Mushroom Escape

Mushroom Escape

-Go to the right.
-Click the left knee with yellow plants. 
-Take the first yellow ball.
-Go to the right. 
-Click the red box above the bottom shelf. 
-Take the handle of something.
-Go to the right. 
-Click the left mushroom. 
-Take the shovel. 
-Click the door. 
-Take the hammer.
-Go to the left. 
-Select the hammer. 
-Click 2 times the red door. 
-Take the aquarium.
-Go right 2 times. 
-Select the aquarium. 
-Click-fire that will turn off.
-There is a code: 728.
-Click the top inside of the chimney. 
-Take the saw.
-Zooming in the neck. 
-Putting the saw.
-Zooming in the door red. 
-Click on it with the saw.
-Select the nails. 
-Click on parts of the door just cut red. 
-Select the hammer.
-Click again on the red pieces.
-Go to the left. 
-Click on the box white mushroom Central. 
-Enter the code: 728. 
-Click the red button. 
-Take the second yellow ball.
-Go left 2 times. 
-Select the scale. 
-Put it in front of the central plan. 
-Click the top of the window. 
-Take the key.
-Go to the left. 
-Select the key. 
-Open the bottom drawer of drawers pink. 
-Take the third ball yellow.
-Zooming in the hammer. 
-Click the gray.
-You will see 3 hearts blacks in different positions.
-Store locations.
-Open the top of the drawer chest of drawers pink. 
-There are leaves. 
-One of the leaf color is clearer than the other. 
-Direct these leaves clearer as indicated on the hammer 
 (red, blue, red). 
-Take the key.
-Go right 2 times. 
-Click the red box on the shelf white below.
-Select the key. Open the box. 
-Take the fourth ball yellow. 
-Go right 3 times.
-Click the top of the window. 
-Click again to open it.
-Back down. 
-The beam of light entering the window shows us a specific point.
-Check the blade. 
-Click where there is the beam of light. Open the trapdoor clicking on it. 
-Take the fifth yellow ball.
-Go left 2 times. 
-Click the mushroom drilled on the left of the door.
-Enter the 5 yellow balls. 
-Click the door. 
-Open it. 
-Go right 2 times. 
-Take the scale rests on the window.
-Go left 2 times. 
-Click the door. Select the scale. 
-Put it outside the door.
-Click outside to exit.

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