Arcane Season 2 – The Stone Circle Episode 8

Arcane Season 2 - The Stone Circle Episode 8

1. Click on the car. Gregor will mention that they need to split
   into teams.
2. Click on the littlest rock in front of the car. Gregor will pick
   it up and he will say that the ground is covered with chalk-like 
3. Click on the trunk of the car. Take all the items in the trunk (all
   the demon parts, the shovel and the rope). Go back to the main screen.
4. Click on arrow to the right. Gregor and Prescott will go to an area 
   with a stone slab on the ground.

Gregor and Prescott:
5. Click on the night-vision goggles. Prescott will see an energy line 
   on the slab.
6. Drag the shovel on the slab. Prescott will dig a trench to lift up 
   the slab.
7. Drag the rope to the slab. Prescott will attach the hook to the stone.
8. Click on the arrow by the trunk to go back to the car.
9. Click on the trunk. Drag the rope to the hitch (round-looking knob).
   Prescott will tie the other end of the rope to it. Go back to the main
10. Click on the car’s windshield. Prescott will start the car and will 
    start pulling the stone to the trench that Prescott dug.
11. Go right to go back to the stone. Click on the shadow of the stone. 
    Prescott will notice that the shadow cast by the stone has a circle 
    on it.
12. Drag the chalk-like rock to the stone slab. Draw a circle similar to
    the shadow. If you did this right, a circle will form and it will 
    reveal, as Gregor put it, “a gate to the parallel universe.”
13. Go back to the car. Click on the left arrow by the Baroness’ waist.

Ophelia and the Baroness:
14. Click on the 3rd large stone from the left. Ophelia will see a vision
    of the demon slashing from the right to left.
15. Drag the demon hands to the slab and slash it from left to right, 
    holding down the mouse button.
16. Click on the 2nd stone from the right. Ophelia will see the demon 
    slashing from top to bottom.
17. Drag the demon hands to that slab and slash it from top to bottom 
    while holding down the mouse button.
18. Go right to the next screen. You will see symbols on the stones all 
    lit up. Each set of stones has a set of numbers on the right hand 
    stone. The first number in the set is the one to remember since it
    will match the lines of a riddle in a future step.
19. Go back to the car (click left twice). 
    Click right to go back to the erect stone slab.

Gregor and Prescott:
20. Click on the gate to go in. You will see a bunch of stones with 5 
    circle stones.
21. Click on the floor to read the riddle. Each line tells you which body
    part of the demon should be plaed in the spot numbered by the stones.
    Click on the circle stones and drag the demon parts accordingly. 
    From left to right, place the:

 Ø Demon legs on position 1 (triangle symbol)
 Ø Demon eyes on position 2 (chicken-foot symbol)
 Ø Demon wings on position 3 (square symbol)
 Ø Demon heart on position 4 (Y symbol)
 Ø Demon hands on position 5 (circle symbol)

22. Click on the night-vision goggles. You will see 2 stones that are standing
    out. Click on the stones to take them. Gregor will say it is weightless. 
    Click on the goggles again to take them off.
23. Click on the arrow to the right of Prescott to go back to the surface. 
    Go left to go back to the car.

Ophelia, Gregor, the Baroness, and Prescott:
24. Click on the left to go back to the stone circle. Click to the right to 
    go to the next set of stones.
25. Click on the half-circle stone lying on the ground on the right. Drag 
    your other part of the half-circle to it. It will disappear.
26. Click on the half-square stone lying on the ground at the center. Drag 
    your other part of the half-square to it. It will disappear as well and 
    this will form the demon from below and surface above.
27. Click on the demon. Ophelia will ask if he is alive, and Gregor says that 
    he is, but it won’t be awakened unless certain words are said and the 
    Talisman of Yhe is used. Huh? The Baroness is a traitor and wakens the
    demon. She melts and her blood is consumed by the demon.
28. Click on the Talisman of Yhe. The talisman now becomes a whip.

 Ø Hit the left hand of the demon, by clicking on it. The whip will hit the 
   demon and wrap around its hand.
 Ø Hit the right hand of the demon. The whip will hit the demon and wrap 
   around its other hand.
 Ø Hit the head of the demon. If you have done this correctly, there are 3 whips 
   emanating from the Talisman of Yhe.

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