Locker Room

Locker Room

1 take yellow key from the locker #1.
2 use yellow key on the locker #2 - take metal piece.
3 take an apple from the locker #5.
4 click left side of the bench - take piece of wire 
  (upper part of the bench in close view).
5 open locker #9 using metal piece - use wire - look at the colours - 
  this id the code to the locker #3.
  (from top to down - yellow, blue, red, red, blue, yellow, red, blue)
6 go to the locker #1 - take red key.
7 click colours on the locker #3 in order from the locker #9 - 
  take a piece of green key.
8 click most right top side of the lockers - take piece of green key.
9 click most left top side of the lockers - take a remote.
10 use green key on the locker #6 - take pink key.
11 use pink key on the locker #4 - use remote on monitors - look at 
   the numbers - from top left - 5209341.
12 use red key on the locker #10 - type code from the locker #4 - 
   take grey key.
13 use grey key on the strange locker in view with the door - 
   take brown key.
14 use brown key on the locker #7 - take white key.
15 use white key on the locker #8.
16 use an apple on the blue creature - take the key from his hand.
17 use key to open the door.

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