Monkey Room Escape

Monkey Room Escape

1. Go right once. Click on bed. Get cloth on bed.
2. Go right again. Click behind the double chairs to find the allen wrench. 
   While there, click the lower right corner of the screen to get the monkey 
   coin, it is not really visible.
3. Go right again. Click on the top left of the cabinet to find the crowbar. 
   Click between the washer-dryer to get the detergent. Click on the sink,  
   then click on the top of the faucet to get another coin. Use the detergent 
   on the cloth.
4. Go left once. Click on window. Use cloth on smudge on left pane to show an 
   arrow. On bottom of window below arrow get + sign.
5. Go left twice (back to the starting room.) Click on the left side of the 
   tallest cabinet. Put allen wrench in hole. Click wrench so that it points 
   down. Back away from cabinet. Click on square hole in cabinet to get the 
   = sign.
6. Go right once showing the cabinet with the 5 3 2 4 marking. Click on the 
   right edge of this cabinet and you should see two ottomans on the floor. 
   Click under the left one. Use the crowbar on the floorboard under it to 
   get the X sign.
7. Go back to cabinet with 5 3 2 4 marking. Place the +, X and = signs in the 
   appropriate holes , then press the white button (it should turn red)
8. Click on the right edge of this cabinet to see the ottomans again. Click on 
   the big opening now seen in the cabinet to see through to the starting room.
   Get the coin on the lower left. Notice this coin marking is -50.
9. Notice that the arrangement of the furniture looks like 3 numbers (187) The 
   last coin you got is a hint.
   Door code is 187 - 50 = 137 
10. Use the door code on the door and you’re out with a perfect ending.

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