Dawn of Magic

Dawn of Magic
                           Walkthrough for   
                            Dawn of Magic         
                           by Akari_Dawn       
                             Version 1.1 




You can use this file to your hearts content. You can find this 
Walkthrough at GameFAQs.com, the site it was deidicated to, as well
on neoseeker.com. 

You can post this Walkthrough anywhere you see fit.
I wrote it to enhance everyones fun with this game, so share it if you 
like it.Just don't claim someone else wrote it, now that wouldn't 
be very nice. I am a trusting person and believe in your sense for 
fairness and responsibility. Thank you, now have a good time.

Table of Content

1. Introduction                [Intrc]

2. Game Basics                [Gmbasc] 

3. Magic Schools              [Magsco]

4. General Hints               [Genhi]             

5. Character Creation         [chacre]

6. Neutral Walkthrough              
 6.1 Neutral Act I            [nwalk1]
 6.2 Neutral Act II           [nwalk2]
 6.3 Neutral Act III          [nwalk3]
 6.4 Neutral Act IV           [nwalk4]
 6.5 Neutral Act V            [nwalk5]
7. Good    Walkthrough           
 7.1 Good Act I               [gwalk1] 
 7.2 Good Act II              [gwalk2] 
 7.3 Good Act III             [gwalk3] 
 7.4 Good Act IV              [gwalk4] 
 7.5 Good Act V               [gwalk5] 
8. Evil Walkthrough            

 8.1 Evil Act I               [ewalk1]
 8.2 Evil Act II              [ewalk2]
 8.3 Evil Act II              [ewalk3]
 8.4 Evil Act IV              [ewalk4]
 8.5 Evil Act V               [ewalk5]
9. Sidequest                    [Siqe]

 9.1 Sidequest Act I          [Sidqu1]
 9.2 Sidequest Act II         [Sidqu2]
 9.3 Sidequest Act III        [Sidqu3]
 9.4 Sidequest Act IV         [Sidqu4]
 9.5 Sidequest Act V          [Sidqu5]
10. Rune Words                 [Rnwds]
11. Item Sets                  [Itmse]
12. Alchemists               

 12.1 Alchemists Act I      [alchmst1]
 12.2 Alchemists Act II     [alchmst2]
 12.3 Alchemists Act III    [alchmst3]
 12.4 Alchemists Act IV     [alchmst4]
 12.5 Alchemists Act V      [alchmst5]
13. Magical Influence Morph   [Magifc]
14. Version history            [Verhi]
15. credits                    [crdts]

1.Introduction                                                 [Intrc]

Hello my fellow travelers to the dreamy realms of fantasy and adventure, 
and welcome to my first Walkthrough!

The reason I am writing this Walkthrough is because I think this game is 
judged too harshly and many good things about it are being ignored by 
the majority of those who try it.

Also i wanted to give something back to GameFAQs since i like it a lot
and come back to it frequently myself.

My email address for GameFAQ matters is: Akari_Dawn(at)t-online.de.

If you have anything to say about this Walkthrough feel free to
let me know, be it productive criticism, questions about Dawn of Magic 
or things you think should be in this Walkthrough.

You may want to consider that English is not my mother language and 
for that reason be extra tolerant when it comes to unique grammar and 
choice of words. Thx!

Before getting to the walkthrough itself ill try to answer a question
some people might have right now.

Should I play this game at all?

Dawn of Magic gets average ratings over all. Some people love it 
many dislike it and give up on it. Why is that you ask? 

In my opinion the reason for being not liked much is the following:
When you first start the game you see all those spells 
and think wooaah I want to try them all out and combo them like crazy.
But soon you will realize that many spells are just not cut to satisfy 
you and lack overall efficiency. Furthermore the battles are rather
tough and it takes long to make good progress on the field of battle.
Down the spiral of frustration we go and soon the usual gamer will 
give up on the game.

This game is not suited for the casual gamer. It can be dauntingly hard, 
time consuming and a bit monotone out of grinding at times.

The major point is that the gameplay is actually not the strongest 
point of this game which is what most other hack and slay games 
focus on. 

The diablo series, sacred series, dungeon siege series or torch light 
series and titan quest all have a somewhat well balanced, fluent,
action oriented and sometimes challenging but overall fair gameplay.

And to put it straight: This game does not, in the way these others do.

The player will be confronted with masses of monsters but there are 
few ways to get rid of them in a fast satisfactory way. 
The maps are comparable large and filled completely with enemies and 
you will have to defeat many to stay on equal toes with them.
There are very few healing spells and none is instant and good.
The best way to heal is to use healing potions which are limited and 
The progress is overall slow because you have to pick fights carefully 
and it takes more time to heal up with life reg only.

You have only two cooldowns, one for spells and the other for skills 
which limits the possible strategies greatly. 
If you cast a Tornado that rips through the enemies you have to wait 
for the whole cooldown of this spell before you can cast any other. 
Overall you will only have one or two offensive spells actively 
doing damage at the same time which feels a bit meager at first.

After this opening some will think: 
I see but why would I play this game then?

If you play this game and want to enjoy it I suggest you stop thinking 
about it as a typical Hack and Slay.

The real strength lies in the big, detailed, diverse world filled with 
many interesting People, a high feeling for realism, the simply
awesome artwork and a unique style which can be traditional at times 
and crazy at others.

Allow me to go into detail about this a bit.

Criticized points
The battle gameplay can be fun, but you need a strategy that is
efficient and appeals to you. The higher your spell level gets the 
shorterthe cooldown will be. So there is the Tendency of an increasing 
flow off battle while you progress.

With the latest available Version,the bugs have very much disappeared 
completely from this game.


The cities in this game actually feel like cities. They are big. 
There are many people around not just your blacksmith, item merchant
and your occasional quest giver like it is in many other games of 
the genre. 

The cities and buildings are detailed and atmospheric. 
You can destroy most parts off the inventory for goodies. 
The rumble stays where it is and people will come running complaining.
Many npcs are vincible.

The main dialogues and all sidequests are voiced. 
People act depending on their culture. There are many fun 
and interesting conversations among the townsfolk to be “heard”.

There is a day and night cycle and a huge diversity for lighting and 
mood to be experienced.

There are hundreds of different armors and weapons, runes, materials
and other items to be found throughout the world.


It will only take you as long as to go the Character creation to find 
out a portion of the craziness of this game. 
The other site of traditional Rpg is present as well. Look at Magnus for 
example he is the very archetype of a wizard. I like this mix and the
style which is  influenced by many different areas, be it a 
legendary russian witch or a character leaned on J.R.R Tolkin´s tales. 

The game also features some supreme art work.
Many of the important persons have their own artwork as well as many 
monsters and more generic types like townsfolk. 
You can also view this great art ingame.


Now you should be more able to answer the initiate question for yourself.
If you think you can enjoy the things i described and a game that has 
something to offer beside the typical be very welcome to give this 
game a try, if not don´t bother with it and move on.

To those who want to give it a try this walkthrough is dedicated.
So lets get started with the real Walkthrough already!

2.Game Basics                                                 [Gmbasc]


You control your character by clicking on the spot you wish him to move to.
Holding it will make your character continuously chase after it.
Left clicking on an enemy or a breakable container makes you bash 
(melee attack) the same. Holding down the left mouse button while 
placing it on an enemy makes your character bash it continuously 
and run after it. The right click uses the magic you have in your active 
spell slot. 

There are various hotkeys with special functions that can be looked 
up in the controls. Here are some you should know about.

You can pick up stuff around you automatically (space)
You can make items on the ground visible. (Left Ctrl)
You can make enemies names and health points visible. (Left alt)
You can focus on an enemy allowing you to chase after him and bash him 
continuously without having to click for each hit. (shift)
This last one will also enable you to attack neutral persons to make 
them hostile. This will come in handy later on.


Life and chi
Life points indicate your status of health. If they reach 0 you´ll die. 
Chi is your magic energy. It is used for spell usage and the dark path

Life and Chi are presented by a red and a blue orb in the lower left and 
lowerright corner. They are surrounded by a cyclops with one horn 
whose hands are slightly moving.

Next to the orbs a red and blue bottle can be seen. If you click on those 
you will use a life or chi potion to fill up every lost amount. 
This also can be done quickly by pressing the Z and X buttons by default.

Note that life chi and poison potions aren't divided but are summed up 
as one big mass.

Experience gauge 
The gauge can be found in the lower center filling up as you gain exp. 
The gauge is interrupted by + symbols. 
When your experience reaches those points your life and chi are 
completely restored.

Skill/magic tab
Over the exp gauge there is a numeric tab with with numbers 1-8.
Pressing the corresponding number will not cast the spell/skill but only 
select it as the active in the Spell slot. 
A right click is needed to cast.

There are small arrows next to the tab. Pressing them opens a new tab. 
They are numbered from 1-8. You can quickly access the tabs by pressing 
left CTRL and the desired number simultaneously.

Active Spell/Skill slot

In the top left corner of the screen you will see your selected 
Spell/Skill icon.
It consists of two parts. The first shows the used Spell/Skill. 
The second shows the passive spell which only aides the first.
The Map

Left to the Spell tab you can find a map icon. 
Clicking on it will toggle through the map display modes. 
You can also toggle the map by pressing grave accent, it can be changed
in the control menu. Dots on the map come in various colors.

White are inconsequential townsfolk.
Yellow are merchants and important character including alchemists.
Green are quest relevant characters except alchemists. 
Flashing green characters are important for the main quest.

Red, purple and orange are hostile beings.

Blue indicates portals to another region on the world map.

Right next to the Spell tab a X can be seen. 
Clicking on it will open the menu. Do the same by pressing ESC.

Inventory, Stat window, Enchantment window and Book

In the top right corner of the screen you can find an icon consisting 
of four icons which grant access to the inventory, the stat screen, 
the crafting screen, and the book.

Inventory (F1)

All items

Swords, axes, maces, staffs, scythes pans, umbrellas and more come 
in one handed and two handed variants. 
There are only melee weapons as far as I can say.

For the head, the torso, the hands and for the legs. Shields also are 
found here.

Concerning looks armor is divided into the categories light and heavy 
armor which will reflect 
on your characters appearance if you have no magical influence.
Weapons and Shields have their shown individual look.

Comes as amulets and earrings. Totems count as amulets.

Needed to learn and level up spells.

For enhancing equipment.

Likewise for enhancing equipment.

Other items 
Contains potions and stuff like alchemy ingredients, recipes, etc.

Quest items
All quest relevant items. 

Stat screen (F2)


increases your life regeneration and grants health points 10 points 
for each stat point spend.
raises your chi regeneration and your max chi points by 10 per point 
increases your damage dealt by bashing 
(every point is worth one point of damage) and curiously enough by magic. 
In addition to that strength increase the max. weight you can carry 
by four with each point.
Every item has its own weight. If your weight is nearing is maximum 
you will be slowed down and ultimately become unable to pick up 
anything else. 
In addition to that you can only carry a maximum number of 500 items.
If you are overloaded there will be an red symbol showing a weight 
in the upper right of the screen.


I recommend that you spend points as you see needed. If you got the 
feeling you need a higher Chi reg go for intellect, if you think 
you need more life points go for energy and so on.

The major parameter for chi and life is your level, so you cant go 
wrong to badly no matter what you choose. 

Keep in mind that you will want to focus somewhat on what is 
needed for your crafting skill of preference (intellect for enchantment/
strength for crafting)

Bash damage
tells you about the damage you deal by hitting your opponents.

Spell damage
the damage your equipped spell will do.

You can move the cursor over the damage number to get information 
on how it consists.

physical, blood, fire, poison, lightning, cold and radiation.

A higher resistance lowers the damage taken from the corresponding source.
Note that this is no measurement in %. Lets say you have 10 points 
fire resistance. Fire damage taken will be reduced by 10 points

grants a chance to take no damage from the corresponding source.

Enchantment window (F3)
Put runes into sockets on your equipment or remove them its pretty self 
Note that removed runes disappear for good. The lowest rune will be 
deleted first.

Put materials on your equipment or remove it.
Removed material is gone for good.

You can repair your equipment here which will also result in decreasing 
its overall durability. Items with no durability will be gone forever.

Equipment with low durability is indicated by a red symbol in the middle 
right screen showing the corresponding body part for example boots. 

Generally alchemy is done by combining poison potion with other stuff. 
The exact numbers are written down in alchemy recipes. 
You can try your luck but if you fail your poison potion is wasted.

Book (F4-F11)
Book (F4)
opens up the book with the page you left of with.
Note that the game pauses while you access the book.
At the sites of the book are symbols which let you go through the 
different sections of the book.

Spellbook (F5)

The spellbook lists all the spells available in the game.
You can go through its pages by clicking on the charismatic reader
signs at the lower end of the book.

Spells come in three basic categories: active, passive and support.
Active spells have a red mark on their left they only can be put in 
the first spell slot. 
Passive spells have a gray mark on their right they only can be put 
into the second spell slot.
Support spells have no mark and apply automatically.

Note that some spells can be applied to the first and the second spell 
slot such as lightning or slow.
You can put spells into the Spell slot by pressing the number you want 
the spell to be on while your spellbook is open

Skills (F6) 
Dark path
Great skill. Use it in and outside battle to escape dangerous 
situations or port your way through the big city walls and other 
buildings. Higher levels allow further travel at lower cooldown 
but higher chi cost. The level one version is sufficient in my opinion.

is the skill to enhance your equipment with materials.
A high strength is required for many materials.
Its useful alright materials can add good effects to your equipment 
and no npc can do it.

is the skill needed to enchant your equipment with the power of runes.
A high intellect is required for many runes. 
This is my favorite skill to spend points in. 
Runes comes in a great variety and most equipment comes with several 
rune slots to be filled. 
In addition this is required to make any use of rune words. 
No npc can do it for you, maybe Raoul could but he is unsociable
what a shame...

Never ever spend even one point in this. Go to a blacksmith or 
other npcs with the ability to repair.

Use it as a spell to summon a Genie merchant who sells potions and
has a storage for you. Its very convenient.
I don't recommend spending points into this since it only lowers 
buying prices and heightens sell prices.

Note that accessing the storage will cost some rather minor amount
of gold.

Weapon mastery
Each level up adds 1%  to the knock-back and double damage chance.
Not too bad but not great or really worth it. 

Armor mastery
Two points physical resistance and one point immunity is not bad but
not game deciding either.
Spend some points if you feel like.

Your default melee attack.
Every level increase your bash damage by 3 points and shortens the 
cooldown a bit.

Note that your skill points are pretty limited. If you plan on using 
some of the higher level runes or materials you have to spend almost 
all your points into it. I like this because you can be only a master 
of one thing which is more realistic than becoming a master enchanter, 
smith and alchemist by doing one hour of farming like it is possible 
in some other rpgs out there.

Tattoos (F7)
Tattoos can be inscribed by fortune tellers and grant permanent effects.
Your maximum number is eight and they are permanent so think carefully 
what you want to engrave onto your skin. Don't go off and get all 
tattoos in act one. Wait till later. 
Generally I recommend tattoos that increase stats and speed, 
like the moon cat, monkey or dragon tattoo.

Magical Influence (F8)

This is the famed feature that can alter your appearance rather 
drastically. It works like this: You have eight body parts that can 
be altered. Every school of magic has eight spells too. The place the 
spell is located is corresponding to the body region of the same place. 
The highest level spell decides which change takes place.
If you have a draw in spell levels for one region the default of no 
change will be present.

The magical influence is not only good for looks every change comes 
with an effect with it.
The higher the spell level that triggered the change the stronger 
the effect gets. Stronger does not always means better since some spells 
include some negative effect.
I will add the list to the end of the FAQ. 

While it seems real fun at first this feature can also get in the
way of the player´s motivation when you end up with a character you
no longer can bare to lay eyes on.

Heed my words this feature should be looked at separately from your
serious attempt to finish this game.
Meaning that if you are curios what possibilities there are for
transformation, create a separate character, farm some money by 
selling chi potions from special mobs, buy a huge amount of spellscrolls
and go crazy. But don´t do this with your main character.

I suggest that you think about what is more important to you. 
Looks or minor stat changes. I think for the most gamers out there 
the looks will be more important in this case because you wont
see or even notice your enhanced stats but the presumable ugliness
of your character all the time the effects of the bonuses are rather 
small anyway at the beginning. I therefor suggest that you try to make 
your character look appealing while not messing around with your spell
build too much. If you are listening to me and play a fire mage/ summoner
your on the save side. Just make sure you don´t level up the banish spell 
or you´ll regret it...probably.

For best looks in accordance with my suggested build i recommend to have 
these spells as the highest level for the body region:

Fire mastery (Level up anyway)
Fire Ball (Level Up anyway)
Explosion (level Up anyway)
Summon Demon (level up anyway)
Summon Champion (level Up anyway)
Burning man (level 1 only) 
Turn undead (level 1or 2)
Fire Enchantment/Dummy (level 2) 

The 2 points for Fire Enchantment or Dummy are just to overpower the 1 
obligatory level in Watersphere and the suggested level for Flash.

I pretty much can guarantee awesome looks for this build,
Its kinda demonic for sure but definitely much better than 
any random, freaky mess you could easily turn up with otherwise.

Part of Elements
Beside the usual way of changing your appearance there are certain 
items called “part of  element of (for example) blessing”. 
If you use alchemy to put 3 of those together you will get an amulet 
that changes your appearance to the completed set of the 
corresponding magic school. These items are dropped pretty 
dependable bosses.

Note that the ingame description is wrong and you need poison 
potions not chi potions. You cant use chi potions in alchemy at all.

Quests (F9)

This is your typical quest log.
On the left side you see all your active quests. Main quests 
are at the top.
On the right there will be a short description of what to do. 
In the lower right it says Map: for example “Avon”. 
This indicates which map the quest is to be continued on. 
This is a useful help if you don't know where to go.
Quests are divided by Acts. You can choose the act by clicking 
on the corresponding number below the book.


There are many sidequests to be done in this game. Not few of 
them grant extra spell, stat and skill points. 
If that is the case the questgiver will explicitly tell you. 
Most have to be repeated with increasing difficulty to get 
those rewards, but its worth it. 

Note that you have to keep an eye on the rewards you get 
by yourself in the upper screen. 
The npc wont tell you when you get the extra points. 
If you repeat a quest and get the same amount of money over and 
over again you can assume that you already got the extra points.
Check out the sidequest section at the end for details.

Character Portraits (F10)

Ah the character portraits section my favorite section 
of the game. Here you can access the games simply awesome artwork.
To unlock these you have to talk to people or defeat monsters 
in combat.
So make sure to talk to as many different people as possible. 
Then come back here and enjoy the fruits of your efforts. 
Personally this is one of the main things motivated me to 
move on with the game. 
Just look at the artfulness, the detail and the variety of age, 
expression and stature. 
I never get tired going through those. 
Pictures that are new will be set to the beginning of the list 
the first time you visit after obtaining them.

Furthermore you can look up the 3D models of the items you found. 
You can switch between those categories by clicking on the red 
symbols in the lower right of the book.

Item Library (F11)
This section is divided into three categories
Alchemy recipes
are exactly that. You can buy them from barmen (with a name) 
or potion sellers.

Item sets
Sets off items that will grant you extra bonuses if 
you wear all pieces. These bonuses can be really good. 
For example the number of projectiles fired by using 
a spell are multiplied.
However it is somewhat hard to get a set. Keep your 
eyes peeled when shopping. 
Merchants sometimes also sell yellow unique items. 
Without great many efforts you probably wont be able complete 
a set in one playthrough.

There is a list of them at the end of the Walkthrough.

Rune words
Putting runes on items in a special order result in unique effects. 
Look up the list at the end of the Walkthrough for details.


Alchemy recipes, item sets and rune words are available as scrolls. 
When they are in your inventory click right on them to transfer them 
into your Item library. Recipes you already know are marked so 
you can tell.


Okay now we are done with the Interface lets move on to some more 
things you should know about the game.
Special Container

Above the breakable containers there can randomly pop up symbols of a 
golden coin a green bottle or a blue diamond like sphere.

The gold coin indicates some coin drop. If you ask me its not really 
worth it running after those the drops aren't really that great.

The green bottle indicates potions. This is much more useful. 
Not only will you be in constant need of them but they also sell 
for one each. So if a container drops like 125 life potions and 200 
chi potions you could sell the chi potions for 200 while a gold 
container drops around 50 gold at the same level. 
I generally suggest to go after those.

The blue symbol is the rarest. It indicates items and I mean good 
items. Naturally always go after those but chances aren't bad 
that you never come across one if you don't pay attention.

Note that special containers make sounds so you can tell if something 
is close but hurry those symbols only last for a short while before 
the container turns back into a normal one.

The last special containers shine in a bright white. Those are 
placed near bosses and are dropping the best stuff so don't miss them. 
They don't have a time limit on them.
Special mobs

There are special mobs which have a purple colored name, are tougher 
than regular mobs and have a special spell attached to them depending 
on what their name is. 
They dependably drop potions which is great. If you use their bodies 
for summoning your pet will have the special abilities of the monster. 
Go for them if you see them.

Magic Seals

All around the maps there can be found blue seals. 
Those seals contain a random type of magic that is released when you 
walk over the seal. These effects are almost always positive. 
Only if you are running away and get the stone skin spell it can get 
back at you. The Seal will be usable after a short while. Once a seal 
is set to a spell it will release that same spell if activated again.

The blood Sword
appears at the left of your screen if you defeat many enemies
in a short time. It fills as you continue the rampage. While
its active you will get an experience Bonus.
Once you reach 100 "bloodpoints" it will jump to 200 and stay
at this level for a while giving you a major exp boost. 

Game Over and dying

A true game over is only possible when your character is mortal 
(hardcore mode) in which death is permanent. 
If this happen this character cant be used at all anymore and you 
even cant start a new game with it.

When your life points get depleted you will die. In this case you 
will drop all your money and items your holding at random at the 
spot you were defeated.

You will then find yourself at the portal of the map that you came 
through last. Make your way to the spot you died in and collect your 
lost goods. You can die as many times without having to fear 
for your gold etc. It will stay there until you or a looter takes it,
even if you close your game in the meantime.

Starting an new game
At the character selection screen you can start a new game with your
character. This is mainly used to move up to the next level of 
difficulty but you can do it at any time. This will put you back at 
the beginning of the game but carries over your character's stats 
spells and inventory.
Are npcs that can turn the totems, that the corresponding  monsters drop, 
into unique items. I suggest that you try to get the totems on the way 
or while your leveling up because hunting only for totems is an 
ungrateful time swallowing task. Ligeia in Desiato sells totems of
some undead creatures.

3.Magic schools                                               [Magsco]

Let me introduce to you the twelve schools of magic. 
I will sum up in short what they focus on if they are any good and 
highlight especially useful spells.

Bone magic 
has mostly offensive spells doing physical damage.
I don't use it much. Some people say its pretty good. One advantage 
is that its physically spells can pass through the Watersphere.

Water magic
has offensive spells that can freeze the opponent which greatly
reduce movement speed but i cant recommend it. 
The chance isn't too good and the damage done isn't great either.
Water sphere 
is a spell which i can highly recommend. It will create a bubble 
curing you from curses and protecting you from elemental magical 
projectiles. I highly recommend having this one at least at level 
one. Note that your spells are absorbed too. Despite the description 
the boulder spell, all other physical spells and the light spells 
can pass it. Those spells can only pass it if they are cast from the
outside and pass through it.
Blood magic
This school has support spells for draining life or to weaken/wound 
the enemy.
The queen of hearts spell which is a shield that absorbs damage taken, 
it can save you.
The vampire spell isn't worth much in my opinion.
Biggest drawback is that only one merchant in the game sells them so 
it takes some patience to get many scrolls to level it up high.
Earth magic
The earth school has some physically offensive magic as well as stun 
and protective spells.

The boulder in combination with the earth mastery spell will knock 
back your enemy which is nice in the beginning.

The earthquake spell can stun all enemies around the caster which 
is a real lifesaver and nice in combination with summoning creatures, 
its cooldown also is pretty endurable.

The earthgolem can be a very useful helper in the beginning because 
it has no time limit and doesn't need a body to be summoned. 
A big drawback compared to the other summons like the demon is that 
the boulder spell the earthgolem mostly uses doesn't level up. 
So it will always deal around 20-30 damage whereas the demon can 
deal several hundred later on.

Gorgons kiss is an interesting spell. It hits the enemy from 
above meaning that you wont have to worry about obstacles 
and you can take out the summoning types in the back rows fast. 
The range increases with every level. The slowing effect is a 
nice bonus. Note that this the damage output is not areal so 
you'll have to aim carefully. It takes some practice to be 
precise with this.

Blessing magic
Buffs, buffs and more buffs you should have one at all times.

Holy touch the best healing spell in the game it increases the 
health regeneration. The magic influence bonus is also pretty 

Sandals of angels is a movement speed buff.
Speeding yourself up is probably one of the essentials to make 
the game so much more fun at least one point is a must. 
You'll get a speed up of 25% for one point and then for every 
further level +1% so don't waste them here.

Goliath shield is also good but I prefer having a health reg. 
You can have only one blessing buff at a time.

Lightning magic
Has offensive Spells dealing lightning damage. I take it only 
because the character changes looks just so awesome otherwise 
its not really that good.  Sadly the spells lack overall efficiency. 
Summoning magic
The art of summoning help from the heavens and hell as well as to 
raise the undead. Its overall a good idea not to be completely 
alone also they will help greatly in almost every boss fight.

One point of resurrect or waking undead in the beginning doesn't

Summoning demon and champion are more dependable summons. I 
recommend having both but if you choose one take demon, he has a 
spinning attack dealing lots off damage.

Turn undead is a pretty useful spell too. From act 2 on to the 
end of the game there will be loads of undead around to make 
your own. I recommend to level it up to level 2 for only 
3 spell points, so you can turn 2 at a time. The advantages are
that you don't need bodies, you reduce the number of enemies
while getting allies and the enemy stays the level he was other 
than resurrected monsters who's strength depend on the spell level. 
It doesn't work always but often so keep casting it.

For my suggested build the summoning aspect is only for
support. Make sure that you deal good amounts of damage 
yourself rather than to rely on high level summons.

Light magic
Light magic consist mainly of offensive spells that deal
radiation damage and put the enemy in special conditions. 
It looks pretty cool but that's almost it.

The ray of light spell can pierce through enemies and hit multiple 
of the same. 
It is very difficult to aim to make this happen. 
I certainly don't recommend it for beginners.

The flash spell stuns almost every enemy on the screen. It takes a 
long time before you can cast something again so be careful. 
It is great with summoning creatures or to give you some time to port 
out and regroup.

Curse magic
Curse Spells put negative effects on enemies. I could be wrong but I 
think they aren't really useful in single player mode.

Alchemy magic
Mainly Poison offensive damage not bad in fact but I prefer other 
also because the magical influence 
changes makes your character an eyesore. Not only that but many 
enemies seems to have rather high poison resistance.

Pentagram magic
This ones pretty special. The spells of this school will create 
Pentagrams on the ground which have unique effects.

Rat trap is a bit risky because it will hurt you badly if you miss, 
but if you manage to lure someone into it you can one shot big mobs 
during act one. Therefor I recommend one point for the thrill.

You also can use this as your primary damage output if you feel 
confident in your timing skills. Biggest drawback is, that you 
cannot have Watersphere or any other Pentagram active at the same
time. Don´t forget to buff up the damage by setting up a passive spell.

Demon´s web can be entered but not left. I recommend it for sidequests 
mainly but you also can try it on enemies that run away a lot...and
cannot teleport.

Gate of Petrus can be left but not entered. I recommend Gate of Petrus 
for its protective purposes not only for you but 
also for several sidequest which include protecting someone.

One point in pentagram mastery is also recommended to increase the 
duration for 10 seconds which is a lot for 1 spell point.

Casters paradise is not worth it. You'll have to spend many points for 
little effect, don´t let it tempt you.

Fire magic
This is offensive magic only with additional damage over time and its
pretty good.

Fireball can be buffed up by explosion and burn and become pretty strong, 
comparable speaking. 
If you listen to me this will be your main offensive spell.

Don t be tempted to choose pyromaniac over fireball, it has an area 
effect but you cant move for a long time and that's not good at all.

General stuff about magic
To learn magic you need scrolls of the corresponding spell. 
You can buy them mainly in holy/unholy churches.
One level up uses up one scroll.

In addition to that learning spells requires spell points which are 
gained by leveling up or doing certain sidequests.

By default magic is cast by clicking right. 
There is only one central cooldown for magic use.

Note that only one buff off each magic school and type can be 
applied at a time. This is especially important for the blessing 
spells. Also the queen of hearts spell cant be active with another 
blessing spell.

Watersphere cant be established while having a pentagram active and 
the other way around.

I greatly recommend that you consider one way of ranged magic into 
your character build.

For ranged damage I recommend: Fireball, Bonespear or Skull
and Gorgon´s kiss in this order.

Many enemies have nasty effects which are released when they are 
defeated. The best example early on is the scorpion which deals 
lots of poison damage to you if you are close to him when he goes 

Generally I recommend a build off a fire/bone or earth offensive
magic user with summoning support.

Special strategy of enemies

The Looter doesn't attack you but will make an effort to 
collect items that are dropped. He can cast Watersphere to protect 
himself. He also loves to run and teleport away from you. Note that
his health is replenished as he teleports. The best way to deal 
with them is to use flash to stun them and then attack.

Fire termites sometimes act dead, meaning they will show a death 
animation while still having life points left. After a while they will 
get back on their feet. Fortunately they can only do it once. 
They are definitely dead if they explode or you see the 
blue indicated number of exp rising up above them.

4. General hints                                               [Genhi] 

/Keep the camera low especially in cities to be able to dive in more.
 This also helps dark pathing your way over rivers because you 
 sometimes only can see and click on the other side if your camera is 
 set up low.

/During act I-III you can move freely between the “world-maps” by 
 clicking on the red arrows at the edges.

/Keep your eyes open while trading. Many good unique items can be 
 obtained this way. 

/Sell chi potions dropped by special mobs. You can always summon
 the Genie merchant for this, since you will get a dependable 1 gold for
 each chi potion.

/If you reload maps often to get scrolls or items from merchants 
 use small maps with shorter loading time to travel in between. 
 Such maps are the silver mine in act I, the well at the end of 
 act II, and senator Marinka's chambers in act III.

/Put some extra life potion into the Genies storage for times of need.

/While holding space to autoloot you can still collect stuff by 
 clicking on it simultaneously. This can speed up looting many items 
 like the bright chest drops and potions.

/Mind where you are. The edge of the map can be deadlier then any 
 other opponent if you try to run in this direction and don't realize 
 that your stuck. I have seen Lets players calling the game buggy 
 because they didn't realize they were at the edge of the map.

/Be speedy. Being fast moving is a sort of protection by itself. 
 The hitboxes in this game are actually pretty accurate. So if a 
 goblin warrior wants to strike you but your not there anymore he 
 won´t hit you. Same goes for yourself, another reason not to play a 
 pure melee characters since many monsters and many bosses like to 
 run around non-stop.

/Level up if you recognize your getting too weak for the enemies around.
 Go back to old maps if you must. As long as the enemies give more
 than one point of exp their worth the effort. During the walkthrough I
 will not constantly remind you to level up but you should try to
 take out many monsters on the maps you pass through.

That were some thorough explaining. But now we sure are ready 
to get started.

5.Character Creation                                          [chacre]

Here we go! First we have to choose one of four characters.

We can decide between the Awkward Scholar, the Weird Gypsy, 
the Fat Friar and the Backers Wife....

Now that's what I call a unique selection!
Should you ever had the secret desire to play a monster mashing 
granny that loves baking cookies and saving the world alike, 
go right ahead here's your chance and its probably a life's only. 
But I must warn you, the voice acting of that particular lady is 
“special” to say the least.

Don't mind the slight differences in stat points they are not soo
very important. More important is which character will keep you 
motivated. This choice also changes the dialogues throughout the 
game which is a nice feature.

By default you are immortal meaning you can die as many times as your 
frustration knows limits. Leave it at that. 
Being mortal is a hardcore mode in which one death is permanent 
and I can almost promise you that you will go down one time or the 

When you have decided take a look at the further adjustment to be made.
Next we have to decide if our character will be of good, neutral or 
evil alignment.

Now this is a more important choice as it will influence the way 
the story develops and which bosses you will encounter.

I recommend the neutral alignment as it gives you access to the most 
sidequests and a bit more inside knowledge about whats going on 
than the other two. 

The Following walkthrough will be divided into three
parts one for each alignment to avoid spoiler.


Note that I generally don't think that you urgently need a walkthrough 
for the most parts of this game. The recommendations for spells and
general hints should help you to.

Relying on a walkthrough from the first moment on spoils the fun for 
me sometimes so I suggest that you try it out first and only come back 
when you got a certain problem. Be also warned that these walkthroughs
may contain some spoiler.


6.1 Neutral walkthrough Act I                                  [nwalk1]

Avon Magic Academy

After watching the awesome opening sequence we begin our journey in the 
academy of Avon. Go talk to Magnus.
After that talk to the three teachers and while doing so choose three 
magic schools to begin with.

My recommendation for the start up is fire magic, summoning and 
blessing. You will have a companion, some ranged damage output and 
get a speed buff which is the most important. You can switch out fire 
magic for any other damaging magic you might prefer. I recommend that 
you don't level up the blessing mastery because we will make good use 
of those spare spellpoints soon.

Assign all your new spells as well as the dark path skill. First of 
all cast the sandals of angels spell and never ever be without it 

With a significant Speed up go talk to Magnus again.
He will know give you a task to graduate from the magic academy.
Since your neutral  you will have to defeat ten scorpions faster 
then your competitor pupil.

I recommend boosting your bash skill with a damage dealing passive 
skill (like fire mastery) for extra melee damage, try to finish of 
scorpions the other mages injured already. The task is a bit daunting 
because the other pupils are many and you are alone but with some tries 
and maybe a level up in between, its doable.

Ones you completed our task go back to Magnus which will now allow us 
to go to Avon to talk to Eric. Horray no more school, but I guess a 
magic school isn't too bad.

I suggest doing Lars sidequest now because it will be unavailable 
later on. 

When your done around here go to the portal and enter Avon.


Welcome to Avon!
What a fine city it is. You will find yourself in the Company
of Morok.
Talk to Morok to get some extra information about the important 
folk around here. You also can trade with him and get some recipes or 
rune words. There's also a guy named Uvasol Skydrag near by he sells 
weapons or armor. If he sells armor look for boots that speed you up 
by 12%. There should be some you can wear or can be worn after you 
spend 1 stat point.

Now look at your map. I cant give you precise directions because with 
every new game the city changes its blueprint slightly.

Try to figure out a person called Roc if Uvasol didn't have boots 
for you. Roc is the blacksmith and he sells some precious armor 
equipment. He should have some boots for you. 
If he doesn't have any you can go back to the academy and come back 
to reset his inventory.

With enhanced speed we can know explore this wonderful town.
Feel free to look around thorough.
There are numerous side quest that you can do around here as well as 
some little inconsequential “secrets”, and I wont spoil the fun you'll
have by stumbling over them.
Check the sidequest section for details and recommendations or 
try to figure them out for yourself.

Before you take those on I suggest you visit the holy church and 
trade with the clergyman to get new scrolls. For now I suggest getting 
the Pentagram scrolls, pentagram mastery, demons web, Petrus Gate 
and optional but fun rat trap. With those many many sidequests in 
this game will become more easily solvable. Also if you want to 
be a summoning type get the demon and or champion.
The stun and earthquake spell as well as the flash spell are also 
very useful but not a necessity right now. Should none of the 
clergyman has what you want reload the map.

I recommend doing at least one level up outside the town walls and 
keep your eyes peeled for special mobs that drop potions. Sell chi 
potions for good early money.

Once you feel confident talk to Eric, who will tell you to go 
hunting stone coyotes and collect their pelt.

Miner's Village

For that purpose move on to the portal to The miners village.
Here you will notice a change of the monsters present. There are mostly 
goblins around.
Be careful with those shamans and goblin warriors. Take out the 
warriors from afar and the shamans last in melee. You can focus 
on the stone coyotes but you also can visit the village. When your 
done collecting all the pelts make your way back to Eric.

He will thank you for your efforts and direct you back to Magnus at 
the academy who wants to speak to you.

Magnus will tell you about a half human named Mullog and tell you 
to find him and try to stop him from hurting people. First we need 
some information on where his hideout is.

Go to the miners village for that purpose. Question the miners around 
and take on Lances request if you want to. Sooner or later someone will 
tell you that his cave is northwest of here, so make your way to the 
North Outlands portal. 

North Outlands -> Mullog's cave

Now that you have the information there should be a portal to 
Mullog's cave. Inside Mullogs cave go left then right then right 
again to reach it from the back or go right then left then left 
again. You also can find Alice the missing child here and talk to her. 

Mullog's den

When you reach  Mullog's den go left then right and right again 
to reach him from the back. These caves aren't to big. Talk to Mullog
 at the end of the dungeon. He kinda reminds me of somebody, must be 
my precious imagination.

Mullog will port out... alright time to leave for us as well. Make 
your way back to the last portal and go back to Avon.

There will be a meeting of Lars, Goodman, Arthur and one of the holy 
and unholy clergyman in front of Arthur's  house. The outcome of this 
discussion will be that we are send to end Mullog's suffering.

South Outlands -> Mines -> Culvert

Make your way to the  South Outlands. From here move on to the Mines.
Continue to the culvert.

You will start in a 4 cross intersection. Go north and stick 
to the right.
Go straight at the next 4 cross intersection and ultimately right at 
the T intersection to reach the  Near culvert.

Note that in the far culvert there is an item to be found that 
triggers a sidequest. Nothing of major importance. Do it if you feel 
like spending some more quality time in this hospitable location.

Near culvert -> Silver Mines
Make your way to the silver mine entrance and ignore the yellow 
dots on the map.
Now that you need directions the most I cant provide any. This map 
is generated very randomly.
Note that the game makes a habit of not connecting the the portals 
in a straight line. You can escort the miners out but honestly 
don't bother. They should be grateful to you for cleaning out 
the monsters and you will want to leave this place as soon 
as possible. 

Try to reach the Silver mines before you loose your temper in this 
potential dead end paradise. Congrats you have finished the most 
annoying map in this game. The silver mines is a sight for sore eyes. 
Loot the bright chests you have earned it. Then talk to the friar. 
Now make any preparations for battle you might need. Its not a bad 
idea porting back to Avon selling stuff and upgrading spells and equip.
When your ready go back to the Silver mines and enter Mullog's altar. 

 Mullog's altar

Mullog will perform a ritual to complete a spell for Modo.... 
At this point we have to witness the sad fate of the miners daughter. 
Don't be ashamed of your tears and build up some holy anger. 

Here comes the first Boss of the game.

Boss: Mullog

Mullog will summon some help as well as casting stone skin which 
will repel you if you go into melee. First summon your pets the join 
the fun by casting your offensive magic of choice.

After dealing a good amount of damage Mullog will transform into ehh 
I cant describe it very well but it definitely has an 
interesting hairstyle. Don't let the looks irritate you and keep at 
in the same manner. 

When Mullog goes down finally he will explode multiple times and 
make a great fuzz. You can try to resurrect the girl but its 
too late... 
Collect all the treasure Mullog left behind for you and check out 
the three small rooms. They all are filled with our favorite bright 
chests. Loot to your hearts content. After that go back to Avon.
Talk to Eric who will congratulate you and suggest to visit Veronish. 

Now would be a good time to visit the areas we haven´t so far like
the Dream River, to do some sidequests and level up a bit.

When your done around here go back to Avon and talk to the Caravan 
merchant. He should be close to Eric in the center of town. 
This concludes Act I.

6.2 Neutral Walkthrough Act II                                [nwalk2]

Diamond Forest Outlands

You are now in the Diamond Forest Outlands. Talk to the merchant 
once more. Then make your way to the only portal available.

Road to Veronish 

On the Road to Veronish take on the two available sidequests if you 
want to and move on to Veronish.


Dark path your way into the city and make yourself at home in this 
beautiful town in the woods.
I suggest you pay Gregor and Gemma a visit to learn something about 
the people around here. Now wait a minute Raoul is an enchanter!?, 
like in the skill to infuse equipment with the power of runes.
Make your way to Raoul to lead the following imaginary conversation.

Me: Hey Raoul could you enchant some stuff for me my friend?
Raoul: I have no friends.
Me: Come on don't give me that, please do me the favor.
Raoul: No.
Me: So your telling me that I have to spend all my hard earned 
Skillpoints even though you could do it for me?
Raoul: That's right.
Me: I hate you!
Raoul: See that's how it always ends.

When your done with that, talk to Capri. She will ask you to find 
some missing clergymen. While your around you also can talk to the 
most lovely Heidi who has lost her armlet.
After that make your way to  the Diamond forest Valley of rain.

Diamond Forest Valley of Rain

From here move on to the Diamond forest Hunting grounds.

Diamond Forest Hunting Grounds

Search this map for the clergymen. This can take a while but 
keep at it.
When you find them talk to them and escort them to the Portal. 
If they make it or not is note sooo very important. 

Now return to Capri in Veronish and inform her about the outcome.
She will now tell you about a mage called Hotblack and that you 
should search for him.

Make your way back to the Road to Veronish and here take the Portal 
to the Lake Village. 

Lake Village

Have a little break or continue on to the diamond 
Forest Thicket.

Diamond Forest Thicket

On this map you will notice a green marked character. 
Make your way there and talk to the gypsy. 
Instead of greeting us properly she will accuse us of being 
slave traders! We have no choice but to defend against her and her 
follower fanatics. 
This can be a bit hectic because there are many enemies and probably 
some monsters from the surrounding as well. Keep an eye on your health 
and you should be fine this isn't too bad.

Make sure to collect any good drops and loot the nearby bright chests. 
After that make your way into the much heard about Lovebondagden.


No signs of slaves anywhere, everyone seems to have a great time 
around these parts. Stay as long as you wish and make sure to 
listen to some of the fun conversations. Enjoy your time in here as 
it wont last long. Make your way to the end and talk to Arthur! 
Ha I really didn't see it coming.
After that talk to Hotblack who doesn't seem to be a bad guy at all. 
He will ask for your help in Desiato and tell you about a bandit 
named Joey that can help you with a pass. When your ready talk to 
him again and select leave. Note that you cant come back here once 
you do this. 

You will find yourself back at Lake village. Joey and his man have 
appeared on the map so go talk to him. Urgh okay here what is going 
to happen. Joey will boss you around demanding from you to do stuff 
for him and ultimately betray you... So my suggestion is spare to 
yourselfsome annoying walking and the questionable honor of helping 
bandits. Prepare for battle and hit Joey by holding down the lock on 
enemies button.

Loot the bright chests preferably before that. Now all of Joeys 
boys will turn hostile. I recommend rat trap and mass stunning 
spells for this. Joey or one of his many friends will drop Heidi's 
lost armlet. Take it and leave the other bandits behind if you 
want to.

Go back to Veronish.

Talk to Heidi to get a Pass to Desiato. Also talk to Capri 
who will have some rewards for defeating Joey as well. 

Now move on to the Road to Desiato. 

Road to Desiato -> Road from Desiato

Talk to the gatekeepers and continue to the Road from Desiato. 
You can pay Beggars Valley a visit but its hardly worth it.


Upon entering Desiato you will find yourself in a skirmish of bandits. 
Talk to one of their leaders. He will tell you to find Hotblack. 
But before doing that lets put this city back to peace. Go talk to Myrddin.
He will ask you to collect passwords from the astrologists in this town.
Do so and return to him. He will summon some rain ending the fire and
with it the skirmish. You can now cleanse the city of the last bandits 
and leaders. 

Here in Desiato there is a lady called Ligeia. She is the only merchant 
in the game that sells Blood magic scrolls just so you know. 
She also sells totems of undead creatures which can be used 
by alchemists.
When your done move on to the Diamon Forest Ruins.

Diamon Forest Ruins

From here go to Hoptblack's Pile. 

Hoptblack's Pile 
Talk to Hotblack here to learn that 
he needs some burning wood from the shadow of Desiato.

Back in the city there now is a new portal available.
Use it to reach Desiatos Shadow

Desiatos Shadow
Defeat some Monster. One burning wood is enough. 
More will get stuck in your inventory.

Go back to Hotblack and prepare for battle. He will finish the spell 
and a scholar and a granny will appear to give you a trashing. 

Boss: Granny and Scholar 
This can be somewhat challenging battle. I suggest to go after the 
Scholar first because the granny is overall tougher. Otherwise summon 
some help and stun them.

After your done loot the bright chests and go back to Desiato.
Here you will hear some noise from a well. Go to the Spa and while your 
there buy a rope from Kiona. Now go back to the well and "descend". 


Make your way to the other side and exit. 

6.3 Neutral Walkthrough Act III                                [nwalk3]
The walkthroughs for good an neutral are identical expect that you 
can meet Professor Lars in Ksuco at some time for additional 


In the newly discovered land make your way to Neuva Vegas. 
On the way do the sidequest given by the most charming tree you'll 
ever meet. It is needed later anyways.

Nueva Vegas

Once you reach Nueva Vegas take your time to enjoy the bright atmosphere 
of the place and take a walk around town to say hi to everybody.

While your at this talk to General Battista to progress the story.
He will tell you a lot about this land and its current situation 
and tells you that you need to go to Cite de la mar.

To do so make your way to Asb Ibn mamuhd and talk to him.

He will demand ten bones from you to let you pass through the portal.
These bones can be found on the Southcoast so make your way to the 

On this map defeat enemies until you get all the bones you need.
It can take 15 minutes uo to 45 minutes depending on how willingly 
the enemies drop the bones so be patient.

When you got all the bones return and give them to the portal guard. 
Now enter Cite de la mar.

Cite de la Mar

What a big and pompous city it is indeed. Talk to Luke fon fabre
and ask for an audience with senator Marinka. Enter her chambers. 

Senator Marinka's Chambers
Have a chat with her.
She will ask you to visit  her arch rival Bulcher in Kzuco.

To get there go to Cite de la mar and take the portal to Port of 
cite de la mar. 
Port of Cite de la Mar

Here Go into the Tunnel to Kzuco. 

Tunnel to Kzuco

Pass through the tunnel to the Outlands of Kzuco. 

Outlands of Kzuco
Now we're under water what a welcome change of scenery.
If you come across any orange named sea devil make sure to get the 
omniscient jellyfish that he drops.
Continue to Kzuco. 


There talk to Bulcher who will try to make you 
assassinate Marinka.
Port back to Marinka to report what happened. She will ask of you 
to do the same to Bulcher. For that purpose we need a Sphere of 
Assassination, which only can be crafted by Calypso. 
This guy lives in the Sunvalley. Go back to the Plains map from 
here to the Nueva Vegas outlands and then to Sunvalley.

Plains-> Nueva Vegas Outlands -> Sunvalley

Talk to Calypso here and he will tell you to get some stuff for 
crafting the sphere.

1. Oak juice. Get it by doing the trees sidequest on the plains.

2. Omniscient jellyfish. Get it from a orange sea devil found 
   everywhere underwater.

3. 10 pelts of the stone coyote.........Again! Oh well. 
   There are some on the “Desert Outland” here in Act III. 
   To reach it take following path: 
   Cite de la mar->Westcoast->Desert Outland

Cite de la Mar -> Westcoast -> Desert Outland

4. A piece of silver. This can be found in the cave. 
   The cave portal is located  on the cliff belt map. 
   Inside the cave there will be a mark over a container 
   that holds the silver. The cliff Belt can be entered through 
   Nueva Vegas or the Nueva Vegas outland.

Nueva Vegas or Nueva Vegas Outlands -> Cliff Belt

Once you got everything you need take it to Calypso who will 
create the sphere for you.
Take this to Bulcher and use it after you did your preparations 
for battle.

Boss: Bulcher
During the fight she will summon some help but overall its a 
pretty easy fight. After you won you can go back to Marinka 
to tell her about it.

Now the portal to the kingdom of air will be opened for you in 

I recommend stocking up scrolls of spells you plan to level up. 
There are many clergymen around Cite de la mar and Nueva Vegas but 
almost none from here on. So buy as many as you think you will need to
finish the game. I would say five to seven extra should suffice. 
Make sure you have at least one level at Watersphere or a scroll of 
the same to learn it later.

When you feel ready to leave the first three Acts behind climb 
the stairs of which you actually can fall off from 
(that's some neat realism) and enter the portal. 

6.4 Neutral walkthrough Act IV                                 [nwalk4]

Village of Ciel

Welcome to the kingdom of air. Enjoy the new and beautiful scenery!
Talk to mayor Luo. Go to Yokozunas tower.

Go to Yokozunas tower

Yokozuna will be pretty aggressive so undo him. 

Make very sure you visit 
the now visitable Zen garden 

Zen garden 

Have an interesting meeting here and aquire a somewhat important 
additionalmain quest. 
Your newly acquired task will be to Collect the twelve totems of the 
Samurai clans. They are found directly at the portals of various places 
throughout the Act. Do this on the way but before entering Castle
de Miracle. There can be more than one Samurai at a map so check 
every Portal. 

Make you way to Arlington.

South West or West Plain 

Make sure you visit both to collect the Samurai Totems.

Prepare fo battle. Then talk to Molay but he shouldn´t give you any
real trouble. Defeat Molay attack him if he talks too much.

Go back to mayor Luo, then talk to Miei. You know, I kinda like the 
design of the tables around here. After Miei openes up the path to 
Ingsoc ake on the following journey:

Arlington -> Garden of Arlington -> Keijigawa River -> Ingsoc


Inside this city of snow and ice talk to commander Shen. Go put the dust 
off the librarians books. While your in town get some tattoos 
from Midori,they are pretty good.

Go back to Shen

Take either glacier path I recommend  Glacial Wasteland:road to

Glacier Wasteland: Road to Dilly Qua or Glacial Wasteland: Atchi-ni-Ikeyo River

Seeing some Samurai playing hokey with a penguin was a first time for me.
To collect the remaining Samurai totems visit both maps. Once you got
all the Totems make your way back to the Zen Garden to complete the task.

After that continue on to Dilly Qua.

Dilly Qua
Talk to the elders, fulfill their last wish of the elders.
Before you enter Castle de Miracle make sure you have all the 
spell scrolls you will need for the rest of the game which could be
worth some level ups. If you haven't learned the Watersphere Spell yet 
learn it now or at least take a scroll of it with you. Also if you 
want to complete the additional main quest with the totems of the
Samurai clans now is the last chance.

Castle de Miracle

Once ready enter castle de miracle.

Boss: Phaid
Hmm let me think where do I know this guy from? Oh yeah he was in 
the casino of Nueva Vegas well I never thought he was actually the 
Boss of the fourth Act. It got a certain randomness to it but I like it.  
Phaid can be a bit hard. He will constantly run around, stun you with 
flash and summon mirror images of himself. They are called Phaid the 
gambler while the real ones name is just Phaid. His images explode 
upon defeat and do major damage to anyone near so make sure you are 
not around there. 

Make sure you loot the bright chests on each site fast or even during 
the fight because the castle will collapse around you after the battle
which concludes this act.

6.5 Neutral walkthrough Act V                                   [nwalk5]

The damned city

Welcome to hell!
It seems like Modo started to turn the world into a lava flooded 
wasteland.That cannot be tolerated at all so off we go. Talk to Lars 
he will explain what we should do.

You can now choose which seals you want to break. This will alter the 
last conversation with Modo somewhat but that's it. If you feel very 
neutral break all the seals. Its up to you. 
The seals are broken by defeating the Boss in the approximate center 
off the map.

Have fun in there. The dark path skill will be an invaluable help for 
faster travel around here. But I also suggest that you level up to at 
the very least level 18 better to 20 or above.

When you have broken all the seals you like (at least either all 
dark or all light) go back to the damned city, where a giant skeleton 
dragon has appeared. Talk to Lars or go for it directly.

This “Boss” should be somewhat of a pushover. The upcoming Last Boss 
however is not so make very thorough preparations. Now that the 
destiny dragon is no more you can enter Modo's Stronghold. From there 
there will be no turning back so I would suggest that you fill up your 
potions and put some extra life potions into the vault of the summonable 
Genie merchant.

Level Up your spells and make very sure you have one level of the 
Watersphere spell. This one will be vital in the next battle. 

Until this point of the game I would say you could have made it with 
almost every somewhat decent character build but at this point you will 
have to proof if it is truly worth anything.

Enter Modo's stronghold.

Move a bit towards the center and make some conversation with our long 
time friend Modo at least.This will lead to the two of you will diverge 
in an epic End Boss battle and we certainly expected nothing less.

End Boss: Modo

Modo is a freaking magic spamming and somewhat cowardly monster 
to put it short. Modo will start to fire his whole arsenal of 
destructive spells at you. This showering of death consists of every 
elemental magic except poison and radiation. Tons of Fireballs, 
Iceblasts, Balls of thunder, Tornados, Boulders and Bone spears. 
If you get stuck into that stream your as good as done for. 
His spells tend to stun you and push you back.  If you get hit try 
to dark path away and regroup. His Magic can be massively crippled 
by the Watersphere spell. If you place it between him and yourself all
elemental projectiles will get suck up into the shield. His boulder 
and bone spear spells will still pass through. To undo those you 
have to place the Watersphere in a way in which it also covers
Modo's body somewhat. Now all spells should cease to reach you. 

You will have the same problem that if you depend on elemental 
damage other than light.Your bone spears, boulders and Kiss of 
the Gorgon Spells will get to Modo just fine making this fight a lot
 more easy.

If you use fireballs or the likes you have to place Watersphere between 
you and Modo. Now move to either site fast and try to hit him with 
a spell without getting hit to hard yourself. This can take a while 
and requires some Dexterity of you.

If you get close to him or even hit him in melee he will port
away and fire his magics right into your side or back, so don't try this.

Modo also has a health point regeneration but its not that fast. 
Even if you go down some times his health will stay approximately at 
the point it left off so you can battle down Modo over time, if your 
persistent and frustration resistant.

There are some minions nearby that can curse you, generally 
Id suggest that you can ignore them since Modo will take care 
of them himself but if you get slowed its better to retreat temporally.

When Modo at least goes down make sure to loot anything he drops and 
then sit back ad enjoy the Ending Sequence. Since we are neutral and
hopefully did the additional Quest in Act IV, we can now truly 
understand what is happening here. After the sequence you will be 
back in the main menu.

Congratulations! You have beaten a game many people give up on after 
a short while. That's kind of a feat!

And guess what there is more to be done. If you select your character 
you now can enter the next level of difficulty. 

So if you want to see everything you will have to go through this 
game 3 times with every of the 4 choose able characters for the good,
neutral and evil path and this for the 3 difficulty settings summing 
up to a total of 36 playthroughs. 

I leave it totally up to you what your going to do now, maybe trying 
to get all the Artwork or at least complete one item set? Have fun with 
whatever your up to next!

Well if your satisfied with what you accomplished that's a farewell for 
nowand I hope you enjoyed the game and reading this walkthrough. 
So maybe till next time.
See you around!



7.1 Good walkthrough Act I                                     [gwalk1]

Avon Magic Academy

After watching the fantastic opening sequence we find ourselves located
in the academy of Avon. Go talk to Magnus. After that talk to the three 
teachers and while doing that choose three spell schools to begin with.
My recommendation for the start up is fire or earth magic, summoning or 
bone magic and definitely blessing magic. I recommend that you don't 
level up the blessing mastery because we will make good use of those 
spare spellpoints soon.

Assign all your new spells as well as the dark path skill. First of all 
cast the sandals of angels spell and never ever be without it again.
With a significant Speed up go talk to Magnus again.

He will know give you a task to graduate from the magic academy.
Since your good you will have to collect ten fire termite eggs and bring 
them to an ill pupil in a certain amount of time.

I recommend boosting your bash skill with a damage dealing passive skill 
(like fire mastery) for extra melee damage.The task is pretty easy.
Ones you completed our task go back to Magnus which will now allow us to 
go to Avon to talk to Eric. 

Horray no more school, but I guess a magic 
school isn't too bad.

I suggest doing Lars sidequest now because it will be unavailable 
later on. When your done around here go to the portal and enter Avon.


Welcome to Avon!

What a fine city it is. You will find yourself in the Company of  Morok.
Talk to Morok to get some extra information about the important folk 
around here. You also can trade with him and get some recipes or 
rune words. There's also a guy named Uvasol Skzdrag nearby he sells 
weapons or armor. If he sells armor look for boots that speed you up 
by 12%. There should be some you can wear or can be worn after you 
spend 1 stat point.

Now look at your map. I cant give you precise directions because with 
every new game the city changes its blueprint slightly.

Try to figure out a person called Roc, if Uvasol didn't have boots for 
you. Roc is the blacksmith and he sells armor equipment. He should 
have some boots for you. If he doesn't you can go back to the 
academy and come back to reset his inventory.

With hopefully enhanced speed we can know explore this wonderful town.
Feel free to look around thorough.
There are numerous side quest that you can do around here as well as 
little inconsequential “secrets” here and I wont spoil the fun you'll
have by stumbling over them. Check the sidequest section for details 
and recommendations or try to figure them out for yourself.

Before you take any sidequests on I suggest you visit the holy church 
and trade with the clergyman to get new scrolls. For now I suggest 
getting the Pentagram scrolls, pentagram mastery, demons web, 
Petrus Gate and optional but fun rat trap. With those spells many, 
many sidequests in this game will become more easily solvable. 
Also if you want to be a summoning type get the demon and or champion.
The stun and earthquake spell as well as the flash spell are also very 
useful but not a necessity right now. Should none of the clergyman has 
what you want reload the map.

I recommend doing at least one level up outside the town walls and keep 
your eyes peeled for special mobs that drop potions. Sell chi potions 
for good early money and use It to upgrade your equipment.

Once you feel confident talk to Eric, who will tell you to go hunting 
stone coyotes and collect their pelt.

For that purpose move on to the portal to The miners village.

Miner´s Village

Here you will notice a change of the monsters present. There are mostly 
goblins around.
Be careful with those shamans and goblin warriors. Take out the warriors 
from afar and the shamans last in melee.

You can focus on the stone coyotes but you also can visit the village.

There's a guy named Mun who has a sidequest.
This sidequest is to defeat a strong female goblin. This can be a bit 
though right now refer to the sidequest section for details.

When your done collecting all the pelts make your way back to Eric.

He will thank you for your efforts and direct you to the holy church.

The monks will tell you about a half human named Mullog and tell you 
to find him and try to stop him from hurting people. First we need some 
information on where his hideout is.

Go to the miners village for that purpose. Question the miners around 
and take on Lances request if you want to. Sooner or later someone will
tell you that his cave is northwest of here, so make your way to the 
North Outlands portal. 

North Outlands -> Mullog's cave

Now that you have the information there should 
be a portal to Mullog's cave.

Inside Mullogs cave go left then right then right again to reach it from 
the back or go right then left then left again. You can find Alice the 
missing child here and talk to her. After that continue to:

Mullog's Den

When you reach Mullog's Den go left then right and right again to reach 
him from the back.
These caves aren't to big.

Talk to Mullog at the end of the dungeon, he kinda reminds me of somebody, 
but it must be my precious imagination.

Mullog will port out soon...... alright time to leave for us as well. 
Make your way back to the last portal and go back to Avon.

Talk to the monks and get an update on the situation. Mullog has taken 
over a mine so we are send there too.

Make your way to the South outlands. From here move on to the mines.
Continue to the culvert.

South Outlands or East Outlands -> Mines -> Culvert

Inside the Culvert you  will start in a 4 cross intersection. Go north 
and stick to the right.
Go straight at the next 4 cross intersection and ultimately right at 
the T intersection to reach the Near culvert.

Note that in the far culvert there is an item to be found that triggers
a sidequest. Nothing of major importance. Do it if you feel like spending 
some more quality time in this hospitable location.

Near culvert
Make your way to the silver mine entrance and ignore the yellow dots 
on the map.
Now that you need directions the most I cant provide any. This map is 
generated very randomly.
Note that the game makes a habit of not connecting the the portals in
a straight line. You can escort the miners out but honestly don't bother. 
They should be grateful to you for cleaning out the monsters and you will 
want to leave this place as soon as possible. 

Congrats you have finished the most annoying map in this game. If you ran 
into several dead ends after walking and fighting for a long time you will 
know what I mean.

Silver Mines

The silver mines is a sight for sore eyes. Loot the bright chests you 
have earned it. Then talk to the friar. Now make any preparations for battle 
you might need. Its not a bad idea porting back to Avon selling stuff 
and upgrading spells and equip.

When your ready go back to the silver mines and enter Mullog's altar. 

Mullog's altar
Mullog will perform a ritual to complete a spell for Modo. At this point 
we have to witness the sad fate of the miners daughter. Don't be ashamed 
of your tears and build up some divine anger. 

Here comes the first Boss of the game.

Boss: Mullog
Mullog will summon some help as well as casting stone skin which will 
repel you if you go into melee. First summon your pets then join the 
fun by casting your offensive magic of choice.

After dealing a good amount of damage Mullog will transform into ehh I 
cant describe it very well but it definitely got an interesting hairstyle. 
Don't let the looks irritate you and keep at in the same manner. 

When Mullog goes down  he will explode multiple times and make a great 
fuzz. Collect all the treasure Mullog left behind for you and check out 
the three small rooms. They all are inhabited by our favorite bright 
chests. Loot to your hearts content. After that go back to Avon.

Talk to Eric who will congratulate you and suggest to visit Veronish. 
To travel there talk to the Caravan merchant. 

Now would be a good time to visit the areas we haven´t so far like
the Dream River, to do some sidequests and level up a bit.

When your done around here go back to Avon and talk to the Caravan 
merchant. He should be close to Eric in the center of town. 
This concludes Act I.

7.2 Good Walkthrough Act II                                   [gwalk2]

Diamond Forest Outlands

You are now in the Diamond Forest Outlands. Talk to the merchant 
once more. Then make your way to the only portal available.

Road to Veronish 

On the Road to Veronish take on the two available sidequests if you 
want to and move on to Veronish.


Dark path your way into the city and make yourself at home in this 
beautiful town in the woods.
I suggest you pay Gregor and Gemma a visit to learn something about 
the people around here. Now wait a minute Raoul is an enchanter!?, 
like in the skill to infuse equipment with the power of runes.
Make your way to Raoul to lead the following imaginary conversation.

Me: Hey Raoul could you enchant some stuff for me?
Raoul: No.
Me: Come on pretty please?
Raoul: Your embarrassing yourself.
Me: So your telling me I have to spend all my hardly earned 
Skillpoints just because you are unsociable?
Raoul: That's correct now leave me alone.
Me: Meanie! 

When your done with that, talk to one of the holy clergymen around.
The same will ask you to find some other missing clergymen.

While your around you also can talk to lovely Heidi who has lost her 
armlet the poor thing. We are bound to help her by the honor of a 
good character.

We will keep that in mind and make our way to the Diamond forest 
Valley of rain. 

Diamond Forest Valley of Rain

From here move on to the Diamond forest Hunting grounds.

Diamond Forest Hunting Grounds

Search this map for the clergymen. This can take a while but 
keep at it. When you find them talk to them and escort them to 
the Portal. As long as one stays alive you should be fine otherwise
nothing major will happen either.

Now return to the clergymen in Veronish and inform them about the 
outcome. They will now tell you about a mage called hotblack and 
that you should search for him.

Make your way back to the Road to Veronish and here take the Portal 
to the Lake Village. 

Lake Village

Have a little break or continue on to the diamond 
Forest Thicket.

Diamond Forest Thicket

On this map you will notice a green marked character. Make your way 
there and talk to the gypsy. She will ask us if we saw suspicious
people around. Of cause we haven´t.

Make sure to loot the nearby bright chests. After that make your
way into the much heard about Lovebondagden.


Talk to Hotblack who doesn't seem to be such a bad guy. 
He tell you about a bandit named Joey that can help you with a pass. 
When your ready talk to him again and select leave. Note that you cant 
come back here once you do this. 

You will find yourself back at Lake village. Joey and his man 
have appeared on the map so go talk to him. Urgh okay here what 
is going to happen. Joey will give you requests to do stuff for
him and ultimately betray you... So my suggestion is spare to yourself 
some annoying walking and the questionable honor of helping bandits. 
We are the good hero/ine and no minions of some bandit. 
In the name of justice I shall strike you down!

Prepare for battle and hit Joey by holding down the lock on enemies
button. Before loot the bright chests. 
Now all of Joeys boys will turn hostile. I recommend rat trap and 
mass stunning spells for this. It can take a while to take care of 
them but keep at it. Joey or one of his many friends will drop 
Heidi's lost armlet. When your done head back to Veronish.

Talk to Heidi to get a Pass to Desiato. Also talk to Capri who will
have some rewards for defeating Joey as well. 

Now move on to the Road to Desiato.

Road to Desiato -> Road from Desiato

Talk to the gatekeepers and continue to the Road from Desiato. 
You can pay Beggars Valley a visit but its hardly worth it.


Upon entering Desiato you will find yourself in a skirmish of bandits.
Go talk to Myrddin. He will ask you to collect passwords from the 
astrologists in this town. Do so and return to him. He will summon some 
rain ending the fire and with it the skirmish. You can now cleanse the 
city of the last bandits and leaders.

Here in Desiato there is a lady called Ligeia. She is the only merchant 
in the game that sells Blood magic scrolls just so you know. She also 
sells totems of undead creatures which can be used by alchemists.

When your done move on to the Diamon Forest Ruins.

Diamon Forest Ruins

From here go to Hoptblack's Pile. 

Hoptblack's Pile 
Prepare for battle then move in on Hotblack.

Boss: Hotblack
Be cautious he can be quiet a handful. He will constantly run around 
speedily, throw fireballs at you, stun you with flash and most important 
summon masses of demons to go after you. In such a situation I usually 
suggest to go after the boss but the demons can be a major problem if 
they catch you after you were flashed. The demons don't have much life 
points so use rat trap to dispose of them then while their gone go after 

A scholar and a granny will appear just when the fight is over....
You two are useless you know that? But follow me from now on and I shall 
excuse your impertinence!.... well they won't but it would be cool.

After you done loot the bright chests and go back to Desiato.
Here you will hear some noise from a well. Go to the Spa and while 
your there buy a rope from everybody's darling Kiona.
Now go back to the well and "descend". 


Make your way to the other side and exit. 

7.3 Good Walkthrough Act III                                     [gwalk3]

The walkthroughs for good an neutral are identical expect that you 
can meet Professor Lars in Ksuco at some time for additional 


In the newly discovered land make your way to Neuva Vegas. 
On the way do the sidequest given by the most charming tree you'll 
ever meet. It is needed later anyways.

Nueva Vegas

Once you reach Nueva Vegas take your time to enjoy the bright 
atmosphere of the place and take a walk around town to say hi to 

While your at this talk to General Battista to progress the story.
He will tell you a lot about this land and its current situation 
and tells you that you need to go to Cite de la mar.

To do so make your way to Asb Ibn mamuhd and talk to him.

He will demand ten bones from you to let you pass through the portal.
These bones can be found on the Southcoast so make your way to the 

On this map defeat enemies until you get all the bones you need.
It can take 15 minutes uo to 45 minutes depending on how willingly 
the enemies drop the bones so be patient.

When you got all the bones return and give them to the portal guard. 
Now enter Cite de la mar.

Cite de la Mar

What a big and pompous city it is indeed. Talk to Luke fon fabre
and ask for an audience with senator Marinka. Enter her chambers. 

Senator Marinka's Chambers
Have a chat with her.
She will ask you to visit  her arch rival Bulcher in Kzuco.

To get there go to Cite de la mar and take the portal to Port of 
cite de la mar. 
Port of Cite de la Mar

Here Go into the Tunnel to Kzuco. 

Tunnel to Kzuco

Pass through the tunnel to the Outlands of Kzuco. 

Outlands of Kzuco
Now we're under water what a welcome change of scenery.
If you come across any orange named sea devil make sure to get the 
omniscient jellyfish that he drops.
Continue to Kzuco. 


There talk to Bulcher who will try to make you 
assassinate Marinka.
Port back to Marinka to report what happened. She will ask of you 
to do the same to Bulcher. For that purpose we need a Sphere of 
Assassination, which only can be crafted by Calypso. 
This guy lives in the Sunvalley. Go back to the Plains map from 
here to the Nueva Vegas outlands and then to Sunvalley.

Plains-> Nueva Vegas Outlands -> Sunvalley

Talk to Calypso here and he will tell you to get some stuff for 
crafting the sphere.

1. Oak juice. Get it by doing the trees sidequest on the plains.

2. Omniscient jellyfish. Get it from a orange sea devil found 
   everywhere underwater.

3. 10 pelts of the stone coyote.........Again! Oh well. 
   There are some on the “Desert Outland” here in Act III. 
   To reach it take following path: 
   Cite de la mar->Westcoast->Desert Outland

Cite de la Mar -> Westcoast -> Desert Outland

4. A piece of silver. This can be found in the cave. 
   The cave portal is located  on the cliff belt map. 
   Inside the cave there will be a mark over a container 
   that holds the silver. The cliff Belt can be entered through 
   Nueva Vegas or the Nueva Vegas outland.

Nueva Vegas or Nueva Vegas Outlands -> Cliff Belt

Once you got everything you need take it to Calypso who will 
create the sphere for you.
Take this to Bulcher and use it after you did your preparations 
for battle.

Boss: Bulcher
During the fight she will summon some help but overall its a 
pretty easy fight. After you won you can go back to Marinka 
to tell her about it.

Now the portal to the kingdom of air will be opened for you in 

I recommend stocking up scrolls of spells you plan to level up. 
There are many clergymen around Cite de la mar and Nueva Vegas but 
almost none from here on. So buy as many as you think you will need to
finish the game. I would say five to seven extra should suffice. 
Make sure you have at least one level at Watersphere or a scroll of 
the same to learn it later.

When you feel ready to leave the first three Acts behind climb 
the stairs of which you actually can fall off from 
(that's some neat realism) and enter the portal. 

7.4 Good walkthrough Act IV                                 [gwalk4]

Village of Ciel

Welcome to the kingdom of air. Enjoy the new and beautiful scenery!
Talk to mayor Luo. Go to Yokozunas tower.

Go to Yokozunas tower

Talk to Yokozuna and deliver him to justice if you feel like it. 
Stop by the mayor then continue on to your next target. 
Make your way to Arlington.

South West or West Plain  -> Arlington

Prepare fo battle. Then talk to Molay but he shouldn´t give you any
real trouble. Go back to mayor Luo, then talk to Miei. You know, 
I kinda like the design of the tables around here. After Miei openes 
up the path to Ingsoc take on the following journey:

Arlington -> Garden of Arlington -> Keijigawa River -> Ingsoc


Inside this city of snow and ice talk to commander Shen. Go put the dust 
off the librarians books. While your in town get some tattoos 
from Midori,they are pretty good.

Go back to Shen.

Now take either glacier path.

Glacier Wasteland: Road to Dilly Qua or Glacial Wasteland: Atchi-ni-Ikeyo River

Seeing some Samurai playing hokey with a penguin was a first time
for me. Still in awe from the spectacle Continue on to Dilly Qua.

Dilly Qua
Talk to the elders, fulfill their last wish of the elders.
Before you enter Castle de Miracle make sure you have all the 
spell scrolls you will need for the rest of the game which could be
worth some level ups. If you haven't learned the Watersphere Spell yet 
learn it now or at least take a scroll of it with you. Also if you 
want to complete the additional main quest with the totems of the
Samurai clans now is the last chance.

Castle de Miracle

Once ready enter castle de miracle.

Boss: Phaid
Hmm let me think where do I know this guy from? Oh yeah he was in 
the casino of Nueva Vegas well I never thought he was actually the 
Boss of the fourth Act. It got a certain randomness to it but I like it.  
Phaid can be a bit hard. He will constantly run around, stun you with 
flash and summon mirror images of himself. They are called Phaid the 
gambler while the real ones name is just Phaid. His images explode 
upon defeat and do major damage to anyone near so make sure you are 
not around there. 

Make sure you loot the bright chests on each site fast or even during 
the fight because the castle will collapse around you after the battle
which concludes this act.

7.5 Good Walkthrough Act V                                    [gwalk5]
The damned city

Welcome to hell

It seems like Modo started to turn the world in a lava flooded 
wasteland. That cant be tolerated at all so off we go. Talk to 
Lars he will explain what we should do.

You now have to break all elemental seals.  
The seals are broken by  defeating the Boss in the approximate 
center off the map.

Have fun in there. The dark path skill will be an invaluable 
help for faster travel around here. But I also suggest that you 
level up to at the very least level 18 better to 20 or above.

When you have broken all the seals you like (at least either all 
dark or all light) go back to the damned city, where a giant 
skeleton dragon has appeared. Talk to Lars or go for it directly.

This “Boss” should be somewhat of a pushover. The upcoming Last 
Boss however is not so make very thorough preparations. Now that the 
destiny dragon is no more you can enter Modos Stronghold. From 
there there will be no turning back so I would suggest that you 
fill up your potions and put some extra 
life potions into the vault of the summonable Genie merchant.

Level Up your spells and make very sure you have one level of the 
Watersphere spell. This one will be vital in the next battle. 

Until this point of the game I would say you could have made it with 
almost every somewhat decent character build but at this point you
 will have to proof it is truly worth anything.

Enter Modos stronghold.

Move a bit towards the center and make some conversation with our 
long time friend Modo at least.
This will lead to the two of you will diverge in an epic End Boss 
battle and we certainly expected nothing less.

End Boss: Modo

Modo is a freaking magic spamming and somewhat cowardly monster 
to put it short.
Modo will start to fire his whole arsenal of destructive spells at you.
This showering of death consists of every elemental magic except 
poison and radiation. Tons of Fireballs, Iceblasts, Balls of thunder,
Tornados, Boulders and Bone spears. If you get stuck into that 
stream your as good as done for. His spells tend to stun you and
push you back.  If you get hit try to dark path away and regroup.
His Magic can be massively crippled by the Watersphere spell. 
If you place it between him and yourself all elemental projectiles
will get suck up into the shield. His boulder and bone spear spells
will still pass through. To undo those you have to place the Watersphere 
in a way in which it also covers Modo's body somewhat. Now all 
spells should cease to reach you. 

You will have the problem that if you depend on elemental damage other
 then light.
Your bone spears, boulders and Kiss of the Gorgon Spells will get to 
Modo just fine making this fight a lot more easy.

If you use fireballs or the likes you have to place Watersphere between 
you and Modo. Now move to either site fast and try to hit him with a 
spell without getting hit to hard yourself. This can take a while and 
needs some Dexterity of yours.

Modo also has a health point regeneration but its not that fast. 
Even if you go down some times his health will stay approximately at 
the point it left off so you can battle down Modo over time, 
if your persistent and frustration resistant.

There are some minions nearby that can curse you, generally Id suggest 
that you can ignore them since Modo will take care of them himself 
but if you get slowed its better to retreat temporally.

When Modo at least goes down make sure to loot anything he drops and 
then sit back ad enjoy the ending Sequence, even though we don'texactly
know whats going on its still great.
After the sequence is over you will be back in the main menu.

Congratulations! You have beaten a game many people give up on after 
a short while. That's kind of a feat!

And guess what there is more to be done. If you select your character 
you now can enter the next level of difficulty.

So if you want to see everything you will have to go through this game 
3 times with every of the 4 choose able characters for the good, neutral 
and evil path and this for the 3 difficulty settings summing up to a 
total of 36 playthroughs. 

I suggestdoing a playthrough with a neutral alignet character once,
maybe choose a different character and spell set.

No matter What you do from here on, I hope you enjoyed the game and 
reading this walkthrough. See you around sometime! 


8.1 Evil walkthrough Act I                                      [ewalk1]

Avon Magic Academy

After watching the gerat opening sequence we find ourselves in the academy 
of Avon. Go talk to Magnus. After that talk to 
the three teachers and while doing that choose three spell schools to 
begin with.

My recommendation for the start up is fire magic, summoning and blessing.
You will have a companion, some ranged damage output and get a speed buff 
which is the most important. You can switch out fire magic for any other 
damaging magic you might prefer. 
I recommend that you don't level up the blessing mastery because we will 
make good use of those spare spellpoints soon.

Assign all your new spells as well as the dark path skill. First of all 
cast the sandals of angels 
spell and never ever be without it again.

With a significant Speed up go talk to Magnus again.
He will know give you a task to graduate from the magic academy.
Since your evil  you will have to defeat ten coyotes without being killed.

I recommend boosting your bash skill with a damage dealing passive skill 
(like fire mastery) for extra melee damage, try to finish of scorpions 
the other mages injured already.
The task is a bit daunting because the pupils will attack you mercilessly 
and they have all the nasty spells like spikes and stun so be careful.

Ones you completed our task go back to Magnus which will now allow us to 
go to Avon to talk to Eric. Horray no more school, but I guess a magic 
school isn't too bad.I suggest doing Lars sidequest now because it will 
be unavailable later on. 

When your done around here go to the portal and enter Avon.


Welcome to Avon!
What a fine city it is. You will find yourself in the Company of Morok.
Talk to Morok to get some extra information about the important folk 
around here. You also can trade with him and get some recipes or 
rune words. There's also a guy named Uvasol Skydrag near by 
he sells weapons or armor. If he sells armor look for boots 
that speed you up by 12%. There should be some you can wear or 
can be worn after you spend 1 
stat point.

Now look at your map. I cant give you precise directions because with 
every new game the city changes its blueprint slightly.

Try to figure out a person called Roc if Uvasol didn't have boots 
for you. Roc is the blacksmith and he sells some precious armor 
equipment. He should have some boots for you. 
If he doesn't have any you can go back to the academy and come back 
to reset his inventory.

With enhanced speed we can know explore this wonderful town.
Feel free to look around thorough.
There are numerous side quest that you can do around here. Check 
the sidequest section for details and recommendations or try to 
figure them out for yourself.

Before you take those on I suggest you visit the unholy church and 
trade with the unholy clergyman to get new scrolls. For now I suggest 
getting the Pentagram scrolls, pentagram mastery, demons web, Petrus 
Gate and optional but fun rat trap. With those many many sidequests in 
this game will become more easily solvable. Also if you want to be a 
summoning type get the demon and or champion.
The stun and earthquake spell as well as the flash spell are also very 
useful but not a necessity right now. Should none of the clergyman has 
what you want reload the map.

I recommend doing at least one level up outside the town walls and keep 
your eyes peeled for special mobs that drop potions. Sell chi potions 
for good early money.

Once you feel confident talk to Eric, who will tell you to go hunting 
stone coyotes and collect their pelt.

For that purpose move on to the portal to The miners village.

Miner´s village

Here you will notice a change of the monsters present. There are 
mostly goblins around.
Be careful with those shamans and goblin warriors. Take out the warriors 
from afar and the shamans last in melee. You can focus on the stone 
coyotes but you also can visit the village.
When your done collecting all the pelts make your way back to Eric.

He will thank you for your efforts and direct you to the unholy church.

They will tell you about a half human named Mullog and tell you to find 
him and help him to complete the spell for Modo, but first we need some 
information on where his hideout is.

Go to the miners village for that purpose. Question the miners around 
Sooner or later the harassed miner will tell you that Mullog's cave is 
northwest of here, so make your way to the North Outlands portal. 

North Outlands -> Mullog's cave

Now that you have the information there should be a portal to 
Mullog's cave. Inside the cave cave go left then right then right
again to reach it from the back or go right then left then left again. 

Mullog's den

When you reach  Mullog's den go left then right and right again to 
reach him from the back.
These caves aren't to big. Talk to Mullog at the end of the dungeon. 
He kinda reminds me of somebody, must be my precious imagination.

Mullog will port out. Therefor its time to leave as well. Make your 
way back to the last portal and go back to Avon.

Report to the unholy, who will tell you that a monk has set out to 
stop Mullog. 
Now your task will be to get rid of that monk.

Make your way to the  South outlands. From here move on to the Mines.
Continue to the Culvert.

South or East Outlands -> Mines -> Culvert

Inside you will start in a 4 cross intersection. Go north and stick 
to the right.Go straight at the next 4 cross intersection and ultimately
right at the T intersection to reach the  Near culvert.

Note that in the far culvert there is an item to be found that triggers 
a sidequest. Nothing of major importance. Do it if you feel like 
spending some more quality time in this hospitable location.

Near culvert

Make your way to the silver mine entrance and ignore the yellow dots 
on the map.Now that you need directions the most I cant provide any. 
This map is generated very randomly.
Note that the game makes a habit of not connecting the the portals 
in a straight line. You can kill the miners but honestly don't bother. 

Try to reach the Silver mines before you loose your temper in this 
potential dead end paradise.And prepare for battle before porting in.

Silver Mines
Without further delay the battle with the monk breaks out.

Boss: The Friar
He runs away all the time and casts wind magic as well as to summon help.
 He will ressurect himself two times before he goes down finally. 
This fight is pretty cool because the Monk chants in Latin.

After the battle loot the bright chests hopefully for some good stuff. 
Enter Mullog's altar. 

Mullog's altar

Mullog will perform a ritual to complete a spell 
for Modo. When that's done
check out the three small rooms. They all are filled with our favorite 
bright chests. Loot to your hearts content. After that go back to Avon.

Talk to the unholy clergimen who will congratulate you and suggest to 
visit Veronish. To travel there talk to the Caravan merchant. 
He should be close to Eric in the center of town. This concludes Act I.

8.2 Evil Walkthrough Act II                                     [ewalk2]

Diamond Forest Outlands

You are now in the Diamond Forest Outlands. Talk to the merchant 
once more. Then make your way to the only portal available.

Road to Veronish 

On the Road to Veronish take on the two available sidequests if you 
want to and move on to Veronish.


Dark path your way into the city and make yourself at home in this 
beautiful town in the woods.
I suggest you pay Gregor and Gemma a visit to learn something about 
the people around here. Now wait a minute Raoul is an enchanter!?, 
like in the skill to infuse equipment with the power of runes.
Make your way to Raoul to lead the following imaginary conversation.

Me: Raoul, I have come to claim your soul!
Raoul: Good day to you too.
Me: The only way to save your miserable life is to enchant my 
    equipment with the power of runes.
Raoul: I see.
Me: Haha very smart, so your going to do it?
Raoul: No.
Me: What?! You imbecile prepare to feel my iron fist!
Raoul: Go right ahead.
Me:.....*sob my evil methods failed me.

When your done with that, talk to Capri. She will ask you to find 
some missing clergymen. While your around you also can talk to the 
most lovely Heidi who has lost her armlet.
After that make your way to  the Diamond forest Valley of rain.

Diamond Forest Valley of Rain

From here move on to the Diamond forest Hunting grounds.

Diamond Forest Hunting Grounds

Search this map for the clergymen. This can take a while but 
keep at it.
When you find them talk to them and escort them to the Portal. 
If they make it or not is note sooo very important. 

Now return to Capri in Veronish and inform her about the outcome.
She will now tell you about a mage called Hotblack and that you 
should search for him.

Make your way back to the Road to Veronish and here take the Portal 
to the Lake Village. 

Lake Village

Have a little break or continue on to the diamond 
Forest Thicket.

Diamond Forest Thicket

On this map you will notice a green marked character. 
Make your way there and talk to the gypsy. 
Instead of greeting us properly she will accuse us of being 
slave traders! We have no choice but to defend against her and her 
follower fanatics. 
This can be a bit hectic because there are many enemies and probably 
some monsters from the surrounding as well. Keep an eye on your health 
and you should be fine this isn't too bad.

Make sure to collect any good drops and loot the nearby bright chests. 
After that make your way into the much heard about Lovebondagden.

No signs of slaves anywhere, everyone seems to have a great time 
around these parts. Stay as long as you wish and make sure to listen 
to some of the fun conversations. Enjoy your time in here as it wont 
last long. Make your way to the end and talk to Arthur! Ha I really 
didn't see it coming.
After that talk to Hotblack who doesn't seem to be a bad guy at all. 
He will ask for your help in Desiato and tell you about a bandit named 
Joey that can help you with a pass. When your ready talk to him again 
and select leave. Note that you cant come back here once you do this. 

You will find yourself back at Lake village. Joey and his man have 
appeared on the map so go talk to him. Urgh okay here is what is 
going to happen: Joey will give you requests to do stuff for him 
and ultimately betray you... So my suggestion is spare to yourself 
some annoying walking and the questionable honor of helping bandits. 
We are way too evil to be bossed around by a common bandit!

Prepare for battle and hit Joey by holding down the lock on enemies 
button. Loot the bright chests preferably before that. Now all of 
Joeys boys will turn hostile. I recommend rat trap and mass stunning 
spells for this. Joey or one of his many friends will drop 
Heidi's lost armlet. Take it and leave the other bandits behind if 
you want to.

Go back to Veronish.

Talk to Heidi to get a Pass to Desiato. Also talk to Capri 
who will have some rewards for defeating Joey as well. 

Now move on to the Road to Desiato. 

Road to Desiato -> Road from Desiato

Talk to the gatekeepers and continue to the Road from Desiato. 
You can pay Beggars Valley a visit but its hardly worth it.


Upon entering Desiato you will find yourself in a skirmish of bandits. 
Talk to one of their leaders. He will tell you to find Hotblack. 
But before doing that lets put this city back to peace.

Here in Desiato there is a lady called Ligeia. She is the only merchant 
in the game that sells Blood magic scrolls just so you know. 
She also sells totems of undead creatures which can be used 
by alchemists.
When your done move on to the Diamon Forest Ruins.

Diamon Forest Ruins

From here go to Hoptblack's Pile. 

Hoptblack's Pile 
Talk to Hotblack here to learn that 
he needs some burning wood from the shadow of Desiato.

Back in the city there now is a new portal available.
Use it to reach Desiatos Shadow

Desiatos Shadow
Defeat some Monster. One burning wood is enough. 
More will get stuck in your inventory.

Go back to Hotblack and prepare for battle. He will finish the spell 
and a scholar and a granny will appear to give you a trashing. 

Boss: Granny and Scholar 
This can be somewhat challenging battle. I suggest to go after the 
Scholar first because the granny is overall tougher. Otherwise summon 
some help and stun them.

After your done loot the bright chests and go back to Desiato.
Here you will hear some noise from a well. Go to the Spa and while your 
there buy a rope from Kiona. Now go back to the well and "descend". 


Make your way to the other side and exit. 

8.3 EvilWalkthrough Act III                                    [ewalk3]


In the newly discovered land make your way to Neuva Vegas. On the way 
do the sidequest given by the most charming tree you'll ever meet. 
It is needed later anyways. MOve on to Nueva Vegas.

Nueva Vegas

Once you arrive take your time to enjoy the bright atmosphere of the 
place and take a walk around town to say hi to everybody.

While your at this talk to General Battista to progress the story.
He will tell you a lot about this land and its current situation and 
tells you that you need to go to Cite de la mar.

To do so make your way to Asb Ibn mamuhd and talk to him. 

He will demand ten bones from you to let you pass through the portal. 
Go to the Southcoast Portal and on this map defeat enemies until you 
get all the bones you need. It can take 15 minutes uo to 45 minutes 
depending on how willingly the enemies drop the bones so be patient.

When you got all the bones return and give them to the portal guard. 
Now enter Cite de la mar.

Cite de la mar

What a big and pompous city it is indeed. Talk to lets just call
him Luke and ask for an audience with senator Marinka. Enter her 

Senator Marinka's Chambers
Have a chat with her.She will ask you to visit her arch rival 
Bulcher in Kzuco.

Cite de la mar -> Port of cite de la mar -> Tunnel to Kzuco 

To get there go to Cite de la mar and take the portal to Port of 
cite de la mar. Here Go into the Tunnel to Kzuco. Pass through the 
tunnel to the Outlands of Kzuco. 
Outlands of Kzuco
Now we're under water what a welcome change of scenery.

If you come across any orange named sea devil make sure to get the 
omniscient jellyfish that he drops.

Continue on to Kzuco. 

Here talk to Bulcher who will ask of you to assassinate Marinka.
For that purpose we need a Sphere of Assassination, which only can 
be crafted by Calypso. This guy lives in the Sunvalley. Go back to 
the Plains map from here to the Nueva Vegas outlands and then to 
Plains -> Nueva Vegas Outlands -> Sunvalley

Talk to Calypso here and he will tell you to get some stuff for 
crafting the sphere.

1. Oak juice. Get it by doing the trees sidequest on the plains.

2. Omniscient jellyfish. Get it from a orange sea devil found 
   everywhere underwater.

3. 10 pelts of the stone coyote.........Again! Oh well. 
   There are some on the “Desert Outland” here in Act III. 
   To reach it take following path: 
   Cite de la mar->Westcoast->Desert Outland

Cite de la Mar -> Westcoast -> Desert Outland

4. A piece of silver. This can be found in the cave. 
   The cave portal is located  on the cliff belt map. 
   Inside the cave there will be a mark over a container 
   that holds the silver. The cliff Belt can be entered through 
   Nueva Vegas or the Nueva Vegas outland.

Nueva Vegas or Nueva Vegas Outlands -> Cliff Belt

Once you got everything you need take it to Calypso who will create
the sphere for you.

Take this to Marinka and use it after you did your preparations 
for battle.

Boss: Marinka
During the fight she will have help but overall its a pretty easy fight.

After you won you can go back to Bulcher to tell her about it.

Now the portal to the kingdom of air will be opened for you in Kzuco. 
I recommend stocking up scrolls of spells you plan to level up. 
There are many clergymen around Cite de la mar and nueva Vegas but
almost none from here on. So buy as many as you think you will need 
to finish the game. Id say five to seven extra should suffice.
Make sure you have at least one level at Watersphere or a scroll 
of the same to learn it later.

When you feel ready to leave the first three Acts behind you climb 
the stairs of which you actually can fall off from (that's some neat 
realism) and enter the portal. 

8.4 Evil walkthrough Act IV                                    [ewalk4]

Village of Ciel

Welcome to the kingdom of air. Enjoy the new and beautiful scenery!
Talk to mayor Luo. Go to Yokozunas tower.

Go to Yokozunas tower

Talk to Yokozuna. He will try to boss us around. 
Instead of listening to him be a good ambitious evil character and 
take him on. After he is no more go back to the mayor to learn
about your next destination.

South West or West Plain  -> Arlington

Prepare fo battle. Molay will try the same as Yokozuna. So do him the 
same favor. He shouldn´t give you any real trouble. Go back to mayor Luo,
then talk to Miei. You know, I kinda like the design of the tables around here. 
After Miei openes up the path to Ingsoc take on the following journey:

Arlington -> Garden of Arlington -> Keijigawa River -> Ingsoc


Inside this city of snow and ice talk to commander Shen. Go put the dust 
off the librarians books. While your in town get some tattoos 
from Midori,they are pretty good.

Go back to Shen.Then take either glacier path.

Glacier Wasteland: Road to Dilly Qua or Glacial Wasteland: Atchi-ni-Ikeyo River

Seeing some Samurai playing hokey with a penguin was a first time for me.
Still in awe from the spectacle Continue on to Dilly Qua.

Dilly Qua
Talk to the elders, fulfill their last wish of the elders.
Before you enter Castle de Miracle make sure you have all the 
spell scrolls you will need for the rest of the game which could be
worth some level ups. If you haven't learned the Watersphere Spell yet 
learn it now or at least take a scroll of it with you. Also if you 
want to complete the additional main quest with the totems of the
Samurai clans now is the last chance.

Castle de Miracle

Once ready enter castle de miracle.

Boss: Phaid
Hmm let me think where do I know this guy from? Oh yeah he was in 
the casino of Nueva Vegas well I never thought he was actually the 
Boss of the fourth Act. It got a certain randomness to it but I like it.  
Phaid can be a bit hard. He will constantly run around, stun you with 
flash and summon mirror images of himself. They are called Phaid the 
gambler while the real ones name is just Phaid. His images explode 
upon defeat and do major damage to anyone near so make sure you are 
not around there. 

Make sure you loot the bright chests on each site fast or even during 
the fight because the castle will collapse around you after the battle
which concludes this act.

8.5 Evil walkthrough Act V                                        [ewalk5]
The Damned city

Welcome to hell!
It seems like Modo started to turn the world in a lava flooded wasteland. 
That cant be tolerated at all so off we go. Talk to Lars he will explain 
what we should do.

Your task will be to breack any daytime related seals.
The seals are broken by defeating the Boss in the approximate center 
off the map.

Have fun in there. The dark path skill will be an invaluable help for 
faster travel around here. But I also suggest that you level up to at 
the very least level 18 better to 20 or above.

When you have broken all the seals you like (at least either all dark 
or all light) go back to the damned city, where a giant skeleton dragon 
has appeared. Talk to Lars or go for it directly.

This “Boss” should be somewhat of a pushover. The upcoming Last Boss 
however is not so make very thorough preparations. Now that the destiny 
dragon is no more you can enter Modo's Stronghold. From there there will
be no turning back so I would suggest that you fill up your potions and 
put some extra life potions into the vault of the summonable Genie 

Level Up your spells and make very sure you have one level of the 
Watersphere spell. This one will be vital in the next battle. 

Until this point of the game I would say you could have made it with 
almost every somewhat decent character build but at this point you 
will have to proof it is truly worth anything.

Enter Modo's stronghold.

Move a bit towards the center and make some conversation with our long 
time friend Modo at least.
Modo doesn't seem to care an awful lot about what we did for him all 
this time and you will diverge in an epic End Boss battle and we 
certainly expected nothing less. 

End Boss: Modo

Modo is a freaking magic spamming and somewhat cowardly monster.
Modo will start to fire his whole arsenal of destructive spells at you.
This showering of death consists of every elemental magic except poison 
and radiation.
Tons of Fireballs, Iceblasts, Balls of thunder, Tornados, Boulders and 
Bone spears. 
If you get stuck into that stream your as good as done for. His spells 
tend to stun you and push you back.  If you get hit try to dark path 
away and regroup. His Magic can be massively crippled by 
the Watersphere spell. If you place it between him and yourself all 
elemental projectiles will get suck up into the shield. His boulder and 
bone spear spells will still pass through. To undo those you have to 
place the Watersphere in a way in which it also covers Modo's body 
somewhat. Now all spells should cease to reach you. 

You will have the problem that if you depend on elemental damage 
other then light. Your bone spears, boulders and Kiss of the Gorgon 
Spells will get to Modo just fine making this fight a lot more easy.

If you use fireballs or the likes you have to place Watersphere 
between you and Modo. Now move to either site fast and try to hit 
him with a spell without getting hit to hard yourself. This can 
take a while and needs some Dexterity of yours.

Modo also has a health point regeneration but its not that fast. 
Even if you go down some times his health will stay approximately 
at the point it left off so you can battle down Modo over time, if 
your persistent and frustration resistant.

There are some minions nearby that can curse you, generally Id suggest 
that you can ignore them since Modo will take care of them himself but 
if you get slowed its better to retreat temporally.

When Modo at least goes down make sure to loot anything he drops and 
then sit back ad enjoy the Ending Sequence even though we don't really 
understand whats happening.

After the sequence you will be back in the main menu.

Congratulations! You have beaten a game many people give up on after
a short while. That's kind of a feat!

And guess what there is more to be done. If you select your character
 you now can enter the next level of difficulty. 

So if you want to see everything you will have to go through this game 
3 times with every of the 4 choose able characters for the good, neutral
and evil path and this for the 3 difficulty settings summing up to a total 
of 36 playthroughs. 

Since you decided to be evil I suggest trying out to be neutral with a 
different character and Spell set at least for one more playthrough. 

But anyway I hope you enjoyed the game and reading this walkthrough.
Have a nice day and see you around some time!



Sidequests                                                       [Siqe]

I ordered the sidequests by act and location. If you search for a 
specific one search for the name or the name of the quest giver.

9.1 Side quests Act I                                         [Sidqu1]

Avon magic academy

Name: The leaflets for the students
Quest giver: Professor Lars
Task: Give the sheets to the lazy students without being by any of the 
other professors.

Solution/Hints: If a professor other than Lars can sees you a red eye 
symbol appears over your head. If its too tricky wait until nightfall. 
Usually the students will leave the main building. At some point of the 
story Lars will leave the academy I suggest doing this quest right away.

Reward: Alchemy recipe random scroll, keg of avon dark ale 

Alignment: Every


Name: Children: The Gathering 
Quest giver: Mary Arden

Task: Bring back all her (own?) children. 
This quest is the first of the catch quests. They are more demanding 
then it first seems. I will now describe how they work. In the future 
I will label similar quests just with “catch” Quest so come back here 
If you need to know the strategy again. 

The task is to catch somebody that runs away by clicking on them. 
Now the target will follow you, this however only for a short time. 
After that they will try to run for it. This also happens if you go
 to far away or teleport away so only do so if they are locked up in 
demons web.

Solution/Hints: I recommend sandals of angels, 12% speedup boots and 
demons web. At first the most of them will come running in your 
direction use this to cast demons web cleverly. After that go after 
the ones that didn't run into the web and get them into the web as well.
 Recast the web before it runs down or they go running in all directions. 
Now cast the web so you are moving towards Mary Arden in this 
exemplary case. The last web should include Mary Arden so you can 
comfortably deliver the little rascals. This strategy will be needed 
for the higher levels, the first two can be done the old fashion way.

Reward: gold, 2 skill points after the fifth time of completion.
Alignment: Every


Name: Guards Request: Guard the city folk 
Quest giver: Ryan Dyhwal

Task: Defeat all bandits before they can reach their target. 
This is the first of the protection quests. Here is how they work.
There is somebody that is more or less stationary. Now enemies approach 
from various directions trying to harm and ultimately bring down the 
target/s. Your task is to defeat all approaching enemies or hold out a
certain period of time. Most enemies will stop going after their target 
if you attack them. This task is about bringing down all approaching 
enemies one. The bandits of this quest have the habit of getting stuck 
somewhere in the city. Before you go after them make sure no other of 
the orange dots is moving anymore.

Solution/Hints: I recommend the Petrus Gate spell with at least one 
level at Pentagram mastery (don't forget to put it in the second skill 
slot). In addition to that I recommend summoning the demon and the 
champion  or earthgolems. They are somewhat bad at hitting fast moving 
enemies but that is not a big problem ones Petrus gate is up. Wait till 
the enemies approach you and you see them moving on the map. Cast Petrus 
gate around the victim. Watch how the enemies run against the wall like 
mindless dolls. Use ranged magic from inside or run out and go into melee. 
Recast Petrus gate before it wears off. Make absolutely sure not to entrap 
one of the attackers into it.

Reward: gold, 1 stat point after the fifth time
Alignment: Every


Name: Forge Advertisement
Quest Giver: Roc
Repeatable: 3 times
Task: Deliver the ads to captains of the guard faster than the apprentices. 

Solution/Hints: Speed is everything here. You can also trap the apprentices 
with demons web who all start right in front of the forge hehe to bad you 
cant dark path out of there huh?
Look at the map to spot blue dots. I highly recommend not to do the catch 
the thief quest or it'll  mess with your map permanently.

Reward: Gold, homemade smithy item for completing three times
Alignment: Every


Name: Guards request: Thieves!
Quest giver: Agravain captain of the guard
Task:  Catch the thieves and deliver them to Agravain.

Solution/Hints: My first and only hint is: Don't bother with this 
quest! As far as I can tell you only can get gold and its a never
ending quest because the thieves spawn endlessly. They annoy me 
when I do the protecting or advertisement quest since they are also 
blue dots on the map. Furthermore after starting the quest I feel like
living in a thief infested town. Talk to Agravain once to make his 
character go from green to yellow if you like.

Reward: gold
Alignment: Every


Name: The Art of Hunting
Quest Giver: Allen Quarterman
Repeatable: yes
Task: Hunt done the stone coyote and his underlings.
Solution/Hints: Try to get rid of the stone coyote first top get the 
best rewards you can do it while cleaning the outskirts of the city..

Reward: Experience, Items
Alignment: Every


Name: Brother Dominic's mission

Quest Giver: Brother Dominic
Repeatable: yes
Task: Defeat the unholy clergymen before they can set foot into the 
holy church.

Solution/Hints: Be careful they are quiet though if you do this often 
while being at a low level.
Use demons web to trap them. Use summoning for support. If you like 
you can get the help of one monk. I recommend to wait for them. 
You lose if one heretic passes through the churches door. The path 
to it is somewhat narrow so you can lay a trap with the demon web. 
The only risk is that the web fades before all heretics are taken 
care of so be careful.

Reward: gold, 1 stat point and exp for the fifth completion
Alignment: good and neutral

Name: The task of Sargonas
Quest Giver: Sargonas
Repeatable: yes
Task: Assassinate the monks before they recruit a certain number of man.

Solution/Hints: Speed is everything here. The monks wont fight back, 
they wont even try to run away. However the surrounding guards and 
townsfolk as well as the deadly horses will turn hostile against you, 
so be prepared to get zapped a bit. Once you return to Sargonas 
they will stop being hostile. Alternatively you can use a teleporter 
to reload the map.

Reward: gold, exp and 1 stat point upon completing it the fifth time 
Alignment: Evil


Name: The talisman of eternal life
Quest Giver: Fiona
Repeatable: no
Task: Deliver an amulet of eternal life to Fiona.
Solution/Hints: Have a look at accessories shop like Sancta's. 
Sooner or later you will come across one.

Reward: Random magic item
Alignment: Every

Miners village

Name: The goblin matron
Quest Giver: Mun
Repeatable: yes
Task: Defeat Eiji and her goblin guards.

Solution/Hints: This quest is accessible early on. It can be challenging 
in the beginning. The difficulty comes from the fact that Eijis 
guards re spawn endlessly as long as she is around.
Make sure to clear out the area around them from normal enemies before 
engaging Eiji and her mob. Use mass effecting spells like rat trap. 
Use mass stun spells like earthquake or flash to give you and your 
summoned friends time to deal with Eiji first. Eiji also has got the 
queen of hearts damage absorbing shield, so don't be confused if you 
don't deplete her health right away. Once shes no more take care of 
the rest of her bodyguards and return to Mun.

Reward: Experience and two spell points for the first completion, 
then gold
Alignment: Every


Name: The rescue of the coalminer's daughter
Quest Giver: Lance
Repeatable: no
Task: Save the miners daughter from Mullog's clutches.

Solution/Hints: You actually can meet her and talk to her in Mullog's cave.
 Shortly after that conversation she will be ported away which is probably 
Mullog's doing. If you continue the story you will undoubtedly witness her 
fate. On the one hand this is a heart wrenching quest. On the other hand 
it makes the world appear more a life to me. Her father doesn't know her 
fate so in good old manner he will ask the next hero to save her. 
That means we are taking in the view of the involved characters and 
not the view of the all knowing programmer who usually only sets up 
“rewarding” quests. I like this different approach a lot and who knows 
maybe there is a way to save her after all if you know anymore about 
this don't hesitate to let me know. 

Reward: the bittersweet feeling of knowing you did your best....
Alignment: good and neutral


Name: Broken machinery
Quest Giver: Darton
Repeatable: no
Task: get the families ore breaker back from the goblin thief.

Solution/Hints: Follow your map to the orange dot, dispose of 
the goblin, take the item, return.

Reward: gold, random magic item

Alignment: Any

--Northeast wasteland--

Name: Help the Shepard
Quest Giver: Gisko
Repeatable: no
Task: Cure the sheep of the shepard that have been transformed into wyvern 
by hitting them.

Solution/Hints: Follow the orange marks at the edge of your map to 
the wyvern and hit them until they return to sheep......who in their 
right mind would choose sheep over wyvern as pets? 
But I guess they just got all the fluffiness on their site. Return to 
Gisko after you “cured” all of them.

Reward: gold
Alignment: good/neutral


Name: Sheep for the shaman
Quest Giver: Uldin, the evil shaman himself
Repeatable: endlessly
Task: Bring sheep to the shaman so he can turn them into wyvern.

Solution/Hints: This one is like the quest with the thieves and honestly 
don't bother with this one. The pay is bad the sheep don't follow you for 
long and tend to get beating up by the monsters around. 

Reward: gold, sadly enough no wyvern army for you is to be gained here...
Alignment: neutral/evil

Southern outlands

Name: The Lost child
Quest Giver: Anna
Repeatable: ? I guess not.
Task: Find Valen.
Solution/Hints: I am unable to find him, anyone can help out?

Reward: ? gold, exp, random magic item

Alignment: Any

Dream River, nice name for a goblin infested wasteland

Name: The great shaman
Quest Giver: Ukh or Johnny
Repeatable: no
Task: Free Ukh the shaman.
Solution/Hints: Prepare for battle then  talk to Ukh and free him. 
When you enter you will see that Johnny is marked green for being a 
quest relevant character. This will cease once you take care of Ukh 
since Johnny only gives a hint towards Ukhs quest.

Reward: Whatever is dropped, which is usually nothing extraordinary 
in my case.
Alignment: Any


Name: The goblin recruits
Quest Giver: Blade master the goblin major
Repeatable: yes
Task: Catch the recruits.

Solution/Hints: They must stay unharmed so clear a relatively big area 
around the blade master from mosnters. I really didn't know that goblin
recruits are being treated so motherly, it kinda warms my heart.  
As for a strategy use the same you used for Mary Ardens kids.

Reward: gold, 2 skill points for completing the fifth level.
Alignment: Any


Name: Bridge: Stop the goblins
Quest Giver: Gerres the bridge guard
Repeatable: yes
Task: Don't let the goblins cross the bridge.

Solution/Hints: Demon web and Petrus Gate will make this quest a breeze.
 Place them right in front of the bridge. I just hope their not the goblins
 we recruited earlier.

Reward: gold, experience and 2 spell points for completing the level 
with ten goblins.
Alignment: good/neutral


Name: Bridge: Stop the men
Quest Giver: Zakhulukhun
Repeatable: yes
Task: stop the guards from crossing the bridge.

Solution/Hints: Its the same quest as the above now your just on the 
goblins side. If you are neutral and want some extra fun do those 
quests at the same time and pit the opposing sides in the center of 
the bridge via a demons web. Unfortunately they wont engage each other 
in combat but that would be awesome.

Reward: gold, experience and 2 spell points for completing the level 
with ten guards.
Alignment: neutral/evil


Name: Captive Goblins
Quest Giver: Roger
Repeatable: yes
Task: Protect the captives by defeating all the attackers.

Solution/Hints: The attackers always come from the same direction in my
case south east. Remember that and prepare something tasty for them or 
play save and guard the goblins with Petrus Gate. As long as one survives 
were good.

Reward:gold, exp and 1 stat point at the fifth completion
Alignment: Any


Name: The tomb snake
Quest Giver: Bark the head miner 
Repeatable: no
Task: defeat the giant snake near the graveyard

Solution/Hints: prepare for battle and follow the orange mark on the map.

Reward: Gold, jacks madu
Alignment: Any

Far Culvert

Name: The lost schedule
Quest Giver: Item that drops from a special mob in the far culvert 
Task: bring the schedule to Magnus
Solution/Hints: everything has been said but how did it came here? 
Are the goblins studying the schedules to invade the school during 
history lesson while everybody is asleep? Well we'll never really 
know since we crossed their plans.
Reward: Exp, gold, random magic item
Alignment: Any

9.2 Side quests Act II                                        [Sidqu2]

Diamond forest Outland
Name: Fire termite eggs
Quest Giver: Fador the egg collector
Repeatable: endlessly
Task: Defeat fire termites 
Solution/Hints: Don't bother.
Reward: Gold
Alignment: Any

Road to Veronish

Name: Vampire Hunt
Quest Giver: Lance Henrickson, the vampire slayer
Repeatable: Yes
Task: Wait til its dark. Then go to the X marked spot on the map and
put the vampire lord and his minions to eternal rest.

Solution/Hints: I suggest not to wait till its dark but to keep an eye 
out for the daytime while doing the other quests around here and
cleaning the map of monsters.

Reward: Some exp  and 3 spell points! 
Alignment: Any


Name: Escaped Prisoner
Quest Giver: Mareck, Jacob and Jan
Repeatable: No
Task: Find the wanted subject.

Solution/Hints: You can search all you want and never find any escapee. 
What you will come across is a giant beef eating rabbit instead. 
Defeat it and it ill drop a smugglers skull the poor guy seems to had 
some curious similarities to a carrot or bad karma. Take the skull to 
any of the guards.

Reward: Exp, gold and a random magic item
Alignment: Any

Name: Smugglers fate
Quest Giver: Jan Salo
Repeatable: yes
Task: Deliver the package from Jan Salo to Lando without being knocked 
out by the pursuers. Those two make me think about gazing into the 
starry night sky and think about some hairy thing.

Solution/Hints: Speed is all you need and perhaps some lightning 

Reward: gold, exp and 3 skill points after round five
Alignment: Every (why good?)


Name: Smugglers in town 
Quest Giver: Shorty Yoshi
Repeatable: Yes
Task: Don't let the smugglers reach the profiteer and collect their 
dropped goods.

Solution/Hints: Always stay somewhat close to the profiteer. 
The smugglers spawn in waves and make a habit of spawning near 
the profiteer when you go out far to approach them yourself.

Reward: gold, exp and 3 spell points (I got this during the first 
round, try to get all the smuggler goods.
Alignment: good/ neutral


Name: The Hunt
Quest Giver: Capri
Repeatable: endlessly
Task: Hunt for the demanded totems. 
Solution/Hints: Pretty self explanatory. Don't bother though keep 
the totems to yourself for alchemists.

Reward: Gold
Alignment: Every

Diamond forest valley of rain

Name: Smugglers
Quest Giver:Thomas
Repeatable: yes
Task: Hunt down the smugglers and collect proof.
Solution/Hints: Don't bother.
Reward: Gold
Alignment: Every

Lake Village

Name: Guarding the cows
Quest Giver: Santiago, the cowherd
Task: Protect the cows.
Solution/Hints:Typical protect Quest. Use petrus gate or demons web.

Reward: Gold (where does a cowherd gets this kind of money?), exp 
and 1 stat point for repeated doing, I think it was 5 times.
Alignment: Every


Name: The old Woman's goose
Quest Giver: Akkna Kebnekaiser
Task: Catch all the goose.
Solution/Hints: The goose are hard to click on because of their size. 
Press down left alt to highlight their names and zoom in with the camera. 
Otherwise its pretty much the same as the other catch quest so far but 
the goose doesn't seem to care much about running away once their caught
 what a relief.

Reward: gold, exp and 3 skill points upon the sixth completion if 
I am not mistaken. 
Alignment: Every


Name: The youth of the love bondage den
Quest Giver: Blue Fox, the regular
Repeatable: no
Task: Hit him.
Solution/Hints: Do as he wish. See for yourself. If he is still 
standing contact me immediately.

Reward: malicious fun?
Alignment: Every

Road to Desiato

Name: Island Robber
Quest Giver: Roamer
Repeatable: no
Task: Defeat all the bandits and their leader
Solution/Hints: Phew they are numerous but that's all alright. 
Rat trap or demon web are effective. 

Reward: Exp, gold and a random magic item
Alignment: Every

Diamond forest: Beggars Valley

Name: Beef eating rabbits: feed the family
Quest Giver: Marcus
Repeatable: kinda
Task: Kill the beef eater rabbits.
Solution/hints: Don't bother.
Reward: around 80 gold....and a bad conscience. 
Alignment: Every

Name: Kill the beef eating rabbits
Quest Giver:
Repeatable: no
Task: Hit the Beefeater rabbits til they drop the bird meat but don't 
kill them. 
Solution/hints: It shouldn't be a problem not to finish them of since 
their pretty though. Its better to go without summoned friends.

Reward: around 40gold....a somewhat better conscience.
Alignment: Every


Name: Lost key
Quest Giver: Dominic
Repeatable: no?
Task: Find the lost key in the Diamond forest pasture. 
Solution/hints: I am unable to complete this one. The key is nowhere 
in the pasture. On the beggars valley map appears a green X mark in one 
building but I am unable to find anything extraordinary around there. 
Please let me know if you know something.
Reward: ?, probably gold, exp and a random magic item
Alignment: Every

Diamond forest backwoods

Name: Vermin
Quest Giver: John, the peasant
Task: Get rid of the giant vermin.
Solution/hints: Follow the orange marks on the map, hit the big guys
and return.
Reward: Exp, random magic item
Alignment: Every

Diamond forest Ruins

Name: Rare coins
Quest Giver: Yashek <>
Repeatable: yes 
Task: Collect rare coins dropped by the looters around.
Solution/hints: Well the only problem could be bringing down the looters. 
Deal a lot damage to them fast. Try to prevent them from porting by 
stunning or preferably flashing them.
The looter respawn every time you reenter the map, so have fun with 
farming a bit if you feel like it.

Reward: Gold 
Alignment: Every

9.3 Side quests Act III                                       [Sidqu3]


Quest Giver: Abu-da-deraht
Task: Dispose of the vermin that eats his root
Solution/Hints: They tend to flee from you. Use flash or earthquake to
make short work of them.

Reward: Oak juice
Alignment: Every

Nueva Vegas

Name: Bones for Builders
Quest Giver: Har ibn'Nadan 
Repeatable: no
Task: Collect ten white bones.
Solution/Hints: I recommend doing this when you need to collect the ten 
animal bones for the main quest anyway or don't bother at all.

Reward: nothing...that's not much anything else?...sorry but no.
Alignment: Every

Cite de la mar

Name: Dogs
Quest Giver:Volka
Task: Catch the dogs
Solution/Hints: Do the usual, they wont run away. Use flash.

Reward: gold, exp and 4 skill points upon the fifth completion
Alignment: Every

Port of cite de la mar

Name: The rat Hunter
Quest Giver: Juga
Repeatable: endlessly
Task: Kill rats and bring proof.

Solution/Hints: Don't bother and let those cute rats be.

Reward: little gold
Alignment: every


Name: Linka and the Witch
Quest Giver: Karlek
Repeatable: no
Task: Rescue Linka from Baba jaga.
Solution/Hints: Go to the North-westcoast . Prepare for battle and talk 
to the witch. She will constantly summon her lovely flying pets. 
It really looks kinda cool. Apart from that she shouldn't give you 
too much trouble. After the fight talk to Linka. She will ask you to
 take her back to her mommy. The brave little girl will immediately 
start running towards the edge of the map. Try to escort her but honestly 
shes so fast that monsters have trouble seeing her coming. When Liunka 
reached the edge of the map you'll get a message that shes safe. Now go 
back to Julie for your reward. 

Reward: Exp, gold and a random magic item.
Alignment: good and neutral


Name: Demon gooswan Attack
Quest Giver: Seadarts-al-fau
Repeatable: Yes 
Task: kill the gooswans before they harm to many villagers.
Solution/Hints: Be offensive and use flash or earthquake, they aren't 
so tough. This quest will be available after you defeat the witch around 

Reward: gold,exp and 4 spellpoints for the fifth time
Alignment: Every


Name: Island of treasure
Quest Giver: Mustafa
Repeatable: yes..............
Task: Find the pirates treasure.... alias work your hands off on a 
force labor island.

Solution/Hints: Never ever do this quest. Instead of finding treasure you
will be doing monotone forced labor meaning carrying ore from one place 
to an other over and over again. Worse!, there is the possibility that the 
oven is located under water. This means,that you have no way to return 
to the world......and you can start the game over. If your curious do this 
quest once its kinda “fun” the first time.
Its atmospheric really.

Reward: -900 gold
Alignment: Every


Name: Senator of the dead city
Quest Giver: Calypso
Repeatable: no
Task: Go to the dead city and put the target to rest.
Solution/Hints: Simple enough. He shouldn't give you a hard time.

Reward: Exp, gold and the Anti-rat-guitar have fun with it but keep 
an eye on that abysmal durability.
Alignment: Every


Name: Ardashir's sheep 
Quest Giver: Ardashir, the shepard
Repeatable: yes
Task: Protect the sheep

Solution/Hints: This protection will be the most difficult. The enemies 
will come from all directions and you need to hold out a certain period 
of time. Be prepared. Use mass stun spells as well as Petrus Gate and 
summon all the help you can, try to turn some of the undead to be your 
allies. The giant bloodsucker are undead too so feel free to make them 
your little pets.
Calypso also will be coming along if chances are right. The sheep are 
particular frail, if they are poisoned or plagued you need to heal them 
somehow (I recommend Watersphere and holy touch) or else its as good as 
over but as long as one makes it your good. 

Reward: Gold, exp and 4 Skill points and probably a massive amount of 
dropped stuff.
Alignment: Every

Cliff belt

Name: Pirate Captain
Quest Giver: Pirate
Repeatable: no
Task: Get your hands on a pirate's sword and deliver it to the 
Solution/Hints: Check the weapon selling merchants inventories and
you will find one soon.
You can talk about this with general Battista in Neuva Vegas  just 
for some nice conversation.

Reward: You will be captain of the new formed undead pirates and set 
out to battle Davy Jones.
Once your back you will get some gold and a magical item.
Alignment: Every


Name: The landowner's gifts
Quest Giver:
Repeatable: yes 
Task: Escort the slave to the unholy church.
Solution/Hints: This quest is something else. Basically you have to protect 
but this time a moving person. The distance is pretty short and the slave 
can take on or the other hit. Once she reaches the church go inside too 
and lock it up behind you with Petrus Gate or demons web. Till you reach 
that point try to mass stun the approaching enemies with earthquake since 
flash will stun her too. Also cast angel sandals on her to speed her up.

Reward: gold, exp and 4 spellpoints upon the fifth completion
Alignment: neutral/evil

Desert outlands

Name: Support Kinetuz
Quest Giver: Kinetuz
Repeatable: no
Task: Slay the giant coyote and bring his pelt to Kinetuz.
Solution/Hints: An orange dot on the map shows you the way.

Reward: Exp
Alignment: Every


Name: Support Sarkas
Quest Giver: Sarkas
Repeatable: no
Task: Find the Egg of the 
Solution/Hints: Search the map for coffins, then destroy the same 
and bring the egg from within to Sarkas.

Reward:Exp, gold and a random magic item
Alignment: Every

Name: Request of the gypsy mother
Quest Giver: Sahrbanumadar, the gypsy mother
Repeatable: no
Task: Get the wild horses to the stables

Solution/Hints: The horses are fragile be careful. You need to 
bring at least two.

Alignment: Every


Name:Turtle Soup
Quest Giver:  Montoku
Repeatable: yes...
Task: Seems like a harmless catch quest at the first glance.
Solution/Hints: Be warned that this quest could easily cost you a 
part of your sanity.
That said lets get into detail what makes this quest the most nerve 
wreaking in the game. Is is the speed of the turtles or the way 
they sometimes run away as 
soon as you turn your back to them? No.  Then maybe that's because you 
actually have to travel a comparable great distance to another character
to deliver them? That's part of it but its not the core of it.
Then it must be their skill to find invisible obstacles and get stuck 
into them helplessly, which they mastered almost to perfection. 
Ding, ding, ding, ding that is correct!
So far I could find a way to dependable stop this from happening so 
if you come across the same problem I cant be much of a help. 
If you are patient, stubborn and greedy for stat points all the 
same you might have a chance though. 

Reward: gold, probably 1 stat point..... I'll pass this one time.
Alignment: Every


Name: The dark relic
Quest Giver: Unholy clergyman in Kzuco
Repeatable: no
Task: Get the dark relic back from Baba jaga, the witch on the 
Solution/Hints: Make your way to her freaky house. Prepare 
for battle then talk to her.
Don't go for her directly or you'll get hurt. Instead go for her 
summoned swans. Try to stay clear in the head while she chants her 
never ending battle quotes, that's the real battle here.

Reward: Exp, gold and a random magic item
Alignment: evil


Name:The gypsy King
Quest Giver: Uma Kohoto
Repeatable: no
Task: Assassinate the gypsy leader in the Desert Backlands
Solution/Hints: Go for him straight. He is marked on the map. 
I made the mistake to not take care of him first but to try the 
other gypsy quests. When I returned he was nowhere to be found.

Reward: I guess exp, gold and a magic item.
Alignment: evil

9.4 Side Quests Act IV                                        [Sidqu4]

Name: Meat for the hungry Samurai
Quest Giver: Kamzai, the Samurai
Repeatable: Endlessly
Task: Get some turkey meat and deliver it.
Solution/Hints: You can hunt down normal turkey or attack the 
turkey queen.
Before you take the turkey queen on make sure your very well prepared
 for battle as she is quiet the unexpectedly tough opponent.

Reward: Gold, a refreshing battle with a Subboss
Alignment: Every


Name: Revenge for the turkey queen
Quest Giver: Turkey Queen
Repeatable: no
Task: Kiss the cook or kill the cook your choice but only one will 
complete the quest. Don't forget to take the dropped knife to 
the queen.
Solution/Hints: Do as she asks its pretty straight.
Reward: gold, 2 spell points
Alignment: Evil


Name: Ikebana
Quest Giver: Simmu, the gardener
Repeatable: yes
Task: Harvest the flowers from the inside of the monsters belly's.
Solution/Hints:Follow the orange dot found outside Arlington.

Reward: ?
Alignment: Every


Name: Man by the river 
Quest Giver: Sakana
Repeatable: no
Task: Get a scroll Sandals of Angels for him.
Solution/Hints: that's all there is to it I recommend getting one in 
act III were there are many scroll selling people around.

Reward: random magic item
Alignment: Every


Name: Assassin
Quest Giver: Ninja of the Bushido clan
Repeatable: yes
Task: Assassinate the victim without being killed yourself.
Solution/Hints: Well to be honest I refuse to do this quest. I can see
some reason in freeing the world of propagandizing so called holy 
clergymen, but simply butchering townspeople without any sense  is just 
the thing I will not do. If you think its worth it, your on your own 
this time.

Reward: I guess gold and after completing it five times 5 spell points.
Alignment: Neutral/Evil


Name: Bodyguard
Quest Giver: Peaceful townsman
Repeatable: yes
Task: Save someone by striking first.
Solution/Hints: Be fast otherwise this quest is quiet easy.

Reward: gold,exp and 5 spell points for the fifth completion.
Alignment: Good

9.5 Sidequests Act V                                          [Sidqu5]

Damned city

Name: Skelleton Wedding
Quest Giver: Eylembert
Repeatable: no
Task:  Play messenger of love for two undead who cant express their 
feelings well.
Solution/Hints: Its all very straight. Try to by a cheap battle scythe. 
I once bought one for 27k... because I thought it was the only one. 
That is not necessary and wont brighten up the prospective bride.

Reward: The good feeling to have made two people happy even in the 
dawning of a seemingly inevitable apocalypse......anything else? 
Nope not that I know.
Alignment: Every 


Name: Dead city's treasure
Quest Giver: The backthrowing space
Repeatable: no
Task: Find the place that throws you back if you try to enter.
Solution/Hints: Tell Richard Rahl about it. He should be close. 
He will walk there and die a thunderous last death. Take the 
coin and the quest is over

Reward: Gold, the good feeling of helping him to get rid of his 
Alignment: Every


Name: Prisoners rescue
Quest giver: Petruccio

Repeatable: Yes
Task: Free the goblin prisoners

Solution/ Hints: In the center of the damned city there is a red altar
like structure. In regular intervals demons will come here bringing captive 
goblins. Attack the demons to free them.

Reward: Gold
Alignment: Every




10. Rune Words                                                 [Rnwds]
I am not the sole creator of this great list. Most credit for it goes 
to EdtheAminal who organized this list and the forum community 
at the deep silver official site. I added some that were missing.

Activity (Ac + Ti + On) = Increases levels of all masteries
Adament = (Re+So+Lu+Ti+On) = Increases max life, chi and weight.
Adept (Le+Ad+Er) = Increases intellect and light elemental level.
Annihilation( Cr+Os+So+Ut) = Increases item loss
after death and decreases the durability of the enemy´s armor.
Apprenticeship (Se+Ek+Er) = Increases the levels of all skills.
Autumn Rain (Ra+In) = Increases ice blast level.
Bad Luck = (Yo + Ub + Ad) = Adds long lasting Blood damage,
Increase blood resistance
Blind Guardian (Gu+Ar+Di+An) =
Increases all resistances. Increases life and chi regeneration.
Black Spot(Pi + Ra + Te) = Knocks enemy weapon down Increase cold 
Catafalque (He+Ar+Se) = Increases the levels of summoning, bone 
Censer (Th+Ur+Ib+Le) = Adds a chance to cast "burn" on bash.
Adds firedamage on bash. Attacker receives fire damage with every hit.
Commitment (Fi+De+Li+Ty) =
Increases beastmaster level. Increases summoning mastery level.
Creature = (Be + As + Ty) = +1 Beastmaster lvl , Extra creature summon
Crystal Teardrop = (Te + Ar) = Increase max chi
Deputy (Le + Ga + Te) = Increases all characteristics.
Destruction: (De + Mo + Li + Ti + On) = Adds physical damage. Increases
the chance to inflict double damage. Knocks the enemy's weapon down.
Elysium = (Pa + Ra + Di + Se) = Life and Chi regen rates up
Emaciation (Be+Ri+Be+Ri) = Decreases all resistances.
Steals a portion of the enemy's life and chi with every hit.
Fall into oblivion(Ob+Li+Vi+On) = Adds chance to cast stun and slow 
on bash.
Favorite (Mi+Ni+On) = Increases the levels of summoned creatures.
Fire Coyote (Co+Yo+Te) =
Increases physical resistance. Increases burn spell level
Fire Sphere: (Fi + Re) = Adds fire damage. Increases fire resistance.
Force of Cabbala (Ca+Ba+La) =
Increases enchantment level and the levels of pentagram spells.
Gambler (Th+Eg+Am+Er) =
Adds chances to cast boulder,bones and lightning on bash.
Great Stone (Mo+No+Li+Th) = Increases physical resistance and 
maximum life
Griffin (Op+In+Ic+Us) = Increases speed.
HeartofLilith (Li+Li+Th) = Steals a portion of the enemy's life 
with every hit
Heat: (Ar + Do + Ur) = Increases levels of Fire spells.
Adds a chance to cast Burn on Bash. Decreases cold resistance.
Hubble-Bubble (Ho + Ok + Ah) =
Increases the levels of Alchemy spells. Increases Transmute level.
Idolater (Id+Ol) = Increases maximum chi.
Improvement = (Re + Pa + Ir) = Repair level + 1
Indian Blue (In + Di + Go) = Increases levels of all masteries
Increase "Dark Path" level
Infinity (Et+Er+Ni+Ti) = Adds Indestructibility. 
Invisibility (Ca+Mo+Uf+La+Ge) = Increases the levels of 
blessing spells. Increases all resistances.
Increases the chance for 2X damage. Decreases speed
Ivory (Bo + Ne) = Increases levels of "Bone" spells
Legendary Hero: (He + Ro) = Increases Strength.
Marauder (Lo+Ot+Er) = Knocks the enemy's armor and weapon down.
Decreases item loss after death.
Marine Tale (Ma+Ri+Ne) = Increases the levels of water spells.
Master of Keys = (Lo + Ck + Pi + Ck) = Crafting and Enchant levels + 1
Meteorite (Ir+On) = Increases crafting level.
Moonlight (Mo+On) = Increases curse mastery level.
Nemesis (Co+Me+Ba+Ck) =
Adds long-lasting fire,cold,lightning and physical damage.
Night Elf (Dr+Id+Er) = Adds blood damage. Increases blood resistance.
Nostalgia = (Ho+Me) = Increases max life and chi regeneration.
Palace of Eterninty (Pa+La+Ce) = Adds indestructibility.
Decreases all characteristics. Increases darkness level.
Parade of Planets (Pa+Ra+De) = Increases the levels of all masteries.
Path of Shadows (Pa+Th) = Increases dark path level.
Pendulum (Ro+Ck+Er) = Steals a portion of the enemy's chi with 
every hit. Attacker looses chi on bash. Decreases the durability 
of the enemy's armor. Decreases attacker's weapon durability.
Prophecy (Fu + Tu + Re) = Increases all characteristics
Rage (Fu+Ry) = Increases the chance to inflict double damage.
Rage of the Boar = (Bo+Ar) = Increases strength
Relic (Ra + Ri + Ty) = Increases "Enchantment" level
Rekurokubi (Re+Cu+Ro+Cu+Bi) = Knocks the enemy's weapon down.
Steals a portion of the enemy's life with every hit
Adds hitpoints after each kill. Increases energy.
Restoration (Re+Co+Ve+Ry) = Increases life and chi regeneration.
Revolt (Re+Vo+Lu+Ti+On) = Adds experience with every use of magic.
Increases the levels of blessing spells.
Sacred Land (Sa+Cr+Ed) = Increases the levels of summoning spells.
Safety (Ke + Ep + Er) = Adds exp on Bash, Decreases item loss after 
Sail Boat (Bo+At) = Adds cold damage.
Self Destruction (Ka+Mi+Ka+Ze) = Adds physical damage on bash.
Attacker receives fire damage with every hit.
Sin (Wi+Ck+Ed) = Increases the levels of curse spells.
Adds a chance to cast vampire on bash.
Smile of the Amazon (Am+Az+On) = Knocks the enemy's weapon down.
Songbird (Ca+Na+Ry) = Increases speed. Adds lightning damage.
Soul Gem (So+Ul) = Increases the levels of light spells.
Soul of Obsidian = (Ob + Si + Di + An) = Adds radiation damage,
Increase radiation resistance
Spouse (Wi+Fe) = Increases repair and trading levels.
Sunlight (Th+Es+Un) = Increases the levels of light spells.
Adds radiation damage. Increases radiation resistance.
Talisman (Am+Ul+Et) = Increases all resistances.
Toxin (In + To + Xi + Ca + Ti + On)
Increases the levels of Alchemy spells. Adds poison damage on Bash.
Increases poison resistance. Adds a chance to cast Poison on Bash
Two Jack (Ja+Ck) = Increases all resistances.
Veil of death (Un+De+Ad) = Increases the levels of summoning spells.
Venom = (Ac + Id) = Adds poison damage to weapon (from tutorial,
forgot damage amount)
Vine (Wi+Ck+Er) = Increases the levels of earth spells.
Volcano (Mo+Un+Ta+In) =
Increases the levels of earth spells. Increases maximum weight.
Wild Rose (Ro+Se) =
Increases maximum life. Adds physical damage on bash.
Wine Dreams (Wi + Ne) = Increases maximum life
Wish of Tiamat (Ti+Am+At) =
Increases earth golem level. Increases summon demon level.
Wisdom of the Dragon (Dr+Ag+On) =
Increases all characteristics. Increases all resistances.




11. Item Sets                                                  [Itmse]

Credits for posting those at the deep Silver forum go to mstic, 
Gillsing, Arkose and Hyboric. All i did was ordering them 
alphabetically. Note that the effects of the sets start applying even 
if you don't have the completed set. The more parts of the set you wear
the more significant the bonus will be. 

Black Knight
Forbidding Shield
Armor of Fallen Kings
Boots of the Nightwolf
Amulet of Authority
Gauntlets of Death
Alchemist's Earring
Steals life with every hit.
Steals Chi with every hit.
Chance to cast Slow on Bash
Increases Curse spell levels.
Adds up to 4 skulls when using Skull.

Copper Boar
Oak Scepter
Shield of the Wild Boar
Armor of Courage
Boots of Endurance (need Strength 16)
Amulet of the Wild Boar
Gauntlets of Fertility
Pearl Earring
Increases Crafting skill level.
Increases Repair skill level.
Increases Armor Mastery skill level.
Increases maximum weight.
Adds up to 2 tornados when using Tornado spell.

Copper Tree
Scepter of the Copper Tree
Shield of Harmony
Copper Plate
Earring of Harmony
Increases all characteristics
Increases all resistances
Increases life regen 

Earth's Guardian
Titan's Blade
Guardian of Earth
Armor of Mountains
Amulet of Earth
Gauntlets of the Plains
Chance to cast Boulder on Bash
Increase physical resistance
Increase Earth spell levels 
Adds up to 4 poison drops when casting Poison

Forest Warrior
Guardian Axe
Ranger's Armor
Forest Amulet
Earring of the Forest Guardian
Increase life regen
Decreases target armor durability on Bash
Dislodges target weapon on Bash
Increases all characteristics
Adds up to 6 Twisters when Twister is cast

Guardian of the Dragon Flame
Scepter of the Dragon Flame
Shield of the Dragon Slayer
Dragon Scales
Boots of the Dragon Slayer
Amulet of Fiery Breath
Dragon Claws
Chance to cast Explosion on Bash
Chance to cast Burn on Bash
Adds delayed fire damage
Decreases fire resistance
Increases Fire spell levels

Shield of the Lake
Halcyon Helmet
Armor of Weightlessness
Boots of Weightlessness
Amulet of Air
Gauntlets of Accuracy
Increases speed.
Increases water spell levels.
Adds a chance to cast ice blast on bash.
Increases cold resistance.

Mercenary's Morning Star
Trophy Armor
Amulet of Fortune
Bastard Gauntlets
Increases all characteristics.
Increases the level of all skills.

Mirror Deer
Shield of reflection
Helmet of the mirror penguin
Mirror cuirass
Amulet of the deer
Mirror Gauntlets
Increases maximum chi.
Increases chi regeneration.
Increases blessing spell levels.

Rainbow Flame
Rainbow Warrior (25 str req)
Rainbow Mage (15 int req)
Rainbow Guard (20 ene req)
Adds up to 6 fireballs when using fireball spell.
Increases fire mastery level.

Red Dragon
Dragon's Tooth
Dragon's Shield
Shadow of the Dragon
Amulet of the Dragon
Red Dragon Gauntlets
Adds a chance to cast vampire on bash.
Adds delayed blood damage.
Increases blood spell levels.

Sea Guardian
Triton's Blade
Pearl Armor
Amulet of Water
Tidal Guantlets
Adds delayed cold damage
Increases cold resistance
Increases Water spell levels
Adds up to 4 ice balls when using Ice Ball spell 

Silver Star
Silver Star
Helmet of Clarity
Silver Boots
Star Amulet
Increases all resistances
Increases all mastery levels
Adds up to 2 spears when using Bone Spear spell

Sun Guardian
Heavy Elven Saber
Shield of Light
Guardian of the Sun
Amulet of the Sun
Shadow Gauntlets
Adds radiation damage
Increases radiation resistance
Increases Blessing spell levels
Adds up to 4 rays when using Ray of Light spell

Scepter of Reflection
Helmet of Purity
Armor of Luck
Boots of Fate
Amulet of the Unicorn
Gauntlets of Freedom
Earring of the Hummingbird

Increases all resistances
Increases poison resistance
Chance to cast Lightning on Bash
Adds a chance to cast Lightning on Bash
Increases Light spells
Adds up to 4 electric balls when using Ball Lightning spell

Warlock's Sword
Vagabond's Boots
Field Gauntlets
Increases speed.
Increases sandals of angel spell levels.
Increases maximum weight.




12.1 Alchemists Act I                                       [alchmst1]
Name: Uriel
Totems: 2 Wyvern, 1 Ancient wyvern
Item: Scepter, Ice Dragon
cost: 1000
Name: Raguel
Totems: 2 goblin, 2 goblin scout,
        2 goblin warrior, 1 goblin shaman
Item: unique armor
cost: 1000
Name: Michael 
Totems: 4 Giant Snake
Item: Amulet, Serpants Fang
cost: 1000

Name: Tsaksar
Totems: 2 coyote, 2 Fire termite, 1 mad dog
Item: unique amulet
cost: 1000

Miners Village
Name: Raphael
Totems: 5 golbin Warrior
Item: unique halberd
cost: 1000

12.2 Alchemists Act II                                      [alchmst2]

Name: Andrew
Totems: 2 Bear, 3 Fox, 2 Beefeater Rabbit
Item: Earring, Wolverine
cost: 5000
Name: Jan
Totems: 2 Harpy, 1 Gaint Hummingbird,
        1 Parrot Dragon
Item: Beast Trapper
cost: 5000
Name: Janosh
Totems: 2 goblin priestess, 2 goblin recruiter,
        2 goblin woman, 2 goblin matron
Item: Symbol of Mastery
cost: 5000

Name: Josef
Totems: 5 Amazon Headhunter
Item: Stilleto, Mercy
cost: 5000

Lake Village
Name: Martin
Totems: 3 Robber, 3 Bandit 
Item: Rogue King's attire
cost: 5000

Name: Gaverton
Totems: 1 Amazon Head HUnter, 2 Amazon, 3 Young Amazon
Item: valkyrie's Tread
cost: 10000

12.3 Alchemists Act III                                     [alchmst3]

Nueva Vergas

Name: Dasit
Totems: 4 Tiamat
Item: Gauntlets, Hands of the Tiamat
cost: 10000
Name: Ahriman
Totems: 4 Draconide, 3 Seeker  , 2 Tiamat
Item: Devil's seal
cost: 10000
Name: Mokak
Totems: 3 Skeleton, 3 Ancient Skeleton, 2 Skeleton Lord
Item: Poleaxe, Gift of the Abyss
cost: 10000

Cite de la Mar

Name: Har Al-Marg
Totems: 3 Death soldiers, 2 Death Priest, 3 Death Knight
Item: Sword, Death Thorn
cost: 10000
Name: Kakos
Totems: 4 Zombie, 3 Enchanter
Item: Hammer of the Soulles
cost: 10000
Port of Cite de la Mar

Name: Jangal
Totems: 2 Gryllotulpa, 3 Forest Spirit
Item: Earth Spirit
cost: 10000
Name: Jazbshodan
Totems: 5 Death Priest
Item: Amulet, Absorbment
cost: 10000
Name: Sard
Totems: 3 Sea Devil, 3 Wrecker
Item: Armor, Cold Steel
cost: 10000

12.4 Alchemists Act IV                                      [alchmst4]

Kingdom of Air Village of Ciel
Name: Banshunrou
Totems: 2 Brontosaber, 2 Morpheus
Item: Shield, Phoenix
cost: 15000

Name: Fumirou
Totems: 2 Bloodsucker, 3 Gargoyle
Item: Axe, Bloodsucker
cost: 15000

Name: Jiazan
Totems: 2 Garisen Clan, Shimizu Clan,2 Gaisen Clan,2 Yonaka Clan
Item: Dagger, Ahon Et
cost: 15000
Name: Nisuurou
Totems: 2 Shousi Clan, 2 Yuugata Clan, 2 Kusotare Clan,
        2 Kamimori Clan
Item: Sword, Temae
cost: 15000
Name: Takeshi
Totems: 5 Ninja
Item: Scepter, Kaginava
cost: 15000

12.5 Alchemists Act V                                       [alchmst5]

The damned city
Name: Abraxas 
Totems: 5 Guardian of the Dragon seal
Item: Sword, Dragon Slayer 
cost: 10 bottles hell's spirit
Name: Agalia
Totems: 5 Fury
Item: Favorite of the Darkness
cost: 10 bottles hell's spirit
Name: Alocer
Totems: 4 Infernal Flesh, Abyssmal Bloodhound
Item: Salamandar
cost: 10 bottles hell's spirit
Name Ammit
Totems: 5 Carrion Beast
Item: Scepter, Roar of thunder
cost: 10 bottles hell's spirit
Name: Apollyon
'Totems': Sapphire, Topaz, Emerald, Aquamarine, Garnet, Diamond
Item: Staff, Draon's Wisdom
cost: 20 bottles hell's spirit



13. Magical Influence Morph                                   [Magifc]

All credit for the following list goes to Dimon101, who posted this
on the Dawn of Magic Board on GameFAQs. Thanks for doing me the favor!

The effects are listed according to standard up to down, left to right 
reading manner, so the corresponding Spell for Leech plate is
Bone mastery and for Leech Horns its Bone Spirit, you get the idea.

Leech Plate - Physical resist +2, Fire resist -1
Leech Thorns - Hit Steals 2 Chi
Leech Skull - +1 Intellect, Hit steals 2 life
Leech Diadem - Summoned creatures level +1, Maximum life -5
Leech Blades - +1-5 blood damage on Bash, Attacker takes 2 physical 
               damage on Bash
Leech Tail - Poison resist +1, Lightning resist -1
Leech Wings - 1% chance to cast Bones level 1 on Bash
Leech Horns - Blood resist +1, Cold resist -1

Triton's Shell - Cold resist +1, Fire resist -1
Triton's Fins - Maximum Chi +10, Maximum life -5
Triton's Head - +1 Intellect, Speed -3%
Triton's Thorn - 1% chance to cast Ice Blast level 1 on Bash
Triton's Claws - Adds 2 cold damage over 2 sec., Attacker takes 
                 2 physical damage on Bash
Triton's Tail - Hit steals 2 Chi, Chance for double damage -1%
Triton's Pincers - Dislodges enemy's armor on Bash 1%, Item loss 
                   after death +2%
Triton's Comb - Armor Mastery skill level +1

Butcher's Plate - Physical resistance +2, Poison resistance -1.
Butcher's Thorns - Weapon Mastery skill +1, Cold resistance -1.
Butcher's Thirst - 1% chance to cast vampire on bash, fire 
                   resistance -1.
Butcher's Protection - Blood resistance +1, Chi regeneration -1.
Butcher's Utensil - Dislodges enemy's armor on bash 1%.
Butcher's Shackles - Adds 2 blood damage over 2 seconds, Attacker 
                     takes 1  poison damage on bash.
Butcher's Pickets - Chance for double damage +1%, Light 
                    resistance -1.
Butcher's Horns - +1 Strength, 1% chi stolen per hit.

Druid's Caftan - Maximum life +10, Maximum Chi -5
Druid's Sprouts - Item loss after death -1%, Maximum weight -3
Druid's Turban - Life regen +1, Chi regen -1
Druid's Token - 1% chance to cast Boulder level 1 on Bash, 
                Summoned creatures level -1
Druid's Hands - +3 life after each kill, Attacker loses 1 Chi 
                when casting
Druid's Raiment - +1 Energy, Speed -3%
Druid's Branches - All resistances +1, Fire resistance -1
Druid's Roots - 1% chance to cast Stun level 1 on Bash

Patrician's Body - Radiation resist +1, Blood resist -1
Patrician's Symbol - +1 to Energy, +1 to Intellect
Patrician's Gaze - Enchantment skill level +1
Patrician's Diadem - Lightning Resist +1, Poison Resist -1
Patrician's Bracers - +1-5 lightning damage on Bash, 
                      Summoned creatures level -1
Patrician's Raiment - Life regen +1, Speed -3%
Patrician's Wings - Max life +10, Max Chi -5
Patrician's Comb - Item loss after death -2%, Chance for 
                   double damage -1%

Titan's Armor - Lightning resist +1, Physical resist -2
Titan's Spaulders - Maximum Chi +10, Maximum life -5
Titan's Mask - 1% chance to cast Lightning level 1 on Bash
Titan's Comb - +1-5 lightning damage on Bash, Attacker 
               loses 1 Chi on Bash
Titan's Protection - Lightning resist +1
Titan's Cape - Speed +3%, Maximum weight -3
Titan's Wings - Dark Path skill level +1
Titan's Feathers - 1% chance ti cast Twister level 1 on Bash

Undead Plate - Physical resistance +2,Lightning resistance -1
Undead Spikes - Dislodges enemy's armor on Bash 1%
Undead Skin  - Chi regeneration +1, Attacker loses 1 Chi 
               when casting
Undead Token - Summoned creatures' level +1
Undead Claws - Decreases enemy's armor durability by 1 on Bash
               ,Summoned creatures' level +1
Undead Parasite - +1-6 physical damage on Bashing, Attacker
                  takes 2 physical damage on Bash
Undead Wings - Summoned creatures' level +1, Fire resistance -1
Undead Crown - Bash skill level +1, Attacker takes 1 
               lightning damage on Bash

Saintly Heart - Maximum Chi +10, Maximum life -5
Saintly Attributes - +1 to all characteristics, 
                     All resistances -1
Saintly Visage - +1 Intellect, Max weight -3
Saintly Symbol - Chi regeneration +1
Saintly Hands - Hit Steals 2 Chi, Blood Resistance -1
Saintly Raimen - Radiation resist +1, Poison resist -1
Saintly Wings - Item loss after death -2%, Max weight -3
Saintly Embellishment - Adds 2 radiation damage over 2 sec

Death Knight's Soul - Maximum Chi +10, Maximum life -5
Death Knight's Spikes - Maximum weight +4, Speed -3%
Death Knight's Mask - Fire resist +1, Lightning resist -1
Death Knight's Curse - 1% chance to cast Slow level 1 on Bash, 
                       Attacker loses 1 Chi on Bash
Death Knight's Attributes - Armor Mastery skill level +1
Death Knight's Armor - Poison resist +1, Blood resist -1
Death Knight's Blades - Weapon Mastery skill +1, Chi regen +1
Death Knight's Crown - +1 Strength, Maximum Chi -5

Reptile Parasite - +1-5 poison damage on Bash, Attacker 
                   takes 1 poison damage on Bash
Reptile Thorns - Enchantment skill level +1
Reptile Skin - Poison resist +1, Cold resist -1
Reptile Tentacles - +1 Energy, Maximum Chi -5
Reptile Pincers - Chance for double damage +1%
Reptile Paws - Life regen +1, Attacker loses 1 Chi when casting
Reptile Wings - Speed +3%
Reptile Blades - 1% chance to cast Poison level 1 on Bash, 
                 Poison resist +1

Chimera's Torso - All resist +1, Life regen -1
Chimera's Thorns - Blood resist +1, Cold resist -1
Chimera's Face - +1 Energy, All resistance -1
Chimera's Horn - Poison resist +1, Lightning resist -1
Chimera's Claws - Adds 2 poison damage over 2 sec
Chimera's Tail - Life regen +1, Chi regen -1
Chimera's Sting - Maximum life +10
Chimera's Fury - Radiation resist +1, Fire resist -1

Demon Body - Fire Resist +1, Cold Resist -1
Demon Thorns - 1% chance to cast Explosion level 1 on Bash
Demon Head - Chance for double damage +1%
Demon Horn - 1% chance to cast Burn level 1 on Bash
Demon Pincers - +1-5 fire damage on Bash, Attacker 
                takes 1 fire damage on Bash
Demon Tail - Dislodges enemy's weapon on Bash 1%
Demon Wings - Decreases enemy's armor durability by on Bash, 
              Attacker loses 1 Chi on Bash
Demon Comb - +1-4 fire damage



14. Version history                                              [Verhi]

Version 1.o - Completed the walkthrough

Version 1.1 - Minor changes in the introduction and disclaimer.

  15. Credits                                                    [crdts]

Biggest thanks to the developers of Sky Fallen for daring to create
something out of the ordinary! 

Thanks to Edtheanimal from the Deep Silver Forum for organizing the
          rune Words and everyone there helping to create it.

Thanks to mstic, Gillsing, Arkose and Hyboric at the Deep Silver Forum
          for allowing me to create the present item set list.

Thanks to Dimon101 for the magical influence morph information.

Thanks to everyone keeping GameFAQs up and alive!

And of cause thank you for reading this walkthrough and hopefully liking it!


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