Largo Winch – Empire Under Threat

Largo Winch - Empire Under Threat

=                     Largo Winch - Empire Under Threat                      =
=                      PC Version Mini Walkthrough 1.0                       =
=                        09/08/02 by Patrick Durold                          =
=                         EMAIL:                          =

* I. About this walkthrough *

- First of all, this walkthrough is in no way intended to be a dedicated
  masterpiece of writing or stuff like that. It's just a simple help for
  gamers that got stuck somewhere and need help (after all, this game has
  only been released for three days right now and I've not seen a walkthrough
  for it anywhere else). No funny remarks, no fancy ASCII art, no detailed
  descriptions, NO puzzle solutions. I've got better things to do than THAT.
  Nice side effect: NO STORY SPOILERS!

- I'm German, so don't expect 100% correct grammar and writing ;-)

- I know I write like typing parser commands in some old SIERRA game. I'm
  just lazy.

- I wrote this walkthrough when I re-played Largo Winch for the first time,
  so there might be things I haven't noticed and/or can't answer.

  Two of my own particular interest:

    What's the security file that you can find on your first visit to Vera
    Cruz Labs for? Can you also take it on your second visit if you didn't
    take it before?

    What will change if you get all three decisions at W Building right?
    (You know, what you talk about to John Sullivan every time you visit
    W Building - I got the third one wrong two times)

  If anyone knows, tell me.

- When it says EXAMINE, it MEANS EXAMINE, so use the Enter button. COMBINE
  means that both objects are in your inventory. A "->" means you get that
  object automatically as a result of your action.
  Everything else (yeah, LOOK too!) is most probably the Action command,
  so use Space Bar.

- When you have to find a room/area/etc. for the first time, I have most
  probably written how to get there (unless it's obvious). Once a
  room/area/etc. gets named with ">>>", you have to know yourself where it
  is since you've already been there.

- Anyone problems understanding UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT? No? Fine.

- As in almost any other adventure game, when you talk to a person, say
  everything you can (unless otherwise stated). Same goes for computers,
  read everything.

- People you ++FIGHT++ have their [H]ealth and [A]rmor points mentioned

- Fights, Hacks and other mini-games are not too challenging. Once you get
  the hang of it, it's quite easy. Just try (and think a bit?).

- Save often, you can die easily, especially at Vorograd Airport and
  Sarjevane (second time you get there). But you probably know that

- Enjoy!

* II. Complete Walkthrough *


>>> Hall
upstairs and into the double doors

>>> VIP Room
left, talk to John and Candy
left, talk to Simon and Vanessa
left, take the champagne glass from the bar
left, take champagne and envelope
examine envelope -> press badge
go out

>>> Balcony
talk to to Jenny

>>> VIP Room
right, talk to Sharon
left, talk to John
left, talk to Vanessa

>>> Balcony
get trowel from left plant
climb over leftside handrail
left, use press badge on window

>>> Hall
down the stairs to opposite wall, use trowel on panel

>>> VIP room
talk to simon
left, talk to John
left, talk to Sharon

>>> Balcony
talk to Jenny

>>> VIP room
talk to Sharon
combine champagne with glass -> filled glass
give glass to Sharon


Largo       H:20
Thug        H:15  A:1  Weapon: Unarmed


>>> Kitchen
go through double doors

>>> Living Room
take CD from armchair near the piano
use CD on computer


>>> Outside
talk to security
go in

>>> Reception
take red magazine
examine magazine -> article w/Largo photo
talk to secretary
give article to secretary
talk to Maroto
talk to secretary
talk to Jenny

>>> Vivarium
take left path around terrarium
take hammer from shelf
back, use hammer on glass
take fire extinguisher
use fire extinguisher on snake

>>> Reception
talk to Maroto

>>> Labo 1
talk to blond scientist
talk to black scientist

>>> Silos >>> Labo 2 (after lift, go through left door)

>>> Labo 2
up around the corner, open file cabinet -> security file
talk to to Salma (scientist)
take mixer from other side of the table she's working at

>>> Silos
talk to to security

>>> Labo 1
give mixer to blond scientist
talk to blond scientist

>>> Labo 2
talk to Salma


>>> Outside
get key from clay pot left of door
use key on door

>>> Inside
walk around armchair and take book
examine book -> sheet of paper
go to other room
search garbage can beside table -> audio cassette
open fridge
take test tube
combine test tube with sheet of paper -> sheet of paper (AGYLAP)
use computer (enter code AGYLAP with inventory/action keys)
go to other room
use audio cassette in answering machine

>>> Outside


Largo       H:20
Jorge       H:12  A:2  Weapon: Unarmed
Pablo       H:10  A:0  Weapon: Baseball Bat


>>> Reception
go into right door

>>> Largo's office
use computer

>>> Reception
use lift

>>> Big Boardroom
talk to Sharon
talk to John (sell Lundwana mining)
talk to John

>>> Main computer room
go to Joy



>>> Hall
ring bell
talk to to janitor (say you're an ex-KGB-agent and work for the Russian state now)

>>> 1st floor
let Simon pick lock of apartment 3A

>>> 2nd floor
let Simon pick lock of apartment 3B

>>> Apartment 3B
take wrinkled sheet from bed
open cupboard
take clean sheet
combine dirty sheet with clean sheet -> rope
use rope on balcony railing

>>> Hall
take out fuse

>>> 1st floor
>>> Vladimir's Apartment
examine jacket hanging over chair ->matches
take small gold key (on floor)
use answering machine
examine garbage can -> half burnt fax
examine half burnt fax
examine computer

>>> Hall
use small gold key on mailbox -> envelope
examine envelope -> letter
examine letter -> estimate

>>> Vladimir's Apartment


>>> Reception
talk to secretary (Olga)
give estimate to Olga

>>> Downstairs
talk to man


talk to man -> copper token

>>> Reception
use copper token in coffee machine

>>> Downstairs
go through door

>>> Hall
take screwdriver

>>> Vladimir's office
use screwdriver on drawer


go out


>>> Bar
talk to to drunk
talk to to bartender (order Ulla-Ulla)
talk to girl (Tanja)

>>> Small room near bar
take broom
open medicine cabinet
take sleeping pills

>>> Bar
drink Ulla-Ulla
examine matches
use payphone (in corner), dial 9002-47-28-32
(say you're Tanja's brother, cough, then answer)
use sleeping pills with glass o'vodka on bar

>>> Outside
use broom on fire escape ladder
use ladder

>>> Upstairs
examine guy -> automatic pistol
            -> lighter
go through door

>>> Gangster room
push bottle of vodka
use lighter on money

>>> Outside
follow Simon, open door


>>> Outside
get shovel (on the left)
use shovel on barrel (above Vladimir)
push car front
take rag (on box)
take bottle of alcohol (behind car)
combine rag with bottle of alcohol -> molotov cocktail
throw molotov cocktail on Vladimir (stand left of boxes)

Largo       H:20
Simon       H:18
Ivan        H:10  A:0  Weapon: Crowbar
Boris       H:10  A:0  Weapon: Crowbar
Andrei      H:15  A:3  Weapon: Hammer


>>> Reception
talk to Candy

>>> Largo's office
use computer

>>> Big Boardroom
talk to John (don't buy Mentek)
talk to John

>>> Main computer room
talk to Joy

>>> Largo's office
examine picture (left side of room)


>>> Docking
open toolbox (lower screen)
take hammer
take metal arrow (leaning on left wall)
look at hose pipe (use)
take metal ring
use metal arrow on electrical cabinet
examine cabinet
combine hammer with metal ring -> flattened metal ring
use flattened metal ring with cabinet
go upstairs

>>> Main area
go right, upstairs, right, upstairs
enter double doors

>>> Chess Room
exit on other side

>>> Rooftop area
go through next door

>>> Nerio's office
take strange, bizarre and myterious statuette
examine all stauettes
combine upper half of all statuettes with fitting lower half
put statuettes on altar (from left to right: Joseph, Jesus, Maria)
open desk drawer
take small key
use small key in cupboard (back wall)
take white king
go through secret door

>>> Nerio's office cave
take bottle (bar)
take chess manual (office desk)

>>> Main area
use bottle on fountain (ground level) -> full bottle

>>> Nerio's office cave
use full bottle on font
take black king

>>> Chess Room
examine chess board
use chess manual on chess board
use white king on chess board
use black king on chess board
use chess board
set figures according to book
go through secret passage

>>> Letter Room
walk on letters in order M-A-U-R-I-C-E (don't step on picture!)

>>> Secret chapel
look altar (use)



>>> Reception
talk to Candy

>>> Largo's office
use computer

>>> Big Boardroom
talk to John (randomly invest?)
talk to John

>>> Main computer room
talk to Joy
talk to Kerensky (computer, on Joy's left side)
use computer (on desk at back wall)


>>> Largo's Office
use computer
use computer

>>> Main computer room
talk to Joy
talk to Kerensky
talk to Joy

>>> Reception


>>> Village
talk to old man
talk to boy (Rolando)
talk to seller (Luigi)

>>> Outer village
open car trunk
take fan belt
take key ring (between stones near car)
use keyring on car trunk
open trunk
take scotch tape

>>> Cliff
look service elevator (use)
use fan belt on elevator
examine service elevator

>>> Village
talk to old woman

>>> Cliff
talk to Ronaldo
examine bushes (on the left) -> branches
combine scotch tape with branches -> splint
use splint on boy

>>> Village
-> silver pendant
talk to old woman (signora Lagrima)
give silver pendant to seller (say signora Lagrima) -> can of gas

>>> Cliff
use can of gas with elevator
use elevator


>>> Elevator platform
take rag (on railing)
take rope (on box)
open wicker basket
take monks' robes
examine monk
use rag on monk
use rope on monk

>>> Garden ground level
go through opposite double doors

>>> Church
take down painting (left side)
push button
use magnetic card in statue (behind altar)
go through small door near entrance

>>> Candle room
use lift

>>> Garden upper level
go through to door on other side

>>> Library
take red book from table on the far right
take green book from table further left
examine red & green book
put red book on shelf (Eastern History, lower level)
put green book on shelf (Monastery History, upper level)
pull out red book from secret shelf (left side of shelf)
pull out green book from secret shelf (right side of shelf)

>>> Garden
go through single door

>>> Monks' quarters
talk to to Joy (2nd chamber left side)

>>> Library

>>> Secret Passage
take crucifix (right wall)
use crucifix on padlock

>>> Storage Room
take gas mask
open box (right side)
take demijohn of gas
take knife (left corner)

>>> Monks' quarters
examine air grate (1st chamber right side)
use gas on air grate

>>> Secret Passage
select gas mask from inventory (automatically used when near door)
open door

>>> Computer room
use computer
use knife on hand scanner
wire hand scanner (use)

>>> Mainframe room
use computer (middle of three at right wall)


>>> Office
turn black statue (right shelf, right side)
push button (statue)
use computer


>>> Computer room

Largo       H:20
Joy         H:15
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Bo
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow

>>> Garden ground level

Largo       H:20
Joy         H:15
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow
Nightshift  H:20  A:1  Weapon: Bo
Nightshift  H:12  A:0  Weapon: Tonfa
Nightshift  H:12  A:0  Weapon: Tonfa

>>> Elevator platform

pull lever (elevator engine)


>>> Outside
combine pliers with grapnel & cable -> thin steel cable
combine pliers with thin steel cable -> detours
use detours on fence
use pliers on fence
crawl under fence

>>> Courtyard
crawl behind the walls so you're not in the guards' line of sight
crawl up to the left guard
use beeper on guard
upstairs, use crowbar on door

>>> Labo 2
open door
take acid and sleeping pills (from right two tables)
go near the door marked "silos" until cutscene kicks in

take spool of wire (in one of the corners)

>>> Labo 2
use spool of wire on smoke detector
use grapnel on smoke detector construction
use spool of wire on smoke detector construction
use vial of acid on smoke detector construction
open door

>>> Labo 1
use crowbar on sealed door
look door (use)


open door

>>> Storage room

search shelf -> DVD

>>> Outside

Largo       H:20
Simon       H:18
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow
Nightshift  H:12  A:0  Weapon: Tonfa
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow


>>> Largo's office
use DVD on computer
use computer

>>> Big Boardroom
talk to John
talk to John

>>> Main computer room
use computer


>>> Hall
knock on door 3x
open door

>>> Kitchen
move forward

>>> Sleeping room
take tuxedo (closet)
use tuxedo
take hairpin (little table)
take scissors (make-up table)
use scissors on folding screen -> piece of cardboard
use piece of cardboard on door
use hairpin on door -> small key
use small key on door
open door

>>> Living room
take plastic ruker (couch table)
take strong glue (computer table)

>>> Kitchen
take fork
take bottle of bourbon (kitchen table)
combine ruler with glue -> glued ruler
combine glued ruler with fork -> coupling

>>> Living room
use coupling on aquarium
use bourbon on aquarium -> apartment key

>>> Kitchen
use apartment key on door
open door

>>> Hall
climb out window


>>> Nerio's office
use computer


>>> Nerio's office cave
talk to Salma

>>> Main area
talk to Joy
talk to Simon (little alcove on medium level)

>>> Nerio's office
use computer
use computer


use computer

>>> Nerio's office cave

>>> Chess room
head to Main area

>>> Rooftop area
take necklace (on top of stairs)

>>> Secret chapel
head into door right of confessional

>>> Elec room
pull lever
take cable
use cable on cabinet
push lever

>>> Secret chapel
head into door left of confessional

>>> Main area (behind statue)
push statue

>>> Letter room
put necklace on slab (the lighted one, left of Jesus' picture)

>>> Chess room
break ming vase (left side)

>>> Main area
use rope (left on medium level)

Largo       H:20
Joy         H:15
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Bo
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Bo
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow


>>> Outside
take grapnel & rope
head up
use grapnel on metal cabinet
open cabinet
take spool of electrical wire
use wire on front ring
ring bronze bell
walk down, downstairs, to the right, pass the guards
take bucket
back upstairs, fill bucket on faucet -> filled bucket
back to the guards, empty bucket on them
left, plug in cable
push switch
climb rope (railing, by the two dead guards)
climb tower ladder


>>> Outside
take wrench
downstairs, take rope
upstairs, open upper door

>>> Inside
2 floors down, take broken hook
all back up, crawl into shaft

>>> Ventilation shaft 1
take upper path, use broken hook on fan -> "gateway to Bern"
take lower path, use "gateway to Bern" on fan
use valve

>>> Inside
1 floor down, take can of oil (narrow corridor)
1 more floor down, use can of oil on grate
crawl into shaft

>>> Ventilation shaft 2
crawl through, drop wrench on guard
use rope on fan frame

>>> Cargo room
take timer (on right barrel)
walk up to Salma (floor grating)

Largo       H:20
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Bo
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Bo
Nightshift  H:15  A:1  Weapon: Crossbow

move crate
upstairs, use switch (code 882)

>>> Arms storage
open case
take detonator
take cake of C4 (floor)
combine detonator with timer -> ignition
combine ignition with cake of C4 -> time bomb
use time bomb on crate
climb ladder
open door
(run like hell ;-)
open door


Largo       H:20
Helena      H:25  A:2  Weapon: Hidden sword


* III. Final notes *

None. The game's over, this walkthrough too.
Have a nice day!

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