Free Falling

Free Falling

- Click on the plant. Click to collect the peapod hanging on the left. 

- Click the arrow to go back. 

- Click on the desk. Click on the chair. When it moves aside, click on the 
little whitish dot on the floor under the desk. As you get closer, you see 
it is a ball of some sort. Click it to pick it up. Note the keyhole in the 
side panel under the desk; remember that for later. Click the arrows twice 
to back out. 
- Click the right arrow. Click the picture. When it moves, you can see something
odd about it... but the only thing to do is click it again to collect it. 
- If you look at it, it's really pretty boring, so you might as well hang it back 
 on the wall. What the--? Hey, there's a mirror behind it!Click back. 
- Click the door. It's locked, of course, but there is a key in the keyhole. 
- Click to collect it. Click back. 
- Click left and click to return to the desk. Click on the drawers on the right. 
The second and third drawers are open, but empty; the bottom drawer won't open. 
The top drawer has a lock; use the key. Inside the drawer is a light bulb. Click 
to collect it, then click back. 
- Click left. There's not much to do here -- you can't approach the plants in the 
window. The only thing you can do here is click on the swing-chair in the corner. 
Click it again, and you can see a ring on the front of the chair. Note for later. 
Click back twice. 
- Click left. Is that a pachinko machine? Why yes it is! If only you had a pachinko
ball. Oh wait, you do. Click the machine twice. Select your silvery ball and click 
on the little hole on the right of the machine. Aw, you lose. 
- Hmm... Pachinko sure is fun. Wish you could play again. 
- Say... examine that peapod. Just as I thought! There's another silver ball inside. 
Play pachinko again. Aww, Close but no cigar.... Click back twice. 
- Click up. Hmm... One of those lights is out. I have a bulb... but no way to reach 
the fixture. You can try -- select the bulb then click the fixture. No dice. 
How will you ever get up there? 
- Click down and click right twice to turn around. Click the desk and then click to 
collect the chair. NOTE: The chair will not be collected unless you have tried to 
put the bulb into the fixture first. 
- Click back and right twice to turn around. Click up to look at the fixture. 
Select the chair and click on the fixture. Much closer. Select the bulb and click 
the fixture again. Success! Click down twice. 
- Click left. Did you rehang the picture before? If not, do it now to reveal... a 
mirror! Click left again and notice the spot of reflected light behind the rock on 
the far left. Click the rock table. There's a shadow on the back of the rock. Click 
it. Something is sticking out of the rock. Click it -- Hey! Another pachinko ball! 
And a hook of some sort on the back of the rock. Hmmm... Remember that... and click
back twice. 
- Let's play pachinko again. Click left twice, click the machine twice, select the 
ball and drop it into the hole. You win! Click back once and notice something in 
the slot at the bottom of the machine. Click it to get another key. Click back. 
- Remember that mysterious keyhole under the desk? Click left twice to face the 
desk, click the desk, then click the floor under it. Select the key and use it on 
the keyhole. Open the compartment. Voila! A shiny cable of some sort. Click to 
collect it, then click back twice. 
- Click the rock table, then click the big rock twice. Select the cable and click 
the hook sticking out of the rock. [Note, I am not sure if that step is strictly 
necessary, but it's how I did it.] Double-click the cable in your inventory; a 
diagram will come up showing the swing chair, the pulley and the rock. 
- Click either hook in the diagram, then the pulley (and notice a line follows your
cursor), then the other hook. The diagram should change to show the swing chair 
moving.Close the diagram and note the cable stretched from the rock through the 
pulley to the swing chair. 
- Click out and click to the swing chair. Click on the swing chair and the rock
gets lifted, revealing a key. Collect it, click back until you are standing int 
he center of the room again. Click right or left until you are facing the door. 
Click it, select the key and click the keyhole, and...
Ta-da! You're out!

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