Escape from the Underground Room

Escape from the Underground Room

-turn right pick up key on floor
-turn left put the key in the switch on the right
-turn right
-click the white box that you can just see half of to turn on the 
-turn right and notice the colour and letter of the different letter 
 on the kite
-pick up the broom
-turn right
-get the cloth, hook and paper
-turn right
-use the cloth to wipe up the circle on the floor
-click the light switch on the left
-open hatch put paper in the water to get a clue
-notice the different colour and letter in water
-turn right
-click the top of the screen to look up
-use the broom to open the hatch
-go back and see what dropped onto the floor
-make a note of the different letter again
-turn left and use the clue on the paper and the colours/letters you 
 have to open the safe
-take the rope
-turn left
-look at the lighter and open it
-light the lamp with the open lighter
-turn right twice, turn off the light
-turn back to the lamp and get the beetle
-turn off the lamp and turn right twice to turn on the light again
-turn right and use the lighter on the bobbin of string
-tie the string to the rope, then the beetle to the result
-turn left
-look up
-click the sky and see the string go up
-choose the hook and click the string a couple of times
-click the small opening to get a key
-open the door with the key

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