Kagi Nochi Tobira 2

Kagi Nochi Tobira 2

1-open the book, take key, open the door
2-use magnyfing glass to find key in picture (near the moon) 
  and the door (bottom right)then click the door
3-turn on the light, the cursor will work opposite (if you move 
  down it goes up etc);take key, open door
4-click once then stop the cursor, wait and key will appear. 
  then continue turning the circle and u'll found door
5-take circle and follow the arrows as a square (key appears) 
  don't leave the mouse and repeat the sequence backwards (door appears).
  take key open the door
6-random key, random door. just click and find it.
7-madclick key and door until mouses turn; you can take key and open door
8-take the orange square.put it on left of the bigger square,click and 
  pull down (key falls).do the same on right part to find door
9-make all the squares orange, click the button, find key. then make the 
  squares black, click the button again and find door
10-you are in a labirinth.draw the map walking with arrows and it's the 
   word 'key': up-right end of 'Y' there's a key. from that point go back 
   down and 4times left.turn around and find a button.click.move once to
   right turn around another way to go. at the low end of 'y' find a code
   remember it- The door is on up-right end of 'K'(in the middle-lower 
   part of the wall)
11-shoot the big square to find the key (random position) then click the door
12-click smallest button. u have to avoid the orange line that follows u; 
   take key-open door
13-look at the image. explore files /k/e/y/ and /d/o/o/r/
14-the cursor will become a hand when you find key and door
15-click 'load' button than pull the loading-line(door appears);pull down  
   'load' button and find key
16-it's an envelope. pull the line to the left-up part. then pull up the 
   upper part -be patient-(find key).door on the line u pulled first.
17-move the fan by passing cursor on it -very quickly- door will go up for
   a few time: quickly catch key
18-take key-wall goes down. pull the sword from the handle and then cut 
   the 2 column together-wall goes down again-door appear
19-(like digital numbers)with orange pieces write 5+3=8 (key) 6+3=9 (door)
20-zoom on the pad and click on right, find key; then click bottom left 
   button (symbols appear) like a telefon keyboard, use the symbols to 
   write the code you found in labirinth: door appears
   E- credits page, have fun with the animations =P

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