In The Woods

In The Woods


Level 1:
* Click the frog, when it jumps forward click the tree. 
* The falling apple will hit the frog.
* Click the apple and the porcupine will pick the apple up. 
* When you click the apple on the back of the porcupine, the rabbit 
  will take it.
* Click the fish until it knocks the stones to the stream. 
* Click the fish again and it will swim to the bear.
* Click the bear, it will hit the tree and apples will fall into the 
* Click the apples in the water and then the fish, so that the bear 
  can eat it. 
* Bear will not like the fish and throw it away into the fire.
* Click the bird in the sky, which will dive down to the dead fish and 
  then attack the rabbit. 
* Click the burning porcupine and it will light the fire.
* Click the mental patient and you completed the level.

Level 2:
* Click the tree and and apple will fall on the ground. 
* Click the apple to pick it up.
* Click the end of the plant next to the bear. 
* The bear will step under the plant.
* Pick up the rock and throw it at the tree trunk in the water. 
* It will hit (but not kill) the bear.
* Click on the rope and then walk out on the tree truck to cross 
  the waterfall.

Level 3:
* Click the vine in the middle and pick up the stone.
* Click the vine again and the patient will tie it to the rock.
* Pick up the apple.
* Click the middle of vine and then the bear. 
* Use the apple, then click the tree and the apple again. 
* The monkey will bring you the vine to swing across on.

Level 4:
* Take the piece of wood and throw it at the bone, it will fly to you.
* Click the dog and you’ll throw the bone, the dog will run after.
* Click the fence gate and enter the garden. 
* Click the duck and tie it to the female scarecrow next to the doghouse, 
  the male scarecrow will go to her.
* Click the stones in the grass and walk out.

Level 5:
* Click the car window a few times until the patients says “!!!”.
* Take the pick-axe and use it on the car window.
* Take a tire from the trailer and use it on the truck.
* Click the left haystack and click the iron pole under it 2 times.
* Use it on the front of the car to start the engine and you’ll drive off.

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