Shore Siege

Shore Siege

The only things that you buy are:
* Upgrade Nail
* Upgrade Flame
* Research Artillery

Make sure no one gets through to your ship you need all the money.

Day 01: Play normally killing all on the screen. Buy nothing.
Day 02: Get used to the birds, they will come in handy. Research 
Day 03: Play normal using birds when you can. Repair Ship.
Day 04: Play normally. Upgrade Flame.
Day 05: Play normally. Repair Ship.
Day 06: Use birds on Behemoths when you can. Repair Ship, Upgrade Nail.
Day 07: Use birds again. Repair twice.
Day 08: Play normally. Repair Ship.
Day 09: Play normally. Repair Ship.
Day 1o: Play normally. Repair Ship twice.
Day 11: Play normally. Repair Ship and you're done.

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