Detective Max Incident Book File 10

Detective Max Incident Book File 10


-End 1-
* Click down arrow to leave house
* Click left red dot to go to art museum
* Go inside and get USB from museum worker
* Click down arrow and go back to house
* Give closed USB to cat on right

-End 2-
* Click down arrow to leave house
* Click left red dot to go to art museum
* Go inside and get USB from museum worker
* Click on USB and then about item
* Click left end to remove cover
* Go to house and give USB to left cat
* Leave house and go to new area on map (library)
* Use USB on computer screen to see you need a password
* Leave library and go to new location on map (second house)
* Click on bulletin board and click on all the photos
* Go back to library and use USB on computer screen again
* You can now enter the password ---- happiness
* You see a red circle on a map or something
* Go back to house and one cat is gone
* You can now see papers on table
* Click on the coffee one and you can now go to the restaurant
* Click on menu on table to see food and numbers
* Go to the second house and click on cabinet under vase
* Click on the left to see the back and enter
* Click bottom rectangle to make it red and go to front of cabinet
* Get key and go to restaurant and go right to see waiter
* Show him the key and then click the locked cabinet
* Use key on cabinet to open it and get paper

-End 3-
* Replay the whole game, UNTIL you come to the safe
* Do not enter the old numbers -- enter the new numbers
* Yes you have to; don’t worry -- I’ll wait for you

* Get yellow star from the cabinet and see a clue I don’t understand
* Go to the art museum and use the yellow star to click the middle painting
* Get the white star and confusing clue from the back
* Go to the restaurant and to the scene with the waiter
* Use the white star on the tray and get the red star and another useless clue
* Go to the library and use the red star to get the right orange book
* Learn all about cooking -- just kidding …. Get the black star and the 
  obligatory clue
* Go to the second house and zoom in on the upper right photo (coffee cup)
* Use the black star on bottom left corner to reveal blue star and clue
* Be shocked beyond measure that this clue means something!!
* Back out to map scene and click west on the compass
* Enter cave and see a place to put the stars in the same order as the colored 
  numbers you entered in the safe
  Red black blue
  Yellow white
* Click the star in the bottom left of the white paper.

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