Paloma's press pass on the left of the inventory to use on Paloma. If
the liquid remains white then repeat the process with a tube of different

Use the grey cabinet on the wall to place the tubes and the charged cell phone
inside. Pick up the mattress from the bed and examine the shards on the floor,
where the cell phone was. Use the mattress on the shards. Examine the box on
the shelf and look at the memory card. Open your smartphone screen and press
the orange documents button to listen to the interviews. Take the hexagonal key
from the box. Zoom out and look at the fuse box on the left of the box.

Go left and examine the mirror above the sink to look at the collar. Try to
open the locker on the right of the sink. Use the hexagonal key on the locker
to open it. Pick up the dry powder extinguisher from the locker.

Click on the bed once to move it back to its initial position. Pick up the
metallic tube from the floor in front of the bed, under the medicine cabinet.
Click on the bed again to move it. Look at the grate on the floor; you see a
severed hand. Try to open the grate; it's stuck. Use the metallic tube on the
grate to open it. Try to pick up the severed hand; you have to deal with the
rats first. Use the dry powder extinguisher on the hand. Take the key from the
hand. Go to the door and use the key on its lock to unlock it. Open the door to
enter the room with the electric chair.

Choose all the conversation topics. Notice the electrical cupboard on the wall
and try to open it. Return to the previous room. Examine the fuse box; it is
connected to the electrical cupboard. Use the dry powder extinguisher on the
fuse box. Return to the room with the electric chair.

Open the electrical cupboard and look inside; it's too dark. Walk around the
room until you have the camera angle of a switch on the wall.

Examine the switch and press the Green I button. Reopen the electrical cupboard
and look at the half unscrewed bulb. Take the iron thread from the bottom of
the cupboard. Use the lever to have electricity flowing through the electric
chair. Go back to the other room.

How to remove the collar: Examine the inscriptions on the wall on the left of
the toilet. Notice the number 2324. Examine the mirror above the sink. You have
to use the iron thread on the collar's small holes and enter the correct
combination. The combination is 2324, which means that you have to select the
iron thread and click twice on the first hole, three times on the second hole,
twice on the third hole and four times on the fourth hole.

Return to the other room. Look at the electric chair and use it. Click on it
again to sit on it.  Pull the wooden lever five times, so that the electric
chair is pointing at the door that says Paloma, 129. Look at Paloma's door.
While you are still sitting on the electric chair, click on the grey box on the
left of the wooden handle. You need exactly 129 Volts to open Paloma's door.

How to open Paloma's door: Set the lever to -1 by clicking on it once. Click
twice on the +50V switch and once on the +20V switch. Click twice on the +5V
switch. Now you have 129 Volts. Click on the red switch.

Open Paloma's door. Open the locker on the right and take the empty spray. Go
upstairs and walk through the door.  Choose all the topics. Return to the
bedroom and use the empty spray on the sink to get a water spray. Return to the
morgue.  Look at the white shirt on the wall. Examine the autopsy table and
take the powder revealer and the surgical instrument. Combine the powder
revealer with the water spray to get a liquid revealer. Approach the wall with
the red light and save the game.

Examine the tiles above the red light. Use the liquid revealer on the tiles to
reveal the words PRESS HERE. Run to the keypad by the door you entered from.
Right click to bring up the inventory and choose the voice recorder. Notice the
dates of the interviews: 10/22, 02/29 and 01/13. These are the codes you must
enter. Examine the keypad and enter 1022; press OK. Enter 0229 and press OK.
Enter 0113 and press OK. Zoom out and go to the open doors of the fridge to the
left of the keypad.

-          Look at the first door from the right and check the tag on the
mannequin's foot: the letter P is underlined.

-           Look at the tag on the mannequin inside the middle door: the letter
H is underlined.

-          Look at the mannequin's tag inside the left door: the first E is

Go to the tiles and click on the letters P, E and H to stop the timer.

Open the newly unlocked door; the killer wants to prepare the next scene. Look
at the butcher's sign (the cow) on the wall across the tiles. Click on it
again; it sounds hollow. Use the dry powder extinguisher on the sign. Walk
through the opening; it's too dark. Go to the room with the electric chair.
Open the electrical cupboard and take the small bulb. Return to the morgue.

Reenter the opening and use the small bulb on the circular slot above the panel
to have light. Use the surgical instrument on the panel's screws to open it.
Use the surgical instrument again on the fuses. Use the iron thread on the
lowest fuse.

In the kitchen go south and look at the newspaper on the table. Go back and
exit through the left door to go out.

Killer's House, October 24, 2008


Choose all the topics. Go west, where the truck used to be. Examine the tire
tracks. Look at the tire tracks and use the 3D scanner on them. Perform a
database analysis on the large tire track in front of the house. Look at the
broken glass. Look at the bare footprints at the bottom of the screen, between
the tire tracks and the broken glass. Use the 3D scanner on the footprint and
perform a database analysis. Use the smartphone to call Claire.

Go to the front of the house and examine the ground on the left of the

Look at the shoe print and use the 3D scanner on it. Perform a database
analysis of the shoe print. Look at the tire track on the left of the shoe
print. Use the 3D scanner on the tire track and perform a database analysis.
Continue north of the house and examine the BAR crossbeam.

Examine the small piece of wood that stands out on the left.

Use the smartphone to take a photo of the pattern. Open the CSIA Test Kit and
click on the smartphone to transfer the photograph. Select the photograph and
perform a database analysis. Examine the metal grate. Continue walking north.
Examine the ground in front of the stairs. Look at the bloodstained piece of
rubber. Use a sampling swab on the piece of rubber and perform a chemical and
database analysis on the blood. Look at the traces of an explosion on the left
of the piece of rubber. Look at the footprint on the right of the traces and
above the piece of rubber. Use the 3D scanner on the footprint and perform a
database analysis on it.

Continue west and look at the archery target. Look at the electric fence. Pick
up the oilcan from the ground on the left of the red barrel. Look at the rusty
lock of the trailer and its muddy license plate. Enter the house through the
back door to reach the kitchen.

Examine the fridge. Examine the sink and click on the dirty pot. Use first
fingerprint powder and then the 3D scanner on the pot to collect a fingerprint.
Perform a database analysis on the fingerprint. Examine the oven. Examine the
table and look at the newspaper.

Look at the shelf blocking the way to the dumbwaiter in the middle of the room.
Click on it to move it out of the way. Look at the dumbwaiter. Look at the
broken phone on the wall on the right of the door. Walk through the door to the
main hallway.

Look at the floorboards in front of the door. Enter the living room. Look at
the film and the food tray on the coffee table. Look at the film on the sofa:
The Blue Dahlia, 1946. Look at the matchbox on top of the fireplace. Examine
the safe on the left of the fireplace and look at the fingerprints. Use
fingerprint powder on the fingerprints.

How to open the safe: The killer has pressed the buttons 1,A, 4,6,9 in a
certain order. Remember that the film Blue Dahlia on the sofa came out in 1946
and all those numbers have been pressed on the safe. With trial and error you
find that the combination is 19A46. Enter the code and open the safe.

Examine the safe and take the small box. Examine the box; it's locked. Examine
the safe again and look at the screenplays. Use the fingerprint powder and the
3D scanner on the screenplays. Perform a database analysis on the fingerprint.
Use the smartphone to call Claire about the unknown fingerprint. Reexamine the
box on the table.

Use the pick gun with batter & tension wrench on the box to unlock it. Look at
the book on forensic medicine by the box. Use the sampling tongs on the book to
collect a lock of hair. Perform a chemical and database analysis on the lock of

Look at the books on the bookcase. Examine the cabinet on the wall in front of
the table; it's a hiding place and a piece of wood is missing. Examine it again
and use the fingerprint powder and the 3D scanner on it to collect a
fingerprint. Perform a database analysis on the fingerprint. Go to the hallway
and climb up the stairs. Claire sends you a message about the motorcycle tire
track, which you can see in the CSIA Test Kit screen. Open the Test Kit screen,
and click on the smartphone to add the small tire track in front of the house

Talk to the sheriff about everything. Examine the closet. Look at the clothes
and use the digital microscope on them; there is another lock of hair. Use the
sampling tongs on the clothes on the middle shelf to collect it.  Perform a
chemical and database analysis on the hair on piece of clothing in closet.

Open the left door. Look at the panel on the wall. Look at the bloodstained
bandages on the floor, on the right side of the bed. Use a sampling swab on the
bandages to collect a blood sample. Perform a chemical and database analysis on
the blood on bandages.

Look at the edge of the mattress, on the floor, north of the bloodstained
bandages. Look at the handcuffs on the right side of the bed above the
mattress. Look at the empty base, where the surveillance camera used to be.
Look at the photographs on the wall.

Examine the desk. Look at the broken mirror and use the fingerprint powder and
the 3D scanner on it. Perform a database analysis on the fingerprints on
mirror. Look at the broken glass by the mirror to read the message.

Look at the window and the wedding dress. Examine the stove and look at the
flyer inside. Exit the room.

Open the right door and examine the medicine cabinet. Try to open the medicine
cabinet; it's locked. Use the pick gun with battery & tension wrench on the
medicine cabinet to unlock it. Look at the empty medicine bottles and the
receipt for medications. Take the receipt for medications and the anti-venom
serum box.

Look at the sink. Pick up the dry old sponge from the sink.

Look at the empty terrarium behind the sink to find traces of food. Walk south
of the screen and examine the blood on the floor to get a close up of the
bathtub. Look at the bloodstains on the bathtub and use the sampling tongs on
them to collect fiber traces on the bathtub. Perform a chemical analysis on the
fiber traces on the bathtub. Use a sampling swab on the bloodstains on the
floor in front of the bathtub. Perform a chemical and database analysis on the
blood drops in bathroom. Exit the room.

Look at the burnt door. Look at the dismantled lock; it gives you a new
objective. Try to open the final locked door; it doesn't look very solid. Go
downstairs and exit through the main door. Climb down the stairs and talk to
the sheriff. Use the smartphone to call Claire and talk about all the topics.
Talk to the sheriff again; you get fibers and a product collected by Halloway
in your Test Kit. Perform a chemical analysis on the fibers collected by
Halloway. Perform a chemical and database analysis on the product collected by

Go north and talk to Garris about the electronic lock. Wait a few seconds and
talk to Garris again about the sheriff. Go downstairs.

Walk through the metal door. Look at the oil lamp on the wall in the middle of
the screen.

Return to the living room and pick up the matchbox from the fireplace. Return
to the oil lamp. Use the oilcan on the oil lamp. Use the matchbox on the oil
lamp. Examine the right door and click on the pieces of wood to move them. Look
at the electronic lock; it gives you a new objective. Use the electronic key on
the electronic lock to open the door. Aim-click on the door to enter.

Walk to the middle of the room and try to open the blue closet; it's locked.
Use the pick gun on the closet to open it. Look at the orange box and use the
revealer spray on it. Use a sampling swab on the box's bloodstains. Perform a
chemical and database analysis on the bloodstain on basement box. Look at the
outfit under the box.

Look at the locked door on the left of the closet. Use the electronic key on
the electronic lock. Aim-click on the door to enter. Click on the wall/panel to
return to the same room. Look at the chemical products on the shelves. Examine
the autopsy table and look at it. Use a sampling swab on the blood to collect
blood on the basement autopsy table. Perform a chemical and database analysis
on the blood.

Open the autopsy door on the wall by the autopsy table. Look at the corpse. Use
the sampling tongs on the dead woman's body to collect skin. Perform a chemical
analysis on the skin. Zoom out.

Examine the desk on the left. Look at the phone. Use the computer. Click on the
computer screen; it's password protected. Use the computer key on the
computer's case, right of the screen. Perform a computer analysis on the
computer system in the basement. Zoom out.

Examine the animal skulls on the shelves. Examine the other desk with the
stereo. Look at the copies of autopsy reports. Look at the shoes. Look at the
purse and lipstick. Look at the pile of music CDs on the shelf above the desk.
Pick up the loudspeaker. Open the middle drawer and look at the thesis. Zoom
out and call Claire.

Pick up the transformer electric cord from the top of the blue cabinet, left of
the desk with the stereo. Exit through the wooden door. Walk upstairs and go

Look at the blackboard. Click on it again to move it. Look at the fresh coating
on the wall, where the blackboard used to be. Go east and pick up the
demolition mass from the table. Look at the furnace right of the table. Examine
the burnt plastic fragments on the floor under the furnace. Look at the
fragments again to be able to examine them more thoroughly. First, use the
digital microscope on the fragments and then use the sampling tongs on the
burnt hair. In the Test Kit, perform a chemical analysis on the lock of hair
near furnace. Continue right and look at the shelves. Look at the out-of-order
still. Look at the base for a camera above the still. Look at the old
accounting book on the small table.

You receive a message on your smartphone from Clair about the sign engraved in
wood, which you can add in your Test Kit.

Use the demolition mass on the wall where the blackboard was before to reveal
an exit. Walk through the opening to enter the morgue. Look at the autopsy
table. Use a sampling swab on the blood and perform a chemical and database
analysis on it.

Open the condemned door by the autopsy table. Use the digital microscope on the
wall behind the open door. Use a sampling swab on the wall to collect colored
traces on fake door wall. Perform a chemical analysis on it.

Walk towards the red light and look at the countdown clock. Look at the tiles
on the wall. Examine the white shirt and look at it. Use the revealer spray on
the shirt to reveal a bloodstain. Use a sampling swab on the bloodstain to
collect blood traces on lab coat. Perform a chemical and database analysis on
the blood traces.

Look at the drops of blood on the pipe to the left of the shirt. Use a sampling
swab on the drops of blood to collect blood traces on morgue wall. Perform a
chemical and database analysis on the blood traces. Use the smartphone to call
Claire and talk about the new discoveries.

Aim-click on the door with the red light. Examine the floor in front of the
other metal door.

Look at the scrubbed floor and use the revealer spray on it. Use a sampling
swab on the blood traces to collect bloodstain behind numbered door. Perform
chemical and database analysis on it. Zoom out and walk through the metal door
with the red light to enter the room where the electric chair used to be.

Look at Paloma's name on her door. Look at the spot where the electric chair
was before, in the middle of the room. Examine the floor right in front of the
electric chair spot.

Look at the shiny fragments on the floor. Use the digital microscope on the
fragments; it's broken glass. Use the sampling tongs on the glass and perform a
chemical analysis on the pieces.

Go left and examine the switch with the two buttons on the wall, left of the
metal door you have not opened yet. Press the button once. Go right and open
the electrical cupboard. Look at the lever. Use the fingerprint powder and the
3D scanner on the lever. Perform a database analysis on the fingerprint.

Aim-click on the metal door to enter.

Examine the broken glass on the floor by the mattress. Look at the bloodstained
piece of broken glass. Use a sampling swab on the glass to collect the
bloodstain and perform a chemical and database analysis on it.

Examine the floor under the sink. Pick up the electronic collar from the floor.
Zoom out and use the dry old sponge on the sink to get a wet old sponge.
Examine the inscriptions on the wall, right of the bed. Use the smartphone to
take a photograph of them. Open the Test Kit and click on the smartphone to add
the evidence. Select the inscriptions on basement cell wall and perform a
database analysis on them.

Examine the 'Too Late' writing above the bed. Click on the bed once to move it
under the medicine cabinet. Save the game.

Note: Do not open the medicine cabinet unless you have the anti-venom serum box
with you from the bathroom upstairs.

Look at the medicine cabinet; you have been poisoned. Use the anti-venom serum
box on Vic's FBI I.D. in the inventory. Leave the room. Use Paloma's door to
exit the electric chair room and go upstairs. Walk through the dumbwaiter's
opening and go upstairs twice to talk to Garris.

Use the demolition mass on the door right of Garris to break the lock. Open the
door. Examine the white device at the bottom of the screen. Look at the
satellite dish and the keypad. Use the sampling tongs on the satellite dish to
collect the chewing gum. Perform a chemical analysis on the chewing gum. Use
the computer key on the satellite's keypad. Perform a computer analysis on the
traces of a software box on roof. Zoom out to call Claire.

Go inside and talk to Garris. Go downstairs and go to the kitchen. Exit through
the backdoor. Walk down the stairs and go left. You receive a message on the
smartphone. Open the Test Kit and click on the smartphone to add the new

Examine the trailer and use the wet old sponge on the license plate. Call
Claire. Use the demolition mass on the trailer's lock to open it. The rope can
be used on the dumbwaiter to reach the morgue (optional).

Claire calls about the former owner. Go back inside; Claire calls again. Go to
the hallways and go upstairs to talk with Garris; he has opened the door.

Chicago, January 3, 2005

Look at the stove on the left. Examine the blue file cabinet on the right; it's
locked. Go left, at the end of the stairs, and pick up the flexible modeling

Look at the moon at the top of the screen, above the location of the modeling
tool. Examine the sink left of the stairs. Go right and examine the shelves by
the blue file cabinet. Look at the photo of Richard as a child. Zoom out and
examine the desk, left of the shelves. Pick up the sharp modeling tool from the
desk. Look at the sketch on the right side of the desk and use the smartphone
on it. Zoom out.

Examine the sculpture in the middle, left of the desk. Examine the painting on
the floor, left of the sculpture. Try to open the closet, left of the painting.
Combine the flexible modeling tool with the sharp modeling tool in the
inventory to get improvised picking tools. Use the improvised picking tools on
the closet to open it.

Look at the rags twice and pick up the killer's cape. Zoom out and examine the
blue file cabinet. Use the improvised picking tools on the file cabinet and
open it. Look at the letters in the first drawer and use the smartphone on
them. Click on the letters twice to read them all. Open the second drawer and
look at the page. Use the smartphone on the page. Zoom out to talk with

Killer's House, October 24, 2008

Leave the room, go downstairs and exit the building to talk with Hawker and
Garris. Use the smartphone to call Claire. Enter the house and go to the living
room to talk to Hawker again. When given the option choose Toughen the tone and
become irritated. Talk to him again. Tell him about the computer and
automatically go to the cellar.

Examine the computer and click on the computer screen. Choose Internet search
on both names. Choose photos and videos and check both. Choose access control
and try to open the East hatch. Choose codes and try the text file. Choose the
surveillance cameras; only camera 6 is available. Choose quit.

Use the computer key on the computer case. Click on the screen again and choose
codes. Choose the decrypted text file to see all the codes. Exit and check the
new document decrypted code file in your smartphone. Zoom out and exit the room
to go upstairs. Go to the charred room.

Pick up the poker with the red handle from the floor in front of the fire
heater. Look at the fire heater. Look at the sealed dumbwaiter. Look at the
burnt wall, left of the dumbwaiter. Look at the charred videotapes on the
floor. Look at the burnt posters on the opposite wall.

Examine the desk with the surveillance console. Pick up the transformer without
cord from the floor, under the surveillance console. Look at the small open
keypad on the left; it gives you a new objective.  Click on the console. Click
on the red light on the upper left of the console; it's an outlet to plug in a
power cord. In your inventory combine the transformer without a cord with the
transformer electric cord to get a transformer with cord. Use the transformer
with cord on the console's outlet (the red light); it's still not working. Use
the loud speaker on the console (above the yellow button) to place it there.
Try to use the console; nothing happens. Zoom out.

Look at the painting above the console. Click on the balcony door; it's locked.
Use the pick gun with battery & tension wrench on the balcony door to unlock
it. Click on the balcony door again to go outside. Click on the hotspot on the
left side of the railing.

Use the revealer spray on the railing. Use a sampling swab on the railing to
collect traces of blood on the balcony. Perform a chemical and database
analysis on the blood. Return to Hawker in the cellar. Click on the computer
screen and choose Internet search. Choose the technical manual to print it.
Pick up the printed technical manual from the printer on the right of the
computer. Leave the room and exit the building through the back door.

Talk to Garris about the broken console in the charred room. Reenter the
kitchen and talk to the sheriff; she makes a call and you receive a new
objective. Examine the kitchen table and click on the stereo. Go to the hallway
and upstairs. Enter the charred room with the console.

Talk to Garris about the manual. Examine the desk and click on the centre of
the console three times to hear the recording. Click above the console's yellow
button to use the smartphone and collect the evidence voice with unintelligible
background. Open the Test Kit and click on the smartphone to add the evidence
to the Test Kit. Select the female voice coming from the console and perform a
computer analysis on it. Zoom out.

Go downstairs, enter the kitchen and talk to the sheriff again (if the 'talk'
cursor does not show then move the mouse on the right of the sheriff's head);
she gives you the key to sheriff's car. Exit through the back door. Go east
twice and then south to reach the sheriff's car. Use the key to sheriff's car
on the police car's trunk to open it. Pick up the metal detector from the trunk
and read the metal detector settings that come up; setting 3 is the most
suitable for a fallout shelter. Zoom out.

Right click to open the inventory and click three times on the metal detector
icon, under the gun, to set it. If it is set correctly then the mouse cursor
should change to a sound wave when hovered over large metal objects (i.e. the
police car). Go to the other side of the house and approach the barrels. Click
on the white barrel; no effect. Use the metal detector from the inventory slot
on the white barrel. Use the poker on the revealed planks. Click on the hatch;
it's sealed. Examine the hatch; there is a reference number on a plate;
H103123. Enter the house.

Go to the hallway, through the metal door and enter the cellar with the
computer downstairs. Examine the desk and click on the computer screen. Choose
Access control and East hatch (locked). The password is H103123D55. Quit and
zoom out. Leave the cellar and go upstairs to the hallway to meet the sheriff.

Chicago, January 3, 2005

Talk to Richard about everything.

Killer's House, October 24, 2008

Choose all the conversation topics. Look at the bed; the box is in the way.
Click on the box to move it. Pick up the metallic pipe from the floor, between
the shelves. Click on the bed to move it. Take the string from the bottom left
shelf. Look at the red box of cookies on the bed.

Try to open the closet; it's locked. Use the metallic pipe on the closet to
open it. Examine the closet. Pick up the magnet from the floor and the plastic
can. Zoom out. Click on the bed to move it again. Look at the wall between the
shelves; there is a crack on it and something shiny behind it. Use the magnet
on the crack to pick up a ring. Zoom out.

Go to the opposite wall and look at the air vent. Use the plastic can on the
hotspot under the air vent. Examine the grate and click on its screws; it's
screwed shut.

Examine the lowest part of the door and talk to the empty space. Talk to the
man once more. Examine the lowest part of the door and click on the fork; it's
too far. Combine the string with the magnet to get magnet and string. Use the
magnet and string on the fork to pick it up.

Examine the air vent. Use the fork on the two top screws. Click on the middle
of the air vent to open it. Walk through the opening. Click on the door at the
bottom left of the screen. Examine the lowest part of the door and talk to Vic;
you receive a new objective. Zoom out. Examine the digital lock on the right of
the cell door. Go south and examine the other cell to talk to the man about the
lock; Paloma's lock consists of 5 or 6 numbers, the first being 4 and last
being 5. Return to Vic's cell to talk to her again.

How to open the cell doors: Based on the above information and what Vic has
told you, Paloma's code is Martin and Vic's code is Stanton. Therefore, M is 4
and N is 5, since these are the first and last numbers. The range of the
numbers on the lock are 0 to 9 and the letters are A, B, C and D. However, if
we number each letter starting from 1 and repeating numbering when we reach
number 9 we get:

-          1 = A
-          2 = B
-          3 = C
-          4 = D
-          5 = E
-          6 = F
-          7 = G
-          8 = H
-          9 = I
-          1 = J
-          2 = K
-          3 = L
-          4 = M
-          5 = N
-          6 = O
-          7 = P
-          8 = Q
-          9 = R
-          1 = S
-          2 = T
-          3 = U
-          4 = V
-          5 = W
-          6 = X
-          7 = Y
-          8 = Z

The equivalent of Martin in numbers is 419295.

The equivalent of Stanton in numbers is 1215265.

Examine Vic's lock, enter 1215265 and press OK. Go to Paloma's lock to enter
419295 and press OK; now both are unlocked.

Enter Vic's cell and look at the ginger bread on the table. Take the ginger
bread. Leave the cell and walk towards Paloma's cell. Walk past her cell and
turn right. Click on the medicine cabinet on the right wall and take he first
aid kit and the colored disinfectant spray. Look at the amphetamines.

Look at the security camera on the upper left corner, above the door, across
the medicine cabinet. Use the colored disinfectant spray on the camera. Walk
south by the ladder and use the colored disinfectant spray on the camera, left
of the ladder. Continue walking to the end of the corridor and use the colored
disinfectant spray on the final camera, on the left of Vic's cell.

Talk to the man to give him the ginger bread and the ring; he gives you
amphetamine pills. Talk to him again about the names on the ring. Zoom out and
enter Vic's cell. Talk to Vic to give her the amphetamine pills.


Paloma's inventory items have been transferred to the storage cabinet. Look at
the sheriff's metal detector on the left side of the table and pick it up. Talk
to Paloma about everything. Exit the cell. Walk down the corridor and open the
storage cabinet to take everything. Use the ladder. Examine the switch on the
left of the ladder and press the green button. Use the ladder again.

Look at the hanged man by the tree. Go east, carefully, towards the kitchen
door and look at the lit ground.

How to neutralize the mines: Click on the object to see that it is a mine. Zoom
out. Right click to open the inventory and set the metal detector to 1. Choose
the metal detector in the inventory and use it on the ground in front of the

Click on the same spot to reveal the second mine. Use the metal detector on the
ground below the first mine to reveal the final one.

You are going to need inventory space now, so return to Paloma. Talk to Paloma
about Hawker. Go to the storage area and place the metallic pipe and the magnet
and string inside. Rearrange the objects in your inventory so that you can have
8 empty cases in a vertical row. Go to the south of Paloma and look at the
ventilation grate on the floor. Pick up the ventilation grate and return to the
minefield. Use the ventilation grate on the first mine. Look at the archery
target and pick it up. Use the archery target on the second mine. Go east, past
the minefield, and look at the piece of a grate at the bottom right of the
screen. Take the grate piece and use it on the third mine.

Look at the ground under the open gate to the right of the screen; an
electrical sound is coming from the grating. Look at the white box on the left
side of the gate's fence. Set the metal detector to 4. Use the metal detector
on the hotspot to the left of the screen.

Click on the ground to pick up the improvised picking tools from the wheel. Use
the improvised picking tools on the white box. Examine the white box and look
at the base connected to the keypad box. Look at the pattern and the SSP
initials. Use the fork on the keypad. Look at the keypad box and take it.
Continue east. Call Claire; something is jamming the signal.

Go to the front of the house and examine the body. Examine the body on the
left. Go west and examine the other body; pick up the pocketknife from the
ground, left of the body. Examine the body in front of the police car. Examine
the body on the right of the police car; pick up the broken quartz watch with
battery.  In the inventory combine the fork with the broken quartz watch to get
a quartz watch battery.

Look at the car. Click on the car's trunk. Take the multispectral lamp. Climb
the stairs to the house and examine the hotspot left of the door.

Look at the bullet hole. Save the game and enter the house. Examine the rat on
the floor to the left. Use the colored disinfectant spray on the living room
entrance. Use the pocketknife on the red wires. Enter the living room and use
the TV. Look at the laser transmitter (it looks like a speaker close to the TV
bench). Return to the main hall and open the door across the living room to
enter the kitchen. Examine the fridge and look at the red envelope. Take the
red envelope.

Go left and use the storage cabinet above the sink. Place the metal detector,
the pocketknife, the colored disinfectant spray and the improvised picking
tools in the cabinet. Leave the kitchen and go upstairs. If you set off a trap
then use the first aid kit on Victoria's FBI I.D. Go to the balcony and look at
the remote control on the floor, upper left side of the balcony. Pick up the
remote control (not initialized). Go back inside and enter the ruined room.
Click on the mannequin on the floor to pick up and envelope with a memory card
inside. Exit the room and enter the bathroom. Examine the first aid cabinet on
the wall and take the first aid kit. Return to the kitchen's storage cabinet to
place one of the two first aid kits inside. Make sure you have 8 free vertical
slots in the inventory.

Go to the living room to take the laser transmitter. Enter the door on the left
of the staircase. Open the door on the right; you receive another message. Open
the door to enter the laboratory. Walk to the centre of the room to set off a
trap. Use the first aid kit on Victoria's I.D.  to heal yourself. Reenter the

How to neutralize the trap: Look at the power outlet on the wall and walk
carefully to its right, so that you can have a better view of the room. Look at
the reflectors. Look at the camera stand right above Victoria's head. Use the
multispectral lamp on the camera stand to reveal the laser beams. Examine the
laser beams to change camera angle. Look at the rays, the mirrors and the
device transmitting the signal on the bottom right of the screen. Zoom out.

Use the laser transmitter on the power outlet on the left wall. Walk past the
first line of yellow rays. Look at the transmitter on the top left; it can turn
90 degrees. Look at the block on the left that concentrates the rays. Leave the
room and return to the living room to pick up the reflector. Return to the
laboratory. Stand in front of the green rays and use the reflector on them. Use
the top left reflector to move the yellow rays.

Look at the right block of the green laser rays. Click on it once to move the
green rays.

Look at the red light on the bottom left of the screen. Use it to turn it off.
Walk through the red rays and click on the blinking device transmitting the
signal on the desk.

Examine the skulls on the shelf. Open the cabinet by the door with the red
light and look at the killer's outfit. Save the game. Examine the computer
desk. Use the computer; the password has changed. Zoom out and use the fridge
on the wall. Click on the body.

Exit the house via the kitchen; you receive another message on your smartphone.
Climb down the stairs and examine the white box on the left side of the open
gate. Use the keypad box on the empty slot where the keypad used to be. Use the
remote control (not initialized) on the left empty slot and look at it.

The code to the keypad: Walk through the gate and examine the shed on the left.
It has the symbol marked inside the white box and the numbers 8541. Return to
the white box, enter 8541, then OK; the remote is now on. Take the initialized
remote control. Go to the left of the minefield and open the smartphone. Choose
Messages & Contacts and scroll down to call the killer.

Examine the killer. Look at his head, right hand and right pocket; you find a
piece of paper with the word Namlecko on it. Pick up the killer's electronic
key above his left foot. Enter the house through the kitchen and go to the
laboratory. Examine the computer desk and click on the screen. Choose the

USER: Killer
Access control
East hatch (locked)
Return to the main menu
Photos and Videos
Return to the main menu
Karson file

Exit the house and open the hatch. Use the storage cabinet and place the first
aid kits and the initialized remote control inside. Enter Karson's cell. Look
at the film books on the floor under the bed. Examine the vent above the bed
and try to open it. Look at the drawings on the wall by the door. Look at the
bars on the right side of the door. Exit the cell.

Go to the end of the hallway and use the killer's electronic key on the
electronic lock. Walk through the door. Examine the pictures on the wall.
Examine the scout sniper platoon poster on the wall above the bed. Look at the
magazines on the floor under the bed. Click on the stereo. Click on the box on
the floor and take the pressure-release mine, the first aid kit and the
cartridge. Look at the blue map on the wall. Take the test kit under the map;
now you can analyze evidence again. Examine the desk at the corner. Take the
adhesive tape, the nylon thread and the pocketknife. Look at the electronics
books on the small table. Look at the crossbow on the wall.

Examine the desk below. Look at the police report in the drawer. Look at the
packs of gum to the left of the report inside the drawer. Look at the books
about hacking. Take the steel tension wrench by the lock. Look at the report on
the desk. Look at the pictures. Pick up the blue pick gun without battery from
the floor by the desk. Combine the quartz watch battery with the pick gun
without battery to get a pick gun with battery. Combine the pick gun with
battery with the steel tension wrench. Pick up the electric extension cord from
the floor.

Go to the bed, open the test kit in the inventory and use the fingerprint
powder on the magazines under the bed. Also, use the 3D scanner on the
magazines. Perform a database analysis on the fingerprints on shelter magazine.
Exit the cell.

Enter Karson's cell. Use the fingerprint powder and the 3D scanner on the bars,
right of the door. Perform a database analysis on the fingerprint on shelter
cell grate. Go to the bed and use the fingerprint powder and the 3D scanner on
the books under the bed. Perform a database analysis on the fingerprints on
books in shelter cell. Examine the vent above the bed. In the inventory,
combine the pressure-release mine with the adhesive tape to get a mine and
adhesive tape. Use the mine and adhesive tape on the vent. Use the nylon thread
on the mine. After the cutscene, reenter the room and walk through the vent.

Click on the door to the north; it is sealed. Click on the door to the left.
Walk south to the door with the red light and look at the bloodstains on the
floor. Use the sampling swab on the bloodstains. Perform a chemical and a
database analysis on the blood on floor behind shelter-hidden door. Walk
through the door. Look at the blood on the floor. Use the sampling swab on the
blood. Perform a chemical analysis and a database analysis on the blood on
floor at the bottom stairs. Climb up the stairs and examine the valve on the
wall (it looks like a red box on the right wall). Climb up the stairs and look
at the locked door that leads to the cellar. Examine the panel on the left.
Climb down the stairs and return to the two locked doors.

Use the pick gun with battery & tension wrench on the left door to unlock it.
Click on the door. Look at the computer screens. Examine the left desk. Pick up
the computer keyboard and the wrench. Look at the device on the right. Look at
the game on the left of the device. Climb up the stairs; the hatch is locked.
Examine the switch on the left of the ladder. Click on the switch and climb up
the stairs.

Examine the plate on the floor above the hatch: it reads H061914. Examine the
hanged man. Use the pocket-knife on the tree. Examine Garris on the ground.
Look at the memory card by his left arm and take it. In the inventory, open the
test kit and click on the smartphone to insert the recording to your evidence.
Perform a computer analysis on recording on Garris's body. Click on the hatch
to go downstairs.

Exit the room and click on the door left of the door with the red light. Climb
up the ladder. Examine Curtis's body by the gate and use the pocketknife on his
right hand to get the killer's finger. Climb down the ladder through the hatch.
Go right and enter the door at the end of the hallway, past the storage
cabinet. Enter the left door and examine the desk with the device. Use the
killer's finger on the device.

Examine the computer screens. Click on the screen and enter the following:

USER: Brainjack
1884 (the date on the chewing gum found on the desk)
Access control
Upper door (locked)
Return to the main menu
Cameras system
(Check all the cameras from A to D)
Group 4 cameras (ENCRYPTED)
Return to the main menu

Examine the left desk. Take the wrench. Open the test kit in the inventory and
use the computer key on the device. Examine the computer again and enter the

Cameras system
Group 4 cameras (ON with sound)

Any dialogue option you choose has no effect on the game.


Save the game. Go to the very right of the screen and look at the chainsaw on
the table. Go to the very left of the screen and click on the table to take the


Click on the computer screen and enter:

Cameras system
Group 4 cameras (ON with sound)

Click on the computer again and enter:

Access control
Upper door (locked)


Save the game. Go towards the fridge on the wall and keep going right until you
have a view of the big blue cabinet. Open the cabinet and take the metallic
shelf from the top right corner. Look at the main door the killer is trying to
open. Use the metallic shelf on the door.

Examine the computer desk and look at the phone. Use the phone.


Exit the room and use the door on the left of the door with the red light.
Climb up the ladder. Walk towards the house. Climb up the stairs and enter the
kitchen. Enter the main hall and go to the cellar. Go left, pass the storage
cabinet and open your test kit. Use the electronic nose on the floor. Perform a
chemical analysis on the gas traces collected in the cellar.

Continue left and take the soldering iron from the right table. Look at the gas
cylinder. Look at the furnace and notice that it has a wheel on it; try t use
it. Use the wrench on the wheel and then take the furnace wheel.  Continue
right and look at the electronic lock on the wall. Click on the door and climb
down the stairs. Look at the fire. Examine the red box on the right wall (the
valve). Use the furnace wheel on the valve and use it to stop the fire. Return

Go towards the laboratory across the cellar.  Examine the body. Pick up the
electronic key from the floor. Notice the bullet on the left wall by the body.
Open the test kit and use the sampling tongs on the bullet. Perform a chemical
and database analysis on the gun bullet shot in basement wall. Zoom out from
the body to receive a call. Choose all the options.

Go back upstairs and exit through the main door. Examine the bullet on the left
of the main door. Use the sampling tongs on the bullet. Perform a chemical and
database analysis on the gun bullet shot near the stoop. Perform another
database analysis on the same bullet. Zoom out; you make a call about the gun

Reenter the house, enter the cellar and go to the laboratory on the right.
Examine the computer desk and click on the computer screen. You receive a call;
choose all the options. Click on the computer screen again and enter the

USER: Truth

Look at the printer by the computer (if you cannot click on the printer then
you have just found a bug; download the save 'Betrayal' from the game's
official website). Open the big blue cabinet and look at the killer's outfit;
the word 'Betrayal' is on the back of the mask. Use the electronic key on the
electronic lock on the left of the blue cabinet. Reexamine the computer desk
and click on the computer screen.

USER: Truth

You receive a call. Talk about everything. Exit the laboratory and go across to
the cellar to watch a cutscene.

Chicago, January 3, 2005

Save the game. Walk to the sink and click on the window above Vic. Examine the
sink. Use the killer's cape on the sink to get a wet cape. Go southwest and
pick up the chain from the floor. Also, pick up the hook from the floor, right
of where the chain was. Go west and click on the burning barrel. Use the wet
cape on the barrel. Take the pole from the barrel.

In the inventory, combine the chain with the hook to get a grapple. Go to the
sink and continue walking until you have the view of the window. Use the pole
on the window. Return to the previous view of the sink, so that you can see a
beam above your head that you can use. Use the grapple on the beam to escape.

October 25, 2008

Save the game. Go to the bottom left of the screen and click on the switch on
the wall, right of the furnaces to open the windows. Run to the other side of
the room and click on the other switch on the left wall, left of the tires, to
open the rest of the windows. Return to the first switch and look at the panel
on the right furnace.

Take the keypad box from the furnace to stop the timer.

Look at the top side of the tank in the middle of the room; it has the number
D090746 on it. Go left and look at the electronic lock by the door. Use the
keypad box on the electronic lock. Enter the code: D090746B2 to unlock the
door. Walk through the door. If you have loaded the save game from the official
forum you will have to stop the flames once again. Return to the cellar and
take the soldering iron from the table by the chainsaw. Click on the wheel that
is on the furnace to the right of the chainsaw table. Use the wrench on the
wheel. Take the furnace wheel. Go back downstairs.

Examine the red box on the right wall and use the furnace wheel on the valve.
Click on the wheel to stop the flames. Continue downstairs. Walk through the
door and enter the surveillance room left of the grating. Examine the computer
desk and click on the screen. Enter the following:

Cameras system
Group C cameras (ON no sound)

Go back to the cellar by exiting the surveillance room, going south, taking the
door with the red light, going north and up the stairs. Walk through the flames
and click on the chalkboard to move it. Look at the sealed door. Continue right
and go upstairs. Click on the kitchen door for a cutscene.

Look at the counter left of the microwave. Take the detonator and the C-4 bars.
Exit the kitchen and go to the cellar. Walk through both sets of flames and
continue downstairs through the door. Continue until you are outside the
surveillance room. Click on the sealed door, right of the surveillance room. In
the inventory, combine the C-4 bars with the detonator to get a bomb with C-4.
Use the bomb with C-4 on the door. In the inventory, combine the electric
extension cord with the soldering iron to get soldering iron with extension
cord. If your inventory is full, take the left door that leads to the hallway
and use the storage cabinet on the wall to place the pocketknife. Use the
soldering iron with extension cord on the C-4 on the floor. Follow the other
end of the cord and click on it. Enter the room.

Examine the computer on the right and look at the screen. Use the computer
keyboard on the computer screen and click on the keyboard to use it.

Select Group E cameras (ON no sound)

Look at the red tracking device on the table. Pick up the electronic tracking
device. Click on the door left of the computer desk. Save the game.

Continue walking and notice the blood on the floor. Turn left and go forward
until you reach a fan. Click on the fan's switch on the wall.  Go right and
forward. Turn left and go forward once. Notice the hotspot on the tank to your

Use the electronic tracking device on the tank. Turn right and go forward. Turn
right and go forward again. Go forward to watch the cutscene.

Pick up the damaged PDA from the floor, left of the body. Click on Hawker's gun
to take it. Examine the body. Take Hawker's electronic key from the floor to
the right. Enter the room without a door across the body. Take the connecting
cable from the desk. Click on the desk; it's locked. Use the pick gun with
battery & tension wrench on the desk to unlock the drawer. Look at the photo.
Take the metal cutter. Examine the bulleting board above the desk. Look at the
checklist NEMESIS. Look at Karson's photo.

Go to the south and click on the case under the bed. Take the electric wire
coil, the copper strip, the set of alligator clips, and the isolated cutting
pliers. If you need more space in the inventory return to the room where Paloma
is captured and place the electronic key and the wrench inside. In the
inventory, combine the connecting cable with the damaged PDA to get PDA and
cable. Exit and go to the surveillance room.

Examine the left desk and use the PDA and cable on the device. Examine the
right desk and click on the computer screen. Choose:

PDA data
Nemesis file (notice that the file's code is A64571)
Return to main menu

Reenter Paloma's room and enter the room with the tanks. Notice the electronic
lock on the door further down on the left. Use Hawker's electronic key on the
electronic lock and click on the door.

You cannot save the game but you can stop the time by right clicking.

How to save Paloma: Go to the corner behind Paloma's electric chair so that you
can have a view of a box on the floor. Examine the box. Zoom out of the box,
take a few steps back and shoot at it.

Examine the box again. Look at the electric dimmer. Look at the foam insulation
on the cover to the right. Use the metal cutter on the foam insulation to take
it. Use the foam insulation on the dimmer. Zoom out.

Examine Paloma. Use the pick gun with battery & tension wrench on her hands and

Click on the power cabinet on the wall left of the door. Take Hawker's keypad
box. Exit through the door. Examine the electronic lock on the cabinet to the
right of the door. Use Hawker's keypad box on the cabinet's electronic lock.
Enter Nemesis' code: A64571 and then OK. Click on the cabinet to open it.

Look at the tanks inside and the batteries on top of the cabinet. Look at the
small box between the red and the green tank. Look at the ammeter at the bottom
left of the screen. You need a total of 24 milliamps. Use the isolated cutting
pliers on the wires 16, 7 and 1 (you have to be very precise, otherwise Vic
won't do it).

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