Spaceship Warlock

Spaceship Warlock

To Get Off Stambul:

Capture Mugger and Get Reward
     There are three places in Stambul where you may encounter Hok Tuey, the 
Mugger.  To defeat him you must first click on his weapon.  This will disarm 
him.  To knock him out, click on his eyes or mouth ( these are his sensitive 
areas) until he goes down.
     When you see Hok Tuey lying on the ground, search him by clicking on his 
body.  Take the credit chip that you find.  The credit chip will now display 
on your screen in the lower right hand corner. Click above Hok Tuey to return 
to the street and then click farther down the street to walk forward.  The 
Police will then fly down and give you a reward.

Buy a Ticket
     Now that you have credits, find a Comlink (these are located throughout 
the city and are mounted on street-light poles).  Click on the Comlink to 
bring it up.  Insert your credit chip into the Comlink by dragging it to the 
Comlink.  The chip will insert itself. Now click on the Comlink's buttons 
once.  When the Comlink fills the screen, click the "connect " button to get 
a dial tone.  The number for the Stambul Spaceport is 222-1000.  Enter this 
number slowly on the keypad. When the call goes through, type anything and 
you will be "faxed"  a flight schedule. The flight schedule is white and 
sticks out from the "Megafax" slot.  Click on it to display it. Now, type the 
number "237" (this is the flight number for the Belshazzar Luxury liner). A 
commercial will then play. After the commercial is over, you will be asked to 
confirm your reservation. Type "Y" or "yes". You will then be "faxed" a 
ticket.  Click on the ticket to remove it. The ticket will now be displayed 
on your screen in the lower right hand corner. Click on the "Return" button 
to exit the Comlink. When you have returned to the street, be sure to click 
on the credit chip to retrieve itÑyou'll need it to ride the cab to the 

Take a Cab to the Spaceport
     Find the Taxi calling device (A small yellow box at a three-way 
intersection)  and hail a cab by clicking on it.  After you enter the cab, 
tell the driver your destination by typing "Spaceport" in the text entry box. 
 The cab driver will now take you to your destination.

Ride the Pogo Shuttle
 After you arrive at the spaceport, go to the shuttle launch pad and click on 
the elevator call button. A Kroll attendant will open the door. Give your 
ticket to the attendant by dragging it from the lower right hand corner to 
his hand.  He will then let you pass. Enter the shuttle, take a seat and 
enjoy the ride.

Your Adventure in Space:

The Belshazzar
     Navigate through the Belshazzar until you find Captain Starbird and 
Stella in the dining room.  You need to speak to both Starbird and Stella 
about Pirates. The pirates will arrive on this cue.

Aboard the SS Warlock:

Reporting to the Reactor Room
     If you decide to join the crew of the SS Warlock, Captain Hammer will 
order you to report to the Reactor room for swab duty.  The Reactor room is 
on the Engineering deck.  The brig exits onto this level. Climb the ladder 
and then turn to the right or left. You will see a round, gold hatch in the 
distance. Once you pass directly through the hatch, you will be on the 
Engineering deck.  A map will appear in the lower right hand corner of your 
screen. Use the map to navigate your way through the Engineering deck to the 
Reactor room.  You will need a fire extinguisher to get through one of the 
passages.  A Fire Extinguisher can be found by the gate closest to the 
Reactor room.  After you pass through this gate, do an about face and click 
on the cabinet on the right side of the screen. Open the cabinet and click on 
the Fire Extinguisher. It will now be displayed on your screen in the lower 
right hand corner. When you encounter the part of the deck that is radiating 
heat, click on the fire extinguisher to cool the area. The extinguisher will 
do the rest. After the deck has cooled, walk across the deck and turn right. 
When you see the Reactor room, click on the tiny blue monitor on the left 
hand side of the doors. The monitor will display and "open" button. Click on 
the "open" button to open the doors.

Fighting Raskull
     When you get to the Reactor room, proceed to the back of the room until 
you reach the end. Turn to the right and then turn right again. After you 
have turned around, you will encounter Raskull.  Raskull will challenge you 
to fight him. Raskull's sensitive areas are his mouth and his eyes.  Position 
the cursor on either of these areas and click repeatedly while following his 
evasive motion.  Ten hits decides the winner.  After he has been defeated, 
click forward to continue. At the exit, the monitor will display Hammer and 
he will command you to report to the Wardroom. Use your map to leave the 
Engineering deck and take the Fore elevators to locate the Wardroom. 

Following Orders
When Captain Hammer gives you an order, do it! It helps to listen and write 
down the order, because sometimes he won't tell you twice!

Navigating aboard the Warlock
There are many blue monitors on the walls of the ship's halls. Click on these 
to display a map of the ship. The map will display your current location to 
help you navigate the Warlock. 

Using The Guns on the Gun Deck
     The most effective way to defeat enemies using the guns is to fire them 
as often as you can.  Click on the button on top of the joystick to fire the 
guns. The more you fire your guns,  the enemy will have fewer chances to fire 
back at  you.  The infinite repeaters do not necessarily need to make a 
direct hit to damage the enemy.  A shot that explodes near to the enemy will 
also damage the enemy's shields.

Aboard the Kroll Ship:

The Laser Blaster
     When boarding the Kroll ship, Hammer will give you a laser blaster. The 
Blaster will be displayed in the lower right hand corner of the screen. When 
you click on the Blaster, you will see it displayed at the bottom of the 
image area, aiming away from you, A crosshair cursor will also be displayed 
on the screen.  This can be difficult to get accustomed to.  A good rule of 
thumb: keep you Macintosh cursor below the picture window and your Blaster's 
crosshair cursor will be seen.

Blasting Kroll Warriors
     When you encounter a black-armored Kroll Warrior, quickly click on the 
Blaster in the lower right hand corner of the screen to activate it.  To kill 
a Kroll warrior,  you will need to use the crosshairs and aim at his big 
yellow eye.  
     Note:  the fastest way to kill a Kroll warrior is to align the 
crosshairs over the big yellow eye when the Kroll warrior has jumped to the 
left side of the hall. If you hit the warrior, keep the crosshairs in the 
same position and keep firing at him.  If he jumps to the other side of the 
hall, wait until he jumps back and the crosshairs will still be lined up.  
Shooting this way should allow you to get three or four shots in quick 
succession before the Kroll can jump away.

The Asteroid Mission:

The Marauder
Piloting the marauder requires good timing and accuracy.  Use the on-screen 
controls to track the entrance to the Asteroid, then click on the center 
button at just the right moment.  You will know when to the moment is right 
by watching the display. Remember: the Marauder ships are touchy and are 
prone to malfunction.  Hot Tip: Be sure to check everything before you take 
the Marauder out of the hanger!  Is the Hatch closed? Make sure it is, or you 
will be blasted out into space.

Navigating The Kroll Asteroid
(See KROLL ASTEROID MAP) The asteroid can be very difficult to navigate. Use 
the KROLL ASTEROID MAP to find your way around and don't trust what you see. 
Be ready to use your blaster to zap any threatening Kroll warriors. You will 
be expected to locate the Kroll Vault where the Kroll have stored the Kroll 
Drive. When you find the Kroll Vault, you must use the blaster to open the 
door. Take aim at the triangular object in the center of the door and fire 
repeatedly until the door opens. Take the Kroll Drive and use the KROLL 
ASTEROID MAP again to find your way back to the Marauder.

Planetfall on Terra:

The Speech
If you survive and reach Terra, you will be asked to make a speech to a 
Terran gathering.  Type your speech in short sentences and see what kind of 
response the crowd gives you. You will need to make six (6) positive 
statements. If you are at a loss for words, try typing statements like  
"Death to the Kroll" or "Long live Terra", etc.  If you can't think of 
anything else, then just type "Long live Terra" six times in a row. Be sure 
that you do not insult the Terrans, or you will have to type in more positive 
statements to make up for it! The Terrans must cheer six times before you can 

     If you are still having difficulty getting through SPACESHIP WARLOCK,  
call Reactor Inc. at (312) 573-0800 and ask for Tech Support.

America Online: Reactor Inc.

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