SSSG - Super Sneaky Spy Guy - 10 Rooms Walkthrough: ------------ Room1: ------ -Grab purple pawn on mantle -grab washer lower right of screen -click serving table to see coins -click round tray on right hand side to see more coins add -click painting above fire -click painting next to window -enter sum of coins "40" -get key go thru door Room 2: ------- -click pawn on sink -open sink drawers -get cup and notice letters -click carpet unscramble letters and enter in to get key -"sauna" Room 3: ------- -click blue pawn on desk -click painting with the horses -goto pool table -5 ball top right -1 ball bottom right -2 ball bottom left -get key Room 4: ------- -get red pawn by dresser -grab butter knife on tea tray -click book at the foot of bed spill cup on the poem -click box on nightstand -put washer in first spot -enter "w" in 2nd spot -enter "l" in third (thats ann "el" not a one) -get key Room 5: ------- -get green pawn -click yellow post it -get razor blade on window sill -click computer screen user name -julia -password is iwlmlwjf (the first letter of each word on the post it) -click enter -text files -secrets -notice the unicorn -turn to door and enter "unicorn" to open it Room 6: ------- -click picture on book shelf -flip it around use razor blade on back -get hair pin -use on 3rd cabnet door get box -enter pawns onto it -notice the symbol on it is the symbol for virgo -so the top left pawn is the purple (or violet)one then the blue (or indigo)then red then green and at top right the orange one -get key Room 7: ------- -click picture next to chinese(?) symbol -do puzzle -when done it reads -up up down left down down right up down up -goto structure on wall -2nd row 3rd from left click -a door shows -use butter knife -in same spot click box -enter code from puzzle on wall -get key Room 8: ------- -click by leg of piano get wooden ball -click bird -click music on key board -note keys¬es and locations -click music on piano (dgcfega) -then ckick piano keys play tune -click bird get key Room 9: ------- -click note -to left of note on counter in between the tiers click the wooden piece -now goto door -TURN AROUND TO DOOR CLICK BOTTOM OF DOOR TO FIND THE KEY Room 10: -------- -open drawer get wooden ball -click box on floor -click triangle on box put wooden piece in click triangle to close -turn box click square -click 2 little squares enter wooden balls click all 3 closed -click top left circle and bottom right -then click top and get key -use on door and you be out like a fat kid in dodgeball