Sophiphobia – Prologue

Sophiphobia - Prologue

-click the left door and enter the room.
-get the knife from the trash bin.
-get the key from one of the papers on the wall.
-open the top drawer with the key.
-get the battery from the drawer.
-get the cell phone from the bottom drawer.
-eat the crackers on the plate and get the needle behind the plate.
-the red book at the right of the screen is your inventory.
-click on it and pull the battery on the phone.
-pull the phone on the right side of the book.
 (on the paper)
-read all the messages and answer them.
-turn back to bed screen and see the bag on the bed.
-go back once and click on the bed again.
-you will see a box.
-cut the rope with the knife.
-see the bugs inside.
-go back once and click on it again.
-you will see a little yellow box with lock on it.
-open the lock with the needle and read the paper inside.
-click on the door. booo.

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