World Snooker Championship 2007 – Playstation 2

World Snooker Championship 2007 - Platform: Playstation 2

Control saves:
With the way the game handles saves, it can be difficult to control. When you load 
your game and start playing a match, remove the memory card. If you win a frame, 
the "Memory card missing" message will appear. Insert the memory card and you will 
be prompted to save. Save the game. If you lose a frame, do not insert the card, 
but instead quit the match. Answer "No" to saving and get to the player option 
where you can load the game. Reinsert the memory card, and load the game to the 
point at the end of the last frame that you won.

More points for player stats:
When you are in qualifier rounds, go to "Tour Length" and select "Normal". 
This will set frames to best of three, and give you 2 points to spend each time 
you win a match. When you get into the main event, change it to "Short" again. 
Note: Short tour length matches in a qualifier round woll only get you 1 point 
to spend.

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