Adventurer’s Escape

Adventurer's Escape

-Click on the characters found sitting under the tree.
-The one who is standing is Flint, and the rest of the three are Ilea, 
 Elis and Craig.
-Take the bag from the right side of Ilea.
-Come back and click on the forest rat, which is roaming behind the 
-The forest rat is added to the inventory panel.
-Go to right side, as there are some monkeys on the tree, and one of 
 the monkeys holds the adventurer’s bag.
-To get the bag from the monkey, click on Flint to execute the throwing
-Once Flint completes this action, the monkey repeats the same action.
-Take the bag from the inventory panel and give it to Flint.
-Flint throws the bag. After watching Flint’s action, the monkey throws 
 the bag, which is under its possession.
-Click on the brown color bag thrown by the monkey and then click on 
 the other bag.
-Both the bags are added to the inventory panel.
-Click on the brown color bag which is in the inventory panel.
-Take the booklet, knife and the pen from the brown color bag.
-Go to the right side, there is an axe near the bear.
-If you try to take the axe, the bear attacks with its claws.
-To take the axe, you need to distract the bear.
-Go to the left side and take the knife from the inventory panel.
-Cut down the bamboo which is behind the monkeys.
-The bamboo is added to the inventory panel.
-Go to the right side. Take the bamboo from the inventory panel and 
 give it to the bear.
-The bear starts to feed on the bamboo. Now take the axe which is near
 the bear.
-Go to the right side, there is a snake on the fallen tree.
-To move the snake from the fallen tree, take the forest rat from the 
 inventory panel and leave it in the middle of the view.
-The forest rat moves and the snake is seen slithering after the forest rat.
-Go to the right side, where there is a river and canoe without the paddle.
-Go to the left side and click on the booklet, which is in the inventory panel.
-In the booklet, there is information regarding the subject “How to make paddle”.
-Click on the fallen tree and take the axe from the inventory panel.
-Cut down the fallen tree by using the axe.
-Click on the chopped wood.
-Take the pen from the inventory panel and draw an outline on the chopped wood.
-Take the axe from the inventory panel and use it to shape the wood to form paddles.
-Come back twice and go to the right side.
-All the four adventurers are standing near the river.
-Click on the canoe and take the knife from the inventory panel.
-Cut the rope which is tied to the canoe.
-The canoe moves a little forward towards the river and the canoe can hold 
 only 100 kilograms.
-Click on the adventurers one by one to know about their weight.

-As per information, the weight of the adventurers read as Craig (90), 
Elis (80), Flint (60) and Ilea (40).
-Click on Flint (60) and then Ilea (40) to make them sit on the canoe.
-Give ‘go’ to row across to the other side.
-Flint (60) and Ilea (40) row across to the other side.
-Click on Flint (60) and then Ilea (40) to make them get down.
-Again, click on Ilea (40) and then give ‘go’.
-Ilea (40) now returns. Click on Ilea (40) to make him get down.
-Click on Craig (90) and give ‘go’
-Craig (90) rows across to the other side.
-Click on Craig (90) to make him get down.
-Click on Flint (60) and give ‘go’.
-Flint (60) returns.
-Click on Ilea (40) and then Flint (60) to make them sit on the canoe.
-Give ‘go’, as Flint (60) and Ilea (40) now row across again.
-Click on Flint (60) and then Ilea (40) to make them get down.
-Again, click on Ilea (40) and give ‘go’.
-Ilea (40) now returns. Click on Ilea (40) to make him get down.
-Click on Elis (80) and give ‘go’.
-Elis (80) now rows across. Click on Elis (80) to make him get down.
-Click on Flint (60) and give ‘go’.
-Flint (60) returns. Click on Flint (60) to make him get down.
-Click on Flint (60) and then Ilea (40) to make them sit on the canoe.
-Give ‘go’, and now Flint (60) and Ilea (40) row across again for the last time
-Four Adventurers have crossed the river and escaped from the place.

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