Mobai Room 3

Mobai Room 3

* Pick up the lighter in the jacket, turn right two times and 
  open the lower left drawer.
* Pick up the card.
* Turn right and pick up the 2nd card in the trash bin. 
* Note there is no water.
* Combi red card with lighter and note the pattern.
* Turn right two times and light the buttons as the pattern on 
  the card
* Click enter and take the spanner inside that kind of safe next 
  to the panel.
* Go right, use the spanner on the red valve to unlock water.
* Turn right, use spanner on the lower left panel and click to 
  open it. 
* Click another time for a closer view and use lighter to see the 
  key, but it’s too far.
* Go back and click on the sink to turn the faucet on. 
* Use the blue card on the water and note the pattern on it.
* Turn right two times and input the pattern in the panel. 
* Be careful, the squares must be blue this time, so click on 
  them two times.
* Click enter and pick up the tongs in the safe. 
* Go back to the sink, click the lower left spot, use the lighter 
  and the tongs to pick up the key.
* Go back and left. 
* Use the keys on the upper right drawer and pick up the gasoline can.
* Turn left and this time input in the panel both of the patterns. 
* Click enter and pick up the chainsaw in the safe. 
* Combine it with gasoline can and use it on the door.

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